Civilizations on Wii U?


May 13, 2012
Long time Civ'r, first time poster but I had an idea I wanted to get out there into the universe.

What would everyone think of Civ on Wii U? I think the tablet controller presents an opportunity to keep some of that PC interface/depth but move forward visually by taking the game to a bigger screen. There could even be some strategy/mini-game/battle tie-ins with the 3DS.
Should we start the Operation Rainfall/Hold The Line letter blitz or I am I the only one who likes the idea?
Yeah, interesting idea. Obviously there have been Civ games on the DS that were VERY popular, so I could see Civ Revolutions 2 on Wii U, it would sell very well.
yeah, sorry gotta shoot this one down early, at least in my opinion CivRev was horrible, the only reason i enjoyed playing it at all was because at the time i didnt have a computer to play real civ on, but i do have to say the WiiU controller could make things interesting
I think the tablet controller presents an opportunity to keep some of that PC interface/depth but move forward visually by taking the game to a bigger screen.

That's an intriguing idea.
But I think not likely, because the unit movement could be a problem. While sure many people use the keyboard for that, I guess the same amount uses the mouse, and that's probably not going to work in any way with that setup.
Yeah I played Civ Revolutions plenty but it was well off the mark compared to the main game. Hope the follow up does better.

Thanks for the feedback!
TV consoles just aren't the right market for PC type strategy games - while there are console owners who don't have a gaming PC but want to play empire management games, they are a niche audience. Even lightened up for console gamers the 360 and PS3 versions of Revolution didn't do as well as could have been hoped. On the other hand the light formula did work out reasonably well on the portable DS, leading to the iOS and Windows Phone ports.

I do actually want to see a Revolution sequel, but instead of being targeted at TV consoles first and then ported as an afterthought, design it from the start for phones and tablets using a smaller budget. It would help get a better return on investment and I think a side Revolution series of Civ games provides a safer channel for trying out new ideas and taking risks which can then be folded back into the PC series.
TV consoles just aren't the right market for PC type strategy games -

Not quite sure why this assumption sticks around so persistently. I don't really see why (especially) mass market real time strategy stuff should not work on a gaming console. We also had quite a handfull of really great and complex PC type role playing games for the consoles, which did great. So why not strategy?

Even lightened up for console gamers the 360 and PS3 versions of Revolution didn't do as well as could have been hoped.

Well, it wasn't exactly just lightend up a bit, it was totally overdone with unbearable infantile advisor gibberish for below kindergarten age - in the light of which even a nonsense character like Jar Jar Binx suddenly feels like a serious Shakespeare actor. "Console player" does not mean "idiot", so please treat them accordingly. From my point of view this game did no stay behind it's possibilities because it was too serious but because it did not take it's players serious enough.
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