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Community Ideas: VP Leader-Specific Diplomacy


Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hello all,

For this beta version I added some diplomatic approach weight to three leaders: Montezuma, Gandhi and Ashurbanipal.

As of yet, there doesn't seem to be any complaints about this, and it seems to be performing well, so I'd like to expand this and give each leader their own unique approach bias, and I'm requesting ideas from the community in order to do so.

The concept is to have every civilization leader approach other civilizations in a way that factors in their civ's unique traits (to a degree).

This is similar to the Civ 6 agendas system except less er, dumb. The approach tendencies' objective is to allow the AI leaders to behave more intelligently by exploiting their unique strengths; the Civ 6 agenda system (especially when it comes to random agendas) is an oversensitive flavor mechanic that results in erratic, self-destructive and hypocritical behavior.

I have completed the approach biases for three leaders (the info listed here is as of the next version, not the current version) which can be used as examples:

Assyria (Ashurbanipal)
Treasures of Nineveh: Gain a technology or obtain a large Science boost upon conquering a city, +3 Science from Great Works

Uniques: Royal Library (School of Philosophy granting a major Science boost, and Great Works of Writing give XP to newly constructed units), Siege Tower (unique type of unit available at Military Theory, gives a major boost to units sieging an enemy city; only 2 may be active)

Approach Change:
does not apply if all techs already researched
Towards civs with more techs, +1x WAR bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with less techs, +1x FRIENDLY bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with equal techs, +1x NEUTRAL bias

Rationale: Ashurbanipal's ability to steal technology and Science should increase his desire to go to war against those with technological secrets to steal (especially when you consider his UA and UB). This approach change incentivizes him to go to war against civs he has the most to gain from by DoW'ing, with the backing of civs he has the least to gain from by DoW'ing.

Aztecs (Montezuma)
Sacrificial Captives: Gain Gold and Faith for each eneny unit killed, Golden Age starts on favorable Peace Treaty

Uniques: Floating Gardens (better Water Mill with large Growth bonuses), Jaguar (better Warrior, heals on kill, bonus in forest and jungle, promotions stay on upgrade)

Approach Change: + 1x WAR/HOSTILE bias pre-Renaissance Era (this is impactful as he has a high WAR/HOSTILE bias compared to his other biases)

Rationale: Montezuma benefits a lot from war, particularly in the early game, and should be going to war very often during this time.

Special Trait (Ximicacan): As the most aggressive leader in the game, Montezuma gains an additional +1x WAR/HOSTILE bias unconditionally, but also ignores most warmongering by other civs (diplomatically, that is; he still gets anti-warmonger fervor). Being the most notorious warmonger in the game himself, he doesn't mind it (otherwise he'd have few potential friends).

India (Gandhi)
Font of Dharma: Cannot build Missionaries, Prophets cost less faith, start with a Pantheon, each majority religion follower boosts Growth and Religious Pressure

Uniques: Harappan Reservoir (Aqueduct which boosts Food-heavy tiles and Farms with Production bonuses), Naga-Malla (Cuirassier but available earlier, stronger, and needs no resources)

Approach Change: +1x FRIENDLY bias to players with no warmongering penalty (as far as he's concerned, anyway)

Rationale: Not only does this fit Gandhi's personality, it benefits him strategically. India's strengths lie mostly in building huge cities with strong infrastructure, and the religion game. Warmongers are a threat to both of these pursuits.

Special Trait (Nuke Happy): As the friendliest leader in the game, Gandhi gains an additional +1x FRIENDLY bias unconditionally. However, he becomes insanely aggressive upon constructing nuclear weapons (can be disabled), and has no hesitation to use them (applies even if disabled).

Note: I'm not planning to add special traits for all leaders; I only added these two, mostly for fun. Am open to suggestions about them, however. :)

Where the community comes in!
I need some help coming up with appropriate and cool ideas for all the other civilizations in the game!

If you have any idea for a mechanic that would fit a civilization well, please post below! Include the leader name, approach change and reasoning.

Posting guidelines:
1) Serious suggestions only, please.

2) The approach bias should serve the civilization strategically in some way and therefore make the AI smarter. If it also ties in to the leader's historical personality, that's great, but that's a second priority.

3) The approach change can have conditions attached to it (for instance, "+1x FRIENDLY bias if in the same era").

4) There are seven approaches: WAR, HOSTILE, DECEPTIVE, GUARDED, AFRAID, FRIENDLY and NEUTRAL. Each leader has a bias (in short, an amount of weight added or removed when various conditions make a certain approach favorable or unfavorable) for each of the approaches, which is randomized a bit from game to game. You can find out more about the approaches and what they do on this page: https://civ-5-cbp.fandom.com/wiki/Detailed_Guide_to_Diplomacy

5) You are welcome to contribute your thoughts on others' suggestions.

Let me know of anything interesting you can come up with, and thank you to everyone who helps!
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List of Civilizations and Approach Mechanics
Spoiler :

America (Washington)
Manifest Destiny: Land military units +1 sight. Tile purchase cost halved, gain Production when purchasing tiles, can purchase tiles owned by other civs.

Uniques: Smithsonian (Hermitage which gives a bunch of extra Culture and Science), Minuteman (Musketman with no terrain costs and GAP on kill)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Arabia (Harun al-Rashid)
One Thousand and One Nights: Completing Historic Events adds Culture and Science per turn to the capital, and +15% progress towards a random Great Person.

