Clive01 - Warlords Prince Conquest / Domination

Ok, I'm the first on the roster, so let's try something here....
We don't have any worker techs. And this screenie shows no early "workable" resources. So, we may not need the usual worker building first this time. I'm not at home right now, so I can't play (although I'll be there in about 2 hours). Let's fire some questions:

1- Where do we move our warrior? No obvious moves. We can throw him at the woods to see what's to our east to confirm the settle in place or not.
2- Do we settle in place?
3- After settling, will we pursue an early religion? I usually don't.
4- What's the desired tech path? I favor Mining -> BW.
5- What's the initial build order? I favor Warrior -> Worker. And I must say that whipping workers for a expansive Civ is a MUST! :)

A random note: we can always farm that riverside banana for a 4f0h1c tile until calendar.

1) Warrior SE. Diagonal moves clear more fog than others
2) Move to the plains if warrior move doesn't show anything interesting. That preserves the grass hill for later mining and makes use of an otherwise bland field. (1h1f1g fields that can't be mined are almost useless IMNHO, and even irrigated plains are pretty marginal at any time.)
3) Let the religions come to us or make a run to Code of Laws.
4) Mining, Bronze then Animal Husbandry and The Wheel
5) Warrior first unless we can learn mining in the time it takes to put a worker on the ground. Time the worker to the arrival of Mining.
Lurker's comment:
with three calendar resources in BFC, calendar should be a definite priority, unless any other resources are revealed
Ok, this is my official got it.

As per Bede's suggestion (and it matched my instincts too), I moved the Warrior SE, into the woods. Look at this:


I was wondering if the other suggestion from Bede (to move into the plains) would be good, but I noticed the jungle right there. So, the rice east of us makes this a very good site, indeed.

So, to the questions:

fbelintani said:
2- Do we settle in place?
I think so!
fbelintani said:
3- After settling, will we pursue an early religion? I usually don't.
I liked the CoL idea too.
fbelintani said:
4- What's the desired tech path? I favor Mining -> BW.
Now with the rice there... Mining -> BW -> Agri
fbelintani said:
5- What's the initial build order? I favor Warrior -> Worker. And I must say that whipping workers for a expansive Civ is a MUST!
May I say something different this time? As we know, expansive civs get 100% bonus for :hammers: while building workers.... Correct me if I'm wrong, please, but if we whip 1 pop we will be getting 60 :hammers: a time. And that's exactly the cost of a worker. So, what do you think of getting Hunting first (it's 71 :science:), building Warrior(s) -> Scout(s) -> Settler (maybe barracks, need to do the math) while we wait for bronze to arrive and then :whipped: some workers? We can work the Bananas (3f0h1c), the Spices (2f0h2c), the forested hill (1f2h0c) and another 3f0h0c tile at pop 4. It's not THAT bad at all...

I'll play tomorrow night (24 hours). Until there you can :hammer: me! :crazyeye:
I agree with settling in place. As some of you may have guessed I often play as Spain in Civ IV ;). It has been my experience that I can easily get Hinduism and Judaism with my first two techs. However I also found that my defenses are sorely lacking by the time I get to Bronze Working (I had the unfortunate experience of being overrun by Barbarians:cry:). For the purposes of this game I agree that we need to forgo any religion at the beginning to concentrate on get some solid offensive capabilities to take the Holy Cities from the cannon fodder :D. I agree with Mining -> Bronze Working -> Agriculture for the beginning techs. We might consider building a Workboat for exploring once we have gotten a couple of Warrior build.
Settling in place seems fine. I agree with a scouting WB (we have Fishing). When? Before settler? Normally I would lean towards an early religion, but I can accept team decision ;)
May I say something different this time? As we know, expansive civs get 100% bonus for :hammers: while building workers.... Correct me if I'm wrong, please, but if we whip 1 pop we will be getting 60 :hammers: a time. And that's exactly the cost of a worker. So, what do you think of getting Hunting first (it's 71 :science:), building Warrior(s) -> Scout(s) -> Settler (maybe barracks, need to do the math) while we wait for bronze to arrive and then :whipped: some workers? We can work the Bananas (3f0h1c), the Spices (2f0h2c), the forested hill (1f2h0c) and another 3f0h0c tile at pop 4. It's not THAT bad at all...

