Civilization III: Worldwide

A problem! When looking thru' the units, when I look at a unit with number above 349 and try to move to another, I get this window up which says "please enter an integer between 0 and 349" and it steadfastly stops me from moving anywhere else and I cannot even shut the programme down, I have to pull the plug on the Computer. Can you sat what is going wrong?
Thank you.
I got it downloaded by switching to Firefox. It seems IE has some issues with a large d/l. I use both browsers anyway.

I'm glad you were able to get it finally, vmxa. I will be dicing the game into fourths and loading them to an alternate site this week, so hopefully that may help others.

What file was the Huastic Warrior? If it was causing crashes, perhaps I can re-make the FLC's for you. (Not sure what it's called in download database) The Princess text was the button for picking up lux's, I think there is a number of them in the labels.txt IIRC.

It's Quinzy's Huastec Bird Warrior. I don't have a program to view flics, so maybe a pallette issue? Sword of Geddon's Meso Spearman would be another alternative.

Sandris deserves the credit for this paticular idea. The Ancient Scythians are part of his Russian pack.

You beat me to it. :) They're excellent units and suit the Russian civ well. As for the Early Slav units, well, there are other plans for them.
So it's an excellent, but Obese Mod. (Cmon, a Gigabyte? Really?) Perhaps you could release a Worldwide Lite (Fewer Civs) version. or Worldwide Classic (Rome, Greece, Carthage..) or Worldwide Continental (European Civ, Asian Civ, etc.) version to cut the size down and allow more folks to sample this mod.

Or, if you'd like to keep all of the gameplay elements but reduce the size, here is another option. Unit graphics usually account for most of the file space in a large mod. You can create a mod download with all of the core files that uses default unit graphics (or just the minimal generic units) and point to those graphics in pediaicons.txt. Then you create another graphics download containing all of your flavor units and a new pediaicons.txt that will overwrite the default one and replace the unit graphics. Now you have a full-featured mod package that's much smaller an optional graphics patch that can be applied later.

Of course, there are those of us who will download anything regardless of the gigabytes involved and would prefer to get it all at once ;)

A problem! When looking thru' the units, when I look at a unit with number above 349 and try to move to another, I get this window up which says "please enter an integer between 0 and 349" and it steadfastly stops me from moving anywhere else and I cannot even shut the programme down, I have to pull the plug on the Computer. Can you sat what is going wrong?
Thank you.

You probably didn't install the BIQ and the file folder to the same location. The editor is not finding the correct units_32.pcx. Have you been able to play the mod?

The locations should look like this:
my map had ZERO sources of gold. i explored the ENTIRE map and there wasn't one. So i couldnt just set my cities to wealth and disbanding became tedious.

Early strategic resources in Worldwide are more common than regular Conquests for just that reason. You could conquer a whole continent and still not have iron. I haven't had a game without gold yet, so I underestimated the problem of not having wealth available. This will be rectified. I like the idea of gold as a hard currency reserve, so maybe I can think of some other buildings or mercenary units that would require this.

-my solution was to just build ENDLESS units of ming pikeman. that whole "china doesnt pay maintenance on defensive units yet" thing was amazing. i ended the game (where i was) with literally 600 of them. i had 7 armies of tang/ming cavalry, 50 additional ones, 30 tang swordsmen (they could use another upgrade before fusiliers), 10 chinese cannons (POWERHOUSE)

China was the second civ to be developed, and I was still getting my feet wet on what I wanted. I knew the 'imperial bureaucracy' thing was a kicker, so I might limit it to one unit rather than two. Cannons are stupidly powerful, and China gets them with gunpowder instead of metallurgy. Sounds like you had quite the force! I've also been thinking about having 'amphibious' available earlier, maybe to the swordsman-grenadier line. China is missing the Renaissance upgrade between Tang and fusiliers; I'd have to find a unit for that.

-i think a little more differentiation might be interesting. (also i do wonder why the german carrier is faster than other onecarriers)
-any chance a world map is in the mix?