Uniques: Bazaar (Market with extra Culture, Faith and trade bonuses), Camel Archer (better Heavy Skirmisher; has Splash Damage I and chance to withdraw)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Assyria (Ashurbanipal)
Treasures of Nineveh: Gain a technology or obtain a large Science boost upon conquering a city, +3 Science from Great Works

Uniques: Royal Library (School of Philosophy granting a major Science boost, and Great Works of Writing give XP to newly constructed units), Siege Tower (unique type of unit available at Military Theory, gives a major boost to units sieging an enemy city; only 2 may be active)

Approach Change:
does not apply if all techs already researched
Towards civs with more techs, +1x WAR bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with less techs, +1x FRIENDLY bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with equal techs, +1x NEUTRAL bias

Rationale: Ashurbanipal's ability to steal technology and Science should increase his desire to go to war against those with technological secrets to steal (especially when you consider his UA and UB). This approach change incentivizes him to go to war against civs he has the most to gain from by DoW'ing, with the backing of civs he has the least to gain from by DoW'ing.

Austria (Maria Theresa)
Habsburg Diplomacy: +50% rewards from CS quests, may arrange Marriages with allied city-States. Marriages: no Influence decay, +1 WC delegate, +15% GP rate in capital.

Uniques: Coffee House (Grocer with extra GP generation and Science), Hussar (Cuirassier with Lightning Warfare promotion - ignores ZoC)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Aztecs (Montezuma)
Sacrificial Captives: Gain Gold and Faith for each eneny unit killed, Golden Age starts on favorable Peace Treaty

Uniques: Floating Gardens (Water Mill with large Growth bonuses), Jaguar (Warrior with more CS that heals on kill, bonus in forest and jungle, promotions stay on upgrade)

Approach Change: + 1x WAR/HOSTILE bias pre-Renaissance Era (this is impactful as he has a high WAR/HOSTILE bias compared to his other biases)

Rationale: Montezuma benefits a lot from war, particularly in the early game, and should be going to war very often during this time.

Special Trait (Ximicacan): As the most aggressive leader in the game, Montezuma gains an additional +1x WAR/HOSTILE bias unconditionally, but also ignores most warmongering by other civs (diplomatically, that is; he still gets anti-warmonger fervor). Being the most notorious warmonger in the game himself, he doesn't mind it (otherwise he'd have few potential friends).

Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II)

Ingenuity: Free Great Scientist at Writing, +50% Great Scientist rate. Gold investments in buildings: -15% additional Production cost reduction.

Uniques: Walls of Babylon (better Walls with extra Science, Scientist slot, and +Gold from scientists), Bowman (Composite Bowman with Indirect Fire and more CS/RCS)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Brazil (Pedro II)
Carnival: When a Golden Age begins, 40% of GAP convert into Gold and Tourism, and Cities gain 10 turns of Carnival. +25% Culture and -50% Unhappiness from Needs in Cities during Carnival.

Uniques: Brazilwood Camp (unique improvement at Calendar, can only be built on Jungle or Forest tiles, must be adjacent to a luxury, must not be adjacent to another brazilwood camp; provides extra yields and 1 copy of the Brazilwood resource - note that this can grant an instant monopoly), Bandeirantes (Explorer that generates Gold, Culture and Science on tile reveal, can construct a variety of improvements)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Byzantium (Theodora)
Patriarchate of Constantinople: Can always found a Religion (including if their Holy City was captured), receives an extra belief when founding, may select beliefs from other religions, -15% faith purchase costs, can purchase unlocked GP starting in the Classical Era.

Uniques: Basilica (Temple that provides more Culture and Faith, doubles religious pressure from trade routes), Cataphract (Knight with a lot of extra CS, Cover I, and less of a penalty against cities)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Carthage (Dido)
Phoenician Heritage: +125 Gold when founding Cities, scaling with Era. Owned coastal Cities get a free Lighthouse. Trade Route resource diversity modifier 2x if positive, 0.5x if negative

Uniques: Great Cothon (East India Company that provides more Gold from trade routes, increases resource diversity modifier, +2 trade routes, extra yields to harbors and lighthouses), Quinquereme (strong Trireme with the Reconnaissance and Heavy Assault promotions, granting XP from exploration and making it a strong attacker; lost on upgrade)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Celts (Boudicca)
Druidic Lore: Has a unique set of Pantheon Beliefs. Owned cities with Boudicca's religion neither generate nor receive foreign Religious Pressure. +3 Faith in all owned cities where Boudicca's religion is the majority.

Uniques: Ceilidh Hall (Circus, does not require a resource, gives a lot of Culture and 15 turns of WLTKD, plus culture and faith per turn), Pictish Warrior (Spearman with double movement and +25% defense in Hills, Snow and Tundra, no movement cost to pillage, and earns 2x opponent's CS as Faith when it kills a unit)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

China (Wu Zetian)
Mandate of Heaven: Creating Great Works or gaining Cities grants "We Love the Empress Day", and +1 Food/Gold in all Cities. Bonuse decline by 50% per era. +10% Food during WLTED.

