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Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

ok never mind i got it to work but now i have a new problem :(

i uploded a pic to show the new issue

OK i see it, but this should go in the bugs/crashes thread, and thx for noticing:) it
Some random observations about the newest version.. mostly opinions about balance issues

I think there are too many hammer and cash buildings currently. Right now the best strategy is just to spam cities as much as possible as there is practically no way to run into financial troubles. Also the location of the city doesn't matter so much as the hammer buildings provide a _lot_ of hammers even with minimal citizens.

Farns are also too powerful later on in the game. There are just too much +1 food bonuses from tech in my opinion.

Culture is something that AI (at least on deity) is really overwhelming you with in the early game. I can have every possible culture building in my city but still some AI city which is not even really close to my place is eating my space.

I've played two games on deity and it seems that when you get somewhere around gunpowder, your tech rate surpasses the AIs very easily and you leave them in the dust and the game just becomes too easy. I feel that the early game is about hard enough but something should adjusted here to keep the intensity going.
Still loving the MOD. Just a few observations/suggestions.
1. Don't like how when you research a tech that allows an already existing improvement to upgrade your workers can't speed up process. I.E. Just got Agriculture and my seed camps are going to take 40+ turns to upgrade (I'm playing on snail) but my workers can't build farms. Just a minor thing.

2. I've started 3 games on large maps so far, and each time the AI civs get decimated in the first 50 turns (once again on snail). I think it's due to them not leaving anyone home so they can explore/attack. A possible solution: Have the first city built by a civ start with a unit with no ability to move and a decent strength. I suggest 3 strength and 0 movement. This will require that an effort will have to be made to take the first city and eliminate a civ.

Just some thoughts. Love the mod. Love the ambitions for the future of it
Okay, doing a test run with Persia.

Currently every civ, aside from maybe 2... have one or 2 volcanoes. Again I can confirm that Roman iron was destroyed pointing to the fact that it IS destroying resources other than the 2 that I saw Ori reference to. (Obsidian was one, but I can't remember the other).

Can they be turned off until Ori comes back?

GEM scenario map, version June 26th, 2012, playing as Persia.
I played only till mid medieval, so i can't say much about balance, but here are some opinions:
1) Some animals should not have a possibility to attack. I lost 2 settlers to a pigeon! That's just mean.
2) Workers should have possibility to upgrade obsolete improvements. I had to use military units to pillage my own gathering camps, just to order to build a new farm.
I think you need to add culture: Martian, Venusian, Moon etc. technology to colonize planets and stars. Such culture should theoretically occur.
When you do start your play through can you provide a link to where you posted it at. Thanks

I was just doing a test run with Persia to see what a good early game strategy was...

I will say. My test run was rather difficult, those naughty Sumerians. XD
Just chilling on a hill near a river, and a sabertooth just blocking the other rock to him. Had to beeline the tech for clubman. Worked pretty well in the end.

After that, I'm in a rather good poisition. Persia on Monarch difficulty.
I played only till mid medieval, so i can't say much about balance, but here are some opinions:
1) Some animals should not have a possibility to attack. I lost 2 settlers to a pigeon! That's just mean.
2) Workers should have possibility to upgrade obsolete improvements. I had to use military units to pillage my own gathering camps, just to order to build a new farm.

1) Always escort settlers. This is just basic strategy.
2) Gathering camps upgrade once you have the technology and work them in the city screen.
Yeah I agree with Max. Workers should be able to speed up upgrade of existing improvements. Quicker to pillage and rebuild doesn't make much sense.
OK i see it, but this should go in the bugs/crashes thread, and thx for noticing:) it

so wait, that was a bug all along:confused::confused:

if so than phew! for a second there i thought i did something wrong(again:mischief: )

anyways i'll fidle around with the files to see if i could fix it...
so wait, that was a bug all along:confused::confused:

if so than phew! for a second there i thought i did something wrong(again:mischief: )

anyways i'll fidle around with the files to see if i could fix it...

Which version are you playing? I tried to look last night with SVN2983, and didn't notice what you posted.
1) Always escort settlers. This is just basic strategy.
2) Gathering camps upgrade once you have the technology and work them in the city screen.
ad 1) Yep, i know, but pigeons? Seriously, that is just plain unrealistic and they should not attack anything. Just wander around.
ad 2) But if you can destroy building and then build it again faster, there should be an option to upgrade it, using only worker, not having to pillage your own stuff.

BTW not that im only complaining - the mod is great and im still exploring it!
The reason all animals attack is that you don't start out with hunting units that can attack, just scout units that can't. In earlier versions of the mod it took even took longer before you could get a master hunter and begin building hunters. If the small/peaceful animals (birds, deer, iguanas, tortoises, etc) didn't attack it's possible you could have your scouts penned by animals that wouldn't move and it would slow your initial growth.

