Civilization III: Worldwide

I struggled with the luxury thing for a long time. You should be able to pick it up with a unit and deliver it to the capital. The details for doing this I lifted straight out of Civinator's CCM: capture the flag unit without placing victory locations. It would not work despitemany tries until the 11th hour, when i finally got it. So if it's not working on yours, I guess it's back to the drawing board. If I pulled it off, thanks to Civinator for this idea.

It probably works then; I didn't actually do anything with the luxury because I forgot about the ability to bring it to the capitol (i was looking for a VP location). So all good.

EDIT: Yes, it works... bringing to the Capitol cashes the luxury in. I forgot about that method... I will have to update my own mod to have it this way. :)
I really wanna try this, but im getting a weird error when i try to download:

"The requested URL /file.php?id=88647 was not found on this server. "

i have cleared my cookies and still nothing... anyone else having this problem?
It probably works then; I didn't actually do anything with the luxury because I forgot about the ability to bring it to the capitol (i was looking for a VP location). So all good.

EDIT: Yes, it works... bringing to the Capitol cashes the luxury in. I forgot about that method... I will have to update my own mod to have it this way. :)

Didn't you use a similar process in COMM? Also, be advised that Monks and luxuries have a shield value and can be disbanded for a production bonus. I should prolly include that in their civpedia entries.

Urg, got to 850MB and it stopped.

I used atomicgamer because it's the only download place I've heard of. If there are other free sites that I could register and post on, I'd be more than happy to do that. Or if you wait five years you could take the high speed train down here and pick up a copy.
I really wanna try this, but im getting a weird error when i try to download:

"The requested URL /file.php?id=88647 was not found on this server. "

i have cleared my cookies and still nothing... anyone else having this problem? is the site. Still no bueno? Hopefully someone computer-savvy can help you here cause this kinda stuff is out of my lane.
I just wish they would break up into 200-250MB chunks. At my age I cannot be sure I will be around in 5 years. If you are talking about the Orland/Tampa I would not count on it, but I could drive in a couple of hours, no reason to take a train.

Wonder if Win9 will run C3C by then. lol
still not working :(

its actually a good thing as i have MANY MANY tests to grade tonight :)

ill restart my computer tonight and see if it works tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it!
Didn't you use a similar process in COMM? Also, be advised that Monks and luxuries have a shield value and can be disbanded for a production bonus. I should prolly include that in their civpedia entries.

Well, the same except that I have auto place VP locations set, which places a VP on the map only at the starting location. I'm not sure if the capitol still works that way to cash in at though.

I used atomicgamer because it's the only download place I've heard of. If there are other free sites that I could register and post on, I'd be more than happy to do that. Or if you wait five years you could take the high speed train down here and pick up a copy.

You can use, free, no sign-up, up to 5GB files, no wait time, pretty fast.
I got it downloaded by switching to Firefox. It seems IE has some issues with a large d/l. I use both browsers anyway.
Apache Mounted Archer is one tough cookie. At first I was deathly worried when the all powerful Aztecs declared war and brought in a whole lot of more advanced units (Haustic Warriors 3.4.1); but with the Mounted Archer's range ability of 3 bombard and blitz; they make short work of these enemies. I use my 4.1.1 Pawnee Braves for follow-up attacks. Of course I had to get the help of the other big guy on the continent, the Arabs, to avoid getting some border cities possibly over-ran from numbers.

Of course, Arabs lost the city of Coventry until they can bring their forces to bear, so I will need to help them recover it.
Spoiler :

EDIT: 1 other very small thing, picking up luxuries says Rescue Princess, instead of something like Pick up Luxuries.
Apache Mounted Archer is one tough cookie. At first I was deathly worried when the all powerful Aztecs declared war and brought in a whole lot of more advanced units (Haustic Warriors 3.4.1); but with the Mounted Archer's range ability of 3 bombard and blitz; they make short work of these enemies. I use my 4.1.1 Pawnee Braves for follow-up attacks. Of course I had to get the help of the other big guy on the continent, the Arabs, to avoid getting some border cities possibly over-ran from numbers.

Of course, Arabs lost the city of Coventry until they can bring their forces to bear, so I will need to help them recover it.

EDIT: 1 other very small thing, picking up luxuries says Rescue Princess, instead of something like Pick up Luxuries.

Looks good so far, Tom, and thanks for the reports! The Huastic Warriors were the great mystery crasher unit. Apparently that unit is corrupt so I replaced it with a generic spearman until I can find a suitable graphics substitute. Most civs have a similar mounted archer unit to the Apache, 3(3-2)/2/2 with blitz and bombard, but it occurred to me that maybe the Americans should have another fast moving war party at this time, and then get the horse-mounted archer with Chemistry when everyone else gets their dragoons.

I did a lot of search and replace for the words 'Princess' and 'Space Race' in the text files, but looks like I missed at least one. Thanks, I will hunt it down.
wow never thought that someone will put scythians for Russia as ancient warriors ,im completely impressed
Looks good so far, Tom, and thanks for the reports! The Huastic Warriors were the great mystery crasher unit. Apparently that unit is corrupt so I replaced it with a generic spearman until I can find a suitable graphics substitute. Most civs have a similar mounted archer unit to the Apache, 3(3-2)/2/2 with blitz and bombard, but it occurred to me that maybe the Americans should have another fast moving war party at this time, and then get the horse-mounted archer with Chemistry when everyone else gets their dragoons.

I did a lot of search and replace for the words 'Princess' and 'Space Race' in the text files, but looks like I missed at least one. Thanks, I will hunt it down.

