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C-IV SGOTM 05 Pre-Game Discussion Thread

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Ok, let's muddy the water some more.
Actually, you have given me clarity! :goodjob:

We have an individual player identity, and we have a separate team identity. Certain operations of the game invoke one or the other identity, so sometimes we behave like we are civilized, and sometimes we behave like barbarians (isn't that what our mothers always told us? :lol: ).

So we are kind of a hybrid between civ and barb.

I get this conceptually now ... but I still need to work out all of the implications of that hybrid nature :crazyeye:

The implications are that you'll have a hard time with diplomacy because of all the team identity stuff...on the plus side, we won't have to escort our settlers anymore :D
:p once we know where our neighbors are, we aren't likely to need to escort any early settlers...as long as we know that another civ isn't nearby.
The implications are that you'll have a hard time with diplomacy because of all the team identity stuff...on the plus side, we won't have to escort our settlers anymore :D
Not just that. How about having a half a dozen scouts from the animal kingdom telling you exactly where your enemies are, followed up by barbs doing the same. The only thing I haven't seen yet is a barb galley... :lol:.

Annoyingly, though, yesterday when I was about to attack Toku, I waited one turn and pillaged the tile the barb axe was on so he'd attack Toku for me first. Nah, he went off to pillage another tile...

Oh, and if you want to pop those delicious-looking huts, you'll need to settle there...(or get them with border expansion)
I don't know if it's been said yet, but it seems like the barbs don't attack the AI. Also peas with the AI seems to be possible in the 2800 BC timeframe.

The Barbs do attack the AI. From time to time they manage to take out an AI player, when Raging Barbs is on.
I don't know if it's been said yet, but it seems like the barbs don't attack the AI. Also peas with the AI seems to be possible in the 2800 BC timeframe.

It's only that usually, a babarian is in no position to take an AI city (except under raging barbs, or if a city has just been attacked by someone else) so they rarely attack, resorting to pillaging instead. They can, and sometimes do attack AI cities, especially with the raging barbarian setting.
I decided to set up my own practice game. At 1270 BC , my game also crashed. I was using the HoF Mod. I haven't tried loading up the autosave to see if it will crash again, but if someone else would like to take a look...
I decided to set up my own practice game. At 1270 BC , my game also crashed. I was using the HoF Mod. I haven't tried loading up the autosave to see if it will crash again, but if someone else would like to take a look...
That save is not using the HOF mod... but it doesnt crash for me when I load it and end turn either..
Well, I got a crash in a test game. Maybe it's no issue for the real map, but I verified in the SDK that there is a possible issue.
I gifted a tech to Asoka while he didn't know any real team. That leads to a division by zero in CvTeamAI::AI_techTradeVal.
Well, I got a crash in a test game. Maybe it's no issue for the real map, but I verified in the SDK that there is a possible issue.
I gifted a tech to Asoka while he didn't know any real team. That leads to a division by zero in CvTeamAI::AI_techTradeVal.
Thanks, I will look into it
I, too, get a Crash while playing in very early AD, right after I discover Alphabet. It is a divide by Zero error. It's about 4 turns in on the save I posted (Yes, I know I'm doing :smoke:. Hush.)


  • AutoSave_AD-0020.Civ4SavedGame
    84 KB · Views: 72
Test game for teaming up with barbarians

Maybe this will answer some of your questions. This is a test map just to get a flavor of what's in store. No attempt to match the starting layout. I picked archipelago-archipelago, all the right AIs, and hooked us up with the barbs ("team 18"), and the other settings listed.
@ Ltc, Thanks for test game! Just 1 ?, why did the Lion gobble my scout for lunch? I didn't try to run or anything. There was no provocation on any level.
I see the transfer market is in full swing for this game, then. Should I be watching eBay to see the latest bids in these auctions?
So I figured it was maybe just a glitch with the animal barbs and I moved on. Then a barb warrior razed my second (undefended) city. If those are my teammates, I sure don't need any more enemies!
I see the transfer market is in full swing for this game, then. Should I be watching eBay to see the latest bids in these auctions?

Latest rumors say that LowtherCastle is looking for a team. After Klarius joined Murky Waters the team has grown to 17 players so they decided to slash the turn sets of the weakest players to 2-3 turns. Anyone interested :please: in LC should contact me first to arrange the transfer.
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