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Civilization V Announced!

I didn't see Rome or Greece and I thought that that was definitely Japan, rather than China.
yes those were Japanese soldiers, sure.
If Japan was in the trailer, i expect them to be in the game.
And i'm sure Rome, Greece and CHina will also be in.
I'm sad to see that they are STILL stuck on using tiles for movements, terrains, etc... I'd really like to see a Civ game which just used pixels or whatever intead of tiles. This way unit movement, city radius, improvements, terrains, resources, etc. could be much more varied and realitic (and fun). Not to mention you would finally be able to make a spherical map, rather than cylindrical. Changing squares for hexagons relly doesn't make much difference...


Migrant said:
Changing squares for hexagons relly doesn't make much difference...

You are perfectly correct, it doesn't change much in the game... there are less directions for units to move (6 compared to current 8), so it depends on how they implement combat to see if it makes more difference than we know now.

It may have on impact on borders and worked tiles, etc... but probably not a game-changer here either.

All in all, nothing huge with hexes over squares. With the game itself, there's nothing huge that is new, that we know of at this point.

yes those were Japanese soldiers, sure.
If Japan was in the trailer, i expect them to be in the game.
And i'm sure Rome, Greece and CHina will also be in.

Those four are the vanilla bread and butter! (That doesn't sound right.) Eighteen are meant to be in Civ V, I'll wager that at least more than half of those are; America, Arabia, Aztec, China, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Inca, India, Japan, Mongolia, Rome, Russia, Spain, Viking, Zulu.
yes those were Japanese soldiers, sure.
If Japan was in the trailer, i expect them to be in the game.
And i'm sure Rome, Greece and CHina will also be in.

Judging from the Berzerkers on Longboats and the Hagia Sophia in the trailer, Vikings and Byzantines are likely in it as well.
Judging from the Berzerkers on Longboats and the Hagia Sophia in the trailer, Vikings and Byzantines are likely in it as well.

I don't think the Byzantines will get it. The Turks deserve it so much more.
Judging the trailer, doesn't mean the Turks/Byzantines will be in it. It is also possible, that there will be no Haghia Sophia.
And If you ask me, all Civs from Civ IV will be included ... well ... I at least think so.
A novel idea would be to include all the features in BtS as Vanilla in CV. That way, there would be so many more reasons for new players to get it, and people who have been assimilated into BtS would not feel like this this feature or that feature ought to remain. I remember how disappointed I was when certain C3C civs or features disappeared between C3C and CIV vanilla. By BtS, they were re-added, and the new features of BtS were actually more like 50% brand-new and 50% the features of C3C. I'll admit: some of them were re-added in WAR and some new features then, too, but I would like the BtS features and civs to see, and then the CV features IN ADDITION to the BtS features.
With hexes you can much more easily max out 100% terrain usage with no overlap between cities and no unused tile gaps.
Are they saying that Hiawatha is actually going to speak Onondaga ???
I don't think you should guess the Civs by the trailer... they can be any of them or none of them.
Hmmmmm.... the modding question i feel should include, what i wanted most from civ 4 and to be ease of use, is the ability to easily create your own civs, especially since in the vanilla there is so limited choice, its like when i ever played civ 4, it would of been cool to enter the modern era, without having for e.g the holy roman empire, the aztecs etc. as they all dont exist any more.

So it would be cool if we were able to have modding capabilities on the game with a gui, to customize civilizations, maybe not leaderheads as thats more complex, but city names, and selecting units and choosing unique units from a various list that other civs dont have. with of course restrictions like points. Also when entering different eras it would be nice to see other civilizations even though they did not discover the technologies to be automaticxally upgraded after several turns so that ew dont get a tank vs a knight. Which is sometimes unrealistic especially if the knight defeats the tank:p

Religions shouldnt be removed but rather improvised and as someone mentioned before. have lesser and lesser importance in politics. Also the united nations should have a better feel to it. I think CIV5 should take ideas from Total War; SuperPower 2 (THE U.N & WAR BATTLES) ; Supreme Ruler (TRADING) and from SMAC the fact that you could broker a peace agreement or peacekleeping force without jeapordizing your reputation with other players, also does well. Especially in a UNITED NATIONS FORMAT. Where it not just a blue blob on the corner giving you options.

