• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ4 Temporary Leave Announcement Thread

I will be spending the weekend at my in-laws for my niece's first birthday party. I will be bringing my civ machine with me, but chances are low that I will actually keep up with all the turns I expect to flood my inbox. I will prioritize quick turns and speedy games, they know what they are. If I don't get to all the turns I will be completing the rest come Monday.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
I'm having a family emergency that happened suddenly, in my haste I forgot my laptop, I'll be back home 2/1 Saturday

I deducted something went wrong. Family emergency is something serious? Or something else? I mean everyone is alright? :confused:
Thanks guys, everyone is ok, my Dad's (77) dog (17) has passed, long-Time only companion, this has caused major depression at its worst, I don't want him to do anything stupid if you understand
Hey just to let everyone know, I am going to be going to a super bowl party this weekend, then Monday am going to visit an old friend of mine and won't be back till late Wednesday night. Will try to take turns when I can.
Thanks guys, everyone is ok, my Dad's (77) dog (17) has passed, long-Time only companion, this has caused major depression at its worst, I don't want him to do anything stupid if you understand

My condolences. :(

Hey just to let everyone know, I am going to be going to a super bowl party this weekend, then Monday am going to visit an old friend of mine and won't be back till late Wednesday night. Will try to take turns when I can.

Alright, have fun bowling!
fun bowling!

^^ You know what superbowl means right? Not all the Europeans are expected to know :)
That's right, its when you put rockets on your bowling ball and the pins explode when you hit them. Its the greatest sport ever.
That's right, its when you put rockets on your bowling ball and the pins explode when you hit them. Its the greatest sport ever.

You Americans are weird. :lol:
RL is a bit busy and will send turns soon.
I am having issues with my computer that are preventing me from taking my turns. Will get those turns played as soon as possible.
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