Crossroads of the World and Right to Rule DLC - themed predictions based on what we know

Crossroads of the World​

Babylon or Assyria are guaranteed, they both have their wonders and fit the crossroad theme since Mesopotamia is a bridge between continents, but I doubt we'll get both at the same time.

Tonga make sense to me, the wonder is in the antiquity age and arguably Oceania is a crossroad of sort, and would allow the region to be represented for the age.

Burma also has the Shwedagon Pagoda in the exploration age, and the region is a crossroad between India, China, and the rest of Southeast Asia.

I don't know all the wonders for the modern age, but Britain does somewhat fit the theme by having an empire covering most of the globe.

Like many I think Zenobia makes a lot of sense, she couldn't really appear in previous games but with Civ 7 decoupling of leaders and civilizations she has a chance. As for the second leader, Queen Victoria would be nice to see again, Anawrahta or Bayinnaung would be great leaders for Burma and a welcome addition to the series, Kamehameha I would also be welcomed back.
I think it would be more fun to have Lili’uokalani than Kamehameha, but that’s just me

Zenobia would be great for civ 7, yeah, though I don’t think Palmyra *never* had a chance in previous games/rhis one

Crossroads of the World​

Babylon or Assyria are guaranteed, they both have their wonders and fit the crossroad theme since Mesopotamia is a bridge between continents, but I doubt we'll get both at the same time.

Tonga make sense to me, the wonder is in the antiquity age and arguably Oceania is a crossroad of sort, and would allow the region to be represented for the age.

Burma also has the Shwedagon Pagoda in the exploration age, and the region is a crossroad between India, China, and the rest of Southeast Asia.

I don't know all the wonders for the modern age, but Britain does somewhat fit the theme by having an empire covering most of the globe.
Feel this is likely.
Seems to be a big fan base for pacific island Civs on these boards.
They don’t give me the empire fantasy though. I’d cap them a token one (Hawaii)
But give the people what they want.
Feel this is likely.
Seems to be a big fan base for pacific island Civs on these boards.
They don’t give me the empire fantasy though. I’d cap them a token one (Hawaii)
But give the people what they want.
Usually I would agree with you, but this is a different game. I think the game will eventually need a full Polynesian line of three civs.
I think it would be more fun to have Lili’uokalani than Kamehameha, but that’s just me
You fear Kamehameha so much?

And I see that Burma could be in Crossroads too. in Age II.
but succession order 'Khmer -> Burma -> Siam' is quite off to me. Sure Siam began as Khmer. but IRL evolved into Ayutthaya (which lasted as an empire for the late half of Age II). which also another 'Crossroad'. In fact a land link to eiteher Mac or Le Viets.
There needs to be TWO Burmas, and TWO Siams for two ages
Age II
- Bagan or Hanthawaddy Burma
- Ayutthaya Siam
(One of the biggest rivalty that lasted into the first quarter of 19th Century, which is Age III)
- Kaungbaunb Burma

Both of which can begin as Dvaravati. (but the 'Civ' itself was too vague, not much of their military capacity was recorded. the empire could be Sea King even.)
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Usually I would agree with you, but this is a different game. I think the game will eventually need a full Polynesian line of three civs.
The placing of Khmer in Antiquity does mess up creating a full Austronesian chain, though.
As long as you want to keep some pretense of reasonable interactions at least within the region itself since Angkorian anything is alien to the era, anyway.

Taiwan motherland
\-The Chu Kingdom and Yue -> Tai (Siam)
\- Phillipino cultures
\\- Cham people
\\- Indonesians (Majapahit)
\\\- Malagasy
\\\- Polynesians -> Hawaii and Maori
Unknown Humans prediction for Crossroads is pretty much mine, so I am gonna post my predictions of the civs for Right to Rule

Antiquity: Norse, reason being I think having another European antiquity civ is needed to help ensure a diversity of options for players wanting to play around in Europe, plus they fit well with the existing Exploration Euro civs, which I don't think there will be any more of during the first two dlc waves.
Exploration: Aztec, reason being I think they are both a very popular civ, and provide an needed alternate path to add more diversity of options for the American civs
Modern: Ottomans and Cherokee, reasons for both is that they fill modern era holes in MENA and Americas respectivly.
And no Safavids for Age III huh?

Ability: The Twelve Schools
UU: Zamburaki. (another cavalry mobile filed guns similiar to Siamese Gun Elephant. though this unit can be revised to have additional siege ability because elephant platform does reach wall parapets).
as much as I would like them to be age 3 to have all 3 of the gunpowder empires in one age, I do think that they would be a better fit for age 2, and the Qajars a better fit for age 3.
Alright, I'm going to give this a shot:

Crossroads of the World


Sumerians (Ancient)
Saka (Ancient)
Timurids (Exploration)
Ottomans (Modern)

Right to Rule:

Kamehameha I

Tui Tonga (Ancient)
Aztec Triple Alliance (Exploration)
Asante (Modern)
Britain (Modern)

I was originally going to give into fandom pressure and have an English leader in Right to Rule, but to be honest, I'd much rather have a non-monarch leader connected to England. Too many fantastic possibilities to choose from with the new system that previously could only be great people - William Shakespeare, Mary Wollstonecraft, Horatio Nelson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace. I'd rather any of those than another Tudor stock character.

edit: also I didn't realise this was my first post here! The civ 7 anticipation is real.
If we’re doing non-political leaders for the UK, I’d love a scientist: any of Fleming, Kelvin, Lister, Darwin
as much as I would like them to be age 3 to have all 3 of the gunpowder empires in one age, I do think that they would be a better fit for age 2, and the Qajars a better fit for age 3.
You could do Sassanids in Exploration into Modern Safavids.
Crossroads isn't coming with any new world wonders. That means only Assyria out of this list will probably be in because of Dur-Sharrukin already being in the game.
About that:


Maybe the Wonder Pack includes the wonders associated with the new civs?
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