Can 2 Different Techs Be Used To Enable The Same Worker Job?


In Terra Fantasia
Nov 5, 2001
The lone and level sands
As I've mentioned elsewhere, Terra Fantasia is highly asymmetric. The Culture Groups reflect the different biomes each Civ evolved in, with the individual CGs being scattered across the globe. The 5 CGs are:
  • Hill Folk
  • Plains Dwellers
  • Woodsmen
  • Seafarers
  • River Peoples
It's the last I'm concerned about: I'd like them to be able to begin with their Workers able to build bridges. And I don't wish to stick an artificial "River Crossing" Tech, well into the Era I Tech Tree.

If it can't be done, I'm guessing that a separate Tech Tree for them would do the trick ... ?
The answer to the thread title question is No. The required tech for any given Worker-job is set per job, so you can only have one tech per job.

But specific to your post, building bridges is not actually a Worker-job!

Allowing units to cross rivers without losing all remaining MP is an ability which can be conferred by any tech, i.e. more than one tech can provide that ability -- similar to how both Navigation and Magnetism allow safe Ocean travel (and more importantly, resource-transport and trade) in the epic game.

So you could give the River folk a CG-specific "bridge-building" tech at game start if you wanted, or make it an ability conferred by any River-CG-specific Era=None tech (or tech-dependency thereof) which you've already given them -- while the other CGs would have to research further into the tech-tree to unlock their own generic Bridge-builder tech.
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