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Bug Reporting

How do you have all these mods installed? BAT and RoM are separate mods typically, and BUG can be installed as a mod or in the CustomAssets folder, but it also is already in BAT (version 4.0 is).

Did you merge all three mods together?
Installed BTS
Installed 3.19 OP
Installed 3.19 UP

Installed BAT 2.0 as a MOD - it has its own BAT Mod 2.0 folder in the BTS MOD folder.

Following the instructions I found in a post of yours on a different thread, I installed BUG 4.1

Installed RoM using its installer - it has its own Rise of Mankind folder in the BTS MOD folder.

I wouldn't have a clue how to merge the three nor the inclination or patience to learn how.

BugOptions System Tab: Rise of Mankind 2.8 (BtS 3.13-3.19)
There is no indication which version of BUG it is using.

I start a game by opening BTS, go to Advanced, then to Load a MOD, select Rise of Mankind, ...............

Everything seems to be working except for Alerts.

EDIT: Alerts work normally unit I go to BugOptions (CTRL-ALT-O)
If I make ANY change on the Alerts Tab, the Alerts are FUBAR when I return to the game screen.
Check in the RoM folder to see that there's a folder called UserSettings. It should contain all the BUG INI files. If it doesn't exist, create it. The problem is that BUG cannot find the place where it should save its settings, and once you change a value, it keeps trying to save them--failing again and again.

If that doesn't work, go to your "My Games/Beyond the Sword" folder and create a folder called "BUG Mod". Inside that new folder create a "UserSettings" folder. This one will be used by all BUG-using mods.
The most common cause of this I've found is a Vista user not launching the aplication as an admin. Vista wol't allow a program without admin rights to write or alter ini files in the program files directory.
Administrator Rights was the problem. What an extraordinarily annoying Vista "feature" that is! To the MS development team that dreamed that one up: "May the lice of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair!"

Many thanks to EmperorFool and phungus420 for trying to help and old (60+) newbie.
Yeah, it's a pointless security feature that only causes problems like these as far as I know. I can't for the life of me see how locking out writing and altering ini files is going to make a difference to malicious software if it's disallowed in the Program Files directory and not the rest of the hard drive.
Installed BTS
Installed 3.19 OP
Installed 3.19 UP

Installed BAT 2.0 as a MOD - it has its own BAT Mod 2.0 folder in the BTS MOD folder.

Following the instructions I found in a post of yours on a different thread, I installed BUG 4.1

Installed RoM using its installer - it has its own Rise of Mankind folder in the BTS MOD folder.

I wouldn't have a clue how to merge the three nor the inclination or patience to learn how.

You can't merge those mod's, at least not without a solid grasp of Python, C++ and a C++ compiler, set up.

RoM however, already has BUG 4.0 built-in, and UP and Better AI, so you don't actually need to merge those.

You should just be able to install RoM 2.8beta via the installer, load it up, and play.
You can't merge those mod's, at least not without a solid grasp of Python, C++ and a C++ compiler, set up.

RoM however, already has BUG 4.0 built-in, and UP and Better AI, so you don't actually need to merge those.

You should just be able to install RoM 2.8beta via the installer, load it up, and play.

1. Solid grasp..... Never gonna happen!

2. Built in..... Great!

3. Should..... Exactly! (worked once I was pointed toward Administrator Rights)

Next: Afforsess's Add-ons 1.351

Then: ????

In Vista's defense, the reason for disallowing modification of files inside the Program Files directory is that these files are shared for all users, so this is a security feature on a multi-user system. It means that if you run a malicious program, it can only muck up your account--not anyone else's or the system itself.

In practice, of course, it causes problems when programs like Civ4 decide to stick user content in the Program Files folder. :(

If you create the "BUG Mod/UserSettings" folder in your "My Games/BTS" folder, you won't have to run the game as administrator.
BUFFY isn't stack attack friendly, sadly. I just failed two rushes today, not because I didn't have enough forces but because the game crashed when I attacked.

This is fixed in the current development version and will go into the next release. For now you have two options:

  • Disable Stack Attack on the BTS Options screen
  • When attacking with a stack of two or more units, make sure they aren't enough to kill the last unit on the target plot. The crash occurs when your stack is split--some moving to the plot and some staying on the starting plot.
BAT 2.0 + BUG 4.1 (unzipped into BAT folder overwriting whatever assets were overwritten).

Barbarian archer entered my territory and pillaged road from jungled hill.
Failed to load python module Smart_Map.
ERR: Call function getModPath failed. Can't find module Smart_Map.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BugEventManager", line 342, in _handleDefaultEvent
  File "autologEventManager", line 971, in onUnitPillage
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'iLastPillageGold' referenced before assignment

I remember there used to be some issue where pillaging roads caused error in logger due to some missing info type, but I also remember that having been fixed.
Yeah, it's a pointless security feature that only causes problems like these as far as I know. I can't for the life of me see how locking out writing and altering ini files is going to make a difference to malicious software if it's disallowed in the Program Files directory and not the rest of the hard drive.

I know for myself, I just install all programs to something OTHER than the Program Files(32) directory....makes life a LOT simpler...
Odd log entry: " has no worst enemy." on the turn after I took the last city of Egypt, destroying the civilization. Can't say I'd know all civs at this point, been chopping axes instead of exploring...
I remember there used to be some issue where pillaging roads caused error in logger due to some missing info type, but I also remember that having been fixed.

I don't remember fixing this, but I bet I just need to check that the thing pillaged wasn't a route.

Odd log entry: " has no worst enemy." on the turn after I took the last city of Egypt, destroying the civilization. Can't say I'd know all civs at this point, been chopping axes instead of exploring...

Egypt no longer has a worst enemy, but it may have issues detecting that they have been killed. I wonder if there's an event when a civ is killed off. If not, I'll need to detect this somehow and remove them from the list of civs to care about.

Thanks for the reports. Short and to the point. :goodjob:
Hello; I've asked this question before but:

I uninstalled the game and removed the BUG Mod and then reinstalled both. I played the game before I reinstalled the BUG mod, and it looked fine. This is what is looks like at the beginning. The odd part is is that if I click the microsoft button and then come back to the game, the menu is back. What's happening?
There are no other mods in the game whatsoever, and nothing special besides that I have a vista.
There are no other mods in the game whatsoever, and nothing special besides that I have a vista.

Try running the game as Administrator or with Admin privileges. If that doesn't work, remove the My Games/BTS/CustomAssets folder. It sounds like BUG (or some other mod) hasn't been completely removed.
I am the admin on the computer I'm using; if I remove the Custom Assets folder, will it affect anything?
I am the admin on the computer I'm using; if I remove the Custom Assets folder, will it affect anything?
no - civ4 will auto create an empty one next time you start the game.
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