The government also covered up the fact that the Bay of Pigs invasion would definitely have been successful if only that Irish rat bastard had sent in the air support, and also that the Church Committee actually ordered the hit on Richard Welch.
The government also covered up the fact that the Bay of Pigs invasion would definitely have been successful if only that Irish rat bastard had sent in the air support, and also that the Church Committee actually ordered the hit on Richard Welch.
And that's just the ones we are aware of regarding Cuba, "Havana Syndrome" and more.
As you know, some information/documents are available immediately, some are classified for various periods depending on their sensitivity. I expect to be "surprised" by all sorts of revelations, 25,30,50,75, or 100 years after the events depending on the government involved.
And sometimes they are buried deep in the warehouse along with the "Ark of the Covenant". :)
The CIA burned all the evidence linking it to the JFK assassination, you can be sure, so I doubt there will be many further revelations about that.
This is a link to the recent "news" article.

An excerpt:


He was tall, certainly taller than Joy’s neighbors and the Georgians she’d come to know in her time of living in Dighomi, an upscale residential community in Tbilisi. He was young and thin and blonde and well-dressed — as if headed to the theater, or perhaps a wedding.

Minutes earlier on October 7, 2021, Joy, an American nurse and the wife of a U.S. Embassy official, had been taking her laundry out of the dryer when she was completely consumed by an acute ringing sound that reminded her of what someone in the movies experiences after a bomb has gone off. “It just pierced my ears, came in my left side, felt like it came through the window, into my left ear,” Joy remembers. “I immediately felt fullness in my head, and just a piercing headache.” She ran out of the laundry room on the second floor of her house and into the bathroom adjoining the master bedroom. Then she vomited.

Joy and her husband, Hunter, a Justice Department attaché in the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, had only arrived in Georgia in Feb. 2020, right before the COVID-19 lockdown. Despite the “all-consuming” noise in her head, Joy called Hunter. (Both their names have been changed for this article to protect their identities.) As the spouse of a U.S. official serving abroad, she’d undergone overseas survival training and remembered that if something didn’t feel right, the first thing you do is “get off the X” – leave the location. Joy checked the house’s security camera at the front door to see if anyone was outside.

A black Mercedes crossover was parked just beyond the gate of her property, directly opposite her laundry room. Joy went outside, and that’s when she saw the tall, thin man. She raised her phone to photograph him.

“It was like he locked eyes with me. He knew what I was doing.” Then he got into the Mercedes, and it drove off. Joy took a picture of the car and its license plate as it pulled away. She says she didn’t see the man again until three years later, when she was shown a photograph of Albert Averyanov, a Russian operative attached to Unit 29155, a notorious assassination and sabotage squad of the GRU, Moscow’s military intelligence service.
oh , oh . A wife and a nurse , civilian and protected-according-to-Geneva- occupation and husband is justice fighting the crooks does the Gen Z thing and uses the phone !
I've been following this intermittently since... 2016 or so? The part that's strange is why does it seem to only affect State Department employees and others in similar roles? If it were environmental factor, cases would likely be occurring among a wider group. And if it is just that group, the only two causes that seem likely are some sort of toxic exposure during employee training, which seems implausible for the State Department, or that an organized group is being the syndrome.

Five of seven U.S. intelligence agencies may say there isn't a state-based actor behind Havana Syndrome, but I've yet to see an evidence-based alternative proposed. From CNN's article on that report:

Intelligence officers vigorously studied what happened in the hours, days and weeks surrounding the incidents, the official explained.

In some instances they found malfunctioning HVAC systems, which can cause discomfort to humans, and in other cases there were computer mice that created surprising disruptions.

“We weren’t finding what we expected to find,” said one of the US officials. “There is no one explanation for any of this.”

Computer mice behind these syndromes? Which brand is selling mice that are so far out of electromagnetic regulations that they can cause this sort of syndrome? Particularly with the sudden onset? And if it's HVAC systems, why isn't this identifiable as some sort of e.g. refrigerant poisoning that also crops up occasionally in other occupations? In both cases, can we not at least have a summary of the causes, e.g. 12.3% of the cases are due to HVAC systems that have this type of flaw?

