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Capto Iugulum Background Thread

TLJ was pretty obvious when he came up and offered help to me as Florida.

I was doing "well" too, playing ICly with various factions and moving towards achieving regional power status. Well, apparently my orders were worded in such a way that things went pearshaped in a way disadvantageous to me. But I was fine with that. I fought hard to try to stabilize the PADA and to revive the Pacific Concord (which I envisioned as overall neutral considering Brazil and Russia).

The reason I quit was merely a personal disagreement with EQ's modding methods. I do not wish, nor do I think any of us would wish me, to elaborate.

The collapse of the Pacifc Concord is a perfect representation of this.

As Spain, my short 2 year term was spent balancing what Luckymoose is telling me to do and what Milarqui told me Spain was gonna do. So yeah. Although I will straightfowardly admit my joining of Spain was indeed for OOC reasons, all my actions for Spain were entirely IC (including deciding both to listen to, and not listen to, Luckymoose' advice.)
Roman Empire, pre-Constantinople Event:

Roman Empire: Bestshot9
Absolute Monarchy: Imperator John XII (Conservative)
Capital: Constantinople
Manpower: 4,770 (+51)
Economic Points: 71 (+179)
Domestic Spending : -50 EP
-Education: -40 (48)
-Internal and External Security: -10
Stability: 7
Army: 450 Infantry Brigades, 1 Praetorian Guard Brigade, 20 Cavalry Brigades, 50 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Imperial Scandinavian Army 1890
Navy: 20 Early Destroyers, 4 Romanos-class Destroyers, 10 Early Light Cruisers, 6 Early Heavy Cruisers, 5 Christine-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 8

Roman Empire post-Constantinople Event:

Roman Empire: Bestshot9
Absolute Monarchy: Imperator Panagiotis (Conservative)
Capital: Athens
Manpower: 3,567 (+34)
Economic Points: 173 (+73)
Domestic Spending : -50 EP
-Education: -37 (43)
-Internal and External Security: -13
Stability: 3
Army: 3 Conscript Brigades, 253 Infantry Brigades, 2 Praetorian Guard Brigades, 9 Cavalry Brigades, 20 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 9
Army Doctrine: Imperial Scandinavian Army 1890
Navy: 3 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 2 Early Destroyers, 3 Romanos-class Destroyers, 3 Early Light Cruisers, 2 Early Heavy Cruisers, 2 Christine-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 8

Roman Empire, 1939:

Roman Empire:bestshot9
Absolute Monarchy: Imperator Sven Vasa (Conservative)
Capital: Constantinople
Manpower: 1,159 (+10)
Economic Points: 3 (+193)
Domestic Spending : -40 EP
-Education: -20 (12)
-Internal Security Bureau: -15
-Praetorian Guard: -5
Roman Imperial Legions: 72 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 1 T-17 Brigade, 9 Laelaps Armored Brigades, 2 T-20 Armored Brigades, 7 T-28 Armored Brigades, 20 Artillery Brigades, 3 RMH Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 14
Army Doctrine: Roman Legion 1932
Roman Imperial Navy: 3 Nordenfelt-class Submarines, 2 Harpoon-class Submarines, 3 Kraken-class Submarines, 7 Romanos-class Destroyers, 10 Genoa-class Destroyers, 8 Luther-class Light Cruisers, 3 Sicilia-class Light Cruisers, 2 Riga-class Heavy Cruisers
Navy Quality: 8
Legionary Air Corps: 1 C-17 Fighter Squadron, 5 C-1293 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Constantine Bomber Squadrons, 4 H-1921 CAS Squadrons, 5 CorSmi-31 CAS Squadrons, 5 Pegasus-type Transport Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1
Expeditionary Forces:
Tadjoura Expeditionary Force: 5 Infantry Brigades
Chaldea Reconstruction: 70/250

