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Bug Reports - Post Here!

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Not a bug actually but a request... Can you please make LocalPopRequired to show the buildings at Building Tab just like NationalPopRequired ?

Not sure I understand...also, requests should be in their own thread, not in the bug reports thread! :)
techflavors ...


should the TechFlavors.sql in Balance Changes\AI\Flavors\ run after adding new/editing buildings?

thanks for information
Hmm, I'll look further into it. Thanks for the report!

it should be:

UPDATE Building_DomainProductionModifiers
there is a prob with the congress.

the treasury fleet was passed and i build it.
after some rounds, it was passed a second time in congress ...
i can again contribute but there is the information, i have already xxxxx contributed and it is 100% complete.
think, it should be passed only 1 time?
there is a prob with the congress.

the treasury fleet was passed and i build it.
after some rounds, it was passed a second time in congress ...
i can again contribute but there is the information, i have already xxxxx contributed and it is 100% complete.
think, it should be passed only 1 time?

I've never seen this problem. You installed all necessary files for CSD, yes?
When negotiating peace terms, I've noticed a bug in which I demand a set amount of Gold as well as Gold per turn. After I accept the negotiation terms, the large sum of gold I demanded doesn't appear in my funds. When I go to deal history it only shows the gold per turn.

Also unhappiness is extremely difficult for me to remedy. Whatever I do there is always poverty,city unsafe (with full upgrades defensively), and "we are illiterate". Just seems a little extreme.

Only using mods that were mentioned to be compatible.

EDIT: Attempted another peace treaty about 50 turns later and I got the full amount I demanded. Only problem (in my opinion) is the AI gave me a ton of gold (6000) and not once did we see each other in war. Hope this helps.

Check this please:
Community Balance Patch (v 13)\Balance Changes\Buildings\NewBuildings.xml
In this file twice repeats the same code:
Hey, total newcomer just trying out the mod for the first time. I love everything about it except for the fact that my unit promotions get deleted the turn after I apply them. Drill I disappears from the unit after the turn has ended, and it is not added to unit strength when viewing combat damage predictions when the unit is useable on the next turn. I should note that unit Levels and experience still increase, but the Level-Up promotion remains Drill I. I'll explore this more tomorrow and grab some screenshots, as well as try out other promotion conditions (from civ enemies rather than barbarians, and military building exp)
I'm playing Byzantium on a Small, Fractal map with Immortal difficulty.

EDIT: I can confirm that the buggy promotion seems to be Drill I. My melee units will lose it after taking any action after promoting, or will go away regardless after I end my turn. I city-state gifted me a unit with Drill II and that is the lone promotion that has stuck to him (Longswordsman). My ranged/mounted ranged units are all able to keep their promotions, which leaves me to believe that this is an issue specifically with Drill I.

EDIT 2: Upon downloading and installing the latest update, the issue with Drill I seems to be resolved :)
Not a bug but I have problem with adding unit promotions to CBP, I'm working on adaptation 3rd Unique Component mod for CBP and there is a code that add new unit promotions, like this:
Spoiler :
and other promotions, they are not visible in the game, but if copy this code to Community Balance Patch (v 13)\Balance Changes\Units\PromotionChanges.xml it works fine, sir Gazebo could you give me advise what is wrong here.

update: I figured out add Dependencies to Community Patch fixed this problem.
Feb 27 build:


AI keeps initiating trade deals with nothing listed on either side and rejecting their proposal of nothing. They keep proposing this every turn or so (my suspicion is trading embassies, which I have researched and they haven't yet).

Fix 1: Have the AI actually trade request something instead of nothing
Fix 2: If a proposition is rejected have the AI not be able to propose the same one for at least 10 turns.

