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Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

To the Netherlands
Cc Flanders
From Paris and Burgundy

Excellent; we are agreed on that then.

To the Scott regime
From Paris and Burgundy

We do not recognise the legitimacy of your government, and do not accept that a legitimate government of the USA would in any case have the authority to pronounce illegitimate a treaty made willingly by a very reasonably seceded member of the Union, whether that secession were to be temporary or permanent.
To: Jacksonia
From: Poland
CC: Scandinavia, Paris and Burgundy

Seeing that we are closely allied to both of your new allies, would it not make sense to extend the treaty to us as well?

To: Scott Land
From: Poland
CC: Paris and Burgundy

We echo our ally's sentiments.
OOC: Nuclear kid, Lord of Elves, Double A, there are quite a few things I would like to talk to all of you about as allies, and as allies it would be nice to present a united front on things. Could we sort out the trading disputes in Jacksonia, the question of Poland joining in, and the various other goings-on in Eastern and Southern Europe and the connections between them between ourselves privately and only then present our plans and interests on the thread please? By the way, Double A, things would be a good deal easier if you had AIM or some alternative (#nes, MSN, googlemail-chat) as a lot of us do; do you?
To: Paris-Burgundy
From: Languedoc
CC: Poitou

We had no part in any such affair. Clearly we are being framed by another power trying to start a war in France. We detest all forms of liberals. If we had our way, all the liberals in Poitou would be executed immediately.

To: Dauphine
From: Languedoc
CC: Paris-Burgundy

We are willing to attend a conference intended to settle our economic disputes with yourself and Paris-Burgundy.
OOC: Nuclear kid, Lord of Elves, Double A, there are quite a few things I would like to talk to all of you about as allies, and as allies it would be nice to present a united front on things. Could we sort out the trading disputes in Jacksonia, the question of Poland joining in, and the various other goings-on in Eastern and Southern Europe and the connections between them between ourselves privately and only then present our plans and interests on the thread please? By the way, Double A, things would be a good deal easier if you had AIM or some alternative (#nes, MSN, googlemail-chat) as a lot of us do; do you?

I will be on AIM later this evening if anyone needs to contact me, and available at that time to work out these issues.
From: Empire of Scandinavia
To: Whomever It May Concern
CC: Muscovy, Kiev, Poland

We endorse the Muscovite solution in the matter of Kiev, which has failed to account for the needs and welfare of its citizens, endeavored to escalate an unstable situation in the region, and otherwise conducted itself poorly. We believe firmly that the only solution that will produce ultimate, long-term stability in the region is that proposed by Muscovy. We will do everything in our capacity to usher in said stability, and do not approve whatsoever of the attempts by the Polish to extend the ongoing conflict.
To: The Kingdom of Poland
From: The Republic of The Netherlands
CC: Siam

We do not approve of your unwarranted attack against Siam. You are threatening Dutch economic interests by doing so, we ask that you withdraw from Siam.
@luckymoose: So you didn't. Your stats have been updated in my notes and will be included with the next update. The total cost for your project is 250 EP.

To: Republic of the Netherlands
From: Venezuela

We are prepared to offer 5 EP for each Virjhied style warship you can sell us, up to four new ships a year.

To: Empire of Holy Spain
From: Jamaica

We are unprepared to deny our treaty with Britain at this point, but if you would guarantee our shipping from the attacks of your allies' ships at sea as well as your own, we could be favorably inclined to revise the old treaty with the British.

To: Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China
From: Tibet

We wish to confirm the peace at current borders proposed in more private channels.

To: Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy
From: Flanders

We are more than willing to discuss combining our railroad networks and thank you for the assistance in preserving our political neutrality from conflict. We believe that it will take terms with the Republic of the Netherlands, and further lower level negotiations to make a combined railroad gauge work out, but that it will only benefit us all.

To: Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy
From: Brittany

We thank you for your support in this time, and hope for continued friendship between our two nations.

To: Kingdom of Savoy-Milan
From: Naples, Papal States, Bavaria, and Austria

We stand united with Hungary and the Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy against your occupation of Tuscany. Withdraw or face a united front against your aggression.

To: Languedoc and the Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy
From: Dauphine

We hope that both of you can restrain the behavior of your merchants, which has truly grown unacceptable over the past year. To this end, we intend on issuing arrests for any merchants who continue the immoral activities they have initiated. You have been warned, and we are willing to hear any further perspectives on this matter.
To: The Empire of Holy Spain
From: United States of New Spain

Much as we would love to end the root cause of the banditry plaguing our supply trains, it is, unfortunately, in your territory and to do so would constitute a violation of the terms of the Treaty of Managua, as well as possibly being seen as an intervention in the War of the American Presidency, which we are determined to stay neutral in.

However, if you wish to see this problem removed from your hands, we would be once again be happy to take the colony of the Yucatan off you for the total some of 100EP paid over 5 years.
@luckymoose: Bah, it does seem that I misread that, yes, it should be 100 EP for the solid railroad from Rio to Paraguay. Keeping in mind, it's new technology and some rough terrain.
From The Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China
To Japan

Withdraw your forces immediately from Korea, or die.
To: Empire of Holy Spain
From: Portugal

Due to your navy's flagrant aggression towards international shipping and the unprovoked attacks upon our good friends in the Empire of Brazil, we hereby declare war.
To: Empire of Holy Spain
From: Portugal

Due to your navy's flagrant aggression towards international shipping and the unprovoked attacks upon our good friends in the Empire of Brazil, we hereby declare war.

To: Kingdom of Portugal
From: Empire of Holy Spain

It is sad that you have taken this choice, instead of the possibility of helping us, especially after the offer we made. Soon, you will regret having rejected it.
To: Scandinavia
From: Poland
CC: whoever because you're going to read it anyway

We don't particularly appreciate Moscowy signing a treaty and then a few years later attacking again, if they wanted to "save" Kiev's people they should have done so earlier. Regardless, we'll refrain from intervening further.

To: Netherlands
From: Poland

We aren't out to conquer Siam, just secure a port in the region. Burma's the one conquering the Siamese, and after the war is over, many of the lands we took will go to them. You do want help against China in the future, correct?

Anyway, we thought Scandinavia had explained the whole situation to you.
To: Netherlands
From: Poland

We aren't out to conquer Siam, just secure a port in the region. Burma's the one conquering the Siamese, and after the war is over, many of the lands we took will go to them. You do want help against China in the future, correct?

Anyway, we thought Scandinavia had explained the whole situation to you.

We don't care what your intentions are, you are harming Dutch merchant interests in the region, withdraw.
From: Empire of Scandinavia
To: Poland
CC: Muscovy

We will hold you to your word regarding Kiev. You can expect us to be less than amused if Polish "volunteer regiments" continue to be seen on Kiev's soil, fighting Muscovite soldiers.

From: Empire of Scandinavia
To: Poland
CC: Netherlands

We will consider your intervention acceptable should you guarantee Scandinavian and Dutch concessions/free trade zones within Siam. Otherwise, your undeclared attack on Siam, and subsequent warfare can only be regarded as an attempt to destabilize the situation in east Asia, detrimental to the economies of all nations with interests in that region.
To: Scandinavia
From: Poland

Believe it or not, "volunteer regiments" were not our intention. They were SUPPOSED to be guards for the money and return after it was delivered.

Concessions were already agreed upon earlier, were they not?
To: Leopold II
From: Savoy-Milan

Our troops will be withdrawing from Tuscany this year.

To: Austria, Hungary
From: Savoy-Milan

The constant threat of war between our nations poses a grave danger to the stability of Italy and the surrounding lands. As such, we propose a five year non-agression pact.
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