I'm struggling slightly to understand this fbelintani. Is the reason for getting hunting early so that we can get a scout out there ? I do agree that we probably don't need workers for little while and that as we are expansive it makes sense to wait until we can whip them.

If we want to start scouting ASAP we could do with either a workboat or a scout. A WB costs 30H and scout is 15H , but we will lose 6 turns researching hunting for the scout. On one hand a scout may get us something useful from a hut whereas a WB wont. On the other a WB should give us a better idea of which map type we are on.
Thanks for the input! And I apologize for the :crazyeye: strat... :blush:

Yes, Sir, the main purpose is to scout a little bit more. But I can use the Work Boat for this. So, to sum it up:

Research :science:: Mining -> Bronze Working -> Agriculture
Build order :hammers:: Work Boat -> Warrior(s) -> Worker :whipped: -> Settler

I'll not be able to accomplish it in 20 turns. But we'll see where I can get. :)
If anyone has something different to say, please do!

Now, the only thing I can do is wait until I get home in about... 10 hours... :sad:
Beginning countdown!
Settling in place seems fine. I agree with a scouting WB (we have Fishing). When? Before settler? Normally I would lean towards an early religion, but I can accept team decision ;)

As I said in an earlier post I normally tend to go for early religions when I start with mysticim at lower level. I know we decided not to go for early religion but since I have never played at Prince level before I thought I would do a test.

I rolled a new start each time using the settings of our SG and tried 3 starts each on Hunting-Meditation-Polytheism and Meditation-Polytheism. Each game I settled in place and built worker-warrior in the capital.

1) Meditation-Polytheism

a) Got Buddhim OK. Hinduism FIADL with 6 turns left on Polytheism.
b) Got Buddhism OK . Got Hinduism OK.
c) Got Buddhism OK . Got Hinduism OK.

2) Hunting-Meditation-Polytheism

a) Buddhism FIADL with 3 turns left on Meditation.
b) Buddhism FIADL with 1 turn left on Meditation.
c) Buddhism FIADL with 6 turns left on Meditation.

I was surprised by 1)a) . I thought that I should be pretty much guaranteed getting Hinduism if I beelined for Polytheism on Prince :(.

Obviously Prince is slghtly more tricky than I thought.

BTW in the above tests I popped about 7-8 huts in total with the warrior. I got maps, gold and 1 scout. Not a single Barb :)
fbelintani up - currently playing (20 turns)
The Sansman on deck (15 turns)
Sir Clive

24hr got it / 48hr play
I was surprised by 1)a) . I thought that I should be pretty much guaranteed getting Hinduism if I beelined for Polytheism on Prince :(.

Obviously Prince is slghtly more tricky than I thought.

In my experience (and reading through the forums), aside from Gandhi and Isabella, the AI's usually go to Polytheism first on Warlords 2.08. It's a little weird, but you can actually grab Hinduism first and Buddhism later this way.
The :smoke: move in my opinion is that you built worker first. Well, chasing all the early religions require many :science:, so you should have built warriors while letting the pop grow and getting more commerce tiles worked. You don't have any worker techs, so a worker would not give you more commerce! :)
The :smoke: move in my opinion is that you built worker first. Well, chasing all the early religions require many :science:, so you should have built warriors while letting the pop grow and getting more commerce tiles worked. You don't have any worker techs, so a worker would not give you more commerce! :)

You're quite right of course ! One of my major weaknesses in Civ is that I always tend to build workers too early and build too many of them as the game goes on. I usually end up with workers with nothing to do until railroad comes in so they just end up building unneccessary roads. Hopefully a habit this SG will help me get out of !

I re-tried with just building workers in the capital and going Hunting-Meditation-Polytheism and Mining-Meditation-Polytheism ( usually 1 turn more)

I only failed once ( beaten to Meditation by 3 turns) out of 8 tries so that was useful experiment for future solo games at Prince using Isabella !
Hey guys, I played my turns!