And i feel should be mroe realistic in where the religions have been founded. For e.g christianity should come from a european origin from any of those civz, islam from ARAB origin if no arab civ chosen then atleast to the closest of "kin" Hinduism aswell... etc. As it brings more realism id ont feel aztecs should develop Budhism for e.g unless of course the chinese or the far eastern civz are not included within the game you play. but then to the next of kin which is indians, or going more west.

Also i feel sanctions should be included and alot of aspects from one mod for CIV = TOTAL WAR mod should be included on how the U.N should be like. elections for your civs should also appear.

The ideas for leaders in each civ which where not included before even though they where infamous and not liked but played an important role in the civilziations history:

Persia (MODERN DAY IRAN) : Ayotollah Khomeni
Egypt : Nasser (played important role in the modern era)
Russia: Stalin
Germany: Hitler (Was included in civ 3, not sure why removed in civ4)
America: JF Kennedy; George W Bush; Obama
There are others but cant think for more at the moment.

And civilizations that i feel should be included:
-Italy (even though roman empire but theres no modern leaders available without modding)
-Mexico (For the South Americas can be a modern day replacement for the Aztecs/Mayans)
-Brazil or Argentina (Same as above)
-U.S.S.R (Name Change for russia when entering the modern age and discovers communism, but later stages turning to Russian Federation)
-Iran (Modern day Persia)
- Austrailia
- South Africa (Even though may be biased since i am south african, i feel the zulus should turn into modern day republic of South Africa with Mandela as the leaderhead and to choose modern cities like Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban if want to include other southern african states no problem as i feel South Africa played a significant role in the world history during the dutch east indies, spice routes, gold mines etc.)
-Netherlands (the Dutch)
-The Arabs (modern day leaderheads should be included)
-Israel (important role player in current politics)

There are many more... the problem is in civ 4 there where many mods. but there was never a mod that included the all the mods in one for e.g one mod had everything in it but did not include other civs. and to include those civs esapecially for a person who has no modding skills it becomes hard. That is why if atleast they could allow us to edit the names of what cities can be built for e.g for israel Hebron, Jerusalem or for the Arabs Gaza, West Bank, or Brazil Rio De Janeiro etc. and to make Customized civs without having to go into the hard and core code of the game, that would be great. And to be allowed to have a map with more than 18 civs on it to allow the customized civs to be played. In civ3, more than 18 civs we could play with if im not mistaken once i played a map with all the civs selected.

Also to include the olympics, the world wars, Queens & Kings, should play a role. There are other ideas but for now i feel this should make a great game. If the developers are reading pleaase consider the above!!!!!!!!!!! Especially to make own customized civs easier. So some of us dont have to wait for people to create a civ via a mod. I will compromise even allowing it to not have a Unique Unit. Or a leaderhead :p
o YES and to make it interesting if a person wants to make a custom leaderhead and custom civ. Then they can take from the original leaderheads and just add a bear ot change skin color. Like how they have it in The Sims 3. Im sure thats not hard to do. It brings more playability. If they want ease of customizability and moddability. I feel thats the way!! Also to include revolutions, rebellions, breaking up of countries into seperate states. Conquering a nation but still been able to have talks with the nations allowing them independence if you wish so. And giving them free will but still have to listen to your command. I know vassal works same way but liek the leaders never used to demand t hings and just accepted it. For e.g they could inform us that they require more money for a project in a city or resources for a period of time. to appease their citizens and to avert a rebellion against you the conquering civ. I hope someone agrees with me. And the space race should be more indepth aswell as have future eras going into the space age and futuristic age. With an army to match that era. Also for civ iv warlords there were changes in there that where taken out in BTS. and in ciuv3, commanders, fortresses, airports ashould be inlcuded in civ 5 vanilla. Mammoth task but if not done then disapointment i feel will be for many.
Hmmmmm.... the modding question i feel should include, what i wanted most from civ 4 and to be ease of use, is the ability to easily create your own civs, especially since in the vanilla there is so limited choice, its like when i ever played civ 4, it would of been cool to enter the modern era, without having for e.g the holy roman empire, the aztecs etc. as they all dont exist any more.

