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[BtS] Manhattan Project Answer

I'll point out first that I last touched this concept almost 3 years ago, so my memory may be fuzzy. ;)

BUT, in BtS I got Firaxis to add my code so that MHP could be converted to a national wonder and only allow that Civ to make nukes. Hence why bAllowNukes only exists in BtS Civ4BuildingInfos.xml. Due to texts already being locked down I couldn't get a custom text added, so used the default.

So it will display "Allows nukes for all" but in reality only allows nukes for that Civ. So you must build the national project first, before you can build nukes.

OK? :)

I gave the funtion to a simple wall, and it allowed nukes for me too, when the enemy city had build them.

Oh and I uploaded my mod. It also has an City-destroing Nuke, as it was requested, by some users,


  • National Nukes 1.00.rar
    161.9 KB · Views: 94
BUT, in BtS I got Firaxis to add my code so that MHP could be converted to a national wonder and only allow that Civ to make nukes. Hence why bAllowNukes only exists in BtS Civ4BuildingInfos.xml. Due to texts already being locked down I couldn't get a custom text added, so used the default.

So it will display "Allows nukes for all" but in reality only allows nukes for that Civ. So you must build the national project first, before you can build nukes.

OK? :)

[VK];9015368 said:
I gave the funtion to a simple wall, and it allowed nukes for me too, when the enemy city had build them.

So Dale's saying that the function will only allow the civ that builds it to create nukes and VK is saying that it allows everyone to. :crazyeye:

Can I get some confirmation on this from anyone?

And thanks for the upload VK. :goodjob:
Heck. Is there any consence now?

Like everybody else, I wish to incorporate a "National Manhatten Project" in my Mod-Compilation
(It's all modular btw)

So. What has to be done to make the Manhatten Project a "National PROJECT" for BTS?
I'm necro-ing this thread because I haven't seen anything anywhere like this and I really want it in my mod. Has anyone made it so that the Manhattan Project is either a National/Team Project or a National Wonder?

Yes. I've done it. :D

In CCV the MHP is a Team-Project! So if you or one of your team has build the project you / your team can build nuclear missiles and bombers. The code is very similar to Dale's. Have look at it my friend. :)

But the project won't become cheaper in CCV. I don't like this idea. But it would be easy to code.
Are you providing your source files anywhere or is this just another advertisement for your mod? :p
should work but using cannot train callback makes your game slower.
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