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DaftNES 3: Alternate-World Fresh Start

I'm aware they are heinously late, but I thought I should try and write some orders anyway.

Spoiler Kaerlan Orders :

Kaerlan: TaylorFlame

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING.
Turn3: Build a worker on the mines in Mriz. One unit goes east to Jrika to influence people there. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: free nomad in Jrika. Infrastructure UP.
Turn4: Build a port in Mriz, and reorganise elite soldiers as a new unit of swordsmen. Nomads in Jrika settle down. Some soldiers join Torecan raids across the inland sea. EVENT: Military UP.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!

Available Funds: 7e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 2e resource, 2.5e trade, 1e tribute from Torecan, 0.5e looted from Zamar (En Corthan), 0.5e looted from Lothas (Nartozieroni)
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 1.5e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Calengian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Send the two units in the Torecan lands North to combat the barbarians to be found up there. The warriors sent by Torecan will join them. They will gain experience and loot. Also, have them spread the beliefs of their homeland amongst the Northern tribes. If possible, have them be upgraded to the standard set by the elite soldiers in Mriz.

Spend 2e raising Organisation.

With the increase in organisation, a system of writing must be introduced. Have the Calengian part of Kaerlan help with this endeavour to bring writing to the lands of the Rundi.

Sponsor a surge in population growth in the lands of Kaerlan. Spend 4e building a city in both Mriz and Jrika.

Spend 1e building a fleet, which will be used to protect the trade at the port at Mriz, and to trade Kaerlic metals and wool to other coastal civilizations.
@TaylorFlame thanks, I have already done your part of the world but I'll see what I can do!

@everyone, apologies this is taking so long. I don't know if anyone is that bothered but I am really trying to be realistic about warfare and etc. Its taken quite a while this turn! I still have to resolve a three-way war in eastern eurasia...

Spoiler :
Ooh, exciting. I don't see Shahanar forces fighting, but we ARE allied with the Nartozieroni against the Gorukanu, so hopefully we do our part.

Is that the Sa'ad Danabite religion in Lothas? It looks like a slightly different color but I can't tell.

Years 2100 to 2350


The Middle Sea runs with blood, from east to west...

The Ethaliri of Luca boldly choose the Rhuhia as their next target, crossing the straights to raid the lands of Rhua while its own warriors are similarly raiding lands in the north. Meanwhile a large Ongen fleet is out for revenge against the Ethaliri, taking any opportunity for raiding and pillage on the coasts of Luca. In the confusion, the Ongens and Rhuhia become closer allies against the Ethaliri, and the Ongens are able to assist the rebellion of ethnic-Ongen slaves, who escape to settle back in Etua.

Meanwhile, Great King Equistrique rises to power in Calenge, and oversees a political union with the Varai League of Cria. The Loxequistra League is formed, and a combined fleet is assembled just in time to meet another determined attack by the Ongen navy. In this first battle, the combined Loxequistran fleet has a numerical advantage and is able to outmanoeuvre its opponent. The Ongens retreat with serious losses, but vow to avenge their humiliation; a decade later, after completing the conquest of the last rebel strongholds on their home islands of Etua, they return with reinforcements... In the second great sea battle, the Ongens bring to bear a huge fleet of ships from all across the western sea, and despite fierce fighting, they finally manage to decisively defeat the Loxequistrans, forcing them to flee with less than half the ships they started out with. The islands of Etua are restored as a major centre of trade, and the Ongens inherit the Middle Sea, at least for now...

On the southern coasts, another great war is fought between the Gattra and al-Qahira. Despite Gattran efforts to involve the Haelani, the latter face their own problems in the east, and only a token force of warriors is sent to join the huge combined army of Geskhites... Marching onto the plains of Qan'ma, the Geskhites find themselves opposed by what is probably the greatest chariot army ever assembled - over two thousand Qizilbay chariot-knights, supported by sizeable amount of infantry, and all fiercely inspired by their faith. In the following great battle, the Qizilbay are sacrificed in relentless charges, finally breaking up and routing the Geskhite infantry. Meanwhile the Gattrans of Chari are conquered after a drawn-out series of sieges. The forces of al-Qahira now close in on Geskh from various sides, where some of the mountain tribes, having been denied much in the way of plunder, are no longer willing to fight alongside the Gattra. Nonetheless, the mountainous terrain and their stubborn resistance combine to ensure the Gattra survive through another century of on/off fighting, with Gattra archers proving particularly effective in defending mountain passes. But as far as the rest of the Middle Sea in concerned, al-Qahira now reigns supreme in the south, and seems to be on good terms with the Loxequistra League.

While the Haelani struggle to retake the fortress in Makar captured by Nomesters, another large Nomester army arrives from the south, having basically abandoned its southern home in Faradi. The following battle ends in such a crushing defeat that the Nomesters easily absorb the remnants of the Haelani, and the new kingdom of Naraman is founded. All the while the Nashawi stay behind their city walls, keeping out of trouble and welcome guests to the Great Temple of Nashan.

The neighbouring land of Hurud reaches new heights of wealth and prosperity as the Hurian leadership finally absorbs the Sarakites. Hurud is now defended by a huge combined army, which sees little action as its presence is enough to deter would-be invaders. Hurian influence steadily expands south through the deserts of Boro, and sea trade with both the Shahanar - who make up one of very few rivals in terms of sheer wealth - and the Noidi continues to flourish, though the adventurous spirit of the former Sarakite seafarers is never quite the same from this point on...

In the north-eastern land of Odda, a barbarian horde is gathering under the influence of Napodi cultists. But before they can sack the city of Calenge, they are invaded from the south by armies of Kaerlan and Vetharil warriors. And while the Loxequistran fleet battles with the Ongens, the army of old Calenge also goes on the offensive, King Equistrique leading his own army into Odda. But for various reasons, none of the invading armies cooperate well with each other... Although the barbarians of Odda are inevitably defeated, a heavy toll falls on the Vetharil, who unluckily lose many of their more inexperienced warriors in a series of ambushes. The three invading forces now divide up the spoils fairly evenly, with only some minor skirmishing between each other; the last remnants of the Napodi cults do not survive all the turmoil. Meanwhile, some of the surviving Odda warbands escape to Jrika to join in a separate war...