So it would be cool if we were able to have modding capabilities on the game with a gui, to customize civilizations, maybe not leaderheads as thats more complex, but city names, and selecting units and choosing unique units from a various list that other civs dont have. with of course restrictions like points. Also when entering different eras it would be nice to see other civilizations even though they did not discover the technologies to be automaticxally upgraded after several turns so that ew dont get a tank vs a knight. Which is sometimes unrealistic especially if the knight defeats the tank:p

There are many more... the problem is in civ 4 there where many mods. but there was never a mod that included the all the mods in one for e.g one mod had everything in it but did not include other civs. and to include those civs esapecially for a person who has no modding skills it becomes hard. That is why if atleast they could allow us to edit the names of what cities can be built for e.g for israel Hebron, Jerusalem or for the Arabs Gaza, West Bank, or Brazil Rio De Janeiro etc. and to make Customized civs without having to go into the hard and core code of the game, that would be great. And to be allowed to have a map with more than 18 civs on it to allow the customized civs to be played. In civ3, more than 18 civs we could play with if im not mistaken once i played a map with all the civs selected.

Also to include the olympics, the world wars, Queens & Kings, should play a role. There are other ideas but for now i feel this should make a great game. If the developers are reading pleaase consider the above!!!!!!!!!!! Especially to make own customized civs easier. So some of us dont have to wait for people to create a civ via a mod. I will compromise even allowing it to not have a Unique Unit. Or a leaderhead :p

Okay, ignoring your comments on modern day civs (on which I would point out how long it takes to do one of these fancy leaders), I will focus on the GUI and mod opinion. XML is plaintext essentially, its also as descriptive as what you would get in a GUI editor, where you would just have a bunch of properties to change. If you want to add a leader, just copy the data from a nearby civ, and start modifying as neccesary, I know its a little scary, but the only thing a GUI will do is maybe aid in one level, which is the copy paste aspect.

The only part of making a civ that takes a moderate amount of time is getting the Uniques and the Leader together, if all you want is a fluffy Civ (nothing Unique as far as Unit/Building/Leader goes) it would take an insignificant amount of time. I would like to see mods made easier to install, but a don't want any GUI nonsense risking the loss of the core SDK mods (FFH, Rhye's, and so many others).
it would of been cool to enter the modern era, without having for e.g the holy roman empire, the aztecs etc. as they all dont exist any more.

So... as you enter modern ages, Aztecs just die off... because they didn't exist in modern real life... right... I wouldn't wanna play as Aztecs then or even worse Egypt.

Also when entering different eras it would be nice to see other civilizations even though they did not discover the technologies to be automaticxally upgraded after several turns so that ew dont get a tank vs a knight. Which is sometimes unrealistic especially if the knight defeats the tank:p

But that's the most fun!!! (tank vs knight part, not knight defeats tank that is)

-U.S.S.R (Name Change for russia when entering the modern age and discovers communism, but later stages turning to Russian Federation)

Are you serious?! How is that relevant?? Why in the world should it be like that??:eek: That is just stupid!!! Gee I don't know... what about NO? What if they didn't? It's supposed to be "create your own history" NOT exact replication of history. GOD!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Are you serious?! How is that relevant?? Why in the world should it be like that??:eek: That is just stupid!!! Gee I don't know... what about NO? What if they didn't? It's supposed to be "create your own history" NOT exact replication of history. GOD!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Click the heels of your pink bunny slippers three times and say, over and over ... "its only a game ... its only a game ... "

It is not stupid, it is just not your preference ... that is what you meant to say, right? ;)

lol it came out all wrong, and did not mean to offend either but apologies. As i said the game should have OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS! NOT RESTRICTIONS!

The only part of making a civ that takes a moderate amount of time is getting the Uniques and the Leader together, if all you want is a fluffy Civ (nothing Unique as far as Unit/Building/Leader goes) it would take an insignificant amount of time. I would like to see mods made easier to install, but a don't want any GUI nonsense risking the loss of the core SDK mods (FFH, Rhye's, and so many others).

Over here i meant, they should still allow us to have access to the SDK and core game files... as i used to play FFH & Rhyes and other mods and i enjoyed it. Sometimes there are people out there that cant really make mods like that but want to add few tweaks i.e by having other more custom civs. So have an option to be able to do it without compromising editing the SDK files etc. We must still have access to those files for more advanced modders but at the same time for the weaker knowledgeable people out there to make it easier to do it to. And the leaderheads again i meant to have a feature if you wish to customize a leader, to allow you to do it, they dont have to be animated like moving etc can be still. (which in few games they do allow you for e.g the Sims to customize the character) and i did say mammoth task but il pay for something like that. It allows the gamer and user to have the power. of what he or she wants in the game of this scale instead of been limited to a few.

