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DaftNES 3: Alternate-World Fresh Start

Hai guiz, I've been unexpectedly away the past few days, nothing exciting sadly, but I have not got much progress done. Apologies :( and the ETA is this week, sometime!
I am pleased to announce further delays to the update, not sure I can even finish it this weekend... But this is not dead!
I will hunt you down and destroy you for taking pleasure in that announcment.
found any plugs?
Not dead! But yes, many apologies for this pause. I am experiencing some upheaval in RL.
Where did you get all the little icons on the map? Did you make them yourself Daft? They're pretty cool. Especially the chariots. :goodjob:
OK guys, I really am experiencing upheaval in RL. Such that spending hours tinkering on my PC is not fun right now. In fact it suddenly has painful asociations. I am realising my inner power and awakening to how much I've been limiting myself in life (aka Quarter Life Crisis).

I don't expect to be in this state forever. You sent orders and I will update, eventually... However I understand people losing interest, so no obligations or anything, we'll see how it works out.

PS psychology is everything, really. My advice to everyone is to challenge yourself and confront things NOW. Speaking as someone who avoided things as much as possible, and then suffered.

Where did you get all the little icons on the map? Did you make them yourself Daft? They're pretty cool. Especially the chariots. :goodjob:

@Ekolite I remixed some of the icons, but I got them all from Civ2 scenario graphics. Most, if not all of the units (including the april fool's starwars invasion :)) are by someone called Fairline. I really like that style, and it helps that he's done sprites for just about everything up to the modern age.
Yes indeed. Do make sure everything's in a positive sense of order, or disorder if that's your preference.
Enjoy your quarter life chrisis.. mine lasted about 6 months? Or perhaps its ongoing with weaker symptoms?!

PLEASE bring back your NES when you can.. or NESLife :p

Although I do not intend to continue with this NES as-is, I have updated in honour of the last set of orders, including stats. This is also an attempt at concise writing. I believe the trick is to cover the main events, not inventing ways to mention player nations just for the sake of it, even if players have been waiting three months for an update... I hope you can live with that!

Many thanks to all who participated for allowing me to explore this format and learn from it. I think there are some great nations here, but the system is just too unwieldy for a world of this size (duh!). I've just shifted more of the workload to fiddling about on the map. I think it would've been better to have a single cradle... Anyways, this world is now on hold, joining my list of projects that are scheduled for eventual continuation with some modifications.


Years 2350 to 2600


The Middle Sea sees nothing like the great sea battles of the previous age. While the Loxequistrans focus inland, the Ongen fleet expands again - placing a burden on the treasury - and remains supreme, at least in the waters west of Cria. There is also a growing religious divide between the two power blocks, between the followers of Antar (led by al-Qahira), favoured by the Loxequistran rulers, and the hedonistic cults of the Idovai, mostly favoured by the Ongens; in some cities in Etua, this translates into deadly riots. The Novai sit on the fence for now, an ancient culture long since overshadowed by more powerful neighbours, but one that still has the potential to influence them.

The federation of al-Qahira has success in the south, their disciplined cavalry forces finally helping to establishing peace and prosperity across the lands of Chari and Qan-ma, boosting the prestige of the al-Qanta Antar'ah and the true faith, albeit without a final defeat of the hated Gattra; stubborn mountain-men prove adept enough at guerrilla warfare to frustrate the al-Qahira invasions for generations. And with al-Qahira influence reaching all across the middle sea, there are worrying signs of divides appearing over some old disputed doctrines. Meanwhile the kings of Rhu, friends of the Ongens, build on the successful raiding expeditions of their ancestors, this time with the aim of lasting conquest. In the northern lands of Yodan, the Rhuhia easily overrun the old kingdom of Yaneid, and now share borders with the Loxequistrans; more tension is caused but at least the Ongen islanders do not have to feel surrounded by enemies.

The northern lands of Odda are now a cultural melting pot and border between competing powers, including barbarian tribes now based in Boda. And yet, there are no major wars to speak of. The Kaerlan invasion of En Taithan serves to release some tension in the region, but this attempt to reassert Kaerlan dominance and restore the Torecan kingdom ultimately fails. Many of the finest Torecan warriors are actually fighting as mercenaries for the Shahanar in the great invasion of Hurud...

