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CvnnNES: As Many as the Stars


Nov 26, 2003
CvnnNES: As Many as the Stars​

Welcome! This Fresh Start NES is open to all players; please read the rules below to create a nation. (They will be added shortly.)

Starting Template:

Culture Name
Nation Names:
City Names:
Landmark Names:

To create a new culture, on the first turn only, fill out the above template. Please provide at least five nation names, at least five city names, and at least five landmark names (mountains, oceans, bays, rivers, even battlefields).

You are limited to a total of 15 “civilization points”; if you start in a tropical area, you are limited to just 12. These may be distributed as you like among the five categories of Aggression, Expansion, Cohesion, Agriculture and Sophistication. Each category must have a number between 1 and 5. A brief guide to these values is below.

Aggression: Basically, how likely your people are to try to conquer others. This is not all positive, though; an unbalanced aggressive people may be assimilated if they are unsophisticated, may be turned back if they have insufficient numbers due to a lack of agriculture or may fragment if they lack cohesion.

Expansion: How likely your people are to expand peacefully. Unbalanced expansive peoples may face fragmentation or conquest, but a truly large nation may be able to overwhelm its neighbors.

Cohesion: How likely your people are to unite under a single banner. The ancient Egyptians were highly cohesive; the ancient Sumerians were highly noncohesive.

Agriculture: How developed your civilization’s agricultural capacity is. Highly developed agriculture means more food and therefore more people, but it also reduces your flexibility and ability to move. If you do not start on a river, your Agriculture value can be only 1 or 2.

Sophistication: How sophisticated your civilization’s culture is. A highly sophisticated culture will influence others and may assimilate neighbors or even those who conquer your territory.

Example template (do not use RL civilizations, obviously):

Aggression: 1
Expansion: 1
Cohesion: 4
Agriculture: 5
Sophistication: 4
City Names: Waset, Djanet, Itj-Tawy, Abdju, Tjenu, Nagade
Nation Names: Niwt-Rist, Wawat, Ta-Mehu, Ta-Shemau, Henen-nesut
Landmark Names: Iteru, Keftiu, Wad-wr, Hammamat, Fayum

There will be no orders for the first turn. After the first turn, more standard stats and rules will be introduced. I will accept new templates until 11:59 p.m. EST on January 2, 2010.
Starting Map:


Climate Map:

Some comments about our world. Those living near the oceans will notice that tidal forces are weaker than on Earth. If they are wise beyond their years, they will connect these forces to a reddish-hued orb that transits the sky at night, appearing to be about half the size of the bright yellow orb of the daytime. At night, the sky is an explosion of light, filled with bright stars that light up the heavens. Four bright wandering stars occasionally light up the sky, two different ones, one a yellowish tint and one reddish, appear before sunrise and after sunset, and a the third and fourth wandering irregularly across the sky during the deep night.

(Basically, this world is nearer to the core of its galaxy than our own. It has one small, iron-heavy moon and orbits a mainline yellow dwarf star much like our Sun. There are at least four planets, two of which are locked into the same orbit. Again, not my specialty, and I will accept corrections. This doesn't matter much right now anyway.)
Reserved 7: Other stuff III

You can now spam, although there isn't anything to post about yet.
Joining as of now! All and any non-earth fresh starts are for me.:)

Edit: And I'm claiming the mouth of westernmost river.:D
Spoiler :

awesome! fresh start! Im in ;) just by looking at the map

EDIT: it we are allowed to claim (?) i would like the mouth of either of the two rivers in semi-tropical
A tropical fresh start? strange that civilization begins here in the tropics :)

I am indeed interested, can't wait to see how to join :p
A tropical fresh start? strange that civilization begins here in the tropics :)

I am indeed interested, can't wait to see how to join :p

Of course, one will find that the tropics are a more difficult place to start than the semi-arid regions of the world. Also, if it's not obvious, the other two colors on the map are Arid and Snowy terrain.

And the forums just ate my rules for the starting template, grr, so it'll be a few minutes.
Of course, one will find that the tropics are a more difficult place to start than the semi-arid regions of the world. Also, if it's not obvious, the other two colors on the map are Arid and Snowy terrain.

And the forums just ate my rules for the starting template, grr, so it'll be a few minutes.
Most likely, but wouldn't civilization appear in the temperate areas? Like on Earth? This are the best food production places...

How like Egypt and Sumer is the semi-arid here?
Most likely, but wouldn't civilization appear in the temperate areas? Like on Earth? This are the best food production places...

Not necessarily. Civilization started on Earth in the Fertile Crescent because it happened to be at a meeting point of a lot of different crops; consequence of the east-west climactic continuity of Eurasia. Also, plenty of other cradles of civilization besides Mesopotamia exist. See: Indus (roughly analogous to this cradle), China, Mesoamerica, Peru... etc.

Oh, and definitely joining once I figure out a civilization concept.
Not necessarily. Civilization started on Earth in the Fertile Crescent because it happened to be at a meeting point of a lot of different crops; consequence of the east-west climactic continuity of Eurasia. Also, plenty of other cradles of civilization besides Mesopotamia exist. See: Indus (roughly analogous to this cradle), China, Mesoamerica, Peru... etc.

Oh, and definitely joining once I figure out a civilization concept.
I guess I just don't know what "semi arid" means... I thought it is like on the edges of a desert if not one...

Call that area along the river near the mountains!

Also Semi-Arid does not necessitate dry as hell. It could also be a lush grassland area.


Granted, with that lower mountain range holding back rain clouds and making that southern region all tropical like I think this Semi-Arid is a bit drier...
Most likely, but wouldn't civilization appear in the temperate areas? Like on Earth? This are the best food production places...

How like Egypt and Sumer is the semi-arid here?

Semi-arid is basically the Middle East (bar Arabia and areas right on the Mediterranean coast), so exactly like them. Ancient Egypt would have been closer to Semi-arid than Arid, although modern Egypt is of course highly arid. Temperate is more like Europe. The only civilization that started in a temperate area was China; the Indus Valley civ was in a semi-tropical area (I think, not sure what the Indus Valley was like then) while the Egyptians and Mesopotamians were in semi-arid areas. The Mesoamericans were, of course, in a tropical area.
Anyway, the semi-arid on this map varies. It's lush along the rivers but fades to arid in some areas. It's also wetter in the northeast and southwest of the map than in the center and northwest.

Also, I'm not completely aces at climatology, so I'll be glad to take the occasional advice if deserts/rainforest/etc. seem to be in the wrong place.
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