Uniques: Paper Maker (Library that grants +1 Gold per 4 citizens, +10% Gold during WLTED, and +1 Culture), Chu-Ko-Nu (Crossbowman which deals splash damage)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Denmark (Harald Bluetooth)
Viking Fury: Embarked Units: +1 movement, only 1 movement to disembark. Melee Land Units gain the Viking Promotion, Melee Naval Units gain the Longboat promotion.

Uniques: Runestone (lighthouse, +25% production towards melee units, generates Gold and Culture when a unit created by the city pillages a tile, extra Food from trade routes), Berserker (strong Longswordsman with Amphibious, Charge and Cover promotions)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Egypt (Ramesses II)
Monument Builders: +20% Production towards Wonders (+40% during Golden Ages). Artifacts: +5 Science and Culture. Landmarks: +5 Gold and Tourism.

Uniques: Burial Tomb (Caravansary with Faith, more Gold, and a free Artifact), War Chariot (Chariot Archer, requires no Horses, is stronger and its kills provide Production in the capital)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

England (Elizabeth I)
Perfidious Albion: +1 Movement for Naval and Embarked Units, -25% Naval Unit gold maintenance. Foreign spies operate 25% slower in owned Cities. Own spies are faster, operate one rank higher than normal. Starts with a spy at game start.

Uniques: White Tower (National Intelligence Agency which provides major benefits when spies succeed), Ship of the Line (strong Frigate with Logistics promotion)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Ethiopia (Haile Selassie)
Solomonic Wisdom: Completing a Policy Branch, adopting a Belief, or choosing first Ideology grants a free tech. +1 Faith from Strategic Resource tiles.

Uniques: Stele (Monument which provides +2 Faith, +25% Faith during Golden Ages), Mehal Sefari (Fusilier with Cover I and bonuses in friendly territory, especially defending near the capital)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

France (Napoleon)
Esprit de Corps: +10% CS for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn. Conquering cities provides Great Writer/Artist/Musician points in the capital and a temporary boost to Culture and Production in all cities.

Uniques: Chateau (unique improvement at Chivalry; +2 Culture, +3 Gold, +3 Food, more yields later, and +50% defense. Must be built next to a luxury, and not adjacent to another Chateau), Musketeer (Tercio with higher CS and Lightning Warfare - ignores ZoC)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

France (Napoleon)
Esprit de Corps: +10% CS for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn. Conquering cities provides Great Writer/Artist/Musician points in the capital and a temporary boost to Culture and Production in all cities.

Uniques: Chateau (unique improvement at Chivalry; +2 Culture, +3 Gold, +3 Food, more yields later, and +50% defense. Must be built next to a luxury, and not adjacent to another Chateau), Musketeer (Tercio with higher CS and Lightning Warfare - ignores ZoC)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Germany (Bismarck)
Realpolitik: +3 Culture and GAP in Capital per CS Ally, +3 Science and GAP per CS Friend, scaling with era. +1 WC delegate per 3 CS allies.

Uniques: Hanse (Bank with extra Culture, and +5% production for each Trade Route Germany has with a City-State), Panzer (Tank with +1 movement, earlier availability)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Greece (Alexander)
Hellenic League: City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate. Each CS alliance boosts the CS of owned and allied Units by +5%, up to +25%. Units treat CS territory as friendly, can always cross CS borders without trespassing.

Uniques: Hanse (Bank with extra Culture, and +5% production for each Trade Route Germany has with a City-State), Panzer (Tank with +1 movement, earlier availability)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Huns (Attila)
Scourge of God: Own War Weariness: -50%, Enemy War Weariness: +50%. Mounted Melee and Armor Units capture defeated Units. Claims adjacent unowned land tiles when Cities earn a tile of the same type.

Uniques: Eki (unique improvement at Trade, built on flat Grassland or Plains with no fresh water; provides extra Production, Culture and Food, and extra Production if adjacent to two other Eki, can be built in or adjacent to Hunnic territory), Horse Archer (stronger Skirmisher with Accuracy I)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Inca (Pachacuti)
Great Andean Road: Units ignore terrain costs when on Hills, can cross Mountains. Cities, Roads and Railroads can be built on Mountains; Mountains produce Food and Science.

Uniques: Terrace Farm (unique improvement at Masonry; +2 Production, +1 Food; can be built on any Hill, provides extra Food to adjacent Farms, gains extra Food if next to a mountain), Slinger (Archer with withdraw chance that can reduce enemy CS on a hit for 5 turns).

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

India (Gandhi)
Font of Dharma: Cannot build Missionaries, Prophets cost less faith, start with a Pantheon, each majority religion follower boosts Growth and Religious Pressure

Uniques: Harappan Reservoir (Aqueduct which boosts Food-heavy tiles and Farms with Production bonuses), Naga-Malla (Cuirassier but available earlier, stronger, and needs no resources)

Approach Change: +1x FRIENDLY bias to players with no warmongering penalty (as far as he's concerned, anyway)

Rationale: Not only does this fit Gandhi's personality, it benefits him strategically. India's strengths lie mostly in building huge cities with strong infrastructure, and the religion game. Warmongers are a threat to both of these pursuits.

Special Trait (Nuke Happy): As the friendliest leader in the game, Gandhi gains an additional +1x FRIENDLY bias unconditionally. However, he becomes insanely aggressive upon constructing nuclear weapons (can be disabled), and has no hesitation to use them (applies even if disabled).