The massive war preparations of the Shahanar do not go unnoticed, but still, after unbroken centuries of peace and prosperous trade, the Hurians are caught somewhat by surprise. With a multitude of allies and mercenaries from different cultures, the Shahanar may have assembled the largest army ever seen up to this point in history - much of it mounted and mobile, inspired by encounters with the Tieros and their ancestors in the east. Fortunately for the defenders, there are some early setbacks for the invaders; an attempt to use fireships against the major ports of Hurud backfires spectacularly, and the Shahanar fleet fails to gain control of the southern sea. Hurian cities hold out as they are encircled by masses of Shahanar cavalry and camelry, but the deployment of siege weapons and the entry of Naraman warbands into the war on the side of the attackers forces the defenders into open battle, which they are destined to lose; Shahanar speed and shock win the day against the disciplined Hurian infantry. Both the victor and vanquished, sharing a sense of pragmatism, then negotiate a swift change in political scene that allows the great cities and the exceptional Hurian economy to survive mostly intact and, for a brief moment, the famous High Patriarch Ephrasim to rule over the empire of Shahan, Hurud and Boro - the greatest collection of people and riches ever held under one ruler. However, this situation does not last; a little Shahanar corruption and a lot of Hurian pride combine to erode the peace agreements over time, until a new Hurian dynasty arises in Boro, with allied cities inside Hurud openly fighting against the Shahanar garrisons; the Hurians also adopt cavalry warfare from their enemies. The descendents of Naraman and Torecan mercenaries still lurk in Hurud, with uncertain loyalties to the Shahanar...

Notably the Tharnites refuse to fight alongside the Shahanar army; there are Tharnite followers native to both Hurud and Shahan. Instead the Tharintes send great caravans of food and medicine to aid the suffering peoples of the war. Or at least, that is the idea - in reality it is a token gesture, but one that earns a few more points for the Tharnite faith.

The rest of the Great Continent is peaceful by comparison. The states of En Corthan, Nartozieroni and Halkska all expand their influence, mostly at the expense of the Teiros empire, which is now heavily under the influence of its Sa'ad Danab pleasure-priestesses; something of a ripple effect, as the Teiros simultaneously expand into the barbarian lands of the south. Meanwhile the Halkska tribes explore mysterious lands in the far north and east; although little-known in the west, the Halkska are now a match for any power on the continent, that is if the various tribes can be held together - the pervasive Halkska mysticism seems to achieve that for now. And new stories spread of the great wealth, peace and enlightenment of Ka Molo...

The Manaltu and Noidi reach out across the waters but find little sign of the legendary empires at the southern edge of the world; events on the southern continent had weakened the already-tenuous trade contacts with the north. The island of Barja still threatens to break from the old homeland of Mlano; both are independent entities in many ways, united more by their shared commercial interests than efforts towards political unity - Mlano influenced by the spillover from the Hurian-Shahanar wars, Barja influenced by the vibrant Ka Molo culture of the eastern mainland.


The coastal cities of Jalatu Taej come under attack by the Korajara, while Vakar horsemen plunder the inland trade centre of Tarakan for all it is worth. The result is the strangling of north-south trade. Noidi and Manaltu seafarers would eventually reach the island of Yorju, but for now the southern continent is left to reflect in isolation again, stories of 'Great Shan' and 'Kamolu' becoming ever more fanciful myths.

While the Vakar show little interest in taking over as the traders of the desert, they find themselves with an empire carved out far to the north of their adoptive homeland in Zhunun, where they have an increasingly confused relationship with the Xitaan. For the invasion of the Houlau kingdom in Zhailin, the Xitaan assemble an army equal to that of the great Shahanar, and in this case enjoy more lasting success as the scholarly Houlau are simply overwhelmed; the Xitaan play to the local Vauri peoples, offering them greater freedoms in return for supporting Xitaan overlordship in the region. Both the Vakar and Xitaan now field large numbers of skilled horsemen; technically the Vakar are still vassals of Xitaan, with a token force serving the Xitaan army, but the Xitaan rulers have long since stopped asking for tribute. During this era, both Vakar and Aquen religious sites appear in the Xitaan homeland of Kiin, and it is not clear who influences whom.

The east of the continent remains at peace, home to some of the wealthiest kingdoms on the planet, freed from the burden of supporting large armies. The decline in some of the trade routes is not a huge blow; mountains of goods continue to pass through the fabulous capitols of Tarezisis, Aquen and the Haiu. The Tarezisis absorb the remnants of the native Tarakans, as seen in their grand new royal elephant guard, while the Aquen leaders receive countless pilgrims and envoys at the grand new Palace of Oltac. The perpetual peace in the region can mostly be blamed on the role of the Oltic religions and the careful diplomacy of the Haiu; the Haiu leaders play subservient roles so long as their land continues to profit as a centre of exchange. Meanwhile the steady expansion of Sagu-Ra-u, with the unofficial backing of the Tarezisis, threatens to upset Aquen influence in the far east; prophets warn of catastrophe and epic wars to come, though after centuries of nothing more than formalised skirmishing between the Tarezisis and Aquen there is a sense that no-one would actually know how to fight such a war.


Endless Agrian expansion results in their people facing wars on all sides. Under a brave new chief, the free Halachamo make a desperate attempt to beat back the Agrians and invade the region of Nalko. This catches the Agrians while most of their local warriors are away fighting the stubborn Angar-Ulum heresy. Nonetheless the Agrians eventually gain victories on both fronts; Halachmao invaders are enslaved, and Agar-ulum exiled to the treacherous mountain-island of Kalar, though the conquered regions offer little reward in terms of wealth, and the Agrians are a little distracted when they begin their great invasion of the northern mainland...