I see two recent government reports on the topic. This one (2023 Updated Assessment) is the one the CNN article is predicated on, along with their interviews with the computer mouse theorist, among others. There's also this 2022 Executive Summary, which contains significant redactions. But they contradict each other in some ways. From the Updated Assessment:

Updated Assessment said:
IC agencies assess that symptoms reported by US personnel were probably the result
of factors that did not involve a foreign adversary, such as preexisting conditions, conventional illnesses, and
environmental factors. IC confidence in this explanation is bolstered by the fact that we identified medical,
environmental, and social factors that plausibly can explain many AHIs reported by US officials...

While initial medical studies concluded AHIs represented a novel medical
syndrome or consistent pattern of injuries similar to traumatic brain injury (TBI), a combination of medical and
academic critiques pointed to methodological limitations in that work

Executive Summary 2022 [Declassified by DNI Avril Haines] said:
Although some signs and symptoms of AHIs are common in known
medical conditions, the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly unusual and unreported
elsewhere in the medical literature, and so far have not been associated with a specific neurological
abnormality. Several aspects of this unique neurosensory syndrome make it unlikely to be caused by a
functional neurological disorder. The location dependence and sudden onset and offset, for example,
argue for a stimulus that is spatially and temporally discrete. The perception of sound and pain within
only one ear suggests the stimulation of its mechanoreceptors, a specific cranial nerve, or nuclei in the
brainstem, all of which mediate hearing and balance. The lack of other symptoms also helped rule-out
known medical conditions.

So the 2022 Executive Summary says that these combination of symptoms in these "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AHIs) "is distinctly unusual and unreported elsewhere in the medical literature", but the 2023 report says that the intelligence community believes that "preexisting conditions, conventional illnesses, and environmental factors" are the probably cause, and that "we identified medical... factors that can explain many AHIs reported by US officials"?

The 2023 report is quite vague about the findings of these new studies that contradict the 2022 Executive Summary, and does not cite any of them, nor specify which medical/environmental/social factors are responsible. I'm open to persuasion if there is evidence, but the lack of citations is itself suspicious, and without that data, I'm inclined to still go by the more-specific-despite-its-redactions 2022 summary.
each and everyone of those State Department personnel actually work for the CIA and run direct operations or whatever the hell they call assassinations these days . The children cases are made up and this is brought up regularly to justify the events since February 2022 , which was justified because Russians were directly attacking US territory and whatnot . This despite Raoul Castro's direct warning to some US diplomat that they would stop "observing" some seaside house outside of Havana . But , yes , none of this exists . What now , evil corporations attacking good old Uncle Sam ? Yes , the fallout will be massive when the good fight ends with the bad side victory .
I've been following this intermittently since... 2016 or so? The part that's strange is why does it seem to only affect State Department employees and others in similar roles? If it were environmental factor, cases would likely be occurring among a wider group. And if it is just that group, the only two causes that seem likely are some sort of toxic exposure during employee training, which seems implausible for the State Department, or that an organized group is being the syndrome.
Nocebo effect?

Five of seven U.S. intelligence agencies may say there isn't a state-based actor behind Havana Syndrome, but I've yet to see an evidence-based alternative proposed. From CNN's article on that report:
You are asking for an evidence-based alternative for something that has itself no evidence. Not finding the former has no impact on the validity on the latter (especially when the evidence for a microwave attack should be fairly simple to collect)
say , let us add something . American diplomats under attack ? The Russian Ambrassador to Ankara was killed by a Congregation member . There were the old stories , in the 1980s some Russians were taken hostage or something in Beirut as pro-Iranian militias had made it a standart practice against Americans . KGB abducted some relative of some militia leader , castrated him with cutting of entire organs and dumped the body in some easy place to find . The hostages were released immediately ... New Turkey was very hopeful it would be war and Congregation would suffer very heavily . This was when Russian diplomats started dying . The West would not like if Russians reached a wrong conclusion that might implicate New Turkey or actually hurt Congregation ... 5 or 6 . Including the top Russian diplomat at the UN . It actually ended when FSB killed a British woman , ı think working as a translator in Athens . See , no proof , no nothing . And not America's fault , that one ...
You can even use a directional antenna connected to your spectrum analyzer to determine the direction the attack is coming from. You only have to follow the track and it would lead you to the Russian embassy.

so , Trump's top guy or whatever on the Capitol Hill was struck from the Russian Embassy in Washington DC ?
Well they could load the microwave weapon in a Lada or something.
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