Clive01 - Warlords Prince Conquest / Domination

belintani -
The Sansman -
Sir Clive -
Sirloin - Just played
negyvenketto - Up
Bede - on deck

Negy - as Sirloin said it's probably worth you taking more than 10 turns if you are happy with that since the game is slow at the moment and it would be useful to see how we stand when/if we have the Oracle.
@Sirloin, may I have a request? Could you please post more screenies? At least a "Entire Island" one? I'm at work now and I can't look at the save. Well, I do almost every post at work, so I'd be very happy if all do this. :D

About the game, I'd have chosen to research AH first. We could send the settler to the horses (if we have any). But, what's done is done.
While waiting for the Oracle, Havana (:eek:) could grow to size 2 and :whipped: a worker to mine that gold. We will need him eventually later on.
Regarding :science:, after Writing, grab The Wheel to connect the gold!
@Sirloin, may I have a request? Could you please post more screenies? At least a "Entire Island" one? I'm at work now and I can't look at the save. Well, I do almost every post at work, so I'd be very happy if all do this. :D

Well I am at home at the moment with 10 mins to spare so I can do this :)

The North at 1600BC


The South at 1600BC

Ok, I see better now. Thanks, Sir! :goodjob:

Regarding Havana: it will be the Confucian Holy City! If it was built right now, skip the monument! The Monument will be built in 6 turns. After that, it'd be 10 to pop the borders. It makes 16 turns. Without it, It'd be 15 turns to get the Oracle, found the religion, and 2 turns (5:culture:/turn) to pop the borders, to a grand total of 17. Only 1 turn more and we don't lose 6 turns on the monument! Build a Lighthouse while growing, at size 2 switch to a worker, :whipped: it and the overflow goes into the lighthouse.
Too bad we have no forests around for the Great Lighthouse... It would be nice with all this coastal cities.

I think we have a good city site between the Bananas and the gold on the north. But let's wait for ponies! :)
Just some thought-process on Priesthood before AH: When I'm going for an early wonder (or any important wonder) I really do everything I can to research its pre-req tech as soon as possible and then build it as fast as possible. As a non-industrious civ without marble, we weren't in any position to burn turns before getting started. Once I saw that the research numbers could be made to bring in writing with the oracle if I did priesthood first, I went for it.

Sorry about the lack of an empire screen, I actually had one to upload, and then I looked at it and realized it contained no new information. Only two new tiles had been revealed on the southern island (without new resources) and each city had a zoomed shot, so I just omitted the screenshot.

[Edit]: febel: About the monument, you are absolutely right, that would have been a better play.
Just some thought-process on Priesthood before AH: When I'm going for an early wonder (or any important wonder) I really do everything I can to research its pre-req tech as soon as possible and then build it as fast as possible. As a non-industrious civ without marble, we weren't in any position to burn turns before getting started. Once I saw that the research numbers could be made to bring in writing with the oracle if I did priesthood first, I went for it.
Your call was good! I was just trying to "optimize" the second city location. But the location you founded almost fogbust all our north! And we can always grab the ponies (if any) with city #3.

Sorry about the lack of an empire screen, I actually had one to upload, and then I looked at it and realized it contained no new information. Only two new tiles had been revealed on the southern island (without new resources) and each city had a zoomed shot, so I just omitted the screenshot.
I think I was too lazy to scroll back. I hide the images here... You know.. You must keep the boss thinking you're working. :D

[Edit]: febel: About the monument, you are absolutely right, that would have been a better play.
I was almost sending the post when I realized it. I had to rewrite everything! If I was playing, I'd have done what you did. It's not criticism. I just wish I could be paid to play civ, and not stay here, only thinking about it. ;)
Oh! And, btw, you can call me FB. :)
This is my 11 turns:

First, we are not so isolated, ocean tiles with food and :commerce: mean land nearby


If we found the fish city on the south island, one border pop maybe enough to go through without optics.