I think I recovered fairly well, considering I was still missing about 2/5ths of the 1902 Empire. Imagine how much stronger Rome would have been if we hadn't had a giant rock fall on our capital?
I had typed up a lengthy response to TLJ's post in regards to so-called "nationalists" and "imperial sympathizers" but accidentally closed the tab so I'll be much, much briefer and start by saying that I have gone to great lengths to explain how both things could not be possible in the sense TLJ suggests, but have been ignored or overruled to a degree that is both frustrating and concerning. I have created a wealth of information regarding the history of Scandinavia, and went into the NES from the very beginning with an idea of what the Swedish Empire was, and from that point created the Empire of Scandinavia and the Workers' Commonwealth of Scandinavia. It is immensely frustrating that my canon of the history and constitution of the nation was twisted or outright ignored in order to make conventional, white bread concepts like "angry nationalists" and "disgruntled guys who want the old boss back" possible, when these tropes simply do not apply for reasons I could go into at great length. I continue to believe that there is no reason to think that Norwegian nationalism (Finnish nationalism I consider entirely separate and wholly justified, and I'm still confused why EQ just didn't run with that) would be a thing after the Act of Union, the process of democratization which occurred over the latter half of the 19th century, industrialization and the Great War and Revolution. All of these events bound together Sweden and Norway as partners in the Scandinavian state and created a common culture, a common experience and a common goal. I do not consider the relationship between Sweden and Norway to be at all analogous to that between England and Scotland and resent being talked down to about the history of a nation I played from day one as if I do not understand it properly.

Regardless I take no joy from complaining, nor do I consider this some kind of parting shot against EQ or TLJ. I have an immense amount of respect for TLJ as an NESer and all that jazz from the brief period I got to work in tandem with him and from the amount of work he put into Russia and the NES. I appreciate the degree to which EQ did take into account my established canon of Scandinavia and its history. I am still frustrated, however, by the degree to which the identity I created for the Scandinavian nation was ignored and sidelined.
@LOE- I deleted my orders that had the details of the actual attacks (some of which were vague), so I just went with vague recollections of what I remember. Keep in mind, that's supposed to be a chapter from a book written by a member of the Russian Royal family, so some details may have been altered to better conform with Russian values. At least that's my IC reason for any inconsistencies. EQ was also kind enough to inform me (after I had posted of course) that someone else actually killed Hollande, and my agent just lied to get the glory.

So there's that...
You deleted your last turn's orders, your crowning achievement of a year of work, literally a week after the nes died? :undecide:
If it helps any Elves, when I tried to funnel weapons to Norwegian and Finnish nationalists (I was trying to keep Boye in power and his control of Denmark secure by manufacturing conflicts every couple of years) EQ flat out said that there weren't any.

I settled for just dumping the guns on the coast and hoping somebody would find them.

You deleted your last turn's orders, your crowning achievement of a year of work, literally a week after the nes died? :undecide:

I went through and deleted everything in my Inbox from Capto (I hoard basically everything just in case. I still have a folder of #nes screenshots for spreading sedition between allies). It was a very solemn and momentous occasion. :p
TLJ, you not only do not have your orders but ONLY wrote them on CFC? I'm JACKSONIA, I have literally a tiny fraction of what you have going on, but I write them on google docs because they're annoying to write on CFC if the forum makes it so it gets deleted. I really cannot believe you wouldn't have your orders or a copy of them, when dozens of players in this nes would have several of their past few turns orders in their boxes :/
The situation in Catalonia further exemplifies my overall plans of creating situations where Russia would benefit and my enemies would lose, no matter what the outcome. Catalonia was (and is still considered) to be Spanish territory and its inclusion in an Occitanian led Confederation would result in only one thing: war. If war was not to occur naturally, I would have forced it similarly to how I precipitated it in Burgundy, this time using bombings, random shootings along the border and the tried and true method of promising support to both sides (as I did the Uruguayan Crisis). Spain, as a recently resurgent power with powerful backing, was fast approaching the time when they could reclaim all the territory that Germany had broken off from them at the end of the Rhine-Rhone War, even if it meant war with their neighbors. Best of all, Russia had agreements with all parties involved: there was the agreement with Spain and Brazil to close off the Mediterranean and cut shipments of contraband to the British in exchange for trade concessions and the secret negotiations with the Confederations resulting in their neutrality so long as Imperial troops didn’t cross the Rhine and their allegiance if I gave them the German Burundian holdings. War between them would have led to a very awkward situation for Brazil, one I meant to capitalize on to the fullest extent.

