I see utterly no difference between disabling and enabling AA in DX10/11 mode.. the units / cities are as jagged as ever, however dx9 + 4x AA in the NVIDIA control panel seems to work. Which is awesome, but.. I don't get the highly detailed terrain textures of dx10 no matter what I change in dx9 ini settings (i.e. the desert textures are kinda blurry compared to DX10). :`(
Running Windows 7 x64, GTX260, Phenom II 945 - 1920x1080.
a) Does anyone know how to enable dx10 AA / force it somehow?
b) OR.. increase the terrain texture in the dx9 .ini settings? I tried increasing some of the terrain settings like 'Terrain Page in Rate' (.. uh, no idea what that is) to the values in the dx10/11 setting file, no luck.. changed CubeShadowResolution to 4096, but not sure what that changed. On the other hand, any of you know what enabling 'BicubicTerrainTessellation ' does?
Running Windows 7 x64, GTX260, Phenom II 945 - 1920x1080.
a) Does anyone know how to enable dx10 AA / force it somehow?
b) OR.. increase the terrain texture in the dx9 .ini settings? I tried increasing some of the terrain settings like 'Terrain Page in Rate' (.. uh, no idea what that is) to the values in the dx10/11 setting file, no luck.. changed CubeShadowResolution to 4096, but not sure what that changed. On the other hand, any of you know what enabling 'BicubicTerrainTessellation ' does?