CIVILIZATION V - Dx10 No Effect From Enabled Anti-Aliasing?


Sep 24, 2010
I see utterly no difference between disabling and enabling AA in DX10/11 mode.. the units / cities are as jagged as ever, however dx9 + 4x AA in the NVIDIA control panel seems to work. Which is awesome, but.. I don't get the highly detailed terrain textures of dx10 no matter what I change in dx9 ini settings (i.e. the desert textures are kinda blurry compared to DX10). :`(

Running Windows 7 x64, GTX260, Phenom II 945 - 1920x1080.

a) Does anyone know how to enable dx10 AA / force it somehow?
b) OR.. increase the terrain texture in the dx9 .ini settings? I tried increasing some of the terrain settings like 'Terrain Page in Rate' (.. uh, no idea what that is) to the values in the dx10/11 setting file, no luck.. changed CubeShadowResolution to 4096, but not sure what that changed. On the other hand, any of you know what enabling 'BicubicTerrainTessellation ' does?
Try forcing it in the nvidia control panel. I'm pretty sure you can have it overide the programs settings.
How do I do this?

Go to your NVIDIA Control Panel (I just right-click the desktop / choose it there), go to 'Adjust image settings with preview' (first in the list on the left) and make sure 'Use the advanced 3d image settings' is selected.

Then go to 'Manage 3D Settings' in that list and in the Global Settings tab, set Antialiasing - Mode to 'Override...' and Anti-aliasing - Setting to 4x, 2x if it slows the game down too much.

Set 'Multisampling' in Anti-aliasing Transparency.


Tylerryan79 said:
Try forcing it in the nvidia control panel. I'm pretty sure you can have it overide the programs settings.

It doesn't seem to work when I run CIV5 in Dx10/11. I've tried nHancer as well, pretty odd...
AWESOME! That worked for dx10/11.. I set LEADER detail to medium instead of HIGH in the options and AA x4 works now.

It's so purty....
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