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Civ IV: Rise of Empires (expansion)

seasnake - thanks for sending me the frigate artwork. I'm puzzled where to put it though as the Rise of Empires/Assets/Art folder only leads to Movies/Wonders (in other words there is no Units folder in Art, just Movies). I have also looked in the Civ IV and BTS Assets/Art, which have Units folders, but can't see Modern_Europe_GR there either.

Apart from the frigate, RoE graphics work fine. I just can't find where they are! I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here(again) - can you point me in the right direction please?
The art is likely paked; what this means is that the art folder is compressed into an .fpk file, which speeds up the loading of the game.

You can still use unpaked artwork though, by simply making folders (in this case, make a folderpath like so: "Assets/Art/Units/Modern_Europe_GR" and simply deposit the files there),
The art is likely paked; what this means is that the art folder is compressed into an .fpk file, which speeds up the loading of the game.

You can still use unpaked artwork though, by simply making folders (in this case, make a folderpath like so: "Assets/Art/Units/Modern_Europe_GR" and simply deposit the files there),

Thank you for that! Sorry, it never occurred to me that you wouldn't be able to unpak the artwork, I've done it a billion times and I didn't even think about it. Yeah, this is all you have do and it should show up in game.

thanks a heap, Mechaerik.
mechaerik/seasnake - thanks a lot guys, it's working now.

Shucks, spoke too soon. It was working last night after I created the folderpath merchaerik suggested (in RoE) but frigates reverted to blank when I loaded my saved game this morning......
Seasnake - the mystery deepens. Playing last night my saved game loaded with all white frigates again. A few turns in and the artwork appeared. I actually saw it happen and no, I haven't been drinking!

From what mechaerik said I suspect it may be due to the frigate artwork not being compressed, and taking longer to load as a result. .
Check further up in this thread for a post by Mechearik that has solved a few problems. Also I have never tried this mod on vista, I've used it on XP and Windows 7. I skipped Vista after hearing it wasn't stable. I don't know if that has any kind of impact but just want to mention it.

I did, but it not helped :) I think there is some problem with UAC, so I will try to do something more with it and if I will find the solution, I will post it here :)
Hey seasnake!

Long time player of Civ4 (started out playing Civ3, got Civ4 the day it was released).
This is the first mod I've installed to Civ4.
I love it so far!!! (I'm only on turn 365 of my new game.)

Two observations:
The first has already been mentioned, I keep getting spammed with "We have enslaved an enemy unit" notifications. I'm currently not at war with anyone.

The second is, the archer's avatar is off center on the tile it occupies. It actually stands on the line of the grid between two tiles, whether it is moving, idle, or fortified.

These are the only things I've come across so far.

I also have a question.
Is there any way to get the "Civ4 Planet Generator 0.68" map generator script to work with your mod? It shows up in the drop-down dialog in the "Custom Game" set up screen, but none of it's options become available if it is selected.
I was using it before I installed your mod, and it worked fine. I only have issues with it when running your mod.

I make mods for Oblivion and Fallout 3, so I know the kind of effort you put in to something this big. You've done an excellent job. Kudos! :goodjob:

And ~woohoo~... My first post!!! :king:
Guys, here's a fix for slavery. Thanks for all the kind feedback.

Just unzip this file into the directory Assets/Python and let it replace the one already there. It should end the madness. I hope I can eventually make slavery work properly, but for now this will have to do.


  • CvEventManager.rar
    20 KB · Views: 117
Hey seasnake!

Long time player of Civ4 (started out playing Civ3, got Civ4 the day it was released).
This is the first mod I've installed to Civ4.
I love it so far!!! (I'm only on turn 365 of my new game.)

Two observations:
The first has already been mentioned, I keep getting spammed with "We have enslaved an enemy unit" notifications. I'm currently not at war with anyone.

The second is, the archer's avatar is off center on the tile it occupies. It actually stands on the line of the grid between two tiles, whether it is moving, idle, or fortified.

These are the only things I've come across so far.

I also have a question.
Is there any way to get the "Civ4 Planet Generator 0.68" map generator script to work with your mod? It shows up in the drop-down dialog in the "Custom Game" set up screen, but none of it's options become available if it is selected.
I was using it before I installed your mod, and it worked fine. I only have issues with it when running your mod.