The High King of En Corthan is committed to revenge against the Torecan and their Kaerlan allies, on land and sea... The first En Corthan fleet on the White Sea is easily defeated by the Torecan, as they launch another campaign of ship-borne raiding against the coast of Zamar. But simultaneously the King of En Corthan marches through Boda and into Jrika, attracting a large army of various barbarians from the surrounding lands as well as Jrika itself, which soon more than doubles the number of En Corthan soldiers. The Torecan soldiers return for a desperate defence of their home towns, to no avail. The combined army under the En Corthan king is simply overwhelming. Torecan warriors return again to their ships, while the Kaerlan are also forced to flee back to the mountains of Mriz, for now. But with the sudden death of En Corthan king, Jrika becomes the scene of chaotic in-fighting between rival tribes and factions for over a century; Neither En Corthan or anybody else can regain control there. Eventually the sister-kingdom of En Taithan is formed, ostensibly in alliance with En Corthan. Between them, the remnants of the Torecan still roam the White Sea, acting as pirates, merchants and mercenaries.

The sands of Karu are the stage for another great drama. The sun sets on the Gorukanu empire as it gets into wars with the Shahanar, Nartozieroni and Tieros, the latter embarking on an all-out war of invasion. With acquiescence of Navu tribes, the Tieros army under the great general Nakazieros swiftly conquers the Gorukanu towns of Navu. Meanwhile the Shahanar and Nakkra Ardi troops fight the Gorukanu in the west; novel Shahanar camel troops prove their worth in the endless trekking across the desert, while some Gorukanu raiders change sides, and the elite Haskite charioteers fighting for the Shahanar reinvent themselves as horsemen and then become involved in power struggles in Narudi; the end result of this is the new kingdom of Amassar. At the same time, Gorukanu raiders strike the Nartozieroni borderlands, and outmanoeuvre the heavy armoured horsemen adopted by the defenders. Nimble horse archers seem to emerging as the weapon of choice, and indeed the final battle for Karu is mostly fought between such horsemen. The great oasis-palace changes ownership yet again, but the Tieros carry on as the Gorukanu did, seeking to coexist with the Sa'ad Danab, with their leaders showing special favour to the Karuian caste of priestess-pleasure-companions.

At the same time, the Nartozieroni embark on a hostile colonisation of the land of Teph. Initially this goes well, as the Tieros are distracted elsewhere; the Nartozieroni are well established in Teph with their own settlements by the time the aging general Nakazieros arrives to evict them. Fierce fighting follows, this time with infantry doing most of the fighting, though horsemen again playing a leading role. The Narozieroni are never fully expelled from Teph, but many of their colonists are shamefully enslaved by the Tieros, and the kings of Lothas has to accept that this particular gamble has failed. But while their prestige suffers, their capitol flourishes to become a truly great city of the age, a population boom perhaps spurred by the movement of peoples away from the dangerous borderlands.

Tieros is left holding the largest unified empire that the continent has seen so far. But the successors of general Nakazieros inherit an empire that is underdeveloped, overextended and surrounded by richer neighbours...

The mysterious, complex, sprawling confederacy of the Halkska remains little-known in the west, but continues to expand in various directions; all told, its leaders can now call upon enough manpower and resources to match any of the kingdoms or empires on the continent. While some practise astronomy as part of their worship of the heavenly bodies, others remain at the forefront of metalworking developments, and retain a tight hold on the trade hub of Markhan, refusing to pay any tribute to the Tieros, who are left looking rather weak in that area.

Far to the south, untroubled by war and turmoil, the most tranquil and eternal Queendom of Ka Molo reaches new heights of culture, learning, art and luxury - a culture still sharing most in common with the Sa'ad Danab, though now having more contacts with the Shahanar sphere; with a growing population and feuding over cattle-grazing rights, the arrival of Shahanar caravan-people is one of the few things that threatens to disturb the peace of Ka Molo, at least until the immigrants are evicted by order of the queen. Meanwhile, the Sulundi-Hlodani river is investigated more thoroughly by Noidi traders...

The focus of the Noidi seems to shift from the jungles of Mlano to the islands of Barja, where they now arrive in force to establish a colony; although they seek peace with the native islanders, their troops - notable for their use of heavy metal armaments, despite the tropical climate - become entangled in local power struggles. The Noidi eventually find themselves ruling most of the islands, which are a useful stop-of point for trade with Ka Molo and beyond, though already there are signs that the Noidi leadership will struggle to keep hold of both Mlano and Barja...

Near the southern edge of the continent, the Manaltu sea-peoples emerge, perhaps spawned in previous times from the more adventurous of Noidi seafarers. Tentatively, the Manaltu begin to act as a bridge between continents, reflecting both Noidi and Jalatu Taej influences.


This is another age of peace and prosperity for most of the southern continent. On the western coast, civilization becomes more widespread and diverse. Vauri priestesses are credited with ending the plague in Zhailin; Vauri culture continues to spread, though its southern offshoots soon go their own way; the power of the confederacy seems to fade in comparison to the Houlau kingdom, which recovers from its devastating plague and rebuilds its army in fear of attack by the Xitaan or Vakar. This does not arise, so Houlau scholars and engineers have the time to establish a great academy of learning in their capitol, one of two such places on the continent at this time.

The Xitaan empire recovers from its previous wars and remains stable enough, though it grows increasingly resentful of its eastern neighbours; the population expands, but the empire lacks the cultural sophistication or the sheer wealth of the Aquen or Tarezisis.

Meanwhile the Vakar, while still paying tribute to the Xitaan, become more established as a separate kingdom, with the building of the temple of Amato in Zhunun, and with the founding of a city at an oasis in the deserts of Konin -unfortunately this city suffers from drought and pestilence, though for now the Vakar receive the friendship of the Konin nomads.

To the north-east, the trading centre of Tarakan is attacked by the Jalatu Taej, an assault led by hardy war elephants. The fortress of the Tarak holds out, but unhappily for both sides the fighting drags on for decades. The Jalatu eventually triumph, but Tarak is no longer such a place of such importance. For now the Tarak elephant-caravans seek shelter in the Tarezisis kingdom. Due to the disruption of trade routes, little is learned about the Manaltu or Noidi or the whole other continent that exists in the north.

The Aquen and Tarezisis reach ever greater levels of prosperity. The Aquen remain on mostly good terms with the Jueruen separatists, who are accepted as vassals. For the Tarezisis this is also a golden age of culture, with the founding of an academy of learning, similar to that in Houlau, despite there being no direct contact between them. Here the religious ideals of the Aquen and Tarezisis are discussed and argued about, and it even seems that a new composite philosophy is taking shape. Meanwhile the Haiu kingdom sends tribute to both Aquen and Tarezisis, yet without much of an army to support, it finds a lot of wealth left over for itself. Haiu benefits from the culture and security provided by its western neighbours, though it tends to lean more towards the influence of the Yenleta Sav...

The eastward expansion of the Sagu Ra-u into the land of Huilin is the main source of trouble in the region; tribal Huilin exiles arrive in Sailan and seem to threaten the balance between the Aquen and Jueruen. Meanwhile the Sagu Ra-u also take to the seas in boats remarkably similar to those used by the Noidi, which are used to trade for the gems and spices of the Yorju islands.