I didn't want to make the game too different from regular civ. My main motivation was to make it look different. The handful of computer games I've played, such as Total War, Sins of a Solar Empire, and World in Conflict, all have different faction graphics for units that are very similar, and that's what I like. The English Longbowman actually has a 4.2.1 instead of the usual 4.1.1., but I see what you're getting at. The German carrier will be corrected, that's a pure screw up since I changed naval stats so much over the course of development.

I will not be making a World map version. Europe and the Middle East would be overcrowded, and the Americas, Africa, and Australia would be wide open. Also, there's other civ stuff that I'm working on next. I'll just wait for the CCM World map :)
It really would help if you could break it down to 2-3 or even 4 zip files.

It shall be so.

You still need to make a game-end clock graphic (gameEnd.pcx in the Interface folder) to finish it.

Thank you. The interface was a beast to make; it took a lot of motivation to see it through. Some of it I am happy with, like the advisor buttons you mentioned, but overall I would like it to have nicer borders and look cleaner. You guys' Victorian/Steampunk/AOI interface is the Gold standard for Civ3, so it gives a high mark to aim for. If someone would like to help make the interface better, I'm interested. Known missing pcxs include the aforementioned endgame clock, the espionage, multiplayer, and replay screens. I was burnt out on ff00ff and didn't want to delay release for months cuz of a few pictures. It's too bad the civpedia screens don't work properly.

The Lend-Lease Wonder comes a little early. The attributes link in the Steel Mill civilopedia entry is broken, looks like you left out a character.
540 turns was nowhere near enough time for me to play a complete game first time though, I'm boosting that to 640 and maybe 700.
Attributes improvements (...) added alot to gameplay to try to decide how best to deploy them. This is an idea I have to steal.

Destroyers originally came with refining, so lend lease did as well. I think instead of moving it, I would make it more expensive. The steel mill was part of a group that I accidentally wrote Link instead of LINK, which I corrected but obviously not completely. Turn times were changed late in the game and I couldn't play enough full games to get a feel for the right amount. I'd be really interested in your take on this.

Attributes fulfilled two tasks: First, I wanted to do something diff'rent for the Power plant thing, one that I hadn't seen before, and religion has been done. Second, one thing I didn't like in Civ4 was I thought there were way too many buildings. In Civ3, the options for what the buildings do is very limited, and you can only have so many +50% tax structures before you get bored. So it worked out. I really like the Shipyard and Commercial dock: they can make little seaside towns very strong. Did you get a chance to make Boeing aircraft factories as the U.S.? I want to make sure the autoproducing buildings aren't overpowered. And please, steal anything you can use.

(Cmon, a Gigabyte? Really?) Perhaps you could release a Worldwide Lite (Fewer Civs) version. or Worldwide Classic (Rome, Greece, Carthage..) or Worldwide Continental (European Civ, Asian Civ, etc.) version to cut the size down and allow more folks to sample this mod.

:lol: I was waiting for this one. I know it's a monster, but that's the price to pay for my precious unit lines, and they're the reason for the mod's existance. I will not be making a smaller version; in fact, I'm going the other direction. Also, I'm really excited about my next civ project, which I'm buying books and doing research for, but I got to get Worldwide finished off first. Now if anyone else wants to make regional versions, like Nick mentioned earlier, I'd love to see them! Thanks for the comments, Bal!

also this mod is fabulous and awesome to play
P.S Nice unit pack Sandris :goodjob:

Thanks very much, Smirnoff! Sandris' units are masterful. It'll be great to see them in their full glory in Steph's mod.

Is it intentional that these two techs overlap like this?

Negative. Good eyes. Autocracy got moved late in the process, and though I updated Arabia and Scandinavia, I musta missed Persia. Why do they have two catapults...?

Congratulations and thank you for keeping alive the spirit of Civilization III. :goodjob:

Thank you, Sir Karnizer! The guys who really keep civ3 alive are the ones who have been here steadily for the last decade!
Why do they have two catapults...?

A good question. Also why does every civ have it's own individual capitpult? They all seem to be the same unit...

Here's some screenshots of possible errors.

