Thank you for replies! I'm glad that you liked my game
Yes, I'm thinking of making a flash version a bit later, for now I'm going to experiment with gameplay and implement some features, which I was advised on the forums.
And now, I’d like to invite you to participate in the second off-line tournament:
CWNRGP2 (Card Wars Non-Reload Grand Prix): Iron Chancellor
Nine states claim to supremacy in Germany. Prove that only you can unite it!
Game objective: capture all provinces as fast as possible.
Saving game to continue it later:
In-game reloads:
Game restarts (reloads from the start save):
Viewing the replays of finished games:
allowed and recommended to master the game.
Dealing cards mode:
1 card per province (set in Menu -> Dealing Cards Mode ->Evenly)
To start the game, unpack
cwnrgp2start.sav to the game directory, then load it from Menu -> Load Game
After the victory message save your replay (Save Replay button), and mail it to
general[at], include your nickname and forum in the letter.
Submissions due by
September, 15, 2010.
Participants are ranged in ascending order by the number of turns they spent to win the game.
Download start save file
Good luck!!!