Indonesia (Gajah Mada)
Sumpah Palapa: When you found or conquer a City, one of 3 unique luxuries will appear next to or under the city.

Uniques: Candi (Garden which provides another copy of one of Indonesia's unique luxuries, +20% Faith and Culture during WLTKD), Kris Swordsman (Swordsman with a random promotion after first combat)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Iroquois (Hiawatha)
The Great Warpath: Units ignore terrain costs in Forest and Jungles, and these tiles establish City Connections. Military Land Units start with the Woodsman promotion, and all units gain +20% CS if within 3 tiles of a natural wonder.

Uniques: Longhouse (Herbalist that gives +1 Production and Food from Forests, Jungles and Plantations, and an additional +1 Food and Culture; requires a nearby workable Forest or Jungle), Mohawk Warrior (Swordsman with +33% CS in Forest/Jungle)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Japan (Oda Nobunaga)
Shogunate: +1 Culture and Faith from Defense and Military Training buildings. On Great Admiral or Great General birth, receive Great Artist, Writer and Musician Points in the capital.

Uniques: Dojo (Armory with +5 Science, +3 Culture, +2 Unit Supply; grants +25 XP to all military units trained in the city, the Eight Virtues of Bushido promotion (random promotion after first combat); finally, gain Culture and Science every time units are promoted), Samurai (Longswordsman that gains XP faster and generates Great Generals much faster)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Korea (Sejong)
Scholars of the Jade Hall: +1 Science from Specialists, increasing in later eras. +30% GP generation during Golden Ages, and +50 GAP when a GP is born, scaling with era.

Uniques: Seowon (University with Faith, +1 Science and Production from Great Works, +15% Science in the city during Golden Ages, gain 50% of the city's Science output every time a citizen is born), Hwach'a (Trebuchet with no city bonus, but extra strength and logistics)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Maya (Pacal)
The Long Count: After researching Mathematics, receive a bonus Great Person every 394 years. Each bonus GP can only be chosen once.

Uniques: Kuna (unique improvement at Construction, +2 Faith, +1 Science, more yields later; can only be constructed in Forests or Jungles, not adjacent to another Kuna), Atlatlist (Composite Bowman available earlier, inflicts bonus damage when it attacks wounded units)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Mongolia (Genghis Khan)
Mongol Terror: Mounted Ranged Units gain +2 movement and ignore Zone of Control. Can annex City-States via Heavy Tribute. Acquiring a City-State: +250% of heavy tribute yields in capital.

Uniques: Ger (Granary that reduces Gold and Culture cost of new tiles, and has +1 Faith), Khan (Great General with 5 movement that heals adjacent units)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Morocco (Ahmad al-Mansur)
Gateway to Africa: +1 to all yields in Capital per unique Trade Route partner, scaling with era. No distance penalty for trade routes to or from Moroccan cities. Can plunder Trade Units connected to unowned cities without declaring war, and receives no diplomacy penalties for doing so if done while out of sight.

Uniques: Kasbah (unique improvement at Chivalry; +30% defense, provides Food, Production, Gold and Culture; extra Gold to coastal tiles, extra Culture to fishing boats; can only be built adjacent to a city; connects resources on the tile), Berber Cavalry (Cavalry that ignores terrain costs and has bonus CS in friendly territory)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Netherlands (William)
Dutch East India Company: +3 Culture and Gold for each different imported or exported luxury resource, scaling with era. Can import duplicate resources, and major civ imports count towards monopolies.

Uniques: Polder (unique improvement at Guilds; can be built on tiles with access to fresh water and marshes; provides Gold, Production and Food and more yields later, grants Gold to adjacent villages and towns), Sea Beggar (Corvette that can capture enemy ships and heal outside friendly territory, also has the Vanguard promotion and is strong for attacking coastal cities; available earlier)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Ottomans (Suleiman)
Tanzimat: Completing a Trade Route grants +150 Science and Food to origin city if international, +150 Culture and Gold if internal. Bonuses scale with era.

Uniques: Siege Foundry (Forge with extra Production and Science, +50% Production towards Siege Units, grants the Volley promotion for free to all Siege Units produced in the city, gain 20% of units' Production cost as Science when constructed here), Janissary (stronger Musketman with March and +25% CS when attacking)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Persia (Darius I)
Achaemenid Legacy: Golden Ages last 50% longer, and 10% of your Gold income converts into GAP every turn. During a Golden Age, Units receive +1 movement and +15% CS.

Uniques: Satrap's Court (Courthouse costing no maintenance that can be built in all cities, provides +1 Happiness, +1 GPT, +1 GPT for every 5 citizens in the city, and +1 GPT for Scientist, Engineer and Merchant specialists), Immortal (Spearman with more CS, Armor Plating I and a faster healing rate)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Poland (Casimir III)
Solidarity: Gain a free Social Policy in the Classical Era, and every two Eras thereafter. Gain 2 additional free tenets when you adopt an ideology for the first time.

Uniques: Ducal Stable (Stable with extra Production, +100 Culture on completion, +1 Horse, and +50% Production/+15 XP for mounted melee units, extra Production from internal trade routes), Winged Hussar (Lancer with extra CS, forces defenders to retreat if it inflicts more damage than it receives)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Polynesia (Kamehameha)
Wayfinding: +1 Sight when embarked, can always embark and move over oceans. +2 Food from Fishing Boats and Atolls, melee Naval Units can construct Fishing Boats. No Unhappiness from Isolation.

