Computer games that influenced you?

how could I forget Battle Isle, I spent hours in my friend's basement, letting our armies clash against each other.....I couldn't get the constantly replayed background melody out of my mind for years :lol:
Civ3 (the only Civ I've seriously played so far), because it's so damn awesome and intelligent... Planescape: Torment (which I only started playing a couple years ago and have been playing on and off without ever get past Sigil) because of the variety of fascinating philosophies there (I actually embraced the basis of Sensate philosophy in real life.) Red Alert, because it's the first video game I seriously played, like a gamer... Deus Ex, dunno why...
Manic Miner, Head over Heels, La Abadía del Crimen (Crime's Abbey) ---> Sinclair Spectrum+ 48K
Another World, Flashback, Drakhen, Powermonger, Civ1 ---> Commodore Amiga 500
:lol: "Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!"
Buried in Time! I would imagine all the stuff I could do and places I could visit if I had that time suit.

Let's see... also World of Warcraft, I must say.
Behold the most oldest badass in the world...Solid Snake.

The games that really got me were :
Amstrad :
- Bombjack. :woohoo: Bombjack. SRAM 2.
My first PC, a 486sx25 (booyaa) :
- Dune
- Warcraft (8 disks, baby !)
- Civ
On the NES :
- The Awakening of Link (Zelda 2, IIRC)
- Bases Loaded ? Maybe that was on the Sega.
My GB :
- Tetris

The rest are too recent to be worth mentionned.
Solid Snake. Mppphhhh.
Tank_Guy#3 said:
How about this one:

The Command and Conquer: Red Alert (can't tell if its the Aftermath or not).

Thats the normal RA.

One of the first few missions on the Soviet campaing (mission 2?) where you have a group of the dogs and have to chase an escapee (well, a guy who just blew your base up) down and have to get around obstacles that dogs can't fight (like pillboxes).

EDIT: Oops, no its not!

Warcraft, Chucky Egg, Sonic, Striker's Run, Civ II, AOE, Doom, Duke Nuke 'em 3d, Quake, Tenchu, the FF series, C&C series, Jill of the Jungle and Ancients Evil probably affected me the most.

(Though, if I hadn't played ANY of the games then my entire life would be different, so I can't really say :p).
varwnos said:
This was pretty nice too.

Oh definately! I never understood how to wage war in Settlers 2...
Rise and Rule of Ancient Civilizations.

A rip off of Civ but still the first strategy game that I really got into. With out it I probably wouldn't have any civ games.
Air Warrior. I was one of the first to play it in the UK, it really showed the way that online gaming was going to be BIG.

I was also one of the first outside DMA Design to play Lemmings, but somebody had to put together the Christmas Coverdisk that year.

Everyone thought I'd gone insane, the way I'd screech out "Oh No!". A couple of weeks later we were all on the same wavelength.
bug, that game was pretty much amazing. so was fallout.

I played a lot of adventure games as a kid. Kings Quest, Space quest. i even wrote one...i dunno where it is now
Planescape:Torment, where I got to know one of the most insane characters in computer gaming, ever!!(It's my Avatar)

Since then, I got the urge to BURN!!!!
Heh, I recently ditched Ignus to make place for Modron. ^^
Ignus isn't all that useful after he's burned all your organs... And I can't say I loved getting into stupid fights with the nut. :)
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