Were Brazil to back their Spanish allies (via the Lisbon Pact), the Confederation would then be bereft of allies and in desperate need of help. This would only further cement the propaganda that I had been spreading that Brazil was untrustworthy and should be kept out of Europe. It would also invalidate the recent treaties Brazil had signed, showing them to be fickle allies. The Confederation would then have three options: First, go it alone and try to hold back the Spanish and Brazilians by themselves (with the marginal aid of the other breakaway Spanish states) and inevitably be overrun. Second, they could turn to the British for help, who would already be stretched to the breaking point, but happy to deny me access to the English Channel, and then use my issue of the present (the British Home Fleet) to fight my problem of the future (the Brazilian fleet). No matter who wins, they are irrevocably antagonized towards each other and they sink ships today that I won’t have to sink tomorrow. The third option available to the Confederation (and most appealing) is to seek my help. By that point, I would be close to, if not on the Rhine River, the German military would be crushed and their country overrun. It would be easy for my battle hardened troops to then head south to help crush the green Spanish and Brazilian forces, securing Western Europe for me, along with a launch pad for my invasion of Britain. It would also mean that Sardinia and Corsica would either be unaligned (and thus easy prey for Italy) or on my side and working for the people who would eventually see them added to the Italian Empire.

If, on the other hand, Brazil abandons the Lisbon Pact for their new allies in the Confederation, I have even more fun. Now, Brazil is throwing one of their older allies to the wolves in favor of their new friends, which I can then use to call into question every deal they’ve ever made. The whole détente in South America is now in question (if the Brazilians will betray an actual ally like Spain, what hope does Peru have of getting fair treatment from them?) and Brazil is vilified abroad and does most of my PR work for me in smearing themselves. Spain, having just screwed over the British by closing Gibraltar, has even less options than the Confederation and has no choice but to seek Russian aid. The Brazilian betrayal also means that Portugal (the largest free market supplier of arms in the world) will side with Spain and I get not one, but two new friends. I then get to invade the Confederation from at least two, possibly three sides (Germany, the Netherlands and through Italy), Italy in turn begins the attacks on the now isolated Corsica and Sardinia and I get to establish a new Holy Roman Empire in France and Germany (with Papal blessing of course to get yet another nation on my side). On the downside, the British and Brazilian (and probably Argentinian) fleets are now merged to oppose a landing in England. However, that will mean nothing in a land war in Europe, and with all of the Baltic and Mediterranean under Imperial control and all of Central Europe as a buffer, I can afford to spend several years cranking out subs, carriers and any other ship I might need and launch the largest naval pincer move ever to strike at England from all sides.

Last but not least is my favorite option, where Brazil decides to remain entirely neutral and does nothing. Now, they completely invalidate every agreement they’ve ever made, and severing once and for all any good will they had in Europe, leaving the various nations there without any hope of American intervention against me. It also means that Brazil would finally have honored one of his agreements, the secret pact made between Brazil, the United States and myself at the height of the Uruguayan Crisis, giving North America to the US, South America to Brazil and Europe to Russia. Then, I would get to sit back and pick who I wanted to win and back them, or let them fight it out until they were both exhausted of manpower and warfare and I could sweep in and crush them both.

Even if they don’t go to war right away and through their mutual alliances with Brazil entered the War against me, I would have gradually been able to separate them, using the existing tensions, much as I did with Florida and Jacksonia, focusing on one and sparing the other, breeding further resentment and hostility until one of them either bowed out, switched sides, or fell. Either way, I would have gotten what I wanted and more of my enemies would be dead.