Uniques: Moai (unique improvement at Construction; +1 Culture and Production, more yields later, can only be built on the coast; extra Culture if built next to another Moai; all Polynesian units within 3 tiles gain +20% CS), Maori Warrior (Pikeman available earlier that reduces CS of nearby enemies)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Portugal (Maria I)
Mare Clausum: When a Trade Unit moves, receive +4 Science, Gold, and Great Admiral points (Cargo Ships)/Great General points (Caravans), scaling with era.

Uniques: Feitoria (unique improvement at Compass; can be constructed by Workers in owned land - provides Production and Gold, defense, Gold to adjacent water tiles, more yields later; can also be constructed by Nau in City-State lands - provides a copy of each luxury owned by the City-State that cannot be traded, a Food/Production bonus for trade routes to this City-State, and vision in a 2-tile range), Nau (Caravel with a higher Combat Strength, can perform an ability when adjacent to City-States to earn Gold and XP and if possible, construct a Feitoria)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Rome (Augustus Caesar)
The Glory of Rome: When you conquer a City, the City keeps all buildings and you immediately gain additional territory around the city. +15% production towards buildings present in the capital.

Uniques: Colosseum (Arena providing better yields, +2% City Connection gold increase, and a GAP bonus when a unit defeats an enemy unit in battle - also gives GG/GA points if the unit was created by this city), Legion (stronger Swordsman with Cover II, Pilum, can construct roades and forts)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Russia (Catherine)
Siberian Riches: All Strategic Resources provide double their normal quantity. Receive +20 Science when you naturally gain a tile, scaling with era, and border growth is 25% faster.

Uniques: Ostrog (Arsenal that provides Production, extra Production and Gold to many tiles, and enemy land units must spend an extra 1 Movement per tile within this city), Cossack (cavalry that deals extra damage to wounded units and can force enemies to retreat with ranged attacks)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Shoshone (Pocatello)
Great Expanse: Founded Cities start with additional territory, and Land Units receive a combat bonus when fighting within their own territory. All recon units can choose rewards from Ancient Ruins.

Uniques: Encampment (unique improvement at Military Theory; provides Food, Production and Culture, and a +15% defense bonus; can be built on flat tiles; damages enemy units (5) if they end their turn on or next to an encampment), Comanche Riders (Cavalry that can pillage for free and has a withdraw chance)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Siam (Ramkhamhaeng)
Father Governs Children: Influence with City-States starts at 40. Yields from Friendly and Allied City-States increased by 75%. +25% to CS of Allied City-State capitals. +10 XP to units gifted by City-States.

Uniques: Wat (Constabulary that reduces enemy spy stealing rate by 50%, blocks building construction disruption from spies; extra Science, Culture, Faith and Defense), Naresuan's Elephant (Knight that doesn't require Horses, has a bonus versus mounted units, has a large Combat Strength bonus, weakens nearby enemies)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Songhai (Askia)
River Warlord: Triple Gold from plundering Barbarian encampments and Cities. Land Units gain the War Canoe and Amphibious promotions, and ignore terrain costs when adjacent to rivers. Rivers create City Connections.

Uniques: Tabya (Stone Works that doesn't require nearby resources, grants +1 Production to all river tiles, +10% Production when constructing buildings, and +1 Culture), Mandekalu Cavalry (Horseman with no City Attack penalty and the Raider promotion)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Spain (Isabella)
Reconquista: Only Spain's religion can spread to owned Cities or allied City-States. Gaining or founding Cities generates Faith and Gold, and converts them to Spain's majority religion. May purchase Naval Units with Faith.

Uniques: Mission (stronger Castle, can be purchased with Faith, does not require Walls, has a Great Work of Art slot, provides 3x the Faith and Gold output of the city every time a Citizen is born, and a religious pressure/resistance boost), Conquistador (stronger Knight that has 2 extra sight, embarkation with defense and can found a city overseas)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Sweden (Gustavus Adolphus)
Lion of the North: Land melee Units gain +20% strength when attacking, Siege Units gain +1 movement, military units are healed and earn +15 XP when a Great General is born, +15% GG combat bonus.

Uniques: Skola (Public School that grants 1 Science per citizen in the city, and 1 Culture for every 3), Carolean (Tercio with March, a combat bonus near Great Generals, and the Grenadiers promotion)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Venice (Enrico Dandolo)
Serenissima: Cannot create Settlers or annex Cities. Trade Route cap doubled, target restrictions removed. Free Merchant of Venice at Trade. Puppets: -30% yield penalties, can use Gold and gain Happiness like normal cities.

Uniques: Piazza San Marco (National Monument that blocks all Advanced Spy actions, +33% GP generation, +5 unit supply, unlocks access to three other unique buildings at Guilds), Murano Glassworks (GP improvements and villages worked by all Cities: +2 Food and Tourism; 2 Great Work of Art slots, +5 Science if themed), Arsenale di Venezia (+15% production in city, +5 unit supply, +25% unit supply from population; all naval units gain +10% CS and +1 movement), Rialto District (increases GPT from trade routes, reduces cost of Gold purchases in all cities by 10% - 15% in the capital - and provides +1 delegate in the World Congress for every 100 GPT produced, capping at 25% of all City-States ever alive), Merchant of Venice (Great Merchant that can construct a town, purchase City-States or construct Colonias - puppeted cities with additional territory and population, a Market and a Monument)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD

Zulus (Shaka)
Iklwa: Melee and Gun Units cost 25% less maintenance, and all Units require 25% less experience for promotions. Military effectiveness at intimidating City-States: +50%, yields from CS tribute: +25%.