In the land of Maltik, a new spirit animates the High Lords of the Hulukap, who decide to end the status-quo and crack down of the rogue lords and independent armies that had been flourishing for generations. A loyalist army is raised for this purpose, some armed with heavy bronze weapons. Simultaneously, no expense is spared in rooting out corruption and establishing new systems of law and order. Seeing the odds stacked against them, roughly half of the Hulukap lords accept new order, but the other half do not wish to give up their palaces, nor their control of the great central city of Maltik. A tough fight ensues, but the Hulukap loyalists have overwhelming numbers and their bronze-armed soldiers breach the rebel defences...

Thus the great Agrian invasion arrives to find the Hulukap loyalists exhausted, but with few allies to be found. Although the Agrians have free reign along the coast, the army raised from Sollo islands - with plentiful funding from the Harao - is not strong enough by itself. But with the aid of their Shamans, the Agrians are able to inspire the slaves of Maltik to rebel, and make contacts with other undesirables. The Agrians and their faith then begin to overrun the countryside, practicing the kind of skirmish warfare that suits their lighter-armed troops. After countless indecisive battles, the balance of attrition is in favour of the Agrians. The Hulukap loyalists gradually abandon the old cities, falling back to their new ceremonial and political centres, hastily-fortified but still defended by formidable garrisons of veteran warriors. This leaves an ongoing contest for Maltik which will likely hinge on the independent factions - tribesmen, former slaves, rebels and bandits who roam the jungles. Meanwhile, amidst all the turmoil, there are signs that the terrible plague of ancient times is returning; the great central city of Maltik is already reduced to a shadow of its former self. Vultures may be circling, but for now the greater Hulukap empire continues to exist, with faraway outposts sending back taxes, and foreign tributaries continuing to venture through the Maltik warzone to pay tribute to the Hulukap leaders there.

Simultaneously in the west, the Holuc and Kamalec cultures clash head-on, each seeking a crushing victory over the other, their hatred built up over countless generations. The fighting is brutal and costly as ever, spilling across both sides of the borders. The Holuc lose many men over many years, but finally succeed in vanquishing the Kamalec, pillaging their cities and temples and all but annihilating their culture from the region of Retiki; the intimidated Aretiki traders make no effort to intervene. Streams of loot and slaves return to the cities of Zakat, while Kamalec exiles make an arduous journey into the far north...


Faction names written like ~this~ are the NPC's.

Spoiler Cradle #1 AND Cradle #2! :

Spoiler Cradle #3 :


So yeah that's it for now! Many thanks yet again, any comments or suggestions are very welcome.


Cradle One

Spoiler :
Ethaliri: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: save 2e. Build another boat and two more soldiers, raid against Rhua, which succeeds despite heavy losses. Suffer coastal raiding by Ongens, but looters of Rhua are able to evade Ongen boats. EVENT: Culture UP.
Turn6: 1.5e payment to Ongens. More deer hunting. Buy other warrior and harass local barbarians for money. Disaster: slaves rebel and are crushed, but not before causing some damage. EVENT: Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 1e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 1e resource, 1e raided from Luca tribes
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 al-Qahira, 1 Ongen)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Rhuhia: civver_764

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Military UP. Build another unit. Raid neighbouring tribes as far as Udan and Calbach. Suffer raids by Ethaliri into Rhua. EVENT: Economics UP. GREAT EVENT: Great King GET!
Turn6: build a diplomat and another warrior. Diplomat goes to Alach islands. Great King and his warriors raid Udan again and then conquer the Yaneid of Yodan. EVENT: economics UP.

WARNING: Overcrowding in Rhua, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 8e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2.5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 2e resource, 1.5e trade, 1e tribute from Rhua tribes, 2e raided from Udan tribes, 1e looted from Yaneid
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Ongen)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great King' (Military / Power / Organisation) Current Task: Power

Ongen: orangelex44

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: build two archers to help control Etua, and three more ships. Total of eight ships to crush the Ethaliri fleet, and to defeat the Calengians / Loxequistrans. Ethaliri coasts pillaged, but epic sea battles with the Loxequistrans. Eventual victory and Trade Centre GET. EVENT: Economics UP, Enlightenment UP.
Turn6: build two ships and two workers, peaceful rebuilding. Idovai gain more influence, riots with al-Qahira followers. EVENT: Enlightenment UP. Learn CONCRETE.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing

Available Funds: 9e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2.5e tax, 7e resource, 4e trade, 1.5e tribute from Ethaliri
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 6e (11 units, one palace)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (2 Idovai)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Yaneid: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: buy fur trappers in Yodan.
Turn6: save money. Invaded by Rhuhia and exiled! Power DOWN.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 2e
Income: 0.5e tax
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Ongen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Loxequistra League: spryllino