I felt chop one forest will hurry building Oracle too much, I just built one more mine. We can chop something later ;)

Turn 63 (1480 BC) Tech learned: Animal Husbandry
We have no horses :cry:

Turn 67 (1320 BC)
After finishing the mine at Madrid I decided to send the worker to mine the gold near Havana. This could be regarded as :smoke:

Turn 70 (1200 BC)
Tech learned: Writing
Madrid finishes: The Oracle :crazyeye: On the screenshot it's the turn 71

Turn 71 (1160 BC)
Research begun: The Wheel (5 Turns)
Was it the consensus? Can be changed anyway.
Tech learned: Code of Laws (from Oracle)
Confucianism founded in Havana

I converted. Since we are spiritual, no anarchy.
Confu missionary heading to Madrid bringing happiness :)

Madrid begins: Settler (Next build library?)
Havana begins: Worker (takes some time while we'll be able to :whipped: it)

Spoiler :

Turn 60/460 (1600 BC) [13-Mar-2007 18:39:10]
Havana begins: Lighthouse (20 turns)


Turn 61/460 (1560 BC) [13-Mar-2007 18:44:56]
Madrid grows: 5


Turn 62/460 (1520 BC) [13-Mar-2007 18:56:38]


Turn 63/460 (1480 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:00:15]
Tech learned: Animal Husbandry


Turn 64/460 (1440 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:01:22]
Research begun: Writing (7 Turns)


Turn 65/460 (1400 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:03:21]


Turn 66/460 (1360 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:04:03]
A Mine was built near Madrid


Turn 67/460 (1320 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:06:08]


Turn 68/460 (1280 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:09:43]


Turn 69/460 (1240 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:10:40]


Turn 70/460 (1200 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:11:32]
Tech learned: Writing
Madrid finishes: The Oracle
Havana grows: 2


Turn 71/460 (1160 BC) [13-Mar-2007 19:12:07]
Research begun: The Wheel (5 Turns)
Tech learned: Code of Laws
Confucianism founded in Havana
Confucianism has spread: Havana
Madrid begins: Settler (9 turns)
Havana begins: Worker (20 turns)

The save
Nice turns, negy!

We don't have copper. We don't have ponies. We must have iron!
Good to know you found that ocean tiles. Although we may need a lot of culture to get there via galleys. Or another civ on those islands...

Now I saw what failed in my :whipped: strategy. Expansive gives 50% bonus :hammers:, not 100% like I thought. :blush: But it gives another good thing as well:
+3 health per city. Double speed production of Granary and Harbor.
That's a 100% bonus! :)

I can now sum this trait up to two points:
- workers are good to :whipped: for 2 pop. The overflow is good (at least 15 :hammers:) and we get this very good "unit".
- WE NEED POTTERY! :whipped: granaries are a must for Expansive. It costs 60 :hammers:, so THESE we can :whipped: for 1 pop after 1 turn of building. And it's good to do it on the newly founded cities, as they'll be way below their happy caps.

I'm starting to like the expansive trait. :)
'tis a fine kettle of fish you've landed us in, Ollie.

Nice opening! :goodjob: to all.

And kudos for negy for finding a reason for what I felt to be true (we are not alone!) but had no evidence to justify my confidence. All the more reason to have boats on those quadrants as soon as we get Alphabet.

Now I don't see any real reason to rush to Pottery if there is something more interesting to learn first, like calendar or compass. Granaries are nice but I'd rather have harbors.

Got it.
Nice turns Negy - great that we have a couple of supplies of happiness now :beer:

Haven't any time at the moment to look at the save for long (will look tonight UK time) and therefore give more detailed thoughts but I would be inclined to go along with the venerable one and prefer harbours to granaries at the moment.

I'd really really like to know where the iron is if we have any but I guess it's going to have to wait for the moment :(

Revised roster

belintani - on deck
The Sansman -
Sir Clive -
Sirloin -
negyvenketto - Just played
Bede - Up
Now I don't see any real reason to rush to Pottery if there is something more interesting to learn first, like calendar or compass. Granaries are nice but I'd rather have harbors.

Am I so addicted to the :whipped: that I cannot see anything else? Think about it!

