• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ

I've a question. I bought Civilization V through Steam. But I live in Europe.

Is it true that I'll have to wait untill 24 september? Howcome? I thought since it was digital, the release date is the same (21 september) since it's well digital.

I thought the different release dates only applied to box-games that you buy in a local game-shop or something.

(this is not a rant; I just wonder what the reason might be between 2 release dates for digital games)
(this is not a rant; I just wonder what the reason might be between 2 release dates for digital games)

Its because every distributer has to have equal oportunity to sell the game. If it would be released earlier on steam it would mean most people would buy it on steam as they could play it earlier. This would not be fair to the local shops selling the game. Thatkind of thing would hurt the relationships between the game company and the distributors.
It would attract the people who object to steam's TOS, but that's the only benefit.

There may be more of us who object to Steam than you realize. I've been playing Civ for many years, but I think I'm going to pass on Civ 5. The 'requirement' that I install & run spyware in order to play a game that I've bought & paid for is a deal breaker for me.
There may be more of us who object to Steam than you realize. I've been playing Civ for many years, but I think I'm going to pass on Civ 5. The 'requirement' that I install & run spyware in order to play a game that I've bought & paid for is a deal breaker for me.

There aren't, really. The vast majority of sales go to people who don't read message boards, don't care about steam. Add in the bulk of people who understand that Steam is DRM/media management/patch management/achievements/etc/etc and not spyware... Well, sales will be brisk, I'm sure :)

Question: Are we there yet?
I've a question. I bought Civilization V through Steam. But I live in Europe.

Is it true that I'll have to wait untill 24 september? Howcome? I thought since it was digital, the release date is the same (21 september) since it's well digital.

I thought the different release dates only applied to box-games that you buy in a local game-shop or something.

(this is not a rant; I just wonder what the reason might be between 2 release dates for digital games)
Yes, it is true. The release date in Europe (anywhere out of North America) is set for Friday 24 September versus 21 September in North America. The reason for this is most likely the mundane fact that it's tradition in the US (and Canada) to release games on Tuesday and in Europe (and possibly other countries) it's customary to release on Friday. Since Steam follows the retail calender in different areas (to keep the competition fair), that's how there are two release dates.
There may be more of us who object to Steam than you realize. I've been playing Civ for many years, but I think I'm going to pass on Civ 5. The 'requirement' that I install & run spyware in order to play a game that I've bought & paid for is a deal breaker for me.

Did you create an account just to make this post? Your words would have more weight if you were a longtime member of the community.
Quick question for the community, feel free to eviscerate me if the answer was on page 24 or something -

I've looked a lot of places and can't find the answer to this question: What time of the day will the game be released to play on Tuesday? Midnight?

I have the preload on Steam and I really want to know what time of the day I need to get my 'stomach flu' to leave and 'work from home.'
Thank you!

I know I had seen that somewhere before but couldn't remember. Might have to call in sick.

I have a question about Steam which I posted to their support and they sent my some news page blah-blah. Maybe someone can answer this:

If I buy the Windows version of the game, will I be able to download/use/play the Mac version when it becomes available without having to buy the game again.

Thank you.

I have a question about Steam which I posted to their support and they sent my some news page blah-blah. Maybe someone can answer this:

If I buy the Windows version of the game, will I be able to download/use/play the Mac version when it becomes available without having to buy the game again.

Thank you.

Yes you should beable to.
Here is the "official" answer from Steam:

There is no information at this time regarding whether this game will feature SteamPlay if it is released for Mac. Please follow the link below for information: Title: SteamPlay Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9439-QHKN-1308 If you have any further questions, please let us know.