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as the Calengians
Turn5: build three warships, a unit of woodsmen and a unit of hoplites. Build a port in Cria. Great King Equistrique unites Calengians and Varai League! Now known as Loxequistra League. Naval war with Ongens ends in defeat, but successful invasion of Odda with allies. EVENT: Military UP.
Turn6: Infrastructure UP, Cow worker in Gleis, Hoplites in Cria. Gleis barbarians join the League and settle down. Nomads move into newly-claimed lands of Odda. Great King combats corruption: Culture UP, Civilization UP, Organisation UP, corruption stablised, but power DOWN due to angry nobles.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!
WARNING: Power low, army mutiny likely in someplace!

Available Funds: 11e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 4.5e tax, 10e resource, 3e trade
Losses: 2e corruption (growing)
Upkeep: 4.5e (9 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'Great Kingship' (Power / Military / Organisation) Current Task: Organisation

Idovai: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: save money. Priestesses transfer to Etua.
Turn6: build another temple in Etua. EVENT: bonus 2e from special donations.

Available Funds: 4.5e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e religion, 2e bonus
Upkeep: 0e

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: 'High Priestess' (Culture / Economics) Current Task: Culture

Novai: Dreadnought

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING.
Turn5: Build a fortress in Cria. Save 0.5e. EVENT: Civilization UP.
Turn6: 2.5e invest in military, gain level UP with help from events.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Calengian)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


al-Qahira: Kraznaya

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as Iksander Antar'ah. Invent THE WHEEL.
Turn5: Organisation UP, four assorted units, 1e on defensive preparations. Chari conquered and epic battles in Qan'ma and Geskh. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Economics UP, Power UP. Population growth in Qan'ma.
Turn6: Awesome horsemen GET, Organisation UP, more cow farming, 3 more awesome horsemen. EVENT: Engineering UP, Civilization UP.

WARNING: slight overcrowding in Chari, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 12e
End of last turn: -4.5e
Income: 5.5e tax, 7e resource, 3e religion, 1e raided from Gattra
Losses: 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 3.5e (7 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Novai)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Gattra: Shadowbound

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: build a new city in Chari, build a new unit there. Inherit most of the realms of Rattram. EVENT: Military UP, Culture UP. New iron resource in Geskh.
Turn5: build a fort in Chari, one unit there and two in Geskh. Invasion of Qan'ma fails after epic battles. Chari eventually lost to al-Qahira. Geskh defended against invasions. Culture DOWN. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn WRITING.
Turn6: build three new mountain men, guerrilla war against al-Qahira invaders.

Available Funds: 1e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 0.5e tax, 1e resource, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 surviving units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Nashawi: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history.
Turn3: save money, hold off Haelani attacks. Learn IRON WORKING. EVENT: Organisation UP. DISASTER: Disease strikes Makar!
Turn4: build a fortress. GREAT EVENT: Wonder GET! Culture UP, Enlightenment UP.
Turn5: more stone mining. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn6: build yet another fortress, train heavy spearmen.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 2e resource, 1e visitors, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Naraman: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history, known as the Nomesters. Invent BRONZE WORKING.
Turn5: Military UP. Train two new units in Siach, attack Haelani in Makar with all units. City in Faradi disbanded for Nomads who attempt to travel all the way to Makar, but disperse en route. Still, Haelani decisively beaten and swiftly conquered. Merge with Haelani remnants to become Naraman. EFFECT: Economics UP, Infrastructure UP, Power DOWN, Civilization UP.
Turn6: Power and Organisation UP. Join Shahanar attack of Hurud with 1e in supplies. Learn WRITING.

WARNING: Power low, army rebellions possible.
WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Makar
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing fast!

Available Funds: 8.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 6e resource, 1e trade, 1e gift from Shahanar, 2e looted from Hurud
Losses: 3e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Hurians: andis-1

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING.
Turn5: Train five assorted units! Also a new City in Hurud. Nomads and swordsmen move into Boro. EVENT: Inherit the realms of the Sarakites! Engineering UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET!
Turn6: Organisation UP +2x, Power UP, two workers in Hurud. Invaded by Shahanar! After initial defeat and surrender, resistance increases again. Castle in Boro holds out as a loyal stronghold. EVENT: Power DOWN, Organisation DOWN.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade, 1e religion
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 3.5e (7 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Shahanar)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Vetharil: Lord of Elves

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING. Repel Makdul raiders from Makar.
Turn5: Build a port, train another pikeman (later killed), and reorganise elites as new swordsmen unit. New units attack Odda with allies. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Military UP.
Turn6: Build a city in Odda. Peace is maintained in the north.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Mriz.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Kaerlan: TaylorFlame

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn BRONZE WORKING.
Turn5: Organisation UP. Build a fleet. Train two new swordsmen, one of which travels with the elites to wage war in Odda, with help of allies. Settle a new City in Odda. Jrika invaded, city there has to be evacuated, nomads free to Mriz. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn WRITING, HORSEBACK RIDING.
Turn6: Military UP, build a unit. 3 units invade En Taithan, but fail to conspire with natives and Torecan remnants. Angry En Taithan peoples destroy Kaerlan temple in Jrika.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Mriz.