Uniques: Ikanda (Barracks with +1 Culture, grants unique promotions to melee units, and +2 unit supply instead of +1), Impi (strong Tercio that performs a first-strike ranged attack before combat)

Approach Change: TBD

Rationale: TBD
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I was thinking how this could be applied to the Civ I am in my current game: Russia.

Catherine's UA gives her crazy amounts of strategics. The diplomacy implication is you can now trade these. Presumably the people who want the strategics are the warmongers.
Would it therefore make sense for her to be more willing to trade with warmongers than she otherwise would be?
I know in the history of the game she had the reputation as a backstabber/deceptive AI; might it be possible to convert certain additions on the big outcome table (i.e. "add our X bias to the X approach", do you have a name for these?) to favour this instead of more negative approaches that prevent trading? I am assuming the deceptive stance is less hostile to trade deals than guarded, is that true?
Greece (Kratocracy) +war bias for having more :c5citystate:city state allies than him
Egypt (Valley of Kings) +war bias for having more wonders than him
Ottomans (the Grande Porte) friendlier to civs with fewer :c5culture:policies than him
England (two power standard) friendlier to civs with fewer :c5war:naval units
Mongolia (Depredation) +war bias depending on average :c5strength:city defense of target civ. +War bias towards civs with higher Landmass ranking
Huns (Treaty of Margus) + war bias based on civs’ :c5gold:GNP ranking
France (ancien regime) + war bias for having more :greatwork:great works than them.
America (the Free Market) +friendly bias towards civs with more :trade:external trade routes
Sweden (Bellum se Ipsum Alet) +war modifier for civs with high :c5food:food growth (lots of farms to pillage)
Denmark (Great Heathen Here) +war modifier for civilizations with many coastal cities
Carthage (The Hundred and Four) +war bias towards civilizations on other continents with large :c5war:military scores
China (Kowtow) +friendly modifier towards civilizations that are AFRAID of you.
Germany (Krafteverhaltnis) +war modifier towards civilizations that are Contenders for your :c5citystate:CS allies.
Siam (Chulalongkorn Reforms) +friendly modifier for civs with large :c5war:military scores
Babylon (divine mathematics) +friendly modifier for civilization with higher :c5science:literacy ranking
Spain (The Inquisition) - +war modifier against civilizations that do not share your :c5faith:majority religion
Zulu (Mefecane) +war modifier towards civilizations who are lower in global :c5happy:Approval ranking
Japan (Sakoku) +friendly modifier for civilizations who are not trading with Japan
Morocco (The Barbary Coast) +war modifier towards civilizations with more naval Trade Routes, increased friendly modifier for civilizations with trade routes with Morocco
Dutch (Geuzen) - Likes civilizations that have trade deals with them. Increased war bias against civilizations with Vassals
Byzantium (the Great Commission) +friendly modifier with civilizations whose cities are not following a :c5faith:majority religion
Indonesia (Selat Malaka) - greater +friendly bias towards civilizations who will give them open borders
Persia (Ashavan) +war bias towards civilizations with many Great Person Tile improvements (can check civilizations’ bulbing modifiers first approximate value)
India (Desi) - increased bias against civilizations that send missionaries into their lands
Russia (The Grand Embassy) - increased friendly bias towards civilizations giving Russia :c5science:Science via Trade Routes and research agreements.
Poland (Fidei Defensor) - Increased friendly bias towards civilizations with a shared :c5faith:majority religion and likes to make defensive pacts with civilizations following the same :c5faith:religion
Iroquois (Great Law of Peace) - likes civilizations following the same policies as them
Shoshone (Oath Keeper) - increased bias against civilizations that break trade deals, treaties, defensive pacts, and DOFs
Brazil (magnanimous) - increased friendly bias towards civilizations you are at least :tourism:Familiar with
Rome (SPQR) - +war bias towards civilizations they are unknown or exotic with. Increased friendly bias towards civilizations they are :tourism:Influential with.
Portugal (Age of Discovery) - increased bias towards civilizations with no territorial disputes who are far away
Songhai (Mandinka Tribesmen) - increased +war bias towards civilizations with territorial disputes.
Austria (Peace of Westphalia) - increased +war bias towards civilizations with more :c5citystate:WC votes.
Arabia (House of Wisdom) +Friendly modifier towards civilization providing :c5culture:culture via Trade Routes and who trade :greatwork:Great Works with them.
Assyria (Divine Order) +War bias towards civilizations who have discovered technologies you do not have.
Inca (Tawantinsuyu) +War bias towards civilizations that have mountains within their borders
Aztec (Legend of the Five Suns) +War Bias towards all pre-renaissance civilizations. Overlooks other civilizations’ warmongering
Celts ()
Ethiopia ()
Korea ()
Maya ()
Polynesia ()
Venice (Ducal Legate) - +hates civilizations who have conquered :c5citystate:city-states

