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Can we PLEASE ban "ask a ___" threads when ____ refers to a belief?


Oct 12, 2003
Plane Of Fish Sticks
These threads are so awful. Here are a few reasons:

1. They constrict discussion. An entire belief system is way too big of a topic for a single thread, but that's the inevitable result of these threads.
2. It's really an "ask me about my beliefs" thread, since people can define pretty much whatever they want as part of their ideology. I shouldn't have to explain why this is bad.
3. Even worse, it lends undue credibility to the OP as the representative of the stated ideology. This gives idiots too much leeway to misrepresent and confuse. I don't want things I believe in to be publicly destroyed because some confused 13 year old *thinks* he believes in them when he does not.
4. It gives way too much power to the OP in a debate thread. I recently saw someone say that he was REPORTING every single post that thread to engage in a "discussion" in his "ask me about my beliefs!" thread. This is insane.

Please ban these threads, or stop approving them, or whatever.
I don't think that's necessary, I think the threads can be individually judged on their merits.
Do any religious "ask a --------" threads not just cause a lot of hassle?
Cosign. Ask a threads are only really useful when they pertain to an occupation or other position outside the scope but still piquing the interest of forum members. There are many better sources when it comes to belief systems or political views than attention seeking forum members.
IMO all questions about a particular religion should go in Plotinus's "ask a theologian" thread. That is, if you want a good answer and/or worthwhile discussion with an intelligent and knowledgeable academic.

Also, Plotinus is a supermod, so I think members would be quite happy to have their threads merged with his!
IMO all questions about a particular religion should go in Plotinus's "ask a theologian" thread. That is, if you want a good answer and/or worthwhile discussion with an intelligent and knowledgeable academic.

Also, Plotinus is a supermod, so I think members would be quite happy to have their threads merged with his!

I like this.
I agree that individual "Ask me about my religion" threads are not that great, one recent one I saw the OP seemed unable to actually answer most of the questions. Unless its someone who is a theologian or has otherwise studied the religion (like a priest) then I don't think they should be allowed.
I was to suggest a certan religion superthread but then I read above about the theologican thread so I would suggest to that. :)
I object to any attempt to merge the religion threads into "ask a theologian". That's one of the best threads we have here and I feel merging those threads into it would degrade it.

I think it should be okay to have "Ask a [insert religion]" thread but I'd really rather the person making the OP has at least some qualifications to answer the question. Like PrinceScamp said:

Unless its someone who is a theologian or has otherwise studied the religion (like a priest) then I don't think they should be allowed.

Otherwise, I think the thread ought to be closed like the recent libertarian thread was.
I think the "Ask a" threads should remain open if the mods properly relabel them. You know, such as Ask a Galternative Lifestyle Theorist.
IMO all questions about a particular religion should go in Plotinus's "ask a theologian" thread. That is, if you want a good answer and/or worthwhile discussion with an intelligent and knowledgeable academic.

Also, Plotinus is a supermod, so I think members would be quite happy to have their threads merged with his!

But would Plotinus? I wouldn't want all that junk in my thread...
Let me be devil's advocate here. The entire ask a....thread business started with me and Eran's Ask a Mormon threads, which as far as I know, were good, successful threads that did little to cause aggravation in OT. Clearly there was enough forum interest to support them (we're on the 4th edition I think), and those couldn't really be mergred with Plotinus' threads because (correct me if im wrong), he hasn't really studied Mormonism that much.

I'd be okay with merging the rest of the generic Christiandom stuff into one thread, or banning ask a's...about particular political affiliations.

Those are some of my favorite OT threads, but they're best if the person answering it has expertise that the forum body doesn't really have (like the ask a grocer thread).
This thread also does not suggest in any way that the ignoramus attention seekers who now would have their threads redirected to Ask A Theologian have any permit to answer there.
Just make one big religious megathread? (I realise this would be vastly simplifying the issues of religion... but what else can one do?)
If only it were that easy....

I do understand that, but as I have gotten older, I have found that you cannot convince people over the internet for the most part.
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