Available Funds: 7.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2.5e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade, 0.5e religion, 3e raided from Jrika
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Loxequistran)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Tharnites: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn WRITING.
Turn5: 1e gift to Shahanar. Save 1.5e.
Turn6: build temple in Boda (overseas to the north). 2e spent to relive suffering of both sides in Shahanar-Hurian war; Tharnites do not get involved directly.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e resource, 0.5e tax, 2e religion
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit, 1 fanatic)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Shahanar)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Shahanar: Thlayli

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING.
Turn4: Economics UP, build a Palace (Great Hall of Crafts), build a Guard Phalanx unit, build a city in Narudi (Hashal the Well-Fortuned). Repel raids by Gorukanu. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Power UP, Culture UP, free shepherds in Shahan, Camel resource moves from Naurdi to Shahan.
Turn5: Organisation UP. Spawn Nomads in Hloga, who are evicted and sent to Chard. Build City in Shahan (Malenar the Just), build Trade Galleys and Camel Archers. Haskite chariots evolve into armoured horse riders. Aid in defeat of Gorukanu. EVENT: Organisation UP (again). Civilization UP. Workshop GET!
Turn6: Infrastructure UP, 10.5e(!) spent on assorted war preparations. Event: Military UP.

WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing
WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Shahan

Available Funds: 17e(!)
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 7.5e tax, 8e resource, 6e trade, 0.5e workshop, 2e looted from Hurud, 1e recovered weapons
Losses: 3e corruption (increasing)
Upkeep: 5e (10 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Tharnite, 1 Hurian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Amassar: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history, born from remnants of the ancient Haskites, and from Nakkra Ardi rebels.
Turn6: Infra UP. Heavy horsemen aid Shahanar invasion of Hurud.

Available Funds: 1e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 0.5e tax, 1e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Shahanar, 1 Nakkra Ardi)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


En Taithan: lopaz

Turn5: emerges into the light of history from the confusion of En Corthan invasion and mass movement of peoples into Jrika.
Turn6: build a fort, and some ships. EVENT: some local barbarians join the kingdom, new city founded. Resist Kaerlan invasion, though damage suffered, outraged people pillage Kaerlanist temple.

Available Funds: 2e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 1e resource, 1e trade, 1e Kaerlan temple looted in Jrika.
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Kaerlan, 1 En Corthan)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


En Corthan: lopaz

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: train a unit in Enka, and boats in the White Sea. Build a port in Zamar. Nomads successfully settle and build a City in Enka. Great King convinces half of the Boda tribes to join in revenge raids against the Torecan! Victory in Jrika, but confusion in the aftermath. En Taithan forms, Great King is consumed. EVENT: Military UP. Free cattle Worker. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.
Turn6: Peaceful settlement/consolidation efforts in Enka and Boda, largely successful. Event: Culture UP, Civilization UP.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 3.5e tax, 4e resource, 0.5e trade, 0.5e religion
Upkeep: 4e (8 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Nartozieroni)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Torecan: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn4: Build another ship and a warrior unit, go raiding against Zamar and Lothas. Bribe Jrika swordsmen barbarians with 0.5e to join in. Send 1e to Kaerlan. EVENT: Power UP, Engineering UP, Infrastructure UP.
Turn5: Military UP. Train another swordsman. 1e gift to Kaerlan. Go on more raiding against En Corthan. Raid succesful, but Jrika is invaded by En Corthan and masses of barbarians. Survivors take to the White Sea! EFFECT: Power DOWN, Organisation UP.
Turn6: Save money. Troops assist Shahanar invasion, boats trade peacefully on the white sea.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 2e resource, 1e trade, 2e looted from Hurud
Losses: 0.5e loot misappropriated
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Kaerlan)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Nartozieroni: alex994

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Learn THE WHEEL.
Turn4: Infrastructure UP. Train a unit of archers and a 'cultural' unit. Great King peacefully converts the barbarians of Lothas, raises Power and Enlightenment by one, and is consumed in the effort. Haskite slaves are released and form a new city. Suffer raids by Torecan boat-people and Gorukanu horse-riders. Culture spreads in Zamar. Learn IRON WORKING, HORSEBACK RIDING
Turn5: train horse archers and armoured horse riders. Wheat workers in Lothas. Build a City in Teph (later captured and enslaved), and move nomads there. War breaks out with Tieros for dominance in Teph, unsuccessful thus far. EVENT: Power DOWN. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET! Culture UP, Civilization UP.
Turn6: Organisation, Infrastructure UP, more horse farming. Build a Palace. Hire a merchant and a cultural ambassador. Some of the Tieros in Teph and the tribes of Enka fall under Nartozieroni influence. DISASTER: chronic drought in Lothas and Teph.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Lothas.
WARNING: Organisation can't keep pace with income, corruption still growing!