You deleted your last turn's orders, your crowning achievement of a year of work, literally a week after the nes died? :undecide:

It wasn't last turn, it was 1936 that I attacked their intelligence agencies, which was 4 months ago in RL. Since then, I've had to coordinate the war effort, make deals with various nations in preparation for the war, try to keep people out, etc, etc. I had to delete older PMs and those were among them. And I only do orders in CFC, except larger ones like last year that I did in Word to make sure I had everything. Aside from that, I've never seen the point of having of writing them elsewhere. I mean, I usually have phone notes of what I need to do each year, but that's it.
If it helps any Elves, when I tried to funnel weapons to Norwegian and Finnish nationalists (I was trying to keep Boye in power and his control of Denmark secure by manufacturing conflicts every couple of years) EQ flat out said that there weren't any.

I settled for just dumping the guns on the coast and hoping somebody would find them.

Oh, we did. I was going to use this as a cassus belli to, under cover of darkness and with the anticipation that no one would see it coming, seize Iceland and Greenland with Vinlandic, German and (maybe) British support and force Denmark to give Iceland independence, cede Greenland to Vinland and capitulate sovereignty over the entirety of the Skagerakk to Scandinavia. Because of the then-dire need for supplies for the war effort in America this never panned out, but believe you me it was 4srs. :smug:
Oh, we did. I was going to use this as a cassus belli to, under cover of darkness and with the anticipation that no one would see it coming, seize Iceland and Greenland with Vinlandic, German and (maybe) British support and force Denmark to give Iceland independence, cede Greenland to Vinland and capitulate sovereignty over the entirety of the Skagerakk to Scandinavia. Because of the then-dire need for supplies for the war effort in America this never panned out, but believe you me it was 4srs. :smug:

SEE! That war did some good! And your citizens didn't want to get involved...
SEE! That war did some good! And your citizens didn't want to get involved...

I beg your pardon sir, Scandinavians line up to die when they are asked politely :mischief:
OPERATION Trident- London, Berlin, Stockholm 1936
Your brilliant master plan was to try and eliminate enemy intelligence a full 4 years before your offensives began, with the belief that in the shock and awe of such no one would ever again defect, rebuild, infiltrate, or otherwise be suspicious of your intentions, nor take it as a cue to begin defensive preparations?

Most cunning.
Interestingly enough I was very surprised that the Second Great War actually happened. I could have been convinced, prior to the first update of the new thread, that the vaunted war with Russia was never going to happen. In the face of the failure of the United Proletarist Republics in the western hemisphere I planned to unleash a plan for the "Great Domestic Revolution" and reform the Workers' Commonwealth in the style of the PRC and gradually reduce the Revolutionary edifice of the state to a solely dictatorial one, run as a republic of sorts, with vast powers granted to a bureaucratic machine which would remain in the pocket of the military and pseudo-imperial intellectual class that had emerged as the leadership after the Revolution.

It was my hope that this would convince Vinland and other states to begin bankrolling Scandinavian "democratization" and transform Scandinavia into an invisible nation capable of acting outside the traditional international sphere. This would have completed the ahead-of-the-curve tradition of the Scandinavian state, marking Scandinavia's transformation (in just over a century) from an absolutist pseudo-feudal backwater to a parliamentary state with a colonial empire, to a revolutionary dictatorship to a soulless and market gains-obsessed late-20th century nation-state. :p
"Great Domestic Revolution", making Scandinavia always the most progressive state of them all.

Heck, you can go libertarian even as other states catch up. :p

Scandinavia has a very ingrained notion of civic responsibility and discipline. I'd almost go so far as to compare it to Bushido-based thought in imperial Japan, but with less of an emphasis on honor and more on classical/Enlightenment ideals of civic identity and contemporary nationalistic thought. It'd be very difficult for anything like libertarian thought to succeed accept as a deliberate counterculture. More importantly, my personal anti-libertarian bias would prohibit the rise to prominence of such a creed :p
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