And going back to the custom civs i do know you can do it via the XML, and i have done it. and edited it, the reason why i said ingame gui was because maybe you want to change the color scheme of the empire or to choose and see what type building style (middle eastern, european, far eastern) something like that Give options so it suits everybodies preferences. in a more point and click fashion, and then for the leaderhed of it you see a picture of the standard leaders and then options to have it wether beard, no beard, spikey hair(for example) or short hair, bald or not, big eyes or small eyes), complexion etc. plenty games come like that, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, to name a few. So people can mod with ease. especially for that aspect of the game. To make it more usable and extends the playability of the game. Sometimes if you edit the XML it can stuff up the game espcially when it comes to diplomacy and reactions etc. which i have experienced.

So... as you enter modern ages, Aztecs just die off... because they didn't exist in modern real life... right... I wouldn't wanna play as Aztecs then or even worse Egypt.

Again you did not understand my intention, what i meant was this.. If you play as aztecs right. and you enter an era like the industrial age or the modern age you should have the option to choose wether you want to stay as aztecs OR have another name like mexico, brazil etc. just a name change, like apopup saying congratulations reached the modern era, and became the moderns state of Mexico or Brazil (for that age and given option). again mamoth task. Similiar to one of the mods in CIV IV where depending on the CIVICS you chose the name of your empire changes either empire; kingdom; fiefdom etc. . Now the difference i mean here is i will give an example for the Romans, when you enter a new era, to be relevant to history since this game is based on that, a player should be given an option(FIXED depending on the civilization) to either stay as Romans or become the Italians; another example Vikings to the Norwegians;Swedish as it goes to a more modern industrialized eras. I understand though it can be a bit complex from face value and if not understood without examples and with pictures and more elaboration than a simple forum post like i put it, it can seem ridiculous and stupid. Now ihope you understand, and if you dont prefer it then you can stick to your first name as you chose from the beginning and have that preference at the start of the game to allow it or not especially for the AI;)

Originally Posted by Hashishim View Post
Also when entering different eras it would be nice to see other civilizations even though they did not discover the technologies to be automaticxally upgraded after several turns so that ew dont get a tank vs a knight. Which is sometimes unrealistic especially if the knight defeats the tank:p
But that's the most fun!!! (tank vs knight part, not knight defeats tank that is)

And this well, again from another mod on CIV IV the total war mod and the Rise Of Mankind and other mods, as new techs where discovered it filtered out slowly to the other more backward civs in the game. so that they can catch up to you and be on the same level. And at the start of the game have an option to users if they want to have it in the game or not depending on user preference. You can still have an technological advantage to them by fewer. But they cant be in the stone age, while you are in the modern age. lol and to bring balance if the civ never discover it yet they still have to discover it but get they also can reap the benefits of the technology but for the units and buildings they must have a higher cost.

So for example here. CIV A Developed Gunpowder and is highly advanced more than the other civs like an 'era' ahead. Then CIV B & C, must still discover that technologies to lead to it, but at a shorter space of time than normal like 1- 4 turns and as get closer to it the amount of time it takes to reach gets greater but not as much. And CIV B & C can have access to the new units etc but at a higher much higher cost with weaker points until they discover it or reach the points but must still lag behind CIV A by few technologies so it doesnt seem unfair to CIV A. like in our time in the real world Countries who dont have the technology/the know how/manpower to build F15's for e.g can still get them by purchasing or in civ terms building it via turns but at a significantly higher cost and lower combat(untrained) hit points or bonuses or defense points since they havent yet discovered the technology and when they do then it goes back to how normal as you! Again i seem to be jumbling up and talking nonsense but i hope you guys get the core of the idea.

And in the game you do get a knight or an archer defeating a TANK!! which i feel is not right how can a tank armour steel get destroyed by a bow and arrow. Can b overunn with 30 people climbing all over it. but then they'l just get run over. not saying it cant be done. I understand though it is fun for that to happen. But if i have a tank and the comp comes to me with a warrior or an archer and destroys the tank i'll be pissed. for what i upgraded my cavalry to a tank then!! Basically i feel especially a lower era like medieval era unit should not be able to defeat a lets say modern era unit unless ofcourse its possible like warrior against marine, harder for warrior but easier for a marine. but an armour against a warrior unless the warrior is superman (G)

Originally Posted by Hashishim View Post
-U.S.S.R (Name Change for russia when entering the modern age and discovers communism, but later stages turning to Russian Federation)
Are you serious?! How is that relevant?? Why in the world should it be like that?? That is just stupid!!! Gee I don't know... what about NO? What if they didn't? It's supposed to be "create your own history" NOT exact replication of history. GOD!!!

