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[BtS] Manhattan Project Answer

Great job Thomas. :)

I didn't like the idea of a project opening up nukes for the whole team. Countries have been very secretive regarding the nuclear programs, specifically NOT giving it to allies. ;)

That's a reason to have it so the MHP only allows a Civ (not team) to build nukes.
Great job Thomas. :)

Thanks. It's as twice as much worth if it comes from you. Thanks. Feels good...

And yes, you are right. That's the way it's done in the real world but in the real world are no teams like in Civ. As a Civ-team you share everything. You share all techs (..., flight, fission, rocketry,..) and so you share all kinds of weapons. To be the only with tanks would be much more powerfull than to be the only one with a-bombs.

Civ-teams are doing all together, they build one space ship and they will even win or loose together. I didn't want it to be different here. :nuke:

But did you notice that we have both a small bug? :mischief: Have a look at the screens! I made a mini scenario with the wb. There are two players (America/Russia) of course in two teams. In the first screen from America you see the red message that the MHP-project is needed. In the second screen the message has disappered because Russia (and not the player himself or a team-member) has build the MHP. That must be caused by isNukesValid() = true. But we both now also need to check for getNukesOkay() = true. Where is the message controlled?

€: I think I found it. Bug seems to be solved. In CvGameTextMgr.cpp I changed
			if (NULL == pCity || !GC.getGameINLINE().isNukesValid())
			if (NULL == pCity || !GC.getGameINLINE().isNukesValid() || !(GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getNukesOkay()))
Good fix - i dislike the way manhatan project appears in civ4 vanilla :)
If you like that way please have a look at the german Community Civ V 2.05d (not released) or post here. If enough people like my way I will make a mini-mod asap. :p

I like this.

I'd much rather have it where every civilization has to research its own nuke program just like the space program.

Can you post what needs to be changed to allow this team project concept?

Also does the AI understand this concept? I don't like modding if it means an unfair advantage to the AI.
Also does the AI understand this concept? I don't like modding if it means an unfair advantage to the AI.

It's not tested. The first gamers are playing with the version at the moment but I've no feedback yet. So I can tell you more in some days. But I see no reason why it shouldn't work...

Can you post what needs to be changed to allow this team project concept?

I'm very sorry but there is no time for a stand-alone mod at the moment. But CCV 2.05d is online. That can help you. As I told you it's a part of a german project. You can find the mod here. Just download and install version 2.05d or later. Although everything is German that shouldn't be too hard. In the folder "GameData" you will find the code of the mod. Search for "CCV Atomwaffen". Don't care about the bugfixes and patches - you won't need them. There is also a change in Python - so do the same search in the EventManager. And don't forget about the texts and the change in the CIV4ProjectInfo.xml (settings from world to team project; very easy). That's it. :)
The link is bugged up. Can anyone help?
Wells' original Manhattan Project Mod is a dead link. Does anyone have a copy of this?

Also trying Thomas SG's mod I can not locate CCV Atomwaffen. Help?
Grave made a Secret Techonlogy ModComp that grants you a specific tech when you build certain things (Grave has it HiTM) BUT grave no longer has it availible for download.

You could make it so that nukes require a certain tech and building the MHP grants you that tech.
Hmm even better idea with this secret technology :)
Yeah this is the way I'm going to go I think. The national wonder will unlock nukes for all but need the tech to build the weapons.

The secret tech way requires sdk modification. I found the code in grave's HITM source, luckily I didn't have to go through every single file because there's a lot. I found out which to look for from the original (warlords version) of the secret tech modcomp. Link here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=188831
I think Secret Technology is also realistic; the knowledge you gain from building the MHP helps you build nukes, and you can give the tech to your allies. If you don't want nuclear secrets getting out, no tech brokering option.
Secret Technology... go for it! :)

After the hack attack on this website, alot of my individual Modcomps were wiped off the servers. I just never re-uploaded them.

If you want/need the Secret Tech code, download HiTM and get it from the source codes. I made it pretty easy to search for in the SDK comment tags.
I'm confused; I wanted to use this in my own mod (the MHP being either a national wonder or a team project, it doens't matter which really) but it looks to me like it hasn't be finished/refined and is unavailable? Is this the case?
Hello Everybody, I'm sorry this took so long. I fixed the problem with the internet. when you click on the Manhattan Project Mod Link It should now take you to a version where the internet is intact. If you lose the city the building is in, you will probably in all likelihood lose the ability to use nukes. Enjoy.

This is an old post. Could anyone re upload it or upload it?
I realy need this as a modular thing, and I realy can't try to rip it from some other mod. My moding skills are far beneth that level.
This is an old post. Could anyone re upload it or upload it?
I realy need this as a modular thing, and I realy can't try to rip it from some other mod. My moding skills are far beneth that level.

I'm very sure that no version can be done modular. My version needs SDK and Python changes.
Is it really necessary to use the SDK? Couldn't you just make an unresearchable and untradable tech, and then have nukes require that? Then you set a regular XML event to run only when you've completed the Manhattan Project national wonder, which gives you this secret tech.
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