Macedon (A Short Life of Glory) - +War bias towards civilizations that are at peace.
Israel (Messiah) - +friendly bias towards civilizations that liberate cities
Khmer (Devaraja) - +guarded bias towards civilizations that control the holy city of a :c5faith:religion with :c5citizen:followers in Khmer cities.
Tlingit (Sealaska) +Friendly bias towards civilizations with Tlingit Corporate Franchises. +Guarded bias towards civilizations Contending for monopoly resource status (ie. dislikes civs in 2nd place for resource monopolies behind the Tlingit)
Inuit (Skraeling) - +HOSTILE bias towards civilizations with cities on tundra or snow
Philippines (Propaganda Movement) - +friendly bias towards any civilization that trades with them. Will pursue Open Borders with anyone
Canada (Four Faces of Peace) - Increased friendly bias towards civilizations that vote for his WC proposals
Sumer (Fertile Crescent) - +Guarded bias towards civilizations with higher :c5food:Crop Yield demographic
Timurids (Tokhtamysh Wars) - Ignores positive bias for fighting together in previous wars and sharing a :c5faith:religion.
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I think the idea is cool but I would wait until the diplomacy system has had a chance to settle a bit. There have been a lot of changes, and wouldn’t want the civ specific thing to obscure the core changes

Don't worry, this will take a long time to decide upon and then to code. It won't be in the next version, and there will be time to settle and fix issues before then. :)

I'm starting to solicit ideas now precisely because it will take a long time, in fact.

Additionally, this will only be one factor in a large calculation of many other factors, so the change would not be overwhelming.

Thank you to everyone who has suggested ideas!
I was thinking how this could be applied to the Civ I am in my current game: Russia.

Catherine's UA gives her crazy amounts of strategics. The diplomacy implication is you can now trade these. Presumably the people who want the strategics are the warmongers.
Would it therefore make sense for her to be more willing to trade with warmongers than she otherwise would be?
I know in the history of the game she had the reputation as a backstabber/deceptive AI; might it be possible to convert certain additions on the big outcome table (i.e. "add our X bias to the X approach", do you have a name for these?) to favour this instead of more negative approaches that prevent trading? I am assuming the deceptive stance is less hostile to trade deals than guarded, is that true?

Approach does impact trade deals, but I think the current deal AI checks largely do not factor in the AI's false approach (in this case, FRIENDLY) for item valuation.

Understanding the deal AI is something I'm working on at the moment; your suggestion would be possible, though.
I'd change Ashurbanipal's approach changes to below:

Towards civs with 3+ more techs, +1x WAR bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with 3+ less techs, +1x FRIENDLY bias + the tech count difference

So he doesn't have to shift his face every turn.
I'd change Ashurbanipal's approach changes to below:

Towards civs with 3+ more techs, +1x WAR bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with 3+ less techs, +1x FRIENDLY bias + the tech count difference

So he doesn't have to shift his face every turn.
Does he even need the boost to his friendly bias? He still gets science boosts from capturing cities even if the civ doesn't have any new techs, so there's no need to make him too peaceful just cause he's the tech leader. In fact, if he has a significant tech advantage, he should probably still attack that enemy just because he's likely to have better units than them.
I'd change Ashurbanipal's approach changes to below:

Towards civs with 3+ more techs, +1x WAR bias + the tech count difference
Towards civs with 3+ less techs, +1x FRIENDLY bias + the tech count difference

So he doesn't have to shift his face every turn.

He doesn't; approach changes gradually on a curve. And remember, this is only one factor of many factors, so it will not by itself be decisive in what approach the AI takes.

Does he even need the boost to his friendly bias? He still gets science boosts from capturing cities even if the civ doesn't have any new techs, so there's no need to make him too peaceful just cause he's the tech leader. In fact, if he has a significant tech advantage, he should probably still attack that enemy just because he's likely to have better units than them.

My thought process was that players benefit from having friends, and that being a bit more friendly towards lower tech civs would incentivize him to pursue attacking the players he can gain the most from DoW'ing, with the support of civs he can gain the least from by DoW'ing. AIs already are more likely to attack players who have a weaker military.
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How much is a +1 Bias towards war? Like are the values closer to 10 or 100?

Assyria gets science for taking cities, regardless of techs, so he shouldn't necessarily be too peaceful to those behind him.
How much is a +1 Bias towards war? Like are the values closer to 10 or 100?

Assyria gets science for taking cities, regardless of techs, so he shouldn't necessarily be too peaceful to those behind him.


The values are listed in this section, and are randomized by +/- 2 every game. You can see the approach calculation for the full details, but tl;dr - adding a bias once means adding a number between 1 and 12 (although for most civs it's between 1 and 10).
Question: do these biases get switched when ticking "Random Personalities" option ?

I believe Random Personalities swaps in the diplo biases of a random other civilization in the game.

If you mean these specific leader weights I'm planning on adding, then currently no - because the code checks if the leader has the specific trait; e.g. rather than checking for "LEADER_MONTEZUMA", it checks for "Player Traits: Golden Age on Victory", and adds strategic weight accordingly.

If it was swapped randomly it would result in somewhat erratic behavior; although, I suppose that's the point.
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The values are listed in this section, and are randomized by +/- 2 every game. You can see the approach calculation for the full details, but tl;dr - adding a bias once means adding a number between 1 and 12 (although for most civs it's between 1 and 10).
Thanks for the response.

