Your analogy is slightly off the mark. The President's roles are clearly defined and are substantially different than that of any of the advisors, or any other elected position for that matter.
The Chief Justice, on the other hand, has no special privileges compared to the other justices. He has no veto authority over the rulings of the Associate Justices. He has no authority to appoint replacements. There is no in-game function that he alone is responsible for. He merely has his opinion on judicial matters just like the other two justices have their opinions, and those opinions are equally weighted.
Granted, he is charged with certain housekeeping tasks, such as posting in the Judicial Log and maintaining the Official thread for the Judiciary, but could we not just as easily assign these tasks to a "lesser" justice who we could label the Clerk of the Court? After all, some of the responsibilities currently assigned to the Chief Justice might be considered beneath a person holding such an esteemed office.
Finally, if we do hold a separate CJ election, we run the risk of not having an extremely qualified and competent justice serve on the court simply because he or she did not win the CJ race. Anyone doubting this assertion need only look back a few weeks to our original elections in which ravensfire and cyc tied in the CJ race. A victory by either one of these individuals would have resulted in the other not serving on the bench. Certainly, the other individual deserves to be on the bench as well, albeit in a lesser capacity.
So should we allow the runner-up in the CJ race to automatically serve? We would have to change the AJ poll to only 1 individual then. But what if the CJ race is a close 3-way race? Should we then forego the AJ altogether? Methinks that leads us back to the consolidated poll proposal.
The Chief Justice, on the other hand, has no special privileges compared to the other justices. He has no veto authority over the rulings of the Associate Justices. He has no authority to appoint replacements. There is no in-game function that he alone is responsible for. He merely has his opinion on judicial matters just like the other two justices have their opinions, and those opinions are equally weighted.
Granted, he is charged with certain housekeeping tasks, such as posting in the Judicial Log and maintaining the Official thread for the Judiciary, but could we not just as easily assign these tasks to a "lesser" justice who we could label the Clerk of the Court? After all, some of the responsibilities currently assigned to the Chief Justice might be considered beneath a person holding such an esteemed office.
Finally, if we do hold a separate CJ election, we run the risk of not having an extremely qualified and competent justice serve on the court simply because he or she did not win the CJ race. Anyone doubting this assertion need only look back a few weeks to our original elections in which ravensfire and cyc tied in the CJ race. A victory by either one of these individuals would have resulted in the other not serving on the bench. Certainly, the other individual deserves to be on the bench as well, albeit in a lesser capacity.
So should we allow the runner-up in the CJ race to automatically serve? We would have to change the AJ poll to only 1 individual then. But what if the CJ race is a close 3-way race? Should we then forego the AJ altogether? Methinks that leads us back to the consolidated poll proposal.