While the Harao are reaplced as the leading seafarers and seem to be fading from history, the Agrian expansion into southern lands continues with the same tested formula. Elementalist shamans, backed up by bands of devoted warriors, make steady progress in brining the various native tribes into Agrian orbit. Their greatest success at this time is the converting or neutralising of native warbands in these regions. The actual jungle tribespeople, however, prove to more stubborn. The Agrian efforts in the region of Mahar are also a little upset by the arrival of Aretiki sea-peoples there. Meanwhile the Agrians again attack the city-state of Halachamo, which is now defended by a sizeable fortress. Yet this time Agrian attack is simply too overwhelming, in terms of both numbers and motivation; with the Halachamo army crushed and city occupied, their nomadic cousins in the surrounding jungle await their fate under Agrian rule...

Despite efforts of the Sollo hierarchy to keep hold on expanding territory, they face a serious rebellion. A charismatic shaman in Malcho breaks with Sollo and begins a rebellion that quickly gathers pace. Within a few decades, all of Malcho is ruled by a Shamanic elite calling themselves Angar-Ulum, with their own unique slant on Agrian elementalist belief.

The Hulukap empire remains on its decentralised and rather corrupt course. While the independent lords grow wealthier and accumulate larger private armies, they are content to keep milking the system, while still greater wealth still finds its way to the high lords of Hulukap - new cities are founded and steady tribute is received from all the neighbouring peoples, now including the Onaqui also. Thus, despite its problems, the Hulukap empire is still a match for anything else in the world at this time. A bewildering array of goods, foodstuffs, treasures and luxuries can now be found in the markets of Maltik, and it seems that sheer tradition is the only thing maintaining the old Harao port of Sollo as the region's centre of trade.

The Holuc continue to terrorise the lands of Retiki during this era. The Kamalec army is again defeated in the borderlands, but rallies to defend its home villages and manages to inflict a surprise defeat on some the Holuc. The Arateki also eagerly defend their fortress against the Holuc, while many of their people being to migrate to the relative safety of the Jana-Ratik islands. Aretki boats also begin to harass the coasts of Holuc lands in retaliation. Nonetheless, the Holuc raids are successful in brining back enough loot to both pay their warriors and send the customary tribute to the great Hulukap.


Faction names written like ~this~ are the NPC's.

Spoiler Cradle #1 AND Cradle #2! :

Spoiler Cradle #3 :


To Ongens
From Ethaliri

Too much blood has been spilt. We offer [1.5e] as a one-time payment in exchange for eternal peace between us.

To al-Qahira
From Nashawi

We offer a defensive alliance, and although we have our own faith we are willing to welcome your holy men in our lands.

To Nartozieroni
From Tieros

We are willing to pay [2e per turn] and to return the slaves we captured from you, in return for eternal peace and brotherhood.

To Neighbours
From Torecean

Let the past be forgotten. Our ships and warriors are willing to aid your desires, for a price.

To En Corthan
From barbarian horse dudes in Zamar

Behold, we are famed and great horsemen from foreign lands. We offer to protect Zamar against all attackers in exchange for [0.5e per turn].

To Shahanar
From the armoured swordsmen dudes wandering into Shahan

Things are a little hectic in Jrika. We come to offer our services as warriors for the great Shahanar, either for a few years or for all time.

To Holuc
From Arateki

We offer you a separate peace (who cares about the Kamalec)?


Apologies if the write-up was quite short in places after all this time. Work on the map and stats took most of my time!

Y'all are allowed to explore off the edges of the map and potentially conquer and raid and trade and colonise stuff there, even if you don't quite see on the map exactly what's going on, you will at least get some feedback via PM or in the update.

Next Orders Deadline is still to be announced.

About debts: you don't need to repay them specifically. If you end the last turn with a negative treasury (after taking spending into account), there might be some 'debt effects' as another expense, reducing your overall income next turn (one possible side effect of overspending). Then you get your income added, and most likely are no longer in debt. So you are not actually in debt at the start of a turn, unless your 'Available Funds' are still negative after all your income is added. If that makes sense.

@lopaz, you experimentally have control of both En Corthan and En Taithan if you want. But bad things will happen if you try to unite them too soon (maybe!).

@Thlayli that is the Sa'ad religion in Lothas, I made it a more bannana-y colour now.

@spryllino, would you like a different colour for the Loxequistra League?

@abaddon, you didn't have enough tech (economy or infrastructure lvl 3 needed) to safely get more workers on the giant groundbirds in Maltik, so I put a worker on the stone mines instead.

@Immaculate, you refer to 'Nobai' in your orders, is this a mistake or do you want to change the name? Either is cool, though I'd prefer a name not so similar to the Novai if possible!

Cradle One (this is kinda listed in order of location, going west-east, if anyone wants it rearranged let me know!)

Spoiler :
Ethaliri: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: build two boats and another unit (destroyed), bold attack against Etua. EVENT: Economics Up.
Turn5: save 2e. Build another boat and two more soldiers, raid against Rhua, which succeeds despite heavy losses. Suffer coastal raiding by Ongens, but looters of Rhua are able to evade Ongen boats. EVENT: Culture UP.

Available Funds: 4.5e
End of last turn: 2e
Income: 1e tax, 0.5e slaves, 3e raided from Rhua (Rhuhia and Ongen workers)
Losses: 1e loot misappropriated.
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 al-Qahira)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Rhuhia: civver_764

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Build a new city in Rhua, gather elite soldiers in new unit of axemen (Rhuance), raid neighbouring tribes. Learn IRON WORKING.
Turn5: Military UP. Build another unit. Raid neighbouring tribes as far as Udan and Calbach. Suffer raids by Ethaliri into Rhua. EVENT: Economics UP. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET!

