CardWars, my turn-based strategy

typed a lengthy response weeks ago which was lost in cyberspace....

short version:

- keep the poker hands idea
- reinforcements. 1-2 cards each turn no matter what. extra cards for controlling certain provinces or all provinces of one region. you get to decide where to put those cards. don't worry about overpowered regions or provinces. players will gut themselves in order to get them.
- losing 1 value on a winning stack's hand of cards is brilliant.
- this might rank amongst the top games on one of those flash-game sites. sell it.
Wow. This is a great game, kudos on creating it. If you're so inclined, I second the "sell it to flash-sites". Would probably do great.
Thank you for replies! I'm glad that you liked my game :)

Yes, I'm thinking of making a flash version a bit later, for now I'm going to experiment with gameplay and implement some features, which I was advised on the forums.

And now, I’d like to invite you to participate in the second off-line tournament:

CWNRGP2 (Card Wars Non-Reload Grand Prix): Iron Chancellor

Nine states claim to supremacy in Germany. Prove that only you can unite it!

Game objective: capture all provinces as fast as possible.

Saving game to continue it later: allowed.
In-game reloads: prohibited.
Game restarts (reloads from the start save): allowed.
Viewing the replays of finished games: allowed and recommended to master the game.
Dealing cards mode: 1 card per province (set in Menu -> Dealing Cards Mode ->Evenly)

To start the game, unpack cwnrgp2start.sav to the game directory, then load it from Menu -> Load Game

After the victory message save your replay (Save Replay button), and mail it to general[at], include your nickname and forum in the letter.

Submissions due by September, 15, 2010.

Participants are ranged in ascending order by the number of turns they spent to win the game.

Download start save file

Good luck!!!
I might try it a little later :).
Voting for it. :) And your in a 5-way-tie for 3rd.

EDIT: NVM now you are in 2nd I think.
Right here I think, though that may just be the rating.
Modification to the CWNRGP2 rules:
I decided to add "The fastest defeat" nomination. So, even if you lost to AI in the tournament, send your replay to me.
Te winner in this nomination will be the player, who made AI to capture Prussia as fast as possible :)
In order to test gameplay modifications, which were proposed by the forums members, I prepared a CardWars Flexible Gameplay Edition.

Here you can change options for battle mechanics, dealing cards, enemy cards visibility and controls from game Menu.

Download CardWars Flexible Gameplay Edition
Yoa can download just file CardWarsFGE.exe (1 Mb) and copy it to the previously downloaded CardWars 0.5.2 folder.
Or you can download the complete archive (1,8 Mb)

You can vary such options:
  • Will the garrison retreat having lost 50% of its cards.
  • Will the reinforced/captured/attacked province loose its turn.
  • Will multiple identical cards in the garrisons receive combat bonus (that’s Poker rules, proposed by GoodGame and scherbchen).
  • The measure of randomness in dealing cards.
  • Will the cards be dealt before or after the players’ turn.
  • Will the player receive per 1 card for each of the controlled provinces, or only for peaceful ones (those, which didn’t participate in battle for 1 turn).
  • Will the players see all the rivals’ cards, just the top card and their quantity, or just their quantity.
Also, another control mode is enabled: left mouse button used for all the actions, and right button – for sorting cards.

Please, try CardWars Flexible Gameplay Edition and tell me, what were the game options you liked more.
I'm back! And I'm glad to tell you that the Flash version of CardsWars with enhanced interface, interactive tutorial and powerups is available for beta testing. If you'd like to participate in the testing, PM me your e-mail, and I'll send you the invitation to the testing forum.

I'm searching for beta testers for the flash varsion of my game. If you'd like to play it and share your opinion, please, PM me your e-mail and I'll send you the access information to the game.

The game's released! I'd be happy if you share your thought in this thread.

Every province is garrisoned with 1 - 7 playing cards. If you attack the neighbour, the battle goes on until one of the sides looses 50% of its garrison. The defeated army retreats. The player earns experience points for victorious battles, he can spend them to activate the powerups.

Drag-and-drop - attack or move;
Click - open the Arrangement window;
End Turn button is in the top-left screen corner;
Settings button is in the tor-rigfht screen corner.

You can play the game here:

There is a Hotseat multiplayer.
Great flash game when you have a few spare minutes. :thumbsup:

IMO, if there is no where for a defender to retreat to then the attacker should have to kill all the cards instead of half.
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