Spoiler :

Now, this is a very fun Mod. I think I'll have to borrow many ideas for my own mod. The faster workers are great. Also the attributes are a nice addition. I like the archers with 1 bombard range. It's a bit the AI can't use them though. The interface is very good; crisp and easy to read. Makes me want to do my own interface which I hadn't planned to do before. I think there are more things I particularly liked too but I can't remember right now. Anyway very good mod. Well balanced and fun to play. It's been a while since I actually enjoyed just playing EPIK. Usually I play scenarios only.

I'm curious what your next project will be.




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It's Quinzy's Huastec Bird Warrior. I don't have a program to view flics, so maybe a pallette issue? Sword of Geddon's Meso Spearman would be another alternative.

Georgestow already uploaded fixed files for this unit back in 2009. His post is here where you can download the corrected files.

An earlier version of Flicster caused animations to have a '0' Animation Time; which was the issue; in which the latest Build 18 Flicster can fix a FLC with this issue.

BTW; the city attributes are a very great idea. Gives variety to city specialization which can be changed during the course of the game. The Monks which are auto-produced by (can't remember) don't seem to have All-Terrain-As-Roads as the pedia says.
Ignore this, if it has already been reported. Looking at the tech tree for Kingship it shows a city improvement. Selecting that says only that it cost 9990 shields?

I notice under the pedia for governments that several had some of the unit support values off center. Three for sure Kingship, Feudalism and Republic. There may be others.
why does every civ have it's own individual capitpult?

So they can upgrade into civ- or culture-specific cannons. It's easier to have separate catapults rather than try a convoluted upgrade path. Thanks for the screens. For the BMP (for the Egyptians?), the rubber was in the third slot, so I guess that doesn't count. The Anti-Tank was corrected. For the Norseman, it's because you're viewing it as the Persians. His upgrade path is cool for Scandinavia. Thanks!

Georgestow already uploaded fixed files for this unit back in 2009.
The Monks (...) don't seem to have All-Terrain-As-Roads as the pedia says.

Cool, I'll get that done. The monks are good in my biq; might want to check again.

Looking at the tech tree for Kingship it shows a city improvement. Selecting that says only that it cost 9990 shields? I notice under the pedia for governments that several had some of the unit support values off center.

Those improvements are just there so you can see the goverments in the tech tree. This is another idea I stole from Civinator, except he's got all kinds of stuff in the tech tree like specialists and moving across oceans. The off-center info, which also occurs in the resources lists, is just one of those things I couldn't get to line up pretty.

"Worldwide in Quarters", a four-download breakdown of the game, should be available in a day or two.
Man I have terrible luck! I was playing a game as the Americans since many other did too... guess what resource I didn't have this time? Aluminum! (and this was a large map!) So all those nice Warthogs and Apaches and other modern toys (in addition to nukes and hegemony victory) were unavailable.

No matter though.

I had a pretty good army with many armies, tanks, bradleys, modern airborne (AMAZING BTW!) and other units, but the true furor was my navy/airforce. I had 50 nimitz carriers, each with a complete set of naval aviation (250 total) in addition to dozens of battleships, bombers, and other units. so when mongolia declared war on me they got to my city, pillaged, and camped about 150 units. after the bombardment + counter attack, ALL had died and I lost 0 units. then it was a nice quick steamroll through.

more comments:

I was thinking about the chinese bureaucracy thing we talked about the other day and I think its perfect the way it is. When other nations can upgrade their units with no real economic consequence you have to decide whether to upgrade your HUGE, FREE, but outdated army, disband many and upgrade the rest, or simply upgrade some and have an elite core of stronger units. I find this historical to be honest. I like the choice involved. It makes foreign conquests with inferior numbers possible, which is kinda cool. China also stays competitive longer, until certain units (artillery and infantry especially) can just DESTROY the remaining units.

I was glad to see AI armies that were big, strong, and active! They werent an issue when I was ready for them in the end, but I could see them causing serious damage if i wasnt.

Also the AI used a (small) airforce! it was cool to be bomber by their 15 fighters (and watching them all get shot down).

The attribute system is really brilliant. I like the ability to specialize like that. Its cool to decide whether to have a steel mill and get a huge production bonus or an aircraft factory and get a smaller bonus, but get free fighters! I also like that the shipyard/major port allow otherwise useless cities to become powerhouses! I had a city in the mountains with 2 plains squares and ALL the other ones were mountains or water. with the major port I was able to grow the city to size 21 and make it my second most productive city!