WARNING: Overcrowding in Rhua, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 0.5e trade, 1e tribute from Rhua tribes, 1e raided from Udan tribes, 0.5e raided from Calbach tribes
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Ongen)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great King' (Military / Power / Organisation) Current Task: Power

Ongen: orangelex44

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Organisation UP x2! Build another galley. Calengian navy fights back, while Ethaliri raiders attack Etua itself; Ethaliri fleet defeated, but some escape with some loot and slaves; prestige suffers, new rebellion starts up on the islands. EVENT: Culture UP, Civilization UP. Free city as trade settlement expands in Rhua.
Turn5: build two archers to help control Etua, and three more ships. Total of eight ships to crush the Ethaliri fleet, and to defeat the Calengians / Loxequistrans. Ethaliri coasts pillaged, but epic sea battles with the Loxequistrans. Eventual victory and Trade Centre GET. EVENT: Economics UP, Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 6.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3e tax, 4e resource, 3e trade, 1e raided from Ethaliri
Upkeep: 4.5e (8 units, one palace, one newly-captured Loxequistran boat: upkeep deferred for a turn)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Yaneid: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: Infrastructure UP. Learn WRITING. EVENT: Enlightenment UP.
Turn5: buy fur trappers in Yodan.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Ongen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Loxequistra League: spryllino

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as the Calengians
Turn4: Infrastructure UP, build a city on Cria. EVENT: population growth as Nomads in Cria. New hardy northern cattle resource in Gleis. DISASTER: massive volcanic eruption strikes Cria! Port destroyed. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET! Power UP!
Turn5: build three warships, a unit of woodsmen and a unit of hoplites. Build a port in Cria. Great King Equistrique unites Calengians and Varai League! Now known as Loxequistra League. Naval war with Ongens ends in defeat, but successful invasion of Odda with allies. EVENT: Military UP.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!
WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in various places.

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: -2e
Income: 4.5e tax, 8e resource, 1e trade, 1e inherited from Varai League
Losses: 2e corruption, 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 4e (8 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Equistriqan Dynasty?' (Power / Military / Organisation) Current Task: Power

Idovai: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: 0.5e tribute to Novai. DISASTER: massive volcanic eruption strikes Cria! Temple destroyed.
Turn5: save money. Priestesses transfer to Etua.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1e religion
Upkeep: 0e

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'High Priestess' (Culture / Economics) Current Task: Culture

Novai: Dreadnought

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING.
Turn4: Economics UP, Bank 1.5e. EVENT: Enlightenment UP. DISASTER: massive volcanic eruption strikes Cria!
Turn5: Build a fortress in Cria. Save 0.5e. EVENT: Civilization UP.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Calengian)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


al-Qahira: Kraznaya

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as Iksander Antar'ah. Invent THE WHEEL.
Turn4: Build a fort and a chariot-knight in Qan'ma. REFORM: merge with the Salkadji faction and reform as 'al-Qahira' (Confederacy of). EFFECTS: Organisation DOWN, Economics DOWN, Military UP. OUTRAGE: Gattra pillage temple in Chari.
Turn5: Organisation UP, four assorted units, 1e on defensive preparations. Chari conquered and epic battles in Qan'ma and Geskh. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Economics UP, Power UP. Population growth in Qan'ma.

WARNING: slight overcrowding in Chari, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 9.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 4e tax, 4e resource, 1.5e religion, 2e from Gattra city destroyed in Chari, 2e from recovered weapons
Losses: 0.5e corruption (stable)
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Gattra: Shadowbound

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: build a new city in Chari, build a new unit there. Inherit most of the realms of Rattram. EVENT: Military UP, Culture UP. New iron resource in Geskh.
Turn5: build a fort in Chari, one unit there and two in Geskh. Invasion of Qan'ma fails after epic battles. Chari eventually lost to al-Qahira. Geskh defended against invasions. Culture DOWN. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn WRITING.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 1e pillaged from Qan'ma, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Nashawi: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: build a fortress. GREAT EVENT: Wonder GET! Culture UP, Enlightenment UP.
Turn5: more stone mining. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Engineering UP.

Available Funds: 3.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e visitors, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Naraman: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as the Nomesters. Invent BRONZE WORKING.
Turn4: 1.5e on supplies for a military campaign. Great King leads great campaign through Siach into Makar and is consumed in the process. Learn IRON WORKING.
Turn5: Military UP. Train two new units in Siach, attack Haelani in Makar with all units. City in Faradi disbanded for Nomads who attempt to travel all the way to Makar, but disperse en route. Still, Haelani decisively beaten and swiftly conquered. Merge with Haelani remnants to become Naraman. EFFECT: Economics UP, Infrastructure UP, Power DOWN, Civilization UP.

WARNING: Power low, army rebellions possible.
WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Makar
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing fast!

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 6e resource, 1e recovered weapons, 1e trade, 0.5e inherited from Haelani
Losses: 2e corruption
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Hurians: andis-1

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING.
Turn4: Infrastructure UP, build a unit of swordsmen. Massive Haelani invasion, two city lost - some slaves later manage to escape and return as nomads. EVENT: Military UP. Learn CONCRETE.
Turn5: Train five assorted units! Also a new City in Hurud. Nomads and swordsmen move into Boro. EVENT: Inherit the realms of the Sarakites! Engineering UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET!

WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing fast!
WARNING: Power might be too low to keep control of an expanding army!

Available Funds: 14e(!)
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 6.5e tax, 8e resource, 2.5e trade, 1e religion, 0.5e visitors, 3e inherited from Sarakites
Losses: 2.5e corruption (growing)
Upkeep: 5e (10 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Vetharil: Lord of Elves

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING. Repel Makdul raiders from Makar.
Turn4: Build a pikeman unit, save money. One pikemen goes AWOL and fights on the side of the Hurians against the Haelani.
Turn5: Build a port, train another pikeman (later killed), and reorganise elites as new swordsmen unit. New units attack Odda with allies. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Military UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Mriz.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade, 0.5e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Kaerlan: TaylorFlame

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING.
Turn4: Build a port in Mriz, and reorganise elite soldiers as a new unit of swordsmen. Nomads in Jrika settle down. Some soldiers join Torecan raids across the inland sea. EVENT: Military UP.
Turn5: Organisation UP. Build a fleet. Train two new swordsmen, one of which travels with the elites to wage war in Odda, with help of allies. Settle a new City in Odda. Jrika invaded, city there has to be evacuated, nomads free to Mriz. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn WRITING, HORSEBACK RIDING.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Mriz.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2.5e tax, 3e resource, 1.5e trade, 0.5e religion
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Loxequistran)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Tharnites: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn WRITING.
Turn4: build *another* temple in Shanan, 0.5e gift to Shahanar.
Turn5: 1e gift to Shahanar. Save 1.5e.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: 1.5e
Income: 1e resource, 0.5e tax, 1.5e religion
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit, 1 fanatic)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Shahanar)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Shahanar: Thlayli

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING.
Turn4: Economics UP, build a Palace (Great Hall of Crafts), build a Guard Phalanx unit, build a city in Narudi (Hashal the Well-Fortuned). Repel raids by Gorukanu. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Power UP, Culture UP, free shepherds in Shahan, Camel resource moves from Naurdi to Shahan.
Turn5: Organisation UP. Spawn Nomads in Hloga, who are evicted and sent to Chard. Build City in Shahan (Malenar the Just), build Trade Galleys and Camel Archers. Haskite chariots evolve into armoured horse riders. Aid in defeat of Gorukanu. EVENT: Organisation UP (again). Civilization UP. Workshop GET!

