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Bug reports and technical issues

Greece was strong but not the dominating power. They finally collapsed in the 18th century :eek:
I FINALLY found the screenies I was looking for.

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Japanese Land Galleys:

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Zoroastrianism and Confucianism mixed up (Happened with the Jews and the Protestants at least on earlier version as you probably know):

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It's cool, i'm just opposing the terrain features:

Yes, it's a copy of the post in the modmod thread I accidentally put it in. Sorry.
A save for the ship of Japan's soil would be good.
Athens declared independence in my Byzantine game. So either
- the UP doesn't work
- it only works when you face a full collapse
- Athens doesn't belong to the "historical area" which i doubt as it is core area

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It has been answered before that cities declaring independence is different from the whole empire collapsing. In other words, you'll still lose cities due to low stability, except that there's no collapse to reset your stability.
Mongolia is bugged. Starts without Animal Husbandry, Horseback Riding. Also no city flips.
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Founding Carthage as another civ also moves the capital there. No idea if this is intended or not.

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The Iranians spawned in Tehran, but they didn't flip the city, only the culture values changed a bit. No other cities flipped either.

I'm playing as the British atm, and there still is a city distance maintenance. No idea about colonial maintenance.
Will take care of that. Already fixed the militant Arab scholars and the Carthage issue. By the way, good to see many of the new dynamic names in game, especially in your first screenshot.
Leoreth, can you fix the bug with Mongolia? It's totally unplayable right now.
Yes, but I have to finish the civics stuff first because if I don't the next commit will be unplayable anyway.
Ok I downloaded this mod and then I put it on a usb and transported it to my civilization computer however even though the placed the file in the Beyond the Sword/Mods section the mod dose not appear on the list in the game menu after I load the mod.

any ideas?

Not sure if this helps at all, but the mongolia tech bug seems to be in line 5034 of RiseAndFall.py

Original: "if pMongols.isHuman():"

Fixed: "if pMongolia.isHuman():"

I tested as Mongolia and it does give the intended techs.
Yeah, that's exactly what was wrong.
I can't open savegames until the next commit, so it has to wait for a while.
I took over the Italians after starting as the Portuguese, and all three victory goals failed automatically.
All my starting civics were the most primitive ones, by the way.
can anyone tell me how to install a mod on the Steam version of BTS? I know on the regular retail version you generally just move the file to the mod folder, but I can't find the file for BTS anywhere! I don't understand how this steam thing works...
Unfortunately I don't know how the Steam version works either. Do you have a folder that's similar to this path?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
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