- We are researching The Wheel, which is a pre-req to Pottery and we need to hook up the gold.
- Pottery is only 80 :science: and, besides Granaries, gives us the ability to cottage our land to get more :science:.
- Granaries gives our cities the ability to grow fast, which means :whipped: more, which means more :hammers:.
- To get Optics, we need Machinery, that needs Metal Casting, that needs Pottery.

- Compass is 400 :science: and needs Iron Working (another 200 :science:).
- Calendar is 350 :science: and needs Maths (another 250 :science:).

I agree with Calendar, but I cannot say I agree with Compass and Harbors. +50% trade route yield is nothing compared to a village or town, specially if we don't have foreign trade routes. And I don't think we will have them that soon.

Of course, all of this may be :smoke: and you guys will show me anytime soon. :lol:
I would also recommend Pottery. As stated, its a cheap tech that provides a great city improvement and a great terrain improvement. The only reason we held off is since we were aggressively pursuing the oracle.

Also, whats our next goal/plan?

Expansion: Where is our next city site? Banana/Gold? Or Somewhere South? I can try to dotmap up the rest of our land later this afternoon.

Research: With the general goal of optics, the only real question is what to do first: Metal Casting or Compass?

Production: Do we want to try for more wonders? We don't need any military, but we can't neglect settlers. Great Lighthouse lasts a LONG time and will benefit every city we found, Pyramids is obviously great, and Colossus is a good short-term boost. Are these worth the distraction or should we be hammering settlers/workers?
I too think that we should get pottery now. I believe that we will need Optics to find the AI and to be able to trade with them. I think we will be behind tech wise when we finally meet the others we share this world with. We need to develop a strong economy as early as possible.
I too think that we should get pottery now. I believe that we will need Optics to find the AI and to be able to trade with them. I think we will be behind tech wise when we finally meet the others we share this world with. We need to develop a strong economy as early as possible.

Looks like the pottery vote is winning at the moment - I ham happy to go along with the majority. As fbel said we need it to get to Optics anyway so we are going to need to research it at some stage unless the AI finds us first and we can trade for it.
The settler being built in Madrid will be complete during Bede's turn.

Any views on the next city site anyone ?

Sine I normally play continenets ,I can't remember what sort of connections we require to spread happiness from resources across water. If we build our next city on Elephantine Island do we need a harbour there and on our mainland for the happiness to spread from the Jumbos to Madrid ?
Any views on the next city site anyone ?
As far as I can see, I'd settle the Banana-Gold north of Madrid. That would make our north almost safe. Then we can look at the south.

Sine I normally play continenets ,I can't remember what sort of connections we require to spread happiness from resources across water. If we build our next city on Elephantine Island do we need a harbour there and on our mainland for the happiness to spread from the Jumbos to Madrid ?
No, we just need sailing. :D
Nice opening! :goodjob: to all.

And kudos for negy
Thanks, Brother Bede. I have learnt a new word today, too. :lol:

After Pottery, I'm thinking about MC and chop Colossus. I feel we can't use TGL effectively since we don't have foreign trade routes.
After that Mathematics to enable Calendar and Currency (market!).
The Realm


As you can see Confucius paid a visit to Barcelona.



Working our way to Metal Casting

After connecting the gold the workers headed south, one to build cottages at Barcelona, the other to do the same at Madrid. A cottage on the calendar resource along the river will be a big help to the treasury.

Madrid is building its library while Seville works on its lighthouse. I have never figured out the economics of the whip so the overflow into the lighhouse up there was minimal.

The boats in the water are either at or heading toward the picket sites identified in negy's screen shots.

There are a couple of reasonable city locations in the south; one is a handy canal site with a floodplain and some hills to work, the other has pork and at least one useable hill.

A research change to Masonry and a run at the Great Lighthouse might be useful. The Colussus goes late much of the time. The Lighthouse has utility for a long time, though its value now is low, it could prove quite useful in the not too distant future. Just a thought for your consideration.

After building a canal city the east island should become a priority. I can't see any sites that are real strong, but there are people on this team with better eyes than I.
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