Turn 0/460 (4000 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:30:42]
Madrid founded
Madrid begins: Work Boat (30 turns)
Research begun: Mining (7 Turns)

Turn 4/460 (3840 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:32:29]
Madrid's borders expand

Turn 6/460 (3760 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:32:53]
Tech learned: Mining

Turn 7/460 (3720 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:32:59]
Research begun: Bronze Working (13 Turns)
Madrid grows: 2

Turn 8/460 (3680 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:33:14]
Tribal village results: lots of gold
FBelintani: 80 gold

Turn 12/460 (3520 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:36:41]
While attacking in the wild, Warrior defeats (2.00/2): Barbarian Lion (Prob Victory: 78.9%)

Turn 15/460 (3400 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:37:19]
Madrid finishes: Work Boat

Turn 16/460 (3360 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:37:24]
Madrid begins: Warrior (5 turns)

Turn 17/460 (3320 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:37:59]
Warrior promoted: Woodsman I
FBelintani: Warrior facing a bear! Let's promote him and pray!

While defending in the wild, Warrior defeats (2.00/2): Barbarian Bear (Prob Victory: 79.3%)
FBelintani: :goodjob:

Turn 18/460 (3280 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:38:27]
Madrid grows: 3

Turn 19/460 (3240 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:38:43]
Tech learned: Bronze Working

FBelintani: We are spiritual, so let's revolt!

Turn 20/460 (3200 BC) [08-Mar-2007 19:39:42]
Research begun: Agriculture (8 Turns)

I set the research to Agriculture, but no :science: were invested. So, look at this:


See the problem?
We have no Bronze so far and we are on a very small island, if I may say so. There's a goody hut unclaimed near Madrid. It's so unlikely we have another civ near us.

The save is attached!


Good start fbelintani !

Well although the capital should be able to be developed quite nicely our island is pretty poor.

No happiness resources and we have only probably got room for another 2 cities on the island and neither are likely to be particularly productive.

However this is why I like a shuffle start - it adds some more unpredictability to the game :)

At least we shouldn't have too many barb problems :)

Let's hope there is some land we can reach in the north once our work boat has fogbusted some more.

If not I suppose our best bet is to explore the island to the SE - hopefully there will be a decent site to settle which gets those elephants. Given that I guess our second site on our home island will be in the south - best site looks like being 1NE of the pigs as it only has 3 desert tiles in the fat cross takes in a FP , the pigs and the elephant and is coastal.

Attached is a crude dotmap (sorry it's a bit messy - couldn't figure out how to erase lines in paint when I had drawn them wrong :( )

fbelintani up - just played
The Sansman - up (15 turns)
Sir Clive - on deck

24hr got it / 48hr play

@Sansman - seeing as we are currently untroubled by barbs and AI civs I would imagine you will not have very much to do during your turns so if you want to take 20 turns rather than 15 feel free !
Go north young man, go north!

Elephants won't be under our control though a citizen can work the field, tho not of much value until it can be improved.

Isabella exiled on an arid desert isle, oh what irony.
With Bede I agree.
North it shall be!
The workboat is there and it has better land. South is too arid. We need only one or 2 more warriors to fogbust there.
Another turnset is enough to see, but if we have, indeed, an isolated start, we should rethink our goals...

Depending on our north land (and resources), but, with the information we have now, I think Sailing got really up on the priority list. I'd get it after Agriculture and produce a Galley right after a Settler. We may need to colonize the other islands soon.

A little detail: no religion was founded yet. There may not be any "Mystic" civs out there.
OK got for tonight. I continue with the fog busting.


1. Since we at size 3 should I start a settler?

2. After Agriculture should I go for Iron Works? I think we should.
No hurry on the settler, I would rather see the lay of the island first. It's not like we have to race another nation to the prizes :groucho:

A worker might come in handy though.
My initial idea is to finish the warrior and then :whipped: the worker. Remember, we are expansive, so I THINK it would be a 1 pop whip after 1 turn of building. Would you please confirm this? :)
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