What file was the Huastic Warrior? If it was causing crashes, perhaps I can re-make the FLC's for you. (Not sure what it's called in download database) The Princess text was the button for picking up lux's, I think there is a number of them in the labels.txt IIRC.
I finally downloaded it and spent a good deal of today playing a game as china...
it was pretty standard in that i expanded until the continent was full (i play standard or larger usually, but this map had a lot of water) at which point i started pumping out those qin swordsmen. i got about 30 of them and conquered egypt to my south. this in turn made basically everyone else on the continent (except the brits who had statue of zeus, thankfully) assume i was weak and they should attack. for the next 400 years i moved around and took out the americans, the spanish, the greeks, the scandanavians, and finally (most of) the british. its around 1400, im just about done with the second era and my continent is mine.

-I stopped because a) i've obviously won (theres another continent with around 8 civs left, but its smaller than my continent). b) I completely explored the map, and c) i was getting sick of building, building, building.

-see, my map had ZERO sources of gold. i explored the ENTIRE map and there wasn't one. So i couldnt just set my cities to wealth and disbanding became tedious. although I totally understand why you made wealth require gold, from a gameplay perspective (when you dont have gold) its unfortunate that you cant have this option.

-my solution was to just build ENDLESS units of ming pikeman. that whole "china doesnt pay maintenance on defensive units yet" thing was amazing. i ended the game (where i was) with literally 600 of them. i had 7 armies of tang/ming cavalry, 50 additional ones, 30 tang swordsmen (they could use another upgrade before fusiliers), 10 chinese cannons (POWERHOUSE), and a few arquebusiers. but there was no question that my massive army (with no maintenance cost) made enemy attacks impossible since a) i was so powerful and b) EVERY COASTAL TILE ON MY CONTINENT HAD A UNIT ON IT... and with the vikings gone, i was set. it was actually funny... at one point i was having financial problems, but when i realized if i saved up to upgrade all my defensive forces i would no longer have to pay, it took one turn to go from -15 gpt to +107.

-anyway, its really good! i think a little more differentiation might be interesting. for instance the british longbowmen could have +1 range/defense... things like that. i know you have some, but maybe more could be done too. (also i do wonder why the german carrier is faster than every other one, especially since WWII germany never built any carriers)

-any chance a world map is in the mix?

-but again its really fun. well done!
wow never thought that someone will put scythians for Russia as ancient warriors ,im completely impressed

No offense to AnthonyBoscia who has done a great job with this mod, but I think Sandris deserves the credit for this paticular idea. The Ancient Scythians are part of his Russian pack.

Finally got a chance to download this today but don't have much time to play test sadly :sad:
Since you took the time to thank me for "inadvertant assistance", I've taken the time to download and play your new mod.

And time it took. Downloading/installing took several hours. It really would help if you could break it down to 2-3 or even 4 zip files. Not as elegant, but easier on the machines.

First of all, the interface is just beautiful. You still need to make a game-end clock graphic (gameEnd.pcx in the Interface folder) to finish it. My favorite interface graphic is the Military Advisor Screen, and my least favorite are the horizontal lines on the Domestic Advisor Screen, but all of the graphics are top notch and easy to use. I particularly like the graphics of the Advisor buttons and the Production button in the City Screen. The olive leaf is a perfect era-neutral icon for the foreign affairs advisor.

So, like Tom, I loaded up as the Americans. Good upgrade line, I like it. The Lend-Lease Wonder comes a little early. The attributes link in the Steel Mill civilopedia entry is broken, looks like you left out a character.

I think I'll leave specific gameplay suggestions alone until I've had time to play a few games. 540 turns was nowhere near enough time for me to play a complete game first time though, I'm boosting that to 640 and maybe 700. I like to play a research-intensive game, and the clock this time raced past me.

And the Attributes improvements are a great idea, well used here. It added alot to gameplay to try to decide how best to deploy them. This is an idea I have to steal.

So it's an excellent, but Obese Mod. (Cmon, a Gigabyte? Really?) Perhaps you could release a Worldwide Lite (Fewer Civs) version. or Worldwide Classic (Rome, Greece, Carthage..) or Worldwide Continental (European Civ, Asian Civ, etc.) version to cut the size down and allow more folks to sample this mod.

(I should talk; the Steampunk Mod has 500+ units - but it's about to go on a diet.)

And thank you for the kind words you've said about the assistance I've allegedly provided you. Glad to help. You've learned well, Grasshopper.
No offense to AnthonyBoscia who has done a great job with this mod, but I think Sandris deserves the credit for this paticular idea. The Ancient Scythians are part of his Russian pack.

well of course , im sorry if i said that i had no clue who created this unit pack and of course i dint mean any offense to the creator of this unit pack ,Sandris, or to anyone (includes AnthonyBoscia ) , also this mod is fabulous and awesome to play

P.S Nice unit pack Sandris :goodjob:
well of course , im sorry if i said that i had no clue who created this unit pack and of course i dint mean any offense to the creator of this unit pack ,Sandris, or to anyone (includes AnthonyBoscia ) , also this mod is fabulous and awesome to play

P.S Nice unit pack Sandris :goodjob:

No need to be sorry :)

Is it intentional that these two techs overlap like this?



  • dgdfg.jpg
    146.7 KB · Views: 3,632
This mod is awesome, lots of units, automatic updating of the units was to change era....., I love it.
Of course this mod is fantastic and it shows you have done a great job. Congratulations and thank you for keeping alive the spirit of Civilization III. :goodjob:
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