Hi all,
I have seen a few posts on here asking about cheats without any viable solutions provided for the short term. Tinkering around in the XML files, I found a few things I figured I would share that will allow you to modify your start conditions to give you an edge in new games that should satisfy your short term cheating needs.
** Please don't bother giving a sermon on cheating (you know who you are). We bought the game with our own money and this is meant for SP only so if you don't like me helping others cheat in SP then you can sit and spin on a splintered fence post.
Modify your starting techs:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ Civilizations \ CIV5Civilizations.XML
2) Do a search for "<Civilization_FreeTechs>"
3) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a civ and free tech
For example, I added a few new ones for the Americans:
" <Civilization_FreeTechs>
Modify your starting units:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ Civilizations \ CIV5Civilizations.XML
2) Do a search for "<Civilization_FreeUnits>"
3) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a civ, unit type, number of units, AI behavior
For example, if you wanted to have 2 settlers instead of one for the Americans:
" <Row>
Modify your starting gold:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ GameInfo \ CIV5HandicapInfos.XML
2) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a number of difficulty level values but more specifically a <Gold> value. Set this to what you want for your chosen difficulty.
For example, if you want to start with 2000 gold:
" <Row>
That is it. There are alot of other values you can mess about with, but that is a starting point. Usually wouldnt bother but I was kinda shocked no one had mentioned this yet (that I saw) for those who want to tip the scales unfairly in their favor.
Happy cheating.