** UPDATE: It seems the AI can not exchange embassies, since many of them that are doing this have 17-19 technologies. They should have this ability by then, yet do not have the ability to trade embassies. Furthermore, I offered a trade request (Iron for Gold) and the Civ came back with their counter trade offer, but the wording was "you must be joking." So I accepted it, since it was their counter offer and they accepted it. It seems the trading system is buggy in the newest build.
27th build--

Health and Plague interface does not appear to be working correctly as it has in the past patches. The Community Patch is also using a very outdated version of Health and Plague; There is an updated version on the workshop. The updated version works fine, the version included in your installation thread does not, and simply gives an all caps "HEALTH!" at the top of the screen where yields would normally be displayed.
The UnitPromotions columns "CanCrossIce" and "CanCrossMountains" don't seem to work - even with Whoward's original 'Promotions - Terrain Crossing' mod being the applicant of those effects.
Feb27 build:

Maybe bug - AI does not make peace? I don't know exactly when AI wants to make peace (BNW was ~5 turns iirc) but I've been attacked by now 2 neighbors who will not make peace, even after ~100 turns quick speed. They keep throwing away units, so I'm not sure exactly why they're still trying, I expect them to learn that they won't touch my cities. Do they just go by army score exclusively?

Maybe bug - negative modifier for fast City settlement doesn't disappear over time, as it did in BNW (it's now turn 167 and they still hate me for my expansion process around turn 50). Intended?

Bug - Cannot assign policy. The policy window no longer pops up. Last taken actions were adopting Autocracy (Futurism + Citadel Tile Acquisition) and using a Great General a couple turns later. Citadel Tiles interacted with Liberty granting me enough Culture for a new policy, however now the policy window no longer opens. It stops me from ending turn.
As mentioned elsewhere and above, I am experiencing the AI spamming me with empty trade offers with the newest version (Feb 27th). I've attached an image illustrating what's coming at me almost every turn.


  • 2015-02-28_00001.jpg
    121.5 KB · Views: 114
Not a bug but I have problem with adding unit promotions to CBP, I'm working on adaptation 3rd Unique Component mod for CBP and there is a code that add new unit promotions, like this:
Spoiler :
and other promotions, they are not visible in the game, but if copy this code to Community Balance Patch (v 13)\Balance Changes\Units\PromotionChanges.xml it works fine, sir Gazebo could you give me advise what is wrong here.

update: I figured out add Dependencies to Community Patch fixed this problem.

CP/CBP will delete all promotions.
You must make sure, that all new promotions will be applied after CP/CBP.

A Dependencies in your modinfo will work

Spoiler :

<Mod id="8411a7a8-dad3-4622-a18e-fcc18324c799" minversion="13" maxversion="999" title="Community Balance Patch" />
<Mod id="d1b6328c-ff44-4b0d-aad7-c657f83610cd" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Community Patch" />
William from the Netherlands is a little strange in Diplo. (i have placed him in Sweden on a huge earth-map)

I (Russia) found a new City next to him (in the Area around Finnland) and he contacted me, that i shall not found new Citys near him, because he covets this land. --> Ok, i will not found new Citys... blablabla

Few turns later, i found a new City on the other side of my empire (Huge Map) in Asia --> He contacted me an i become a penalty for settle and breaking the trade.

Same with buying land near him.

- maybe he covet the hole world? (Problem occurs just with him)
Feb27 build:
Bug - Cannot assign policy. The policy window no longer pops up. Last taken actions were adopting Autocracy (Futurism + Citadel Tile Acquisition) and using a Great General a couple turns later. Citadel Tiles interacted with Liberty granting me enough Culture for a new policy, however now the policy window no longer opens. It stops me from ending turn.

I had a similar prob with CBP and EUI... using the provided EUI compatibility files, solved it for me.
The UnitPromotions columns "CanCrossIce" and "CanCrossMountains" don't seem to work - even with Whoward's original 'Promotions - Terrain Crossing' mod being the applicant of those effects.

Have the same issue.
Without Whoward's original 'Promotions - Terrain Crossing' mod, the TBM can enter Mountains and build the tunnel.
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