China steeling technology

Are you scared about China steeling so much Technology?

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Aug 15, 2007
I was just reading a very interesting article in of our German Newpapers called "Der Spiegel" concerning the issue of the Trojan Horse they found on several goverment computer that came from China.
It was talking about how China encourages their people (e.g. students) to gather as much information as possible about technology advancements.
As everybody knows Germanies best selling article on the world market is our technology and knowledge.
The article essentialy said that China will have stolen enough technology from the western world within 20 years to be "up in speed" with us.
I think this is really scary. I mean on the one hand I want equal rights for everyone meaning that I want Chinese people to be able to post their thought here on CFC with modern Computers as well, while they drive around in a nice Mercedes, but on the other hand that also includes them playing with fair rules. What do you think?
Yep, they're stealing technology. Of course they are, because they have little incentive not to: technology leads to wealth, and they're catching up. Once they're producing enough goods with technical innovations of their own, they'll support agreements to protect international intellectual property. Once they can generate a profit off of protecting ideas instead of stealing them, they will.
Or I should also add: They actually tried to place the Trojan Horse on our chancellors office. That is not just steeling technology, that is stealing classified information and really no-one can do anything about it.
Yep, they're stealing technology. Of course they are, because they have little incentive not to: technology leads to wealth, and they're catching up. Once they're producing enough goods with technical innovations of their own, they'll support agreements to protect international intellectual property. Once they can generate a profit off of protecting ideas instead of stealing them, they will.

Yup yup. All is good in that post :)
Or I should also add: They actually tried to place the Trojan Horse on our chancellors office. That is not just steeling technology, that is stealing classified information and really no-one can do anything about it.

IIRC, NATO is in the process of determining whether a cyber attack on gov't infrastructure is an act of war. Once they decide, they'll announce to the world how they'll interpret such attacks.

Until then, we're probably going to play 'tit for tat'
IIRC, NATO is in the process of determining whether a cyber attack on gov't infrastructure is an act of war. Once they decide, they'll announce to the world how they'll interpret such attacks.

Until then, we're probably going to play 'tit for tat'

Do you think China would stop those attacks, once they are considered an act of war?
Do you think China would stop those attacks, once they are considered an act of war?

Well, they'll likely become more sneaky of course. But, yes, once it's officially an 'act of war' the number of attacks is going to go waaaay down.
Yup, another fact that helps China establish a hi-tech army. Hell they even got caught trying to nab the secrets of the B2 stealth bombers several times.
We probably do, but common: planting a trojan horse into Merkels computer next time? I mean it is like they are amatures. And I don't believe they will stop. What could Germany do? Declare war against a nuclear power? What could Nato do? Embargo? It's not like we need all the cheap labour in China.

Oh here is a nice picture of our Smart that they have completely copied as you can see

Japan has catched up with the west since the 70's, maybe even overtaken us on some tech research. I can't say my life has gone downhill since then. It just means we have more Asian gadgets to play with :drool:

Although when their military's tech level gets to be at Western standards their military would outmatch the US.
And I'm pretty sure that the US and the EU are also doing cyberattacks.

But here's the kicker: We don't get caught, and if we do, we have a contingency plan in place so somebody else gets blamed.
Although when their military's tech level gets to be at Western standards their military would outmatch the US.

Not likely. And besides, the US could just toss more funding into R&D to punch out new techs faster than they can steal them & perhaps even write technology that can prevent or incredibly hamper their hacking efforts.
yeah well the USSR did a lot of borrowing from the US too.

I honestly don't see what the drama is all about...

If you have a billion chines people living at the same living standart as you are, there just won't be enough ressources for all of us. It would lead to war eventually in my eyes.
Even worse if they have all the technology then we are useless for them. Right now it is a biliteral relationship. They get all of our technology, we get all the cheap labour. Take on away we are screwed. Americas and especially Germanys driving power behind our export is our knowledge. If China catches up with us we won't have anything to sell anymore on the market. What do you think will happen then?
Well you can forget about the lifestyle you have now ;)
Everyone steals technology. Samuel Slater did so in the 18th century, allowing the US to join the industrial revolution.
We should increase our espionage ratio with them, maybe send in a few Great Spies.
Everyone steals technology. Samuel Slater did so in the 18th century, allowing the US to join the industrial revolution.

Yeah, the history is really strong. Developing countries don't recognise international patents until it's convenient.
China! Quit stealing technologies from Japan and the United States! :mad:
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