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Common Errors and/or Crashes Section

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I now have it (after removing some other things, so not relative to the SVN) consistently crashing/not crashing depending on whether I include killer rabbits or not. I can get the same toggling state with the killer rabbits out by toggling flightless birds, but without them it switches for me JUST on the killer rabbit, so I'm slowly (this is sooo tedious) modifyinh the killer rabbit XML to try to isolate the feature that is triggering the behaviour.

However, I'm almost timed out for today and weekedn time will be slim, so not sure when I will finish this process :confused:

I have taken out all the Alt Timeline, Xtras and zExperimental (in Subdue Animals) and I still crash. :sigh:
I went back to v17 original and have played for over 5 hrs w/o a CTD. Something in the 9-30 .dll or DH Assets update is causing even Non SVN games to CTD. Mostly non repeatable and then the Hard crash CTD where you can not continue no matter what you try.

I went back to v17 original and have played for over 5 hrs w/o a CTD. Something in the 9-30 .dll or DH Assets update is causing even Non SVN games to CTD. Mostly non repeatable and then the Hard crash CTD where you can not continue no matter what you try.


Again 7 out of 10 times its an ArtDefines problem.

I have Rev ON, trying it out, but i noticed that before the city goes into the Rev it has a Commander in it, and then after it takes out ALL my units and deletes the Commander and takes over the city right then and there:mad::eek:

I have Rev ON, trying it out, but i noticed that before the city goes into the Rev it has a Commander in it, and then after it takes out ALL my units and deletes the Commander and takes over the city right then and there:mad::eek:

I'm not really familiar with the REV Python, but I think it destroys some units and expells others. If so you likely just got unlucky with the commander bein one of the detroyed ones.
Again 7 out of 10 times its an ArtDefines problem.

Unlikely if Joseph II had it just changing the DLL and the DH post (though that does contain art defines, so not totally impossible)

@Joseph - could you revert DH's XML update to the base V17 one (but leave in the patch DLL) and see what happens please...

It's just base v17 (no assets update or .dll update) right now, so I can add the 9-30 .dll and see what shakes.

@ Koshling:

Now this is the fifth (5th) NEW game i have started, i WANT barbarian Civ to work, but the options screen and the settings screen, does NOT say i have it working, but i know for a fact i UN-checked the NO barbarian Civs options??:mad:
Could it be that as it is the default to have Barbarian Civs it will only show if you have no barbarian civs?

Have played for several hours now with Base v17 and the 9-30 .dll, No CTDs to report. :)


Have played for several hours now with Base v17 and the 9-30 .dll, No CTDs to report. :)


So some evidence its the artwork in those files - I'll try reverting mine to raw V17 state (just those assets) when I get a chance and see what happens
Spoke too soon. Had a Non repeatable at 400BC. Went back to 440BC last Autosave. Saved it in Max Comp and then started saving in Max C every turn till I got past 400BC. I saved every other turn then increased to every 3rd turn and now at 290BC am saving at every 4 turns.

We'll see how it goes.

I never did get an answer How to make Autosave save in Max Comp format.

My assets work with last svn (with all extra stuff) and r824 dll, it seems that changes in r826 dll cause crash.

I'll try that, but it's inconsistent with what Joseph reported.

Edit - ok, I have confirmed what you say. I am currently backing out chnages in that revision one by one until I pin it down.

Hard Crash, repeatable Base V17 with only 9-30 .dll change/update.



open Assets\XML\A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines.xml

change 0 to 1

When I did this and now go to save the Max Comp and Regular BtS Save popup is no longer there. It goes straight to the save screen like Default BtS always did. Is this supposed to happen? And when I take an Autosave and resave it's the same way.

I finally got by that CTD. I repeatedly saved (at least 3 times each) both the turn before the CTD and the Turn of the CTD. I just finished the next turn after the CTD and will see how long I can keep going. (All this after I did what sleeper posted to get Autosave to save as Max C).

Hope this sheds some light on this problem.

Initially I had a neighboring War Chief and Bandit Footpad about to enter and Attack one of my mines that had a unit stationed nearby. When I went back to the previous turn to replay I moved 2 axemen on one mine hill and the nearby axe to the other mine to the east. I also brought an Explorer to defend that mine from a city to the east. On the turn that crashed the WC and BFP were attacking the mine with the 2 axe. Then the screen went black and the CTD occurred. For the next 2 attempts I kept trying to bring in More reinforcements. On the 3rd attempt the game continued with me losing an axe and the BFP being destroyed with the WC reduced to str 6. Which I captured on the next turn after losing another axe in the attempt.

Don't know if this sequence had anything to do with the cause of the crash or the eventual getting past it. Just info on what i was doing to get by it.

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