Now again some people like realism, like for e.g if the USSR was to enter world war, or germany world war and i play as them it would be interesting to see germany be victorious (no offence to anyone) but something like that in the game, or for the USSR to not disolve, now as a player you can have that option to either keep the name or not. as technology develops or new technology gets developed or as you enter a new era, based on actual history. You are still making your own path and own history and not following any thing. but giving an option for those that wish for it.

Otherwise you wont find people out there making customized civilizations as i have found these out there:

Italians (Which is out there), Iranians; Iraq ; North Korea; Vietnam; Finland; Argentina; Brazil; Canada; Austrailia.
All of which people modders out there have created to fill their desire, just this way allows all that. for each user whose a civ fan, without the need for anyone waiting for someone out there to create a civ that they wish to play as.

Like naturally, Zulus turn to South African; Zimbabwean etc; Hitittes to Israellis, Palestinean; Carthagineans to Morrocans & Libyans. Vikings/Scandinavians to Norwegians; Swedish; Danish. The leader never has to change though. Or if can then you can have a relevant leader to the which ever name change you choose. For e.g if you Carthage you choose Hannibal, then you reach the era modern or industrilization era then you choose the name for your civ as Libya, then next step you choose the leader in this case the option for Khadafi will be there. Now if you choose to remain to be the carthagenians then so be it go ahead!! In this way eveyrone is satisfied you, me , the person wanting to play their nations civilization in this game through their heritage.

The other things i mentioned if you find disagreements read again, and try to understand what i tried to mention or suggest!! Please:) ANd if i offended anyone or pissed anyone off apologies. All im saying is give users OPTIONS, if you prefer or not thats the USERs choice, If the game was like this then why are there so many mods out there! it shows that some people where not satisfied with the VANILLA version of the game, why? based on the mods ive played is because they added few elements like the above into the game. Now you may be saying then that makes the option of moddding the game pointless! My answer it does not! You can still be able to mod and customize, especially the SDK and core files maybe you dont like certain mechanics or to add religions or to add more civics (in civ iv couple mods did that) but for changes like the above it not hard to do especially if the environment to do it on or interface is friendly and user friendly which can satisfy everyone! And give preferences! And i say this because i believe the next version of CIV which is civilization V should be a fusion of all the MODS CREATED for CIV IV and all the expansions of CIV IV and CIV IV Vanilla , in one package , with a few tweaks here and there wether it be graphics, diplomacy, the U.N, and interface etc.

Again may seem confusing and asking ot much or ridiculous but there are other games out there that do the above, just not in the scale of civilization and i feel if civilization could do that and fuze the ideas it would be good! Galactic Civilizations did that aswell. SMAC if im not mistaken allowed that to! Just only difference allow the custom civz to be played by the Computer not Human :)

And i also mean i would like to see the other players show a sense of realism especially namesake like the names. especally for the computer player. I would love to set up in the game my own world war and try to make it feel like the world war 2, with the modern countries or atleast come close to it. or Vietnam War; Gulf War; Isrealli Palestinean Conflicts; Iraq Iran war (in game Arabs vs Persia, with the name change suggestion you can play it like that )

And i apologize for any errors or factuall errors especially in regard to history and heritage any modern that countries heritage if there are any mistakes it was given as examples, and needs to be looked into to be accurate :)
I'm pretty sad at this point that I'm having to wait till about April or May of next year to get my pc for college, but by then I'm pretty sure that what I need to run this and say Bioshock 2 or Napoleon TW cleanly should be within my price range.

I also find it quite funny that i was introduced to civ when my parents thought I should get a more educational game. When I think back to that, I ROTFL

And on the topic of our multicore processors, on the front page it says that they will make it playable for the new iSeries processors intel is comming out with, all of which I believe are either dual or quadcore, so I'm gonna call multicore comp. a :thumbsup:

And yet another edit, I noticed that i can start practicing the hex format on the bottom of my vans
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