Available Funds: 12.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 7e tax, 7e resource, 3e trade, 1e religion, 2e tribute from Tieros.
Losses: 2.5e corruption
Upkeep: 5e (9 units, 1 palace)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Tieros: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history, known as the Tephites.
Turn3: 3e to bribe the other peoples of Teph to unite, which is successful. Tephites morph into the Tieros: Infrastructure UP, Engineering DOWN. Learn WRITING. Invent HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Military UP, Organisation UP, Civilization UP. New crops spread in Teph and Markhan.
Turn4: Power UP, Organisation UP, build a unit of horse archers, raid the lands of Ursu. Learn IRON WORKING. GREAT EVENT: Great General GET! Military UP! Engineering UP!
Turn5: Military UP. Train two new horse archers in Teph and Markhan, and new spearmen in Markhan. Nomads in Ursu move to Markhan. Great General Nakazieros leads mass invasion of Gorukanu territories, 0.5e incentive for Navu tribes not to intervene. Simultaneous war with Nartozieroni in Teph.
Turn6: Two workers and a fortress in Navu. Losing cultural influence in Teph! Power DOWN, Enlightenment UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Teph.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3e tax, 7e resource, 0.5e slaves
Losses: 2e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (4 units, 1 palace)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Nartozieroni, 1 Sa'ad Danåb)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Halkska: Disenfrancised

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Culture UP, build a city in Arkhad, nomad migrates to Tarka. Nomad pop growth in Khoda. Learn WRITING, IRON WORKING. EVENT: Military UP. GREAT EVENT: Workshop GET in Arkhad! Trade Centre GET in Markhan!
Turn5: Power UP, Organisation UP, build a Monument in Naulka, train Mountain Men in Arkhad. Nomads shuffle up northwest into Naulka. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Enlightenment UP. Free extra highlander unit in Arkhad.
Turn6: Infrastructure UP, Culture UP, new city in the region now known as Arkanslk. Temple of Mrakad is guarded by giant snow wolves, but 1e of treasure found. EVENT: some natives assimilated in Tarka. Religion spreads in Ursu. Free boat and nomads in the newly explored islands of Karakha.

WARNING: slight overcrowding in various places, Infrastructure low.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing!

Available Funds: 14e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 6.5e tax, 5e resource, 1.5e religion, 3.5e trade, 0.5e workshop, 1e found in Mrakad.
Losses: 1.5 corruption (growing)
Upkeep: 3.5e (7 units, 1 free unit upkeep deferred for a turn)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 4 (1 Tieros)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Sa'ad Danåb: BananaLee

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Culture UP. Pleasure units continue to spread pleasure and culture and religion. Nomad pop growth in Karu. EVENT: High Priestess-Consort GET.
Turn6: Economics UP, save money, priestesses spread religion and influence!

WARNING: Overcrowding, Infrastructure too low.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e tax, 2e resource, 1.5e religion, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 4 (2 Ka Molo)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Special: High Priestess-Consort of Karu (Culture / Power / Enlightenment) Current Task: Culture

Ka Molo: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: Culture UP, Enlightenment UP. Invent WRITING. EVENT: Engineering UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.
Turn6: Culture UP, Enlightenment UP. Civilization UP. Natives are being assimilated! Academy GET. Learn IRON WORKING. Engineering UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Hloga.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 9.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 3e tax, 6e resource, 1e religion, 2e trade, 1e morale bonus
Losses: 1e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 5 (2 Sa'ad Danåb)
Enlightenment: 5
Power: 2
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Special: 'Queenship of Ri' (Culture / Power / Economics) Current Task: Culture

Noidi: Immaculate

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Learn WRITING
Turn5: Military UP, build two new heavy infantry, sail to Barja and build a City there. 0.5e gift to barbarians in Mlano, though this buys their loyalty it does little to convert them, yet. EVENT: free sugar worker in Barja.
Turn6: Organization UP!, Enlightenment UP!, build port in Barja. EVENT: culture UP, free boat near Barja, free incense trader in Tinoon. Natives are being assimilated in Barja and Mlano.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding.
WARNING: Organisation cannot keep pace with economic growth and tax evasion!

Available Funds: 10e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 4e tax, 8e resource, 4.5e trade
Losses: 2.5e corruption, 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units, plus 1 free unit charges no upkeep yet)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Hurian, 1 Ka Molo)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Nandin: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Economics UP. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn5: Spawn Nomads and another spearmen, send both into Taudi, being respectful of natives there. EVENT: Organisation UP.
Turn6: More gold mining, save 1e.

