Golden Fleece
This looks very impressive! As soon as I'll have sorted out some slightly messy private life matters, I'll be sure to take a peek!
I struggled with the luxury thing for a long time. You should be able to pick it up with a unit and deliver it to the capital. The details for doing this I lifted straight out of Civinator's CCM: capture the flag unit without placing victory locations. It would not work despitemany tries until the 11th hour, when i finally got it. So if it's not working on yours, I guess it's back to the drawing board. If I pulled it off, thanks to Civinator for this idea.
It probably works then; I didn't actually do anything with the luxury because I forgot about the ability to bring it to the capitol (i was looking for a VP location). So all good.
EDIT: Yes, it works... bringing to the Capitol cashes the luxury in. I forgot about that method... I will have to update my own mod to have it this way.![]()
Urg, got to 850MB and it stopped.
I really wanna try this, but im getting a weird error when i try to download:
"The requested URL /file.php?id=88647 was not found on this server. "
i have cleared my cookies and still nothing... anyone else having this problem?
Didn't you use a similar process in COMM? Also, be advised that Monks and luxuries have a shield value and can be disbanded for a production bonus. I should prolly include that in their civpedia entries.
I used atomicgamer because it's the only download place I've heard of. If there are other free sites that I could register and post on, I'd be more than happy to do that. Or if you wait five years you could take the high speed train down here and pick up a copy.
Apache Mounted Archer is one tough cookie. At first I was deathly worried when the all powerful Aztecs declared war and brought in a whole lot of more advanced units (Haustic Warriors 3.4.1); but with the Mounted Archer's range ability of 3 bombard and blitz; they make short work of these enemies. I use my 4.1.1 Pawnee Braves for follow-up attacks. Of course I had to get the help of the other big guy on the continent, the Arabs, to avoid getting some border cities possibly over-ran from numbers.
Of course, Arabs lost the city of Coventry until they can bring their forces to bear, so I will need to help them recover it.
EDIT: 1 other very small thing, picking up luxuries says Rescue Princess, instead of something like Pick up Luxuries.
Looks good so far, Tom, and thanks for the reports! The Huastic Warriors were the great mystery crasher unit. Apparently that unit is corrupt so I replaced it with a generic spearman until I can find a suitable graphics substitute. Most civs have a similar mounted archer unit to the Apache, 3(3-2)/2/2 with blitz and bombard, but it occurred to me that maybe the Americans should have another fast moving war party at this time, and then get the horse-mounted archer with Chemistry when everyone else gets their dragoons.
I did a lot of search and replace for the words 'Princess' and 'Space Race' in the text files, but looks like I missed at least one. Thanks, I will hunt it down.
wow never thought that someone will put scythians for Russia as ancient warriors ,im completely impressed
No offense to AnthonyBoscia who has done a great job with this mod, but I think Sandris deserves the credit for this paticular idea. The Ancient Scythians are part of his Russian pack.
well of course , im sorry if i said that i had no clue who created this unit pack and of course i dint mean any offense to the creator of this unit pack ,Sandris, or to anyone (includes AnthonyBoscia ) , also this mod is fabulous and awesome to play
P.S Nice unit pack Sandris![]()