If anyone understands anything, please be so kind to share it with me :)
Ya, the decision has not been made. Of course I have another couple of games to download the patch to (slow connection) but they are small. I probably could opt out of Impulse sending me e-mail after e-mail about this or that game which I just don't have to for and is a nusance to say the least. I find that waiting to see how big the patch is will help make any decision. As to knowing how much I have played a game I think that is info for me and not for them. I find that ridiculous to have some software on my system reminding me of Microsoft. Why? Because of all the Critical Updates I still need from them, which by the way, has seem to cut the speed of the Internet just about in half of what it used to be just a few years back (not that far.) I find that I am unable to download software patches because they do not have a file manager attached to the patch to continue the download process several times. That may not be a problem at Steam but I am unsure whether that is a problem and I know it is for some software. The only thing I can say is that the patches I mentioned are only 15 and 28mB for these two stupid games I did buy and waste my money on. They are not from Firaxis, because I still can stick in Colonization and still play that or Pirates! or start up my old Apple IIC and stick in a 5-1/4" disk and play Pirates on that.

I find the entire state of affairs with games only being seemingly made for people with a fast connection, probably which I will never have. So this is not a rant, but it is a state of fact about computer games and software in general. At the other program of 116mB patch for the time I can be on the Internet, I could not download if I had to, I had to fool the computer server and reconnect until I could download it. I found that to be as stupid as the patch not being in chunks because someone thinks everyone should upgrade to a fast connection. Sorry, but life is life, and it stinks that people seemingly in only big cities come up with this kind of thinking anymore.

Talk about not having a Civilization in the future, you may want to think about that because just on the News again was the fact that the Alert for this Nation will probably continue forever. Thus more a fact of not having what they think in the big cities as a Civilization in the first place.

And no company like Microsoft should be helped by the Government to make their OS more secure because of China or anything else because people are more interested in hitting websites I don't even care to look at.

Well, I will have to think about Civ V for quite a while yet further to see what really happens.
I brought the game.
I have the hard copy on my desk
I put the disc in, and have to insteal steam... No big deal, i might reinstall Halflife anyway...
I put the product code in for my game, and im told im unable to install this game in this region.... WTF?
This is SO ANNOYING. I bought Civ V at a local Best Buy, took it home, fired it up, reluctantly installed Steam, but I cannot create an account because of some Steam server issue.

What a joke. I do not want to play an online game. I want to sit home and play this game on my own, like I've done with every other version of CIV since the first release.

So, I went to the STEAM website to create and account, that won't work either. This has to be the stupidest marketing decision ever. If I could, I would take this game back and get back my $50.
@Overlag: Even with a hard copy you cannot install the game until it's released internationally (in about 2 hours).

@oblio98: Apparently Steam suffered an unexpected downtime about an hour ago. -> Steam Downtime Announcements. It might take some time for all functions to come back online.
I bought Civ V with the 1st DLC from D2D, but I'm unable to download it. It just says "Pre-Order" where the "Download" button should be. Anyone else have this problem?
I just got a copy of the game at a local store. Installed it, activated it via Steam and all, but now I can't start the game unless I patch it - which I can't because I currently have slow as hell internet with a very low limit. I can't play in offline mode either. What do I do? Can't I bypass the patching?
Or at least tell me why <snip> this "patch" is 4.5 GBs, because, well, that'd be the whole game, wouldn't it? I'm pretty pissed this won't just work. I accepted you needed steam and all, but if I can't patch, I can't play the game, <snip>?

Edit: Okay, seriously now. I thought something might be wrong with my client, so I uninstalled it - and downloaded the client from Valve's homepage. Five minutes ago. And now it's telling me, after installing it, THAT IT NEEDS TO PATCH?! <snip> -_-

Moderator Action: Inappropriate language
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Or at least tell me why <snip> this "patch" is 4.5 GBs, because, well, that'd be the whole game, wouldn't it?

4.5GB? Are you sure? If that's the size of the "patch" then even those with a decent internet connection are going to be there a while.

I wasn't going to buy the game simply because I refuse to buy something and then have to sign up with a third party in order to play the thing. Maybe I'll just try to get hold of a copy of the patch and play it.
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