This idea looks great to me. I personally like Nuclear Ghandi (but I know many don't). This actually ends up somewhat similar to a civ 6 feature, but I hope we can avoid the really stupid ones (like the girl who gets mad if you don't spy on her)
That's a cool idea ! I just wonder if it will be possible to see the agendas in game.

Netherlands : +Friendly bias for civs which trade luxuries with them
Japan : +War bia for Civs which generate more culture than the average : the idea is to make Japan attack cultural leaders to weakens them while generating GP points to reach a cultural victory
Austria : +War bias for civs which compete with her for a city-state she's allied with, but not married : the idea is to avoid the ally status to switch to another civ before she marries it.
Siam : +Guarded bias for civs which bully City States
Celts : +War bias during Ancient and Classical eras / until she founds a religion
Thanks for the response.

This idea looks great to me. I personally like Nuclear Ghandi (but I know many don't). This actually ends up somewhat similar to a civ 6 feature, but I hope we can avoid the really stupid ones (like the girl who gets mad if you don't spy on her)

And the positive diplomatic modifier for leaders of the opposite sex... ugh.

Those wouldn't meet the "strategically intelligent" criteria, especially the first one. :)

That's a cool idea ! I just wonder if it will be possible to see the agendas in game.

Netherlands : +Friendly bias for civs which trade luxuries with them
Japan : +War bia for Civs which generate more culture than the average : the idea is to make Japan attack cultural leaders to weakens them while generating GP points to reach a cultural victory
Austria : +War bias for civs which compete with her for a city-state she's allied with, but not married : the idea is to avoid the ally status to switch to another civ before she marries it.
Siam : +Guarded bias for civs which bully City States
Celts : +War bias during Ancient and Classical eras / until she founds a religion

It's not quite an "agenda" per se, more of a behavioral tendency intended to help the AI maximize use of their UA. The approach mechanics are not really shown to the player other than through Opinion modifiers, and I'm not sure how to go about doing so; however, it'll certainly be documented somewhere.

I've thought of trying to make an actual agenda system based on the Civ 6 one as a modmod, though.

Thank you for your ideas!
Greece (Kratocracy) +war bias for having more city state allies than him
Egypt (monumental architecture) +war bias for having more wonders than him
Ottomans (the Grande Porte) friendlier to civs with fewer policies than him
England (two power standard) friendlier to civs with fewer naval units
Mongolia (Depredation) +war bias depending on avaerage :c5strength:city defense of target civ. +War bias towards civs with higher Landmass ranking
Huns (Treaty of Margus) + war bias based on civs’ GNP ranking
France (ancien regime) + war bias for having more great works than them.
America (the Free Market) +friendly bias towards civs with more external trade routes
Sweden (Bellum se Ipsum Alet) +war modifier for civs with high food growth (lots of farms to pillage)
Denmark (Great Heathen Here) +war modifier for civilizations with many coastal cities
Carthage (The Hundred and Four) +war bias towards civilizations on other continents with large military scores
China (Kowtow) +friendly modifier towards civilizations that are AFRAID of you.
Germany (Preeminence) +war modifier towards civilizations that are Contenders for your CS allies.
Siam (Chulalongkorn Reforms) +friendly modifier for civs with large military scores
Babylon (divine mathematics) +friendly modifier for civilization with higher literacy ranking
Spain (The Inquisition) - +war modifier against civilizations that do not share your majority religion
Zulu (Mefecane) +war modifier towards civilizations who are lower in global Happiness ranking
Japan (Sakoku) +friendly modifier for civilizations who are not trading with Japan
Morocco (The Barbary Coast) +war modifier towards civilizations with more naval Trade Routes, increased friendly modifier for civilizations with trade routes with Morocco
Dutch (Geuzen) - Likes civilizations that have trade deals with them. Increased war bias against civilizations with Vassals
Byzantium (the Great Commission) +friendly modifier with civilizations whose cities are not following a majority religion
Indonesia (Selat Malaka) - greater +friendly bias towards civilizations who will give them open borders
Persia () +war bias towards civilizations with many Great Person Tile improvements (can check civilizations’ bulbing modifiers first approximate value)
India (Desi) - increased bias against civilizations that send missionaries into their lands
Russia (The Grand Embassy) - increased friendly bias towards civilizations giving Russia Science via Trade Routes and research agreements.
Poland (Defender of the Faith) - Increased friendly bias towards civilizations with a shared majority religion and likes to make defensive pacts with civilizations following the same religion
Iroquois (Great Law of Peace) - likes civilizations following the same policies as them
Shoshone (Oath Keeper) - increased bias against civilizations that break trade deals, treaties, defensive pacts, and DOFs
Brazil (magnanimous) - increased friendly bias towards civilizations you are at least Familiar with
Rome (SPQR) - +war bias towards civilizations they are unknown or exotic with. Increased friendly bias towards civilizations they Influential with.
Portugal (Age of Discovery) - increased bias towards civilizations with no territorial disputes who are far away
Songhai (Mandinka Tribesmen) - increased +war bias towards civilizations with territorial disputes.
Austria (Peace of Westphalia) - increased +war bias towards civilizations with more WC votes.

Wow, that's a lot of ideas. Kudos!

If I ever do make an agendas modmod, I'll come to you for help, haha.
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