Community Deity Game #20 - Portugal


GOTM Staff
Mar 19, 2004
Frederick, MD
Welcome to the twentieth installment in the Community Deity Game series!
CDG 20 - Maria asks, “Can you hear me Nau?”
We aim to post an interesting challenge twice each month. We try for a variety of starts and difficulties. There is a suggested Victory Condition and a list of Achievements for each map, so each game has a theme or gimmick to it.

The idea with map is to see if you can get something from a Unique Improvement widely regarded as useless. Since the extra happiness from Feitorias is probably most helpful when warmongering, the suggested VC is Domination.

Please see the CDG Series Discussion Thread to express yourself if you have remarks and ideas. Some maps use mods. Please note that maps you wish to share must have the DLC map packs disabled, so those who do not have them can enjoy the challenge. To do this, you go into the DLC option from the Main Menu and untick the options for ‘Explorers Map Pack’, ‘Scrambled Nations’, and ‘Scrambled Continents’. You will need to do this every time you start a new game that you might want to share.

When posting about your victory, please begin the post with the turn number, victory condition, and achievement points in bold text, e.g. “T247 DiploVC, 10 points”. This is so the kind volunteer who updates the finishers spreadsheet can see it more easily.

Also please provide a screenshot of your victory turn, and maybe more related to the achievements and keys point in the game — because it’s fun to read for all of us! Restart and reload as you like, but in your write-up (which does not have to be long) please describe the challenges you faced.

We welcome all comments and questions, but please use the SPOILER tag if you attach a picture, make a comment about which civs are in the game, about natural wonders, locations of ancient ruins, terrain features, luxes, resources, etc. In short, if it’s information you can only know by playing the game, don’t spoil it for others by divulging this information in the open. Thank you for your co-operation, and have fun!

Spoiler UA, UU, and UU :
In this game, you will be playing as Maria I of the Portugal. You possess Mare Clausum: Resource diversity grants twice as much gold Gold for Portugal in Trade Routes.

You can train the Nau, which replaces the Caravel but has an extra movement point. Each Nau can perform a one-time ability next to foreign lands to earn gold Gold and XP. If you have not used the the trade mission before upgrading, it is retained. The extra movement ability is lost upon upgrading.

Once you research Navigation, you can build Feitorias, only in a City-State's lands, on a coastal tile without a resource. It provides one copy of each Luxury Resource type that the City-State has connected, regardless of your status with that City-State, but that copy cannot be traded. It also provides the same +50% defense bonus as a Fort.

Spoiler map type and settings :
Standard size, standard speed, standard number of civs and CS. Map type is Pangaea.

Spoiler hints about which AIs you might encounter :
Opponents are hand selected for high CS competativeness.

Spoiler difficulty :

Spoiler starting location :

Spoiler achievements :
  • Nau is the time: Make a pun on the UU that is new to this thread. One and only one point, so you can stop after your first one.
  • Nau and then: Find a city where the trade mission yields 300 or more gold. 2 points for the first city, 1 additional point for a second and third.
  • What Nau? For every second Feitoria working for you at the end of the game, 1 point. Up to 7 points are available (one of the CS is land-locked).
  • Nau and forever: Win by Domination VC, 1 point, plus 1 point per era before Information Age. (So, 2 points if you win in the Atomic Age, 3 points in Modern, etc.)
Quick combat is on but quick movement is off (change them if you like).
Game Version -
Downloadable Content includes: Wonders of the Ancient World DLC. Gods and Kings expansion, Brave New World Expansion. The map packs are intentionally excluded.

Before you download the map, please take a moment to speculate here in this thread on your initials thoughts plans for the game. Will you settle in place? What are your plans for getting the most from the UA and the UU? Will you bother with the UI?

Spoiler links to previous threads in CDG series :
CDG1: Persia, Oct. 31st, 2015, domination, Pangea, hard, map by Consentient
CDG2: Assyria, Nov. 15th, 2015, science, Pangaea, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG3: Ethiopia, Dec. 2nd, 2015, culture, NQ Pangaea, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG4: Spain, Dec. 17th, 2015, domination, NQ Pangaea, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG5: Indonesia, Jan. 2nd, 2016, culture, NQ Continents, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG6: Zulus, Jan. 15th, 2016, domination, Oval, easy, map by Consentient.
CDG7: Shoshone, Feb. 2nd, 2016, culture, Oval, very easy, map Created by Enslingkorp.
CDG8: Austria, Feb. 15th, 2016, science, Pangaea, very easy, map by IronfighterXXX.
CDG9: Brazil, Feb. 28th, 2016, culture, Pangaea, medium, map by Blatc.
CDG10: Denmark, March 14th, 2016, domination, Lakes, hard, map by Beetle.
CDG11: Venice, April 1st, 2016, domination, Archipelago, very easy, map by Wild_Woojsha.
CDG12: Byzantium, April 15th, 2016, domination, Continents, very hard, map by Beetle.
CDG13: Inca, April 30th, 2016, culture, Pangaea, medium, map by Shark Diver.
CDG14: Celts, May 18th, 2015, domination or culture, Oval, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG15: America, May 30th, 2016, diplomacy, Mesopotamia, medium, map by Beetle.
CDG16: Sweden, June 14th, 2016, domination or diplomacy, HB Continents, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG17: Germany, July 2nd, 2016, diplomacy, Pangaea, easy, map by Dan Quayle.
CDG18: France, July 14rd, 2016, diplomacy, HB Continents, hard, map by MaxAttack.
CDG19: Ottomans, August 5th, 2016, domination, Continents, medium, map by Beetle.
CDG20: Portugal, August 20th, 2016, domination, Pangaea, medium, map by Beetle.


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i will send warrior northwest of the settler to see if there is anything beyond. if not, settle in start place. im happy its a pangea rather than another sea battle

edits: the pic doesnt match the savefile. i will play the savefile anyway.

edit: savefile is a continents game. dont feel like playing another one really.
ok thanks you. this map looks better. will play for culture and try to get cathedrals and holy sites
Oh dominaution game? Time to get naughty and backstab the AIs nonstop with hilarious trade deals that I insta-cancel :D

Spoiler :
Oh boy this is some kind of god anti-domination map you have there. Just completely covered in mountains, rivers, jungle, hills, choke points of all sorts. Wow. I'm 120 turns into this and getting nowhere against England's endless torrent of units. I've killed 20 so far, never ends, my guys just aren't getting promotions fast enough. IT'S HONOR TIME. I had a great start but this completely insane carpet of rough terrain and mountains is making this a nightmare to attack without +1 range.
Aight I dieded
Spoiler :
lol alright I'll call it quits for domination. This is just the worst map I've ever seen for that and I'm really bad and impatient with domination :p It's just england settled deep into a horrible choke point with jungles, rivers and hills and the best defensive unit in the game, the longbow. There's absolutely nothing you can do against a carpet of longbowmen until basically artillery, which is just too late for my satisfaction haha. What's even the point of a turn 300 domination win, after planes it's basically just a steamroll of the entire map u_u
I tried to do it fast and I got pretty wrecked.
i agree. this man would be tough for domination. im doing ok for culture so far. turn 76 NC then planted one more city. happiness could be a problem. there are not many lux trades
Oh dominaution game? Time to get naughty
LOL, very good!

I took settlers and workers from the nearest neighbor, but I figured it would be later era dom, what with the Feitorias needing navigation. My game is taking forever.
I won by culture on turn 215

Just ran cargoe boats to capital, collected the wonders and used
Spoiler :
Alexandre and Kasimir
to kill people for me!


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