Civ4 Plugins for 3dsmax 6 and 7 now available for download


May 6, 2002
Paris, France
The following contains plugins and scripts made to export into a format Civ4 can use. Have fun.


3dsmax version 6:
3dsmax version 6 (mirror):;4768052;;/fileinfo.html

3dsmax version 7+:
3dsmax version 7+ (mirror):;4768063;;/fileinfo.html

[tab]To install the 3dsmax 7 plugins just extract the contents of the zip file and copy everything into the c:\3dsmax\ directory.


Download here:

[tab]Please let me know if you have any feedback from this. Incorrect info, stuff you would like to see added, etc. Huge thanks to Firaxis for producing all of this stuff.

Example files:

Download here:

Other Files:

30 day eval 3dsmax 7:
vbraun said:
Could you upload these to the civfanatics server?

Yeah, let me see what I can do.
kandalf said:
Sweet! (Now I have to get 3ds max)

I added a link that should allow you to download a free 30day eval.
kandalf said:
I was able to get 3ds max 7 working, but how do I install the plugin? When I try to run the boundshape.max file, it says mimmerse.dlu is missing.

The 3ds max 7 plugins should just be and executable you run, it takes care of everything.

If you have installed it correctly you should be able to export a file in CivilizationIV (*.kf, *.nif) format.
kandalf said:
what file do I run?

Im sorry, your right, just copy everything in there into the 3dsmax directory.
kandalf said:
Do I extract to the 3dsmax7 folder? Or a subfolder? I can't get it to work.

Copy everything in the zip into the c:\3dsmax\ directory. So the Boundshape.max should end up copied into c:\3dsmax\Boundshape.max etc etc.
Belizan said:
This is such huge news. Pity I'm a graphics monkey--Give me a million clones of myself and a million years, and I'll make you one helluva model! 8).

BTW, does the plug-in allow you to do encode animation information?

I don't know for sure, Im not a 3d guy. But it includes a lot of scripts for Civ4 that seem to deal with animations. It also allows exports in a *.kf format, which I believe is the animation's. So I believe you can.

Im excited to see what folks more talented than I can come up with.

The only thing I wasn't able to do is I can't find a way to import any of the models that come with the game.
kandalf said:
Me too. It says invalid format

Yeah, I don't think its possible. 3dsmax exports Nif's in a format Civ4 can use, but its not as high of a version as the current models in Civ4.
Is it to early to start asking for a Dragon model?
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