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Shahan.

Available Funds: 13.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 4e tax, 5e resource, 4.5e trade, 0.5e workshop, 1e looted from Gorukanu in Karu, 1e gift from Tharnites
Losses: 0.5e corruption (decreasing)
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Tharnite)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Amassar: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history, born from remnants of the ancient Haskites, and from Nakkra Ardi rebels.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 0.5e tax, 1e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Shahanar, 1 Nakkra Ardi)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Nakkra Ardi: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: fortress and nomads in Chard, attempt to conquer diamond mines in Chard. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: Infrastructure UP.
Turn5: Economics UP. Make diamond workers in Chard. DISASTER: Narudi assets separate as new faction, Amassar. Power DOWN. EVENT: Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 0.5e tax, 2e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Shahanar, 1 Sa'ad Danab)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


En Taithan: lopaz

Turn5: emerges into the light of history from the confusion of En Corthan invasion and mass movement of peoples into Jrika.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Kaerlan, 1 En Corthan)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great King' (Power / Military / Organisation) Current Task: Organisation

En Corthan: lopaz

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Build a fort in Zamar and a unit in Enka. Enlightenment UP. Suffer raids by Torecan, lose people enslaved. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP, population growth, free city in Zamar. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET! Organisation UP!
Turn5: train a unit in Enka, and boats in the White Sea. Build a port in Zamar. Nomads successfully settle and build a City in Enka. Great King convinces half of the Boda tribes to join in revenge raids against the Torecan! Victory in Jrika, but confusion in the aftermath. En Taithan forms, Great King is consumed. EVENT: Military UP. Free cattle Worker. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3.5e tax, 3e resource, 0.5e trade, 0.5e religion
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Nartozieroni)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Torecan: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: Build another ship and a warrior unit, go raiding against Zamar and Lothas. Bribe Jrika swordsmen barbarians with 0.5e to join in. Send 1e to Kaerlan. EVENT: Power UP, Engineering UP, Infrastructure UP.
Turn5: Military UP. Train another swordsman. 1e gift to Kaerlan. Go on more raiding against En Corthan. Raid succesful, but Jrika is invaded by En Corthan and masses of barbarians. Survivors take to the White Sea! EFFECT: Power DOWN, Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 1e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e resource, 1e trade, 1.5e looted from Zamar (En Corthan)
Losses: 0.5e loot misappropriated
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Kaerlan)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Nartozieroni: alex994

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn THE WHEEL.
Turn4: Infrastructure UP. Train a unit of archers and a 'cultural' unit. Great King peacefully converts the barbarians of Lothas, raises Power and Enlightenment by one, and is consumed in the effort. Haskite slaves are released and form a new city. Suffer raids by Torecan boat-people and Gorukanu horse-riders. Culture spreads in Zamar. Learn IRON WORKING, HORSEBACK RIDING
Turn5: train horse archers and armoured horse riders. Wheat workers in Lothas. Build a City in Teph (later captured and enslaved), and move nomads there. War breaks out with Tieros for dominance in Teph, unsuccessful thus far. EVENT: Power DOWN. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET! Culture UP, Civilization UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Lothas.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!

Available Funds: 11e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 6.5e tax, 4e resource, 1e trade, 1e religion, 1e recovered weapons
Losses: 1.5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Tieros: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history, known as the Tephites.
Turn4: Power UP, Organisation UP, build a unit of horse archers, raid the lands of Ursu. Learn IRON WORKING. GREAT EVENT: Great General GET! Military UP! Engineering UP!
Turn5: Military UP. Train two new horse archers in Teph and Markhan, and new spearmen in Markhan. Nomads in Ursu move to Markhan. Great General Nakazieros leads mass invasion of Gorukanu territories, 0.5e incentive for Navu tribes not to intervene. Simultaneous war with Nartozieroni in Teph.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Teph.

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3.5e tax, 4e resource, 1e slaves, 1e recovered weapons
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Sa'ad Danåb)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great General Nakazieros' (Military / Organisation) Current Task: Military

Halkska: Disenfrancised

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Culture UP, build a city in Arkhad, nomad migrates to Tarka. Nomad pop growth in Khoda. Learn WRITING, IRON WORKING. EVENT: Military UP. GREAT EVENT: Workshop GET in Arkhad! Trade Centre GET in Markhan!
Turn5: Power UP, Organisation UP, build a Monument in Naulka, train Mountain Men in Arkhad. Nomads shuffle up northwest into Naulka. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Enlightenment UP. Free extra highlander unit in Arkhad.

WARNING: slight overcrowding in various places, Infrastructure low.

Available Funds: 10e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 4e tax, 4e resource, 1e religion, 1.5e trade, 0.5e workshop
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units, 1 free unit upkeep deferred for a turn)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Tieros)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Sa'ad Danåb: BananaLee

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: build another 'culture' unit, save rest of moneys. Culture units wander north and south. Nakkra Ardi tries but fails to capture diamond mines in Chard. OMGINVAZION: Gorukanu. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING, IRON WORKING, WRITING. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn5: Culture UP. Pleasure units continue to spread pleasure and culture and religion. Nomad pop growth in Karu. EVENT: High Priestess-Consort GET.

WARNING: Overcrowding, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 1.5e religion, 0.5e trade, 1e morale bonus
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 4 (2 Ka Molo)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: High Priestess-Consort of Karu (Culture / Power / Enlightenment) Current Task: Culture

Ka Molo: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: Economics UP, more horse traders, save 1e. EVENT: Culture UP.
Turn5: Culture UP, Enlightenment UP. Invent WRITING. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Hloga.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 8e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 4e resource, 0.5e religion, 2e trade, 1e morale bonus
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 4 (2 Sa'ad Danåb)
Enlightenment: 4
Power: 2
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Queenship of Ri' (Culture / Power / Economics) Current Task: Culture

Noidi: Immaculate

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn WRITING
Turn4: Engineering UP! Learn BRONZE WORKING, THE WHEEL. EVENT: free fruit workers in Mlano, free new boat. Trade Centre GET!
Turn5: Military UP, build two new heavy infantry, sail to Barja and build a City there. 0.5e gift to barbarians in Mlano, though this buys their loyalty it does little to convert them, yet. EVENT: free sugar worker in Barja.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.
WARNING: Power and/or Culture and/or Organisation may be to low to keep hold of Barja colony!