They tried giving workers strength ratings in the SVN but there are too many problems with how the AI treats them, such as leaving them to work a desert or tundra tile until they died from terrain damage.

I agree with you on the improvement upgrading, but I think the easiest solution would be just to have improvements upgrade much faster, maybe just 25% of the time now. A slightly more involved solution would be to have city buildings that increased the rate of improvement upgrades in the city's radius, or existing buildings that auto-upgrade all the improvements in the city radius (like the Via Appia does for roads, but just for the city), like having the sawmill building you get at machinery (I forget the exact name) auto-upgrade all that city's woodcutters to lumbermills.

And a new idea: at civil service your workers can 'build hamlet', and every tech that lets you upgrade your cottages lets you immediately build a cottage one level lower than the max. With all the bonuses you get for farms/mines/etc. it doesn't make sense to build cottages around cities you found after the middle ages. By the time they upgrade to villages you're building space shuttle parts.
I agree with you on the improvement upgrading, but I think the easiest solution would be just to have improvements upgrade much faster, maybe just 25% of the time now. A slightly more involved solution would be to have city buildings that increased the rate of improvement upgrades in the city's radius, or existing buildings that auto-upgrade all the improvements in the city radius (like the Via Appia does for roads, but just for the city), like having the sawmill building you get at machinery (I forget the exact name) auto-upgrade all that city's woodcutters to lumbermills.
I'd prefer if the worker's 'build farm' (for example) was just available on top of a seed camp (possibly at a reduced cost, but even if not)
And a new idea: at civil service your workers can 'build hamlet', and every tech that lets you upgrade your cottages lets you immediately build a cottage one level lower than the max. With all the bonuses you get for farms/mines/etc. it doesn't make sense to build cottages around cities you found after the middle ages. By the time they upgrade to villages you're building space shuttle parts.
Don't like this (too powerful), but I would like to see cottages/mines (any evolving improvement) evolve at a rate that is dependent on how far behind the current tech-max evolution level it is, so that those that are more steps down have accelerated evolution as you raise the max level through tech.
Another idea I had was about the chance to find resources on a farm/jungle camp. Would it be possible to have the resource only appear if your empire already has access to another one, and a slightly higher chance for each resource you have of that type up to a point, and then a slightly lower chance for each resource after that limit.

What I'm thinking is a replacement to the Great Farmer system that still gives you the chance of importing a crop you don't have yourself and then growing it locally, but doesn't make it a sure thing and requires no micromanagement.

(Numbers below are just made up)
Say you have 1 horse, 3 potatoes, and 9 cotton.
You'd get a base 0.01% chance to spread the horse to each farm each turn.
You'd have a 0.03% chance to spread the potato (0.01% per resource up to 3)
You'd have a 0.00% chance to spread the cotton (0.01% x 3 for the first 3, the minus 0.005% for each after that for a total of 0.00%)
Having more than one of a resource will let you spread it faster since you have more than one strain/species/etc. to try and transplant, but once you've got more than 3 your farmers are more interested in trying to transplant a different crop and the chance drops off.

This would end up with players having 'clumps' of 4 or 5 resources which would keep trading good and give players an incentive to import more than just 1 of each resource since 3 would give you the max chance of spreading it into your lands.

Something else that might help would be to give every plot (developed or not) inside a player's culture a (very small) chance to discover one of these resources, but having a farm/camp/etc. increase the chance for the specific resources to appear there.
Maybe this will get buried, but would it be possible to give Great Commanders age? For instance, it's kinda absurd if you have a Great Commander that you got in prehistoric times, and use him to crush opponents in modern times. Perhaps if they had a timer related to gamespeed, it could be about 200 turns on snail, and go up or down from there.
Hey guys, I was playing through the game and one thing that stuck out is the lack of THINGS in the far galactic era. Heres a very very small suggestion, hope someone sees this. But for biopunk there can be a building that lets you train or just outright lets you train some sort of biological abomination(s). I don't know the stats/hammers for them, but for skins I thought the old super soldier skins for rise of mankind (or the UUs for that cthulhu religion in FFH2) would be perfect. That and I noticed this mod has no problem using skins from FFH2 so i don't think that would be a problem.
Maybe this will get buried, but would it be possible to give Great Commanders age? For instance, it's kinda absurd if you have a Great Commander that you got in prehistoric times, and use him to crush opponents in modern times. Perhaps if they had a timer related to gamespeed, it could be about 200 turns on snail, and go up or down from there.

I will do my best to keep it from being buried. I think this could be an optional realism mod component. It could be part of a realism package that could be individually selected.
It is a good idea for those who want to play it. I think expiring units would be a good title.
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