Civ4 Leaders Mod

I wiped up a Scientific Trait that can give a % bost to science output (still working on making it bost build times for various buildings such as Library, Observatory). Any idea as to how much of a bonus is apropriate? I think 20% at most.

Will be posting this Trait on main page soon, just want to get it polished up, start deciding which leaders you want to be Scientific.
Can you tell me how to combine this with Superciv?
Dunno.. but I just had a thought about taking "Leaders", "Superciv", and "CivArmy Redux" mods all into one..

I think what I love so much about this mod is really the choices and add-ons for leaders. Again, many thanks.
Some possible Roman leaders:
Lucius Junius Brutus
Either or both of the Grachi brothers

I think all of these deserve being considered for leaders of Rome. By the same token, I think Nicias should be included for the Greeks.
I was about to mention Agamemnon and Romulus, but somehow it seemed inappropriate to reach into mythology.
If i start a new game with this mod loaded, will it overwrite the changes in the patch (ie will it just be the unpatched game with the new leaders included), or does it include the latest patch changes?
Hard to tell if Llohty will keep this one going. Might be an idea for someone else to compile the latest ones.

I've only collected a few extra and I don't spend a lot of time on this site so I wouldn't do it myself.

Then again - with the SDK coming out, who knows what will happen with the new leaders/civs. Apart from adding new units and generally becoming more sophisticated of course.
I cant get the link to work. Can you tell me if the file is still there or if not where else I can get it. Thank you.
I've got a couple of requests...

...could you put Maragaret Thatcher in, as Organized/Economic (or whatever the Economic-related trait is called)?

...and, before becoming a Communist sympathizer, Stalin was in a monastery...maybe taking out the Aggresive trait, and replacing it with Spiritual? Just a suggestion.
Can't figure out how to install this mod. I need some step by step instructions if someone could help.

running Windows 2000/PE
I downloaded this file from the last link posted, and after installing my game gives me these errors...

Failed Loading XML file XML\Civilizations/CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml. [.\FXml.cpp:133] Error parsing XML File -
File: XML\Civilizations/CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml
Reason: End tad 'LeaderHeadInfos' does not match the start tag 'LeaderHeadInfo'.

Line: 74108, 4
Source: </CivilizationInfos>

LoadXML call failed for Civilizations/CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml.
Current XML file is: GameInfo/CIV4CivicInfos/xml

Failed Loading XML file XML\Civilizations/CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml. [.\FXml.cpp:133] Error parsing XML File -
File: XML\Civilizations/CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml
Reason: End tad 'CivilizationInfos' does not match the start tag 'CivilizationInfo'.

Line: 10401, 4
Source: </CivilizationInfos>

LoadXML call failed for Civilizations/CIV4CivilizatinInfos.xml.
Current XML file is: Units/CIV4UnitInfos.xml

Tag: CIVILIZATION_BARBARIAN in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Interface/CIV4WorldPickerInfos.xml

Tag: LEADER_BARBARIAN in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Interface/CIV4WorldPickerInfos.xml

After ok'ing through all these errors it will load the game, but the Civolpia displays no information, and I am unable to select a civilization to play with, what do I do now?>
Wyz_sub10 said:
Either you're not patched to 1.52 or the version you're using isn't compatible for 1.52.

I am patched to 1.52, and the version I am usieng is the one posted by Dusty4prez a few posts back.

Dusty4prez said:

So I am not sure if it is 1.52 compatibile or not, but the link on the first post is broken, and I can find no other place to download this mod.
Also I have begun to kick around ideas for adding 1-2 more leaders for each civ. I'll share what I've come up with so far and let it be known I was considering another version.

Ronald Reagan - America
Margaret Thatcher - England
Charles Martel - France
Henry V - England
Helmut Kohl - Germany
Mikhail Gorbachev - Russia

so if you have suggestions/comments feel free to post here or pm me.
My goal as I stated above, is for each civ to have at least 1 leader, 2 would be nice.. Then I'll go ahead and work on it. I'm still on the research part.
downloaded and working perfectly thank you.

And as far as a new version adding leaders to every civ, I think it is a great idea and would love to with that.

Just as a jumping board idea my start would be:

King Gindibu - Arabian
King Solomon - Arabian (technicaly Isreal but...)
King Tut - Egypt
King Aurthor - England

Wow... Im gonna have to think about this, it isnt as easy as I thought it would be.
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