I make mods for Oblivion and Fallout 3, so I know the kind of effort you put in to something this big. You've done an excellent job. Kudos! :goodjob:

And ~woohoo~... My first post!!! :king:

thank you. Modding is kind of its own reward, its fun to do and (if you do it right) you're adding replay value as you enjoy a game you now get to play the way you like it.

As to the Civ4 Planet Generator, well I don't know. That's already included in my next mod but the legwork was done by someone else. Maybe. I've got one really big project I'm working on right now so I'm only doing fixes to RoE and not really adding features. Later I may create an RoE 4.0 but that's not happening right now. I'm just responding to bug reports as best I can.
As to the Civ4 Planet Generator, well I don't know. That's already included in my next mod but the legwork was done by someone else. Maybe. I've got one really big project I'm working on right now so I'm only doing fixes to RoE and not really adding features. Later I may create an RoE 4.0 but that's not happening right now. I'm just responding to bug reports as best I can.

I didn't mean if YOU could make it so the Planet Gen. would work with RoE, I meant is there a way I could make it work. Like, can I put the Planet Gen .py file in a different folder so that RoE would use it... something like that.

I just wondered if there was some sort of trick to making these two mods work together.
I'd post that question in the main C&C forum and wait for someone like Baldyr or The_J or Mechaerik to weigh in. You could merge it the files in RoE with WinMerge but that can be dicey (I've made a lot of changes to Python and as a result it doesn't always synch up to other files well).

Still, if you decided to roll the dice and check it out, let me know how it goes. And good luck
I'd post that question in the main C&C forum and wait for someone like Baldyr or The_J or Mechaerik to weigh in. You could merge it the files in RoE with WinMerge but that can be dicey (I've made a lot of changes to Python and as a result it doesn't always synch up to other files well).

Still, if you decided to roll the dice and check it out, let me know how it goes. And good luck

Good idea. I'll do it. Thanks for all the help, not only is this mod fun to play, it has good tech support, too.

I'll see what the tweaking gurus have to say, and let you know...
Update on running RoE and Planet Generator at the same time.

It looks like all I needed to do was change the RoE .ini file slightly.
I changed "NoCustomAssets = 1" to "NoCustomAssets = 0".

The_J pointed me to the RoE .ini file, and helped me figure this out.
Here is a link to the thread in the C&C forum:

Now I just hope everything plays out like it is supposed to. I'll keep you updated.
Hey seasnake. Me again.

I'm on my second map playing ROE+PG (got my butt owned by the AI on the first one). The only thing I see as an issue is that Marshes don't get generated. If I open the world builder, I can place Marshes, but they don't get placed when the map is generated.

Also, the avatars for the axeman and the archer are screwy. The flag is placed in the correct tile, but the avatar for the unit is either on the line, or even partially over the line in the next tile. If they are garrisoned in a city, sometimes they will be positioned so that they cover the city info bar. I have my config set for Single Unit Graphics, if that makes a difference.

On a good note: the slavery fix you released is working. I'm not getting the "We have enslaved..." message any more.
Hey seasnake. Me again.

I'm on my second map playing ROE+PG (got my butt owned by the AI on the first one). The only thing I see as an issue is that Marshes don't get generated. If I open the world builder, I can place Marshes, but they don't get placed when the map is generated.

Also, the avatars for the axeman and the archer are screwy. The flag is placed in the correct tile, but the avatar for the unit is either on the line, or even partially over the line in the next tile. If they are garrisoned in a city, sometimes they will be positioned so that they cover the city info bar. I have my config set for Single Unit Graphics, if that makes a difference.

On a good note: the slavery fix you released is working. I'm not getting the "We have enslaved..." message any more.

I'll look into the Marsh thing and let you know. I think the new unit formations are to blame for the other, and I don't know if I can do anything about that without removing formations entirely.

Glad the slave fix worked.
I just finished my first game using this mod and REALLY like it. Great job!
One thing that I couldn´t figure out though:
The ressourse "Titanium": After discovering it and resarching all the required techs in the late game I have it in my territory, have a mine and railroad built on the correct square, and yet I do not get the ressource. I actually had to trade my vassal for it, only then did it actually show up in my cities. Any ideas why that is?
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