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Cumulative Ancient World Quiz

That's a rather vauge question. Do you refer to Iron weapons?

I'm not sure if the Hittite method for refining and using Iron was adopted by others or if other methods developed independently. That's all they stand out in my mind for, however, that would seem significant.
No one is really sure who was the first to develope iron, but the hittes seem to be the first to make good, mass use of it. Actually, I was refering to "elf" type shoes- shoes with a pointed tip that look funny :)
The hittites were the first to develop pointy shoes?

Western Civilization owes them a great debt, in that case. Too bad they don't have any surviving descendants to which we may pay tribute.

Heh, that'd be a great Civ tech too. "You are invited to witness the marvel of Pointy Shoes! Absolutely no scribes allowed!"
Actualley they do heve descendents, after all, its not like some came in and killed them all of compleatlly, thet were just the victims of a culture flip :)
Yeah, Phrygia is right. Sorry for not coming on yesterday. ;)

It looks like SeleucusNicator is up as he was the first to answer it. I remember the crocodile story from a kiddie encyclopedia waaay back.
Hrm. My kiddie encylopedia said hippo, which is where I first saw that. Oh well. Large water-based thing with teeth. All the same. :)

Anyway, my question....

...speaking of Ancient Egyptians...

...take a look here. (image, 45 k)

What is happening that that picture? Name the three mythological figures that appear. To make this a history question, name the Egyptian ruler who is most famous for having a detailed explaination of this story on his Sarcophagus. (hint: off the top of my head, I believe he was also assasinated, and this was very inacurrately portrayed in a fairly recent action movie)
Well, the three figures are, from left to right, Ra (or Re), Seth (or Set) and Apep (or Apophis).
As for the pharaoh, is it Tutankhamun, he's the only one I know of who was assassinated.
Furious: You got the names, now, what are they doing? To what end?

Incorrect on the pharaoh.
Ok, Ra and Seth are travelling through the underworld with the sun, and Apep is trying to swallow the sun and plunge the world into darkness and evil etc, so Seth is fighting him off. Seth will win, and Ra's barque with the sun in tow will rise in the East.

I'm not sure on the pharaoh still and don't watch movies so, Thutmosis the II?
No. Seti I. He was shown in the late 90's version of "The Mummy".

I suppose it is your turn to ask.
Okay...the order of the last two posts seem to have reversed in my browser...an odd error on Mozilla's part, most likely.

If I understand Furious's post correctly, he has passed on asking the next question, thus opening the door for anybody to ask?

Well, in that case, I'll go. This is a very easy question, but in order to answer it you'll have to play a little game I call "Six Degrees of International Warfare", where you must link powers together by wars that they fought in. For example, linking Germany to Japan would go "Germany -> US -> Japan", because Germany was once at war with the US, which was once at war with Japan. (As you can see, you cannot link allies directly).

So, the link I give you, is:

The Mauryan Empire to the Republic of Texas.

There are many ways to do this; the most elegant method (shortest or to be decided by me otherwise) wins.
Mauryan empire > Greece > Rome > Britian (Celts) > Spaniards > Mexico (Aztecs) > Republic of Texas :crazyeye: :D :crazyeye:
Incorrect. The Mauryan Empire was never at war with Greece, and the Celts were never at war with the Spainards.
Originally posted by aaminion00
hmm, but I thought the Mauryan empire was attacked by Alexander the Great??

Alexander was Macedonian. He conquered Greece, yes, he was certainly very Greek culturally, but he ruled from Pella.

However, even if I were to allow his being Greek, he never was at war with the Mauryans. He died two years before the first Mauryan king came to power.
Mauryan Empire -> Macedonia -> Egypt -> France -> Mexico -> Republic of Texas

A little cheesy, but it works, I think. The Mauryan Empire fought the Macedonians (under Seleucus Nicator, ha ha), who had conquered Egypt, which was invaded by the French (under Napoleon), who invaded Mexico in 1861, who fought the Republic of Texas, of course.
Seleucus Nicator controlled Macedonia in his wild fantasies, and probably would have in reality if he had not been assasinated, but he cannot be called a Macedonian ruler. He was a ruler, he was Macedonian, and he is vital to the correct answer, but he never ruled Macedonia.

There's a way (many, many ways, actually) to do it using distinct political entities, not just geographical areas. It just takes a few links longer.
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