Children of the Emperor – Life and Death amidst the Clans of Japan

I think it's fine for Tokyo to be the production city, but I do think it needs to work the Silver Mountain, even though that doesn't yield any hammers - after all that LegionSteve went through to get there and settle the city it would be sad to see his efforts go to waste when that was his main reason!
Don't misunderstand me! :p I have every intention to suck Potosi dry... I just don't want to sacrifice the city's growth to do so.
If Tokyo can expand its borders to get all 3 fish, with fishing boats and lighthouse and seaport it will be outstanding for both wealth and production. But that is a long, long way down the road.

For now I would suggest the priority is to mine the hill with the silver for happiness, then farm the grassland as soon as the borders expand. Plus buy the nearest fish tile and build a workboat as soon as we get sailing.

I still think we want a production city near the cow & fish north of Ragusa though. With the immediate food supply and horsies on the first border expansion it could be up and running sooner than Tokyo can become productive.
Would it be possible to have another view of the map once iron working is all done? That way we can look at one or two more city locations. However, after that we should really start looking at our warpath to maximize our gold and science, while keeping culture and social policies within a nominal position.

Legion Steve- that location with all the fish and hills is def. a great spot. Too bad there wasn't a couple more flat grasslands though.
Great library-Fuedalism
Technology-Do not add to que
Warrior-Tokyo (Maybe osoka)
Yahzuk: Waht about that city thing?
btw, how do you quote yourself, it is not working
Feudalism isn't a valid option. Consult the research chart on the last news from the empire post.

Refresh my memory- what city thing?
For the good of Japan, here are my votes.

81-KL-1: What technology shall be discovered by the great library?
Civil Service
81-KL-2: Add production to queue after the Oracle?
Do not add to queue

81-S-1: What shall we research after Iron Working is completed?
Do not add to queue

81-E-1: Sell dyes to the highest bidder?

81-M-1: What militia shall Senshi Gifuto be given to?
Not until the next council.
The Council of T81
Daimyo Ceskari of Kyoto orders the city to stop growing. Senshi Gifuto is assigned to the Kyoto militia and beings making his way to the city.
Spoiler :

825 BC (T82)
Kyoto completes the Great Library and beings constructing the Oracle. The people of Kyoto choose to unlock the secrets of Civil Service. The discovery propels Japan into the Medieval era, and life expectancies are increased!
The people of Osaka demand marble.
We seek a buyer for our dyes. Lord Washington of America is the only leader with any interest. We manage to get from him 150 gold and 2 iron. The people of Japan are unhappy by the loss of our dyes, and growth in our cities slows to ¼ of normal rate.
Senshi Kurabu begins escorting Rodosha Biruda to Tokyo.
Spoiler :

800 BC (T83)
Our scientists discover iron working. There is no iron near any of our cities! The only known iron deposit () is east of the mountain range near Tokyo. Shashu Yajirushi takes fire from another barbarian Garesen off the coast of Belgrade. They earn a promotion in barrage II, and return fire.
Spoiler :

The first part of the council of T83 is now in session until 22:00 GMT-5 tomorrow.
Spoiler Mandatory Votes :

83-S-1: What shall our scientists research next?

Spoiler :

Spoiler Waiting List :

Hmm... Time to start calling for votes!

How shall Tokyo's citizen be used?

Should Tokyo purchase the fish tile?

What shall Tokyo's Warrior do?

Should we sell the Settler in Kyoto?

Should a worker be sent to Tokyo, should it be produced, or should it be purchased?

...That's all I can think of for now... Anyone else have ideas?
I am puzzled that people are now upset by our selling the dyes. It is great that America sells us iron in response. Now, since Osaka demands marble, would terminating our deal with Mongolia return the happiness to normal? Inquiring minds want to know. If this doesn't work, in 12 turns there's a possibility to adopt Legalism as a civil policy. I wonder who could sell us whales?

We can now research how to catch the wind so we don't need to paddle our vessels everywhere. That would help Tokyo enormously! They could then launch boats to bring seafood for growth.

I think the Iron resource is too far away for Pouakai to settle, please choose the original location and get there ASAP!
Should a worker be sent to Tokyo, should it be produced, or should it be purchased?

There is already a worker from Kyoto on the way, it will take them some time to get there but when they do I would mine the silver south of the city ASAP to make our people happy again.

Hah, just kidding :groucho:


Council of T83, Osaka local influence votes:

Spoiler :

New orders for Osaka's worker:
- build a camp on the deer
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- farm the riverside grassland NE of Osaka
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- chop and farm the forest E of Osaka
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- build a mine on the gold
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- build a plantation on the dyes
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- build a trading post on the riverside jungle
- do nothing

Add orders to the queue for Osaka's worker:
- build TPs on any available jungle tiles near Osaka TP FTW !!!11
- do nothing

New orders for Osaka's warrior:
- give to Pouakai to escort his settler
- give to Kyoto
- give to Tokyo
- do nothing

Add to Osaka production queue:
- archer
- nothing

Add to Osaka production queue:
- library
- nothing

Thanks to all the council members who voted not to add anything to the science queue so this vote could happen.

Also I'm 54 years old, wow! Only the young die good :p
I did warn you that the kami throw loaded dice :lol:

your false belief in the arrangee was clearly the cause of your demise.


Oh and just to rub it in further, because its now the medieval era LegionSteve's probably life has been extended even further:p
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