Available Funds: 7e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 4e tax, 5e resource, 2.5e trade
Losses: 1e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hurian, 1 Ka Molo)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Nandin: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Economics UP. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn5: Spawn Nomads and another spearmen, send both into Taudi, being respectful of natives there. EVENT: Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 2e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Noidi)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Manaltu: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: N/Ae
Income: 2e resource, 1.5e trade
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Noidi, 1 Jalatu Taej)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: Blessed Ships (Trade / Culture / Diplomacy) Current Task: Trade

Heutu: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history from the abandoned remnants of the Nomesters in Faradi.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Naraman)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 1


Cradle Two

Spoiler :
Korajara: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 1e resource
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Vauri, 1 Jalatu Taej)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Maktara: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: build a city and another archer.
Turn5: build a Port. EVENT: Economics UP, Civilization UP.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Vauri)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Vauri: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Infra UP. Learn THE WHEEL. EVENT: Engineering UP. GREAT EVENT: High Priestess GET. Culture UP, Civilization UP. Nomads in Yeichar are inspired to unite with the Vauri.
Turn4: mines and nomad in Huilan. EVENT: Free temple in Huilan. DISASTER: disease strikes Zhailin!
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, Economics UP. Nomads settle down in Yeichar. Priestess goes to help victims of great disease in Zhailin. DISASTER: game animals disappearing from Yeichar. DISASTER: Nomads and things in Huilan seperate as new faction, Auren. EVENT: Cultural conversion of a Houlau-controlled city. Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 1e resource, 1e religion
Upkeep: 1e (2 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Houlau)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: High Priestess (Culture / Diplomacy) Current Task: Culture

Auren: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Houlau)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 2


Houlau: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: more crop farming, seek peace with neighbours. Learn WRITING, THE WHEEL. EVENT: Enlightenment UP, Civilization UP.
Turn4: Economics and Engineering UP. Ethnic Vakar city assimilated. EVENT: Organisation UP, Enlightenment UP. DISASTER: disease strikes Zhailin!
Turn5: Train armoured spearmen. GREAT EVENT: Academy GET. Culture UP, Engineering UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Zhailin

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 3e resource
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Vauri)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Vakar: emu

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent BRONZE WORKING.
Turn3: train charioteers, convince Xitaan to renew attacks against Zharu. Tribal city captured and occupied. EVENT: Power UP, Infrastructure UP, Culture UP, Civilization UP.
Turn4: train heavy spearmen, save 1e. Help the Xitaan against their enemies, chariots go to Kiin to help there. Original swordsmen unit lost in fighting. Learn WRITING. EVENT: Military UP, Economics UP.
Turn5: build a city in Konin, and new heavy spearmen to guard it. 0.5e tribute to Xitaan. EVENT: free temple in Zhunun. GREAT EVENT: Warrior King GET! Power UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. DISASTER: drought strikes Konin!

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Xitaan)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: Warrior King (Power / Military) Current Task: Power

Xitaan: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Power UP for 2e, iron worker in Beikan, new spear unit and 1e to hire Vakar. Renew attack on Zhunun, share spoils with the Vakar. Learn WRITING. EVENT: Economics UP. DISASTER: Enlightened Prince Kaiutau frees the Zharu slaves and leads a rebellion against Xitaan power.
Turn4: Train a swordsmen and chariot in both Kiin and Zhunun, 0.5e in supplies for both regions. 1e to the Vakar. Achieve conquest of Zharu and Ximaru. EVENT: Power UP, Enlightenment UP.
Turn5: More crop farming and alpaca farming in Kiin. Rest and recover and rebuild. EVENT: population growth in Kiin. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Zhailin
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 9e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 4e tax, 7e resource, 1e trade, 0.5e gift from Vakar
Losses: 1.5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Aikua: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: build a Fortress, save 2e. EVENT: Engineering UP.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 2e
Income: 1.5e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Xitaan, 1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Jalatu Taej: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Build a port, Economics UP. Extort natives in Hurdujan.
Turn5: Military UP. Train a unit of desert skirmishers, attack Tarak with war elephants and 0.5e of supplies. Victory after many exhausting years of fighting. EVENT: Enlightenment DOWN.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in Hurdujan.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 2e resource, 2.5e trade
Losses: 1e corruption
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Tarak: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Economy UP, seek peaceful trade. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: free copper/tin miners in Tarakan. Organisation UP.
Turn4: Economy UP, more silver mining in Yalu. EVENT: Culture UP.
Turn5: Economy UP, save 1e, seek peaceful trade but attacked by Jalatu Taej. Homeland conquered! Power DOWN, Economics DOWN, Military UP.

Available Funds: 1.5e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 0e (1 special)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Special: Royal Elephants (Military / Trade) Current Task: Trade

Aquen: Ninja Dude

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: two archers in Sailan, spearman in Huar. 0.5e gift convinces barbarian spearmen in Huar to disband. Sailan pacified by force, but new tribes enter Sailan, while old Sailan tribes flee to Kaitan where they stir up trouble and destroy the Oltacist temple there... Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: population growth in Maulan and Sailan. Economics UP. GREAT EVENT: Holy City GET!
Turn4: Organisation UP, Infrastructure UP, Civilization UP, new charioteers in Sailan. EVENT: nomad population growth in Maulan and Huar. New timber resource in Huar. DISASTER: rebellion in Sailan! Two units join the new Jueruen faction.
Turn5: Military UP, Economics UP, + Huar timber worker, + Maulan gem worker. Accept Jueruen as vassals. Nomads settle into a City in Huar. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Engineering UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in places.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 13.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 4.5e tax, 7e resource, 1.5e religion, 0.5e gift from Maulan tribes, 0.5e tribute from Jueruen, 0.5e gift from Haiu, 1.5e trade
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2

Special: 'Yenleta Sav' (Culture / Organisation) Current Task: Culture


Jueruen: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: save 1e, pay 0.5e tribute to Aquen. EVENT: Military UP.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 0.5e tax, 1e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (2 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 1


Tarezisis: Anonymoose

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent THE WHEEL.
Turn3: worker on horses in Kaitan, worker on alpacas in Ulan. Spearman morphs in Elephant riders. Learn IRON WORKING. GREAT EVENT: Wonder GET! Culture UP, Economics UP, Military UP, Civilization UP.
Turn4: Power UP, Organisation UP, Infrastructure UP. Save 1e. EVENT: Engineering UP. Invent HORSEBACK RIDING. Free horseman unit.
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, Enlightenment UP, build a new City in Yalu. Nomads settle down in Yalu. EVENT: Culture UP. GREAT EVENT: Academy GET! Engineering UP, Civilization UP.

