It's on the infographic on the steam page: does it say that? Because on the official Civ 7 website it says 4 New Natural Wonders.
It's on the infographic on the steam page: does it say that? Because on the official Civ 7 website it says 4 New Natural Wonders.
It's 4 Natural WondersThen what's the Wonder Pack that's mentioned in the graphic?
If you scroll down further it says 4 New Natural Wonders. That part must be a typo.It's on the infographic on the steam page:
And more than that (because one could argue that maybe the natural part was wrong when we have two conflicting information), people asked here and firaxis staff confirmed the correct one is crossroads having 4 natural ones.If you scroll down further it says 4 New Natural Wonders. That part must be a typo.
And more than that (because one could argue that maybe the natural part was wrong when we have two conflicting information), people asked here and firaxis staff confirmed the correct one is crossroads having 4 natural ones.
Alright, I'm going to give this a shot:
Crossroads of the World
Sumerians (Ancient)
Saka (Ancient)
Timurids (Exploration)
Ottomans (Modern)
they could maybe not have a wonder until right to rule, or they could borrow an untied one, or a related wonder hasn’t been released yet, or the wonders that they talk about in the packs only count non-civ wondersDidn't they say that the 4 civs in Crossroads already has an associated wonder in the base game?
From Civ VII wiki these are the only wonders in the base game without an associated wonder:
Emile Bell
Haamonga a Maui
Hanging Gardens
Mausoleum of Theodoric
Pyramid of the Sun
Terracotta Army
Shwedagon Zedi
Notre Dame
Red Fort
Oxford University
So I don't see how Ottomans can be a modern civ in Crossroads? Or am I missing something?
they could maybe not have a wonder until right to rule, or they could borrow an untied one, or a related wonder hasn’t been released yet, or the wonders that they talk about in the packs only count non-civ wonders
Presumably they will reveal what is in them before release, so they won’t be fooling anyone that waits until they know what those 8 civs and 4 leaders are.And in fact if they go about doing things sneakily like that, that will make me want to buy the game less. Because it's on the pretense that you're getting people to pre-order with the known wonders in the game and saying there's a civ around the corner for that wonder and then bang surprise, no it's not that, it's going to be the Hagia Sophia with the Ottomans - you never saw that coming but you don't get what you want. So yeah no. That's why I'm not pre-ordering.
Presumably they will reveal what is in them before release, so they won’t be fooling anyone that waits until they know what those 8 civs and 4 leaders are.
I would expect at least that the identity of the civs/leaders would be revealed before base game release (not a game guide but just a name)personally, I’m not expecting a reveal until up to a month before the dlc release, so I guess the reveal will depend when in march it comes out.
Alright, I'm going to give this a shot:
Crossroads of the World
Sumerians (Ancient)
Saka (Ancient)
Timurids (Exploration)
Ottomans (Modern)
Right to Rule:
Kamehameha I
Tui Tonga (Ancient)
Aztec Triple Alliance (Exploration)
Asante (Modern)
Britain (Modern)
I was originally going to give into fandom pressure and have an English leader in Right to Rule, but to be honest, I'd much rather have a non-monarch leader connected to England. Too many fantastic possibilities to choose from with the new system that previously could only be great people - William Shakespeare, Mary Wollstonecraft, Horatio Nelson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace. I'd rather any of those than another Tudor stock character.
edit: also I didn't realise this was my first post here! The civ 7 anticipation is real.
Of the wonders that presumably have to be used for the 4 civs in the first DLC (since it doesn't add any new wonders), only one is really usable for a Modern civ, and that's Oxford. So I think it's very likely that we see Britain in the first DLC. (It's really the only guess that seems extremely likely.)God I would love to play as Nelson.
If I have to wait that long (second expansion) for a British isle civ I will almost certainly have moved on and stopped reading about it to be honest
There are also wonders which is very unlikely to have planned civilization. Colossus, Nalanda, Terracota Army and Notre Dam match already existing civilizations (sometimes in different ages). Pyramid of the Sun and Emile Bell correspond to civilization which are unlikely to appear in antiquity. So, the list shrinks to 6 wonders. So, I'd say Babylon, Goths, Burma and Britain all have really high chances to appear.Of the wonders that presumably have to be used for the 4 civs in the first DLC (since it doesn't add any new wonders), only one is really usable for a Modern civ, and that's Oxford. So I think it's very likely that we see Britain in the first DLC. (It's really the only guess that seems extremely likely.)
- Hanging Gardens (Babylon)
- Colossus (Rhodes)
- Pyramid of the Sun (Teotihuacan) [IP]
- Emile Bell (Silla Korea) [IP]
- Ha'amonga'a Maui (Tonga)
- Nalanda (Gupta India)
- Terracotta Army (Qin China)
- Petra (Nabateans)
- Mausoleum Theodoric (Ostrogoths) [IP]
- Shwedagon Zedi Daw (Burma)
- Notre Dame (Medieval France)
- Oxford University (Britain)
Nalanda? Why would Gupta be unlikely? They will most likely expand the Indian path in the future and I think Gupta is quite likely to appear at some point. The Pyramid of the Sun is a Teotihuacan wonder, and would certainly appear in Antiquity. Same as Silla Korea.There are also wonders which is very unlikely to have planned civilization. Colossus, Nalanda, Terracota Army and Notre Dam match already existing civilizations (sometimes in different ages). Pyramid of the Sun and Emile Bell correspond to civilization which are unlikely to appear in antiquity. So, the list shrinks to 6 wonders. So, I'd say Babylon, Goths, Burma and Britain all have really high chances to appear.
Gupta is unlikely, because we have some India in all 3 ages already. I doubt we'll have another Indian civ till the end of the game lifecycleNalanda? Why would Gupta be unlikely? They will most likely expand the Indian path in the future and I think Gupta is quite likely to appear at some point. The Pyramid of the Sun is a Teotihuacan wonder, and would certainly appear in Antiquity. Same as Silla Korea.
Perhaps not now, but I believe the Indian path will expand in the future. However, I agree that Burma is more likely at the moment than Gupta.Gupta is unlikely, because we have some India in all 3 ages already. I doubt we'll have another Indian civ till the end of the game lifecycle