I would make the guild expire at industrialism btw, as there are other improvements that are better (and include the guild's bonus) to replace it, especially since it currently doesnt expire at all.

Would you consider expanding this concept at all and give more civs unique attributes?

-Italia could get "Latifundia" which provide 5 unhappiness, increase production 25%, and increaese trade

-Egypt could get "Obelisk" which increases culture and happiness by 1

-Hellas could have the "Agora" which could double science and increase trade or the "Agoge" which increases production by 50%, costs like 5-10 gpt, provides veteran units, spawns a "Spartiates", but provides a defensive bonus like walls, so it couldnt be built in larger cities;

-China could get the "Bell Tower" which reduces corruption and increases defense

-France could get "Manor" which causes 4 unhappiness, increases production 25%, and spawns a knight every 12 turns but expires with Rights of Man

-India could have "Ghat" which must be built on a river, but provides +3 happiness and increases trade

-Persia could have "Satrapy" which reduces corruption and adds +1 happiness

-Mesoamerica could get "Sacrificial Altar" which doubles effects of sacrifice (and yes you'd have to enable that option for them), provides veteran units, and +1 culture

-Ethiopia... i dont know for this one lol

-England could have "East India Company Office" which decreases corruption, increases trade, and causes 2 unhappiness (local population);

-Mongols could have... i dont know, i was thinking something like a silk road stop or post office, that decreases corruption and increases trade. (ps i would reduce the spawn time for the yurts... 12 is too much. maybe 10 would be better)

-Spain could have Jesuit Order which would come slightly later than the monastery, would have the same effects, but wouldnt go obsolete and would reduce corruption

-Scandinavia could get the Feast Hall which provides veteran units, costs like 30 shields (half the barracks/stables cost), must be on the coast, increases production in coastal tiles, but otherwise doesnt require a resource and expires with chivalry

-Turks could get the Hamam (bath house) which increases happiness by 3 and doubles luxury spending

-Arabia could get the Madrassa which increases science, provides 2 culture, and adds +1 happiness empire-wide

-North Africa could get the "Cothon" which increases coastal trade, acts as a coastal fortress, and spawns a bireme;

Also, I would make Germany's attribute produce a stronger tank than the Russian's, but less often, which I think is the reverse of how it is now.

FINAL THOUGHT (sorry for the long post):

I love the way you have units change appearance by era. Its beautiful and adds a good deal of immersion.
I've started playing Ethiopia and already made it to the middle of the medieval era. The only thing i can say so far is that it yet another mod in which medieval ships are turned into useless s***t, there are practically no difference between the industrial era and moder ships. By the way, what's with all that crappy moder frigates? Why missile destroyers are so lame? Giving the reality their stats must be twice as those of your battleships and ten times bombard range. Why do you think battleships are not used now? Precisely due to the reason above.
And may i ask why did you turn the helicopters into artillery? What is the point of using them if there are bombers which are much more useful?
Except unique wonders, there are practically no any new. Very few buildings, no any new resources. Only units... And your units. If you look at the big picture, there are no that many units in the mod that you say there are. There are not that big amount of units with huge and unnecessary number of replicas. That not exactly the thing that one should expect reading your description.

But still i am going to make it to the end and see all the features of the mod.

Moderator Action: Infracted for language - please don't evade the autocensor.
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To King Coltrane: Thank you for the detailed comments. Don't worry about the length. I appreciate detailed and specific feedback. It sounds like you had quite a force, but too bad you didn't get to use the aluminum resource units. It's satisfying to have a late game juggernaut.

The Guild did expire with Industrialism, but in the tech reshuffling, somehow this was lost. Your attribute ideas look great! Expanding this to more civs would be fun, but will take some time. I spent a lot of time on this mod in 2010, to the exclusion of other things which now must take a priority. Buildings were tough because I am neither an artist nor a graphic designer, and do not have the skillset to make better pcxs. That's why late in development I used graphics from Ogedei, Kyriakos, and others: because I knew their stuff would be much better than what I could make. I am now more open to using other members' stuff, with proper credit given, of course. It's just time consuming doing the research and finding the right pictures even for the cut and paste jobs that I do. I would like to incorporate your ideas and more of my own, but it will take time to do.

