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Bug Reports - Post Here!

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On the latest version (12-18), after playing some turns, all the diplomacy buttons disappear and the right hand panel with rival and citystate list becomes messed up. This might happen after loading the game from save, but not entirely sure of that.

This mod looks cool, but none of my games have gotten past t150 due to game blocking bugs. :(

Looks like you are missing DLC. Make sure you meet all mod requirements on the How to Install page.

ver 29-12, it's seem that all the option diabled when offer peace treaty, the only option is make peace!
ver 29-12, it's seem that all the option diabled when offer peace treaty, the only option is make peace!

for me to!! but now i have the option to liberate vassals, before it was just strange text.

Did you use the autoinstaller or install manually? If the latter, you should delete the LUA folders from Community Patch and Community Balance patch. If the former, I'd suggest reinstalling your mods - clear the MODS folder before running the autoinstaller again.

By the way, Gazebo, when I tried the autoinstaller to upgrade from the previous version, it failed to delete the CP and the CBP folders, merging the two from different versions into one. I didn't try to reproduce, though.
Looks like you are missing DLC. Make sure you meet all mod requirements on the How to Install page.


I have every Civ5 DLC available on Steam except for scrambled nations and scrambled continents.

Note that this doesn't happen 100% of the time. Sometimes I can play normally for a while, but usually it's messed up when I meet my first neighbor. Once it is messed up, the game does not seem to recover, even if reloading/restarting.

Edit> installing the 12/29 version fixed the issue for me, cheers!
I've run into a few bugs and I haven't seen any mention of them. I am only running the CBP patch and mods, and a few mods that add some extra units and victory conditions.

1) Playing OCC and all the AI civs have not founded another city. I've seen a few settlers made, but for some reason they either were unable to found a city, or something glitched when they tried. This is on King difficulty.

2) Seen land units standing on water. This specifically happens when units appear around a city such as during rebellions, barbarian invasions, and when buying a city state. They seem to move on the water like land until they enter a land tile.

3) When attack onto land with an embarked land unit, the embarked ship will move onto land still embarked. Disembarking only happens when moving onto an empty land tile. Also seen ships entering coastal fort tiles.

4) I am unable to gift a city-state gold to improve resources. These were city-states I was allied with and I clearly saw oil and uranium that were not improved.

5) Are there ways to reduce healing done on units? I've seen my infantry only heal +5 HP when adjacent to an enemy city.

6) Air Recon seems to not be working properly. I have fighters on a carrier that are not revealing all tiles within 6 spaces of the carrier.


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I was trying out Assyria and I conquered a bunch of city-states. I puppeted them, then noticed that their borders will never expand on their own with only a monument. Intentional result of bringing monuments down to 1 culture, or do we need to look at removing the penalty to culture puppet cities get?

Hey, I just found out about this mod a while ago and had a few games. Its great so far however there are issues I'd like to address.

Spoiler :

First of all, is this normal? I correctly followed the instructions and I double checked whether I have everything or not however this thing never wants to check.

Despite that, I am still able to play the mod normally to some degree. The only problem is once in a while building/growth progress bar in cities doesn't change and stayed at the same thing even though the thing I was building was finished turns ago. I restarted, disabled other mods, and cleared caches several times to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
You're missing the Civ IV Diplomatic Features mod, which is part 4 of the CBP installation.
You're missing the Civ IV Diplomatic Features mod, which is part 4 of the CBP installation.

Ah, Thanks for the Info. Turns out I had it installed but the game showed instead the regular version I got from Steam. Everything works normally now.
Seems the naval bug is still there : moved a galleas in deep water (which is, I think, not normal). Saved, and loaded the game : the galleas can't move anymore.

Also, my cavarels can't travel in deep water before astronomy. Tooltip error on the caravel ?
Automated workers keeps suggesting and building extra roads connecting already connected cities, this makes playing Arabia a lot more annoying.
So I used the installer with EUI, installed everything in their default locations, deleted logs, ModUserData, cleared the cache, deleted the LUA folders in CP and CBP, ensured that EUI was installed properly in the Assets/DLC folder, verified integrity of game cache and yet every time I try to start the game it crashes to desktop. The launcher starts fine, but actually running Civ 5 it crashes with no error message and no error log or crash dump to be found in the root. I've tried running in both DX9 and 10/11 and both CTD at startup. I have all of the leader DLC, BNW, G&K, and the Ancient Wonders pack.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as the mod looks fantastic :D
2) Seen land units standing on water. This specifically happens when units appear around a city such as during rebellions, barbarian invasions, and when buying a city state. They seem to move on the water like land until they enter a land tile.
I also have this bug: Whenever I or an AI move a unit to a coastal tile where it should embark, unit simply moves onto the water as if it was land, no movement penalty. Only exception was an AI worker which embarked normally. This was in 29-12.

Another bug: I was producing a Swordsman and then researched the technology for Longswordsman. The production was not converted into the new unit, but all hammers was lost instead, and I hard to start the Longswordsman from scratch.
Seems the naval bug is still there : moved a galleas in deep water (which is, I think, not normal). Saved, and loaded the game : the galleas can't move anymore.

Also, my cavarels can't travel in deep water before astronomy. Tooltip error on the caravel ?

I'd love to see a response as to whether this is intentional or not. The last 2-3 releases all said the deep water bug was fixed, but like yours, my caravels can't cross deep water until everything that can does after discovering Astronomy.
Just had another late game CTD.

The mini dump is here.

EDIT: It's been so long I'd forgotten attachments automatically get linked to posts.
EDIT 2: I'm also getting a notification spam about a city being returned to an AI player: "Zutphen is returned to William. Theodora has conquered Zutphen and restored The Netherlands sovereignty." This may just be a logical conclusion to an ongoing war as this city is still obscured to me and it is in the general conflict area of the warring nations, though if it is I'd question the logic of the AI here.
It looks like Byzantium & Netherlands are both at war with Songhai & Poland and perhaps Theodora is just retaking the city and giving it away so as to not incur any treasury or unit cost when the two bigger nations take it back next turn.


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Using the latest 3/1/2016 version and I started a game as Maya. During the "Long count GP" selector screen the text describes the Great Admiral as being able to cross oceans without the necessary techs. This doesn't appear to be working in this version or the text for that screen hasn't been updated to reflect a change, not sure if it is a change or not.
Using the latest 3/1/2016 version and I started a game as Maya. During the "Long count GP" selector screen the text describes the Great Admiral as being able to cross oceans without the necessary techs. This doesn't appear to be working in this version or the text for that screen hasn't been updated to reflect a change, not sure if it is a change or not.

Sounds like a tooltip mismatch. If you can make a github post for me (or if someone can) I'll fix the text and/or ilteroi can adjust the plot logic so that the admiral gets back that bonus (right now it lacks it, which is kinda sad).

So I take it from this you would prefer bug reports in GitHub?
Not a problem, I have an account and will probably be working with the repo in the near future.
Deep water issue still exists. Playing as Polynesia. As expected, EVERYTHING could cross oceans to start. Once I discovered Astronomy, Galleass and Dromons lost the ability. I don't know about Triremes as I upgraded all of them to Caravels before hitting Astronomy.

EDIT: The strange this is I realized later that I have some Galleasses that could cross the ocean and some that could not. I suspect the only reason I had some that could is that I was Polynesia.
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