• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Canada vs. America vs. England

Me? When I finished making the mod I am working on/play testing it.

Odds are it will be done before your next update and Yoshis next update, given the time they take...

I am also really, really scared to start it. As there has been a lot of Hype about it with you and Yoshi and others asking very frequently as to when i will start it. And I am scared it wont live up to its hype.
Don't worry! We will only be slightly disappointed for a week if it doesn't live up to the hype after flaming you asking why it didn't live up to the hype.

No, no. Just kidding. No pressure or anything :D
Just know if its not up to standards you will be removed from our sub-forum :mwaha:
Well there has been some rule changes, and the rules are rather simple for the first era (each era will add more rules, but for the ancient era in 6000 bc, land ownership doesn't really make sense...)
Welcome to S&T my friend :D
I thought this was on hiatus?
so did I, i just can't find where yoshi said that, Can you confirm for us yoshi?
All of Yoshi's stories are on hiatus lol
Yoshi, why are you so terrible at updating stories!?
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