The Germans' Heer Infantry is the best in the game, while the Soviets have the best tanks. The auto-generated heavy armor could probably be stronger, but keep in mind that we're in the macro level. This tank might be stronger than that tank, but we're comparing units at the division and corps level. Also, take another gander at the Mongols, especially the Khagante wonder. Their medieval units are the equal of everyone else's Renaissance units in strength, and at the most critical point of the game. I think the Mongols are hands down the strongest civ in the game.

Thanks for taking the time to play, and keep the reports coming!

To Nihtantuel: Thanks for the candid comments. I'm not sure what you mean about the medieval ships. As for the missile frigates, they are faster, cheaper, and have greater range than battleships. And the anti-air frigates are even better. There's a good case for making them better, with longer range, but it's air power that really drives the BS into obsolesence, in the game as in history. Helicopters do not require airfields, do more damage than bombers, have up to four attacks per turn, and lethal land bombard. They use air bombard (not artillery bombard) so that they can be susceptible to air interdiction and anti-air ground units.

Sorry if you got the wrong idea, but the majority of the units are there for visual differentiation, not to be radically different from civ to civ. You see them as unneccessary replicas, I see them as giving everybody their own look. If you ultimately don't like the game, no worries, feel free to alter it or delete it as you see fit.
I didn't say i don't like it. I was just concerned about several things. Thank you for explaining.

Wat i meant about medieval ships was that they are too weak in my opinion. But perhaps i just don't see the big picture.
Hey! I feel sorta dumb. I went back to that game with no aluminum after i accidentally stumbled across something in the editor... I had no aluminum because I hadn't researched the right tech. The tech rocketry indicates that it reveals aluminum, but it turns out its advanced avionics, which i had purposely never researched because i would have had to research space flight (prereq.) and make my aircraft factories obsolete. Anyway, I went back, researched the correct tech and had about 12 sources. ha. upgraded everything. A-10's are great and I cant wait to try out the B-2. One thing though, I think it would be better if you took away the sinks sea units flag from the A-10. they arent really used for that type of thing. what would make more sense would be lethal land flag. that would probably be unbalanced though, especially with blitz, so im not sure about it. however, at the very least they should have the former flag removed.

so basically, aluminum needs a proper reference in the tech tree.

Other than that, I DO love Modern US toys!
Nihtantuel: Balancing the escalation of sea power with the land and air units has been tricky. I think you're right that they deserve another look. If you've got some specifics in mind, I'd love to hear em.

King, the aluminum mess was another casualty of rearranging the tech tree. I'll revisit that. Originally, all modern air units had lethal land bombard, but stealth attacks failed to work and this was eliminated. As you know, the lethal land bombard is a supremely powerful advantage in civ3, so I wanted to limit this (and it also makes the attack choppers more attractive). Although A-10s were designed specifically for ground attack, they could be armed with anti-ships Mavericks. The real reason they can sink ships is just for consistency's sake in the mod, cause everyone else's modern planes can.

I never understood why every written description of the Hog says how ugly it is. As a tanker, I thought they were the most beautiful thing in the sky.
You know I do agree with you (obviously) about the OP-ness of lethal land bombard, as well as the consistency argument, AS WELL as the appropriate role this gives choppers, but i still think that america specifically deserves the lethal land tag for the A-10 as an extra perk. but as i said i do understand your rationale and respect your choice. (and i too love the hog... its my favorite modern aircraft)
A-10 brings back good memories of this ancient DOS game I used to play decades ago:

Lethal land really only makes sense, perhaps by not giving it lethal sea, it would even everything out. But on the other hand, other jets that have ground attack capabilities would make it so they all would deserve lethal land; so I suppose for gameplay sake all is good.
so i think i know why the mongols are pushovers... the khaganate small wonder only increases chance of leaders appearing. they are supposed to put a yurt in all cities. im playing as the mongols and noticed this. is this change intended and just not noted in the pedia or is it an error?
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