Available Funds: 11e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 4.5e tax, 6e resource, 1e religion, 1e trade, 0.5e visitors, 0.5e gift from Haiu.
Losses: 0.5e corruption (stable)
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 4
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Haiu: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history.
Turn3: Infrastructure UP, build a fortress. EVENT: Military UP, Civilization UP. Free Silk worker.
Turn4: Rebuild Aquen temple, save 1e. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP. Trade Centre GET!
Turn5: Infrastructure UP. +Crop farming in Yalu. 0.5e tribute to both Aquen and Tarezisis. EVENT: Organisation UP, Culture UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in Kaitan

Available Funds: 8e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 4e resource, 2e trade
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (2 Aquen, 1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Sagu Ra-u: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: Military UP. Save 1e. EVENT: Organisation UP. Learn IRON WORKING.
Turn5: Build a Port and a basic boat in Ulan. Train another Swordsman and Spearman, units raid natives in Huilin. EVENT: Economics UP.

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 0.5 slaves, 3e resource, 1.5e trade, 1e raided from tribes in Huilin
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Cradle Three

Spoiler :
Halachamo: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: build nomads in Chalcho. Agrian attacks repelled for now. EVENT: Military UP, Organisation UP.
Turn5: build a Fortress. Appeal for help from natives for war against Agrians. These efforts come to nothing!

Available Funds: 0e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 0.5e tax
Upkeep: 0e

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 1

Harao: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING. Trade Centre GET.
Turn3: 1e to help nomads migrate far away to Retiki. Mine more gems there, and build a unit to guard it. Invent BRONZE WORKING. EVENT: Engineering UP, Economics UP. DISASTER: Disease strikes Sollo!
Turn4: begins with money crisis. DISASTER: western colony detaches as new faction, Arateki.
Turn5: +Diamond mining worker in Sollo. Narrowly maintaining independence for now. Learn THE WHEEL. EVENT: Engineering UP.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 4e resource, 1.5e trade
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (2 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 4


Agrians: Matt0088

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: build two shamans, and a spearman. Nomad migration to Nalko, and pop growth / assimilation there. Assimilate Harao monument in Sollo. Learn BRONZE WORKING. EVENT: Infrastructure UP. OUTRAGE: Hulukap pillage Agrian temple in Maltik! DISASTER: Disease strikes Sollo!
Turn4: Bribe/payoff/recruit pirate ships for 1e. Shaman converts natives in Malcho with the aid of 1e. Shaman in Zakat unable to begin mission due to attack by Hulukap. Attack on Halachamo doesn't go too well. EVENT: Military UP, Engineering UP.
Turn5: Power UP, build another boat to guard the straights, and build two more shamans in Nalko, one more in Malcho, for mass conversion of natives. Another spearmen trained in Malcho. Learn THE WHEEL. DISASTER: Rebel faction of Angar-Ulum forms in Malcho.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: -1.5e
Income: 3.5e tax, 3e resource, 1.5e trade, 0.5e visitors, 2e religion, 1e pillaged from Halachamo
Losses: 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 4e (8 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Harao, 1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Angar-Ulum: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history, with a merging of Agrian rebels and natives

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 1e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian, 1 Harao)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 2


Hulukap: Abaddon

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Engineering up. 3 armies trained in Maltik (one later dies). Fail to recruit Maltik barbs, but partially bribe Zakat tribes with 0.5e. Big war against Holuc is partially successful. EVENT: Military UP, Economics UP, Enlightenment DOWN. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. DISASTER: Disease strikes Maltik!
Turn4: workers on coffee beans in Zakat, and on giant groundbirds in Maltik (bananas full, need infra or econ lvl 3). Holuc slaves are released. EVENT: new fine stone quarry resource. Engineering UP. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET! DISASTER: corrupt lords build themselves a corrupt palace in Maltik, one city and one unit rebel to join corrupt army. Power DOWN.
Turn5: build Cities in Zakat and Chiru, train more warriors in Chiru and Maltik, more stone workers in Maltik. EVENT: free temple in Lani. Learn THE WHEEL.

WARNING: Infrastructure too low, overcrowding in Maltik.
WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing fast!
WARNING: Culture + Power all too low, escalating chance of separatists / rebels

Available Funds: 12.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 8e resource, 1e gift from Chwinqua, 1e gift from Holuc, 0.5e gift from Onaqui, 2e trade, 1.5e religion
Losses: 5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Holuc: Lord_Iggy

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: build a fortress, and a unit. Conduct a rather chaotic defence of Zakat, city lost and enslaved, but fortress holds out. Warriors succeed in wearing down the Hulukap. EVENT: Military UP, Engineering UP, Power DOWN.
Turn4: save money, accept peace with Hulukap and go raiding into Retiki. Nomads settle down to build a city. Former slaves return to Zakat as new nomads. EVENT: Power UP, Infrastructure UP.
Turn5: pay 1e tribute to Hulukap. Two new warriors (one killed), one new worker on banana farms. Go raiding into Retiki. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e resource, 3e variously looted from Retiki.
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Arateki: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history. Suffer raids by Holuc.
Turn5: build a fortress in Arateki. Build another boat and prepare for counter-raids against Holuc. Nomads flee Retiki and shuffle along islands into Mahar. EVENT: Organisation UP. Learn THE WHEEL.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade, 0.5e looted from Holuc
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Harao)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Kamalec: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history. Suffer raids by Holuc.
Turn5: build more warriors. Shamans inspire bravery against the Holuc.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e resource
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian, 1 Holuc)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2

Chwinqua: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: build another city in Lani, pay 1e to Hulukap. EVENT: Engineering UP, Enlightenment UP, Civilization UP
Turn4: more gold miners, pay 1e to Hulukap. Invent THE WHEEL. Learn WRITING. EVENT: Economics UP.
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, build a Fortress. EVENT: Engineering UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Lani.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 3e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Onaqui: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: gather more forest fruits in Onaqui. EVENT: Engineering UP, Civilization UP.
Turn5: gather Tobacco in Hotik. Fighting breaks out with tribes in Hotik. 0.5e gift to Hulukap. EVENT: Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 3.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 3e resource
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Chwinqua)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 2
Great Update Daft! The writ upe was fine.:)

I do though, need none of this rebellion stuff, especially with the Harao about to be absorbed.:p
OOC: BEST UPDATE YET! Anyways your writing is better and better each time. Also I love how you take everything in consideration in war. Also good luck with the next update.

En Taithan: lopaz

Turn5: emerges into the light of history from the confusion of En Corthan invasion and mass movement of peoples into Jrika.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: N/A
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Kaerlan, 1 En Corthan)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great King' (Power / Military / Organisation) Current Task: Organisation

En Taithan Orders

1.Build a fort in Jrika
2.Hire some boats to protect Torecan merchants from the Torecan Pirates if needed.
3.Attempt to convince local tribes in Jrika to join the kingdom through force or diplomacy. Preferably diplomacy.

