[BNW] Removing Nukes


Nov 17, 2024
Hey all,

I'm looking to achieve the following things through XML:

1) I want to delete Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missile, Bomb Shelters, and the Manhattan Project. As in: Civilopedia entry gone, not available to build (don't show up as options in city), and not show up in the tech tree. Now, I understand that the game doesn't like it when you delete stuff. Much less when you mess with the Manhattan Project. I tried executing the following, and it works, but when I try to load a game that uses this mod, it crashes hard. So my question is, what would be the optimal way to go about doing this? Is it even possible to do while keeping the game stable?


<Delete Type="UNIT_ATOMIC_BOMB" />



(I intentionally didn't mess with Classes/Flavors, for better or for worse; you tell me)

2) Change the "Jeans" dialogue/screen. I can't for the life of me find the localization/tag for it. Done!

3) If I were to create new policies/beliefs, would these automatically be added to the pool from which the AI picks? Confirmed it myself, they do get added to the pool; meaning the AI *will* pick brand-new policies/religious beliefs sometimes.

Thank you for your time.
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I'm monitoring this thread daily, in case anybody else is able to help with the remaining questions. Thanks.
Resolved the question of whether the AI will pick player-created-from-scratch policies/beliefs; the answer is yes.

So that only leaves the question of how to effectively remove Nukes from my game as per the OP.
did you try simply removing the technology tag which enables building the Manhattan project ? not removed from the game (otherwise it crashes) but same result
While deleting (or leaving blank) the <PrereqTech> makes it so that the Manhattan Project is instead available from the start of the game, your idea was still useful in deleting the Manhattan Project's tech tree icon at least. Here's what I ended up going with, which achieves all the goals initially set:


<Delete Type="UNIT_ATOMIC_BOMB" />


<DeleteMissingReferences table="UnitClasses" column="Type"/>
<DeleteMissingReferences table="Units" column="Type"/>

<Set MaxGlobalInstances="0" AllowsNukes="false" TechPrereq=""/>



<Delete BuildingType="BUILDING_BOMB_SHELTER" />


<Set Text="Reveals [ICON_RES_URANIUM] [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Uranium[ENDCOLOR] on the map."/>
<Set Text="Allows you to build [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Guided Missile[ENDCOLOR], an inexpensive single-use unit that can damage enemy units, and the [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]SS Booster[ENDCOLOR], one of the Spaceship parts necessary to win a [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Science Victory[ENDCOLOR]."/>
<Set Text="Allows you to build the [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Nuclear Plant[ENDCOLOR], a building which requires [ICON_RES_URANIUM] Uranium and increases the [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production of a City."/>
<Set Text="Allows you to build the [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Nuclear Submarine[ENDCOLOR], a Naval Unit invisible to most other units and capable of carrying 2 Missiles."/>
<Set Text="The Missile Cruiser is a modern warship. It is fast and tough, carries a mean Ranged Combat punch, and is pretty good at intercepting enemy aircraft. Most importantly, the Missile Cruiser can carry Guided Missiles, allowing you to carry these deadly weapons right up to the enemy's shore. Missile Cruisers combined with carriers and submarines make a fiendishly powerful armada."/>
<Set Text="The Nuclear Submarine is tougher and stronger than the Industrial-era model. It too is invisible to most units and can see other submarines. Most importantly, Nuclear Submarines can carry Guided Missiles. Like other submarines, Nuclear Submarines are vulnerable to enemy destroyers and submarines, so send units of your own out ahead to make sure the coast is clear."/>

Feel free to comment if you see anything egregious, but as far as I'm concerned the code seems to work (and the game doesn't crash upon reloading a save).
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