It really would help if you could break it down to 2-3 or even 4 zip files.
It shall be so.
You still need to make a game-end clock graphic (gameEnd.pcx in the Interface folder) to finish it.
Thank you. The interface was a beast to make; it took a lot of motivation to see it through. Some of it I am happy with, like the advisor buttons you mentioned, but overall I would like it to have nicer borders and look cleaner. You guys' Victorian/Steampunk/AOI interface is the Gold standard for Civ3, so it gives a high mark to aim for. If someone would like to help make the interface better, I'm interested. Known missing pcxs include the aforementioned endgame clock, the espionage, multiplayer, and replay screens. I was burnt out on ff00ff and didn't want to delay release for months cuz of a few pictures. It's too bad the civpedia screens don't work properly.
The Lend-Lease Wonder comes a little early. The attributes link in the Steel Mill civilopedia entry is broken, looks like you left out a character.
540 turns was nowhere near enough time for me to play a complete game first time though, I'm boosting that to 640 and maybe 700.
Attributes improvements (...) added alot to gameplay to try to decide how best to deploy them. This is an idea I have to steal.
Destroyers originally came with refining, so lend lease did as well. I think instead of moving it, I would make it more expensive. The steel mill was part of a group that I accidentally wrote Link instead of LINK, which I corrected but obviously not completely. Turn times were changed late in the game and I couldn't play enough full games to get a feel for the right amount. I'd be
really interested in your take on this.
Attributes fulfilled two tasks: First, I wanted to do something diff'rent for the Power plant thing, one that I hadn't seen before, and religion has been done. Second, one thing I didn't like in Civ4 was I thought there were way too many buildings. In Civ3, the options for what the buildings do is very limited, and you can only have so many +50% tax structures before you get bored. So it worked out. I really like the Shipyard and Commercial dock: they can make little seaside towns very strong. Did you get a chance to make Boeing aircraft factories as the U.S.? I want to make sure the autoproducing buildings aren't overpowered. And please, steal anything you can use.
(Cmon, a Gigabyte? Really?) Perhaps you could release a Worldwide Lite (Fewer Civs) version. or Worldwide Classic (Rome, Greece, Carthage..) or Worldwide Continental (European Civ, Asian Civ, etc.) version to cut the size down and allow more folks to sample this mod.

I was waiting for this one. I know it's a monster, but that's the price to pay for my precious unit lines, and they're the reason for the mod's existance. I will not be making a smaller version; in fact, I'm going the other direction. Also, I'm really excited about my next civ project, which I'm buying books and doing research for, but I got to get Worldwide finished off first. Now if anyone else wants to make regional versions, like Nick mentioned earlier, I'd love to see them! Thanks for the comments, Bal!
also this mod is fabulous and awesome to play
P.S Nice unit pack Sandris
Thanks very much, Smirnoff! Sandris' units are masterful. It'll be great to see them in their full glory in Steph's mod.
Is it intentional that these two techs overlap like this?
Negative. Good eyes. Autocracy got moved late in the process, and though I updated Arabia and Scandinavia, I musta missed Persia. Why do they have two catapults...?
Congratulations and thank you for keeping alive the spirit of Civilization III.
Thank you, Sir Karnizer! The guys who really keep civ3 alive are the ones who have been here steadily for the last decade!