[RD] Comey's "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership"

B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Her E-mails! Baghazi! Only Democrats are capable of corruption!
Trump could probably give putin the US nuclear launch codes live on TV and the republicans will say "fake news" and demand more investigations into Hillary and the democrats.
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Her E-mails! Baghazi! Only Democrats are capable of corruption!
Trump could probably give putin the US nuclear launch codes live on TV and the republicans will say "fake news" and demand more investigations into Hillary and the democrats.

And you can rest assured, knowing that when they make those demands J will be johnny on the spot to give us a link and tell us it's something other than what it is.
Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzock and Lisa Page are also referred by name for criminal investigation. 11 Representatives signed the letter.
Only 11 huh? There are 237 Republican House members and only 11 signed off on this? What does that tell you?

By contrast the House passed the Russia Sanctions (which Trump still refuses to enforce) by a margin of 419 to 3.
It doesn't tell J anything, because he hasn't put any thought into it. He was just fed it by his preferred partisan mind control outlet and is now parroting it here. Attempts to parse it or explain it's obvious ridiculousness are, of course, utterly useless. He simply assumes everyone operates like him, dismiss everything you say as partisan hackery, and move on.

I'm pretty sure this is the only way one can manage to be a Republican these days. Any attempts to apply rational thought would collapse the whole house of cards instantly. Better to let Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do the thinking for you.
Moderator Action: Let's stop picking on J, please. He has a right to his opinions on the forum as long as they don't contradict the rules. Disagree with his opinions all you wish, but stop the personal attacks.
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Incidentally, that post might have gone into the Clown Car thread, but it's a display of how the leadership lies… btw would anybody be surprised if suddenly this Mr. Jones turned out to share an attorney with POTUS and claimed privilege?
Is this why American conservatives like to pretend to be the underdogs and rebels against "the establishment"? (even though it seems that they are "the establishment")

There's a lot that goes into that. To stretch the Nazi analogy, these are people who's world is not what they want it to be. And so they have to blame someone else. And this was stirred up even further, for Big Money Wall St Conservatives have been stirring up the plot. All of Fox News, right wing talk radio, other far right media outlets, were created by Big Money interests for the purpose of driving division in politics. Division that they can use to rob everyone blind.

The primary defining character trait of the conservative mind is the inability to understand personal responsibility. When things go bad for them, someone else must be at fault. Must be the enemy. Must be out to harm them. Right wing media gave them a target, the liberals, the coastal elite. So they hate, without thought, because they can't accept that the real causes of their problems are

  1. The world changes. That's what it does. It can't be stopped.
  2. The same Big Money Wall St Conservatives who have been stirring them up, and using them, and destroying their future for their own greed and selfishness.
They're right about one thing. We don't understand them. We don't get why they constantly kick their own children's teeth in for the benefit of the Big Money Wall St Conservatives who are using them.

Why do you say he became the leader of the rednecks, if most of his donors and voters are wealthier than the average? Isn't that line of reasoning blaming poor people and so-called "rednecks" for something they aren't necessarily responsible for?

I saw this article a while ago, and it made me wonder if Trump was simply a desperate vote for some of the poorer people in the USA? Can you explain to me what phenomenon this article describes, since you live in the US? Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway.

The core of support for conservatives is the rich. Long run, they have most of the power. But they are too few in number to get elected alone. So they throw red meat to those that they can convince to vote with them. White men, the stupidly religious, rural fools. They just need to convince enough others to vote with them to screw over everyone.
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And you can rest assured, knowing that when they make those demands J will be johnny on the spot to give us a link and tell us it's something other than what it is.

J was alight last year, you could have a decent argument and reasonable good grasp of events
What has happened to J this last year

Who controls ALL three branches of the government ?
Who has appointed to be the new FBI director ?
Who has appointed to be the new AJ ?
Who is in control of the House oversight committee ?
What have Republicans been doing for an entire year ?
It dont make sense
Moderator Action: Please take note of the earlier mod note posted on this page and remember that this is an RD thread.
Honestly you have Faux News contributors created "facts" from thin air again, which is then repeated by Hannity
Even after the same Faux News contributors have been caught, making up crap by other media, they never admit they pull it out from there own rear ends. Its never corrected
So this is pretty much the standard MO for Faux News

This is how you have a majority of Republicans believing in the incrediable mountain of BS that we saw under Obama.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the deSantis memo. https://desantis.house.gov/_cache/f...9E830D37CF96376A2.final-criminal-referral.pdf

The part about Comey concludes, "Accordingly, we refer James Comey to DOJ for potential violation(s) of: 18 USC 1621 and 18 USC 1001."

Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzock and Lisa Page are also referred by name for criminal investigation. 11 Representatives signed the letter.

Only 11 huh? There are 237 Republican House members and only 11 signed off on this? What does that tell you?

By contrast the House passed the Russia Sanctions (which Trump still refuses to enforce) by a margin of 419 to 3.
It doesn't tell J anything, because he hasn't put any thought into it. He was just fed it by his preferred partisan mind control outlet and is now parroting it here. Attempts to parse it or explain it's obvious ridiculousness are, of course, utterly useless. He simply assumes everyone operates like him, dismiss everything you say as partisan hackery, and move on.

I'm pretty sure this is the only way one can manage to be a Republican these days. Any attempts to apply rational thought would collapse the whole house of cards instantly. Better to let Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do the thinking for you.
Two lawyers respond and neither one addresses the legal issues, which was the point.

It dont make sense

It does though. The new standard is that Republicans are RINOs unless they agree to cede their capacity for independent thought to Donald Trump and his inner circle. Notice how even a lifelong Republican who intervened in the election in a way that helped Trump and hurt Clinton (indeed, without Comey's letter it seems somewhat likely that Clinton would have won the election) is being attacked, marginalized, pushed out, simply because there are things more important to him than loyalty to Donald Trump.
Not to advocate violence, but the US could of had a bloody revolution, except the people that need the revolution is the side without any guns. This nation was allegedly built on justice, but if we actually did get justice, no one would be around to enjoy freedom and liberty. So all we are left with is arguments about injustice, inequality, and everyday ideology.
Two lawyers respond and neither one addresses the legal issues, which was the point.
How many lawyers do you think there are among the House Republicans? How many of those lawyers signed on to the letter? How many of those lawyers didn't?

How many more lawyers do you need to hear from than that?
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