En Corthan: lopaz

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Build a fort in Zamar and a unit in Enka. Enlightenment UP. Suffer raids by Torecan, lose people enslaved. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP, population growth, free city in Zamar. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET! Organisation UP!
Turn5: train a unit in Enka, and boats in the White Sea. Build a port in Zamar. Nomads successfully settle and build a City in Enka. Great King convinces half of the Boda tribes to join in revenge raids against the Torecan! Victory in Jrika, but confusion in the aftermath. En Taithan forms, Great King is consumed. EVENT: Military UP. Free cattle Worker. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3.5e tax, 3e resource, 0.5e trade, 0.5e religion
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Nartozieroni)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


En Corthan Orders

1.Pay for a group of chariots in Enka
2.Hire infantry in Zamar.
3.Build a fort in Enka.
4.Settle the nomads in Zamar in Boda.
5.Send a unit from Enka and one from Zamar to protect the settling nomads.
6.Hire a diplomat to help smooth out the settlement of the nomads in Boda and continue to preserve relatively peaceful relations with the natives of Boda.

To: Horsemen in Zamar
From: En Corthan
We accept your offer and will always make sure that you are payed in full for your services.
Awesome update. I like where this is going.

From: Shahanar
To: Amassar

We propose an alliance of peace and trade. We offer you 1e, in return for protecting our traders and cities, and occasionally fighting our common enemies.

From: Shahanar
To: Mercenary forces

We will offer you 0.5e to join the Shahanar on a permanent basis.
From: En Taithan
To: All Neighboring Nations

We wish to live in peace with all of you and trade with you as well. We hope that you can accept us as the new ruling kingdom in Jrika.
Thx :D

To: Horsemen in Zamar
From: En Corthan
We accept your offer and will always make sure that you are payed in full for your services.

To: En Corthan
From: Horsemen in Zamar

We live to serve you

Awesome update. I like where this is going.

From: Shahanar
To: Amassar

We propose an alliance of peace and trade. We offer you 1e, in return for protecting our traders and cities, and occasionally fighting our common enemies.

From: Shahanar
To: Mercenary forces

We will offer you 0.5e to join the Shahanar on a permanent basis.

From: Amassar
To: Shahanar

We thank you for this gift and we accept your offer. We are eager to renew the alliance of our forefathers.
From the Noidi
To the Ka Molo

We bring sugar cane and furs from the islands of Barja and fruit and dyes from the jungles of Mlano. We offer these in trade for your cattle leathers, dyes, and horse. Let us prosper together through trade.

From the Noidi
to the Manaltu

We welcome you to our ports and trade centers. The goods you have obtained on the southern continents will bring us both rich rewards in the northern markets.
Awesome update, orders in in a bit.
Niiiiice update daft!

phew... I wonder how will I spend all that money? hmm...
To the Houlau
From Yarata Priest-King of the Vakar

Let us put aside our turbulent history and allow trade and prosperity to flow freely
From: Shahanar
To: Teiros

We do not want war with your people, and your horses would not fare well in our mountainous lands. We ask that you accept peace with our people, so that we might bring trade to your lands.

To: Shahanar
From: Teiros

Nor do we seek trouble in Shahan. We accept this peace.

To the Houlau
From Yarata Priest-King of the Vakar

Let us put aside our turbulent history and allow trade and prosperity to flow freely

To: Yarata Priest-King of the Vakar
From: Huebai, Wise and Noble King of all Houlau

It pleases us to extend a trusting hand to the Vakar.
Ongen: orangelex44

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Organisation UP x2! Build another galley. Calengian navy fights back, while Ethaliri raiders attack Etua itself; Ethaliri fleet defeated, but some escape with some loot and slaves; prestige suffers, new rebellion starts up on the islands. EVENT: Culture UP, Civilization UP. Free city as trade settlement expands in Rhua.
Turn5: build two archers to help control Etua, and three more ships. Total of eight ships to crush the Ethaliri fleet, and to defeat the Calengians / Loxequistrans. Ethaliri coasts pillaged, but epic sea battles with the Loxequistrans. Eventual victory and Trade Centre GET. EVENT: Economics UP, Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 6.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3e tax, 4e resource, 3e trade, 1e raided from Ethaliri
Upkeep: 4.5e (8 units, one palace, one newly-captured Loxequistran boat: upkeep deferred for a turn)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Spoiler :

To Ongens
From Ethaliri

Too much blood has been spilt. We offer [1.5e] as a one-time payment in exchange for eternal peace between us.

Deal. Do not trouble us again.

Spoiler :

4.5e income plus 1.5e from diplo gives 6e total.

Buy two ships [2e]. You can never have enough ships, or so I've found...
Buy two Workers [4e]; place one on my grapes, and the other on my grain.

As for army orders, have my archers just sit tight and control home. The disordered ships should get to port and heal; have one new ship keep track of things near Rhua. Everyone else should keep any League ships from getting west of Cria.
Spoiler :
Hulukap: Abaddon

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Engineering up. 3 armies trained in Maltik (one later dies). Fail to recruit Maltik barbs, but partially bribe Zakat tribes with 0.5e. Big war against Holuc is partially successful. EVENT: Military UP, Economics UP, Enlightenment DOWN. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. DISASTER: Disease strikes Maltik!
Turn4: workers on coffee beans in Zakat, and on giant groundbirds in Maltik (bananas full, need infra or econ lvl 3). Holuc slaves are released. EVENT: new fine stone quarry resource. Engineering UP. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET! DISASTER: corrupt lords build themselves a corrupt palace in Maltik, one city and one unit rebel to join corrupt army. Power DOWN.
Turn5: build Cities in Zakat and Chiru, train more warriors in Chiru and Maltik, more stone workers in Maltik. EVENT: free temple in Lani. Learn THE WHEEL.

WARNING: Infrastructure too low, overcrowding in Maltik.
WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing fast!
WARNING: Culture + Power all too low, escalating chance of separatists / rebels

Available Funds: 12.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 8e resource, 1e gift from Chwinqua, 1e gift from Holuc, 0.5e gift from Onaqui, 2e trade, 1.5e religion
Losses: 5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Raise both POWER and ORGANISATION levels to 3 (cost 10e)
Raise 3 Bronze Clad Bird Chariot Warrior Dudes (if poss, if not boring warrior dudes)
Recall Warriors from Lani and Zakat.

Our 7 Dudes (and the barb on our side) will then intimidate the Rebellion. They can choose to tear down their palace, rejoin us, and noone will be enslaved. Resist and they will only suffer. Attack and enslave/pillage etc.

With our nation fully united, the trade will flow greatly. if we can, overspend even more and build a port in Maltik.

Finally, redistribute troops so that there is one in Lani and Zakat once more.
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