City placement as France/England


Angel of Junil
Sep 23, 2010
As title suggests, I want suggestions for which cities I should found as France and England (600AD start, playing for UHV).

Playing France I have Paris, Bordeaux, Marseilles and Metz. Is Metz really necessary? I settle it primarily so that I have some claim on the Iron/Marble/Stone of Alsace-Lorraine, but Frankfurt eats up those tiles pretty easily. Is it better to just wait and conquer Frankfurt?

As England I settle London, Aberdeen and Dublin. Should I found more core cities (since it helps stability)? I would found Plymouth in vanilla RFC but since the crab south of it was removed in DoC there's really not much incentive to. I want to found Machester or Newcastle but it takes too much away from my other cities.
As English I try to settle a plot in France for the historicity of it,

also the research bonus from having another city helps allot. At least on Monarch/Marathon.

As France I just try to put down as many as I can, inluding for example Brest, Strasbourgh and even Corsica.

By using one of the initial settlers. In Britain I settle only London, Manchester en Edinburgh.

Up until 1450 I use the city to war on the French and keep them from intervering with Italy or HRE too much.

After 1450 I gift the city to the French, to give them a little boost as I do want them reasonably succesful as a balance of power on mainland Europe.

French as a rival can get very powerful if they get Rome.

Any reason you choose Strasbourg over Metz?

The stone of HRE is able to flip at about 80%+ culture, and it can get access to the plot just above Marseille for production as needed. I alternate the iron and other hillplot for production as needed. I haven't done a late game yet but want Strasbourg as production city for military, so I can keep Marseille focussed on improving itself for building bonuses.
London, Plymouth, York, Inverness, Dublin

Although I once built Belfast instead, so a Welsh city could take the Dublin tile.

Wait until the Industrial age to build Plymouth, though.

As for France, just Paris and Brest, and focus on taking Italy.
With any civ, I like to have all tiles and resources (and perhaps a few extra) in my historical area with as few cities as possible. I don't like small cities. I prefer my cities be optimally placed for the long term.
As France, I like Paris, Marseille (W of river) and Nantes (on the horse and I move that resource 1SE in WB).
As England I like Southampton, Newcastle, Inverness and Dublin.
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