Community Patch - How To Install


The path on Windows-7 is

C:\Users\{username}\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS
found it, appparently there are two Cid Meier's Civilization 5 directionary's and I was on the wrong one that goes from steam\steamapps\common

but I got it now, off to test it
wait if I have the balance patch and I want the CSD and CIV4 diplomacy things, do I need to ge tthem separately or not? It's kind of confusing on the OP, first it says that they are enabled but then it says that I have to get them separately
Damn I already started a game without them. Guess I'll DL them and start over
Ok I'm confused is not the point of Community patch to improve the AI? If yes then why do we need smart AI ?

It is a component of the mod. Whoward incorporated the working elements of that mod into his component dll (which this mod is built off of), thus in order to enable those parts you need whoward's component enabler. The smart AI changes are actually pretty small (even in ninaroku's mod) - compared to our AI improvements, smart AI only makes up about 5%.

Edit: to clarify, you aren't actually downloaded 'smart ai' - you are downloading a component that enables the smart AI elements already in our DLL.
G, I reckon the problem most users are having in this "do I need this installed" discussion is the difference between a mod that 'provides support' and a mod that 'does all the work'.

Perhaps on the first post if you move W's Smart AI mod, and all his other recommended mods, to a section called "Supporting mods for the DLL" or something, and place a description about what it does and doesn't do.
It looks like the hype over it, Smart AI, lingers quite a bit.

I can understand it is a pain to do so much hand-holding in these initial stages but it is still in beta (alpha?). It would also be better if testers limited their mod installs to just the basic, but let's not get me wound up over that.

Lastly, you know you can slow up a bit if you want. At the rate you're going there won't be anything left for me to do when I get back. ;)
I will admit that the instructions up front left me a bit confused as well. I figured it out, but I understand people's confusion on this one.
We shall see.

Oh, BTW you missed the closing [/B] on one of those changes.
I'd just suggest adding the Smart AI toggle to CommunityOptions.sql and just drop it as a seperate mod. Doesn't seem much point having it remain separate because I don't see anyone NOT wanting it :)
Just to clarify: WHoward's DLL - Various Mod Components is no longer required for the base install? (I'm assuming other mods depending on this DLL will still require it.)
Just to clarify: WHoward's DLL - Various Mod Components is no longer required for the base install? (I'm assuming other mods depending on this DLL will still require it.)

Correct. The CP pretends to be the Mod Components Mod (and contains all of its stuff), so mods dependent on that will work with the CP as well.
If you want CSD's changes to the top bar, drop the TopPanel.lua file from the Mod Compatibility folder into the LUA folder, and overwrite the TopPanel.lua file in that folder.

This is no longer true, right? the mod compatibility folder contains sql files instead of lua files.

In other news, thanks for this project! I recently got BNW which brought me back into civ5 and I'm very happy to see a successor to CEP. I was only around for a short time shortly after G&K came out, but it was nice to discuss game design stuff with Thal, Stalker, mystikx and the others :)
I do not know how to install Civ IV Diplomacy.
transferred the file TopPanel.lua in various combinations from place to place
every time I have a view of the city with two spies,color filling is too small,icon appears in the states cities
I do not know already how to install
I'll probably played without him

Did not give me peace and I had to understand what's going on
After many tries, turning every mod with another,result showed no cooperation Community Balance Patch
I know that here is described as a change,not discover America :)
I do not know who the file transfer to CSD in CBP are two files in the folder one active,folder two inactive.
and I have no idea how to do it
forgive old man
Sorry, asked this before but I lost the post: How do I get the core patch + civ 5 diplomacy + city-state diplomacy working together without the balance patch? The explanations in the main post don't make much sense to me and seem to refer to files that don't exist.
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