Available Funds: 5e
End of last turn: 1e
Income: 1.5e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Noidi)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Manaltu: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history
Turn6: Economics UP, build a boat. Free spice worker in Yorju.

Available Funds: 4e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 0.5e tax, 4e resource, 2.5e trade
Losses: 0.5e corruption, 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 1e (2 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Noidi, 1 Jalatu Taej)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: Blessed Ships (Trade / Culture / Diplomacy) Current Task: Trade

Heutu: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history from the abandoned remnants of the Nomesters in Faradi.
Turn6: more crop farming. Peace with neighbours.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 3e resource
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Naraman)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 1

I THINK I just wet myself.. I don't care if this ruins a series of reservations! Nayah! :p
Abaddon you are a vector of disorder in the universe!


Cradle Two

Spoiler :
Korajara: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history
Turn6: train archers and swordsmen, invade Jalatu Taej. Failure, but some plunder gained.

Available Funds: 2.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax, 1e resource, 2e plundered from Hurdujan.
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Vauri, 1 Jalatu Taej)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Maktara: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: build a Port. EVENT: Economics UP, Civilization UP.
Turn6: Infra UP, Alpacca worker in Nongon, train spearmen in Yeichar. Event: Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 3.5e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 2e tax, 4e resource, 1e trade
Losses: 0.5 corruption, 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Vauri)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Vauri: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, Economics UP. Nomads settle down in Yeichar. Priestess goes to help victims of great disease in Zhailin. DISASTER: game animals disappearing from Yeichar. DISASTER: Nomads and things in Huilan seperate as new faction, Auren. EVENT: Cultural conversion of a Houlau-controlled city. Enlightenment UP.
Turn6: Fortress and crop Worker in Yeichar. Granted control of city in Zhailin by Xitaan. Event: Learn WRITING. Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 4e tax, 2e resource, 1.5e religion, 0.5e trade
Losses: 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 1e (2 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Houlau)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Special: High Priestess (Culture / Diplomacy) Current Task: Diplomacy

Auren: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history
Turn6: engineering UP. Event: Alpaca farming in Huilan

Available Funds: 1.5e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 1e tax, 3e resource
Losses: 0.5e debt effects
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Houlau)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 3


Houlau: NPC

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Train armoured spearmen. GREAT EVENT: Academy GET. Culture UP, Engineering UP.
Turn6: Infrastructure UP, more crop farming. Massive Xitaan invasion! Zhailin is overrun. Stubborn resistors base themselves in Huilan mountains.

Available Funds: -1e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 0.5e tax
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (1 Vauri)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Vakar: emu

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent BRONZE WORKING.
Turn5: build a city in Konin, and new heavy spearmen to guard it. 0.5e tribute to Xitaan. EVENT: free temple in Zhunun. GREAT EVENT: Warrior King GET! Power UP. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. DISASTER: drought strikes Konin!
Turn6: raise 3 horse archers and 1 horse spearmen to attack the trade centre of Tarakan. Build a temple in Kiin. Some units tag along with Xitaan invasion of Zhailin. Event: economics UP.

Available Funds: 4.5e
End of last turn: -2e
Income: 2e tax, 2e resource, 1.5e trade, 5e plundered from Tarak trade centre.
Losses: 1e debt effects
Upkeep: 3e (6 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Xitaan)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2


Special: Warrior King (Power / Military) Current Task: Power

Xitaan: NPC

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: Train a swordsmen and chariot in both Kiin and Zhunun, 0.5e in supplies for both regions. 1e to the Vakar. Achieve conquest of Zharu and Ximaru. EVENT: Power UP, Enlightenment UP.
Turn5: More crop farming and alpaca farming in Kiin. Rest and recover and rebuild. EVENT: population growth in Kiin. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING.
Turn6: Military UP, train 2 horsemen, 2 archers and 1 spearmen. Epic invasion of Zhailin province with token Vakar help and 2e of supplies. Event: enlightenment DOWN.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Kiin.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 7e
End of last turn: -2e
Income: 5e tax, 9e resource, 1.5e trade, 2e looted from Zhailin.
Losses: 3e corruption, 1e debt effects
Upkeep: 4.5e (9 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 4
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Aikua: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: build a Fortress, save 2e. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn6: more Iron mining. Build a trader/diplomat and send to Haiu. Save 2e.

Available Funds: 6e
End of last turn: 2e
Income: 1.5e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Xitaan, 1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Jalatu Taej: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Military UP. Train a unit of desert skirmishers, attack Tarak with war elephants and 0.5e of supplies. Victory after many exhausting years of fighting. EVENT: Enlightenment DOWN.
Turn6: Organisation UP, diamond mining in Tarakan, one unit in Hurdujan. Resist invasion in north, but lose control of Tarak. Power DOWN.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in Hurdujan.
WARNING: Organisation low, corruption growing.

Available Funds: 3e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1.5e tax, 1e trade, 1e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Aquen: Ninja Dude

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Military UP, Economics UP, + Huar timber worker, + Maulan gem worker. Accept Jueruen as vassals. Nomads settle into a City in Huar. Learn HORSEBACK RIDING. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn6: Organisation UP, Infrastructure UP, Military UP: Civilization UP. Build a Palace in Maulan. Religion is spreading! Nomad pop growth in Huar. Event: Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 16.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 8e resource, 3.5e religion, 0.5e gift from Maulan tribes, 0.5e tribute from Jueruen, 0.5e gift from Haiu, 1.5e trade
Losses: 0.5e corruption (stable)
Upkeep: 3e (5 units, 1 palace, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 3
Engineering: 2

Special: 'Yenleta Sav' (Culture / Organisation) Current Task: Culture


Jueruen: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: save 1e, pay 0.5e tribute to Aquen. EVENT: Military UP.
Turn6: more fur trapping in Sailan. 0.5e gift to Aquen. Event: Enlightenment UP.

Available Funds: 1.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 0.5e tax, 2e resource, 0.5e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (2 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 1


Tarezisis: Anonymoose

Turn0: emerges into the light of history. Invent THE WHEEL.
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, Enlightenment UP, build a new City in Yalu. Nomads settle down in Yalu. EVENT: Culture UP. GREAT EVENT: Academy GET! Engineering UP, Civilization UP.
Turn6: build cities in Yalu and Kaitan. 2 silver miners and 2 crop workers in Yalu. Inherit Tarak remnants. Event: Enlightenment UP, Economics UP.

WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing fast!

Available Funds: 15.5e
End of last turn: -1e
Income: 6.5e tax, 10e resource, 1e religion, 1.5e trade, 1e visitors, 0.5e gift from Haiu.
Losses: 2.5e corruption
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units, 1 special)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Aquen)
Enlightenment: 5
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economics: 3
Engineering: 3


Special: Royal Elephants (Military / Trade) Current Task: Trade

Haiu: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: Infrastructure UP. +Crop farming in Yalu. 0.5e tribute to both Aquen and Tarezisis. EVENT: Organisation UP, Culture UP.
Turn6: build silk worker and crab worker. Military UP. 0.5e tribute to both Aquen and Tarezisis. Event: Enlightenment UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, slight overcrowding in Kaitan
WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing!

Available Funds: 10e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 7e resource, 2.5e trade
Losses: 1e corruption
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 3 (2 Aquen, 1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Sagu Ra-u: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: Build a Port and a basic boat in Ulan. Train another Swordsman and Spearman, units raid natives in Huilin. EVENT: Economics UP.
Turn6: Gem mining in Yorju islands, crab worker and fortress in Huilin.

Available Funds: 6.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1.5e tax, 0.5 slaves, 6e resource, 1.5e trade
Upkeep: 3e (6 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Tarezisis)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 2
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Cradle Three

Spoiler :
Halachamo: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history.
Turn5: build a Fortress. Appeal for help from natives for war against Agrians. These efforts come to nothing!
Turn6: raise more warriors, together with nomads launch desperate surprise exodus/invasion of Nalko, which ends in failure.

Available Funds: none

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 1

Harao: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history. Invent WRITING. Trade Centre GET.
Turn5: +Diamond mining worker in Sollo. Narrowly maintaining independence for now. Learn THE WHEEL. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn6: new diamond mine worker, give 3e to Agrians. Still narrowly maintaining independence. Event: Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 5e resource, 2e trade
Losses: 0.5e corruption (growing)
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (2 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 3
Engineering: 4


Agrians: Matt0088

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Power UP, build another boat to guard the straights, and build two more shamans in Nalko, one more in Malcho, for mass conversion of natives. Another spearmen trained in Malcho. Learn THE WHEEL. DISASTER: Rebel faction of Angar-Ulum forms in Malcho.
Turn6: Palace in Sollo. Power UP, priests call for holy war against the devils in Maltik. Train four new units and invade, partial success. Meanwhile Angar-Ulum defeated and exiled after tough assault. Military UP, Civilization UP, Enlightenment DOWN. Learn WRITING.

Available Funds: 12.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 4e resource, 1.5e trade, 0.5e slaves, 0.5e visitors, 2.5e religion, 3e raided from Maltik, 1e raided from Angar-Ulum in Malcho, 1e Angar-Ulum temple destroyed, 1e recovered weapons
Losses: 0.5e debt effects, 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 6e (12 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 3 (1 Harao, 1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Angar-Ulum: NPC

Turn5: emerges into the light of history, with a merging of Agrian rebels and natives
Turn6: build a fortress. Fail to defend Malcho, exiles flee to island of Kalar. Power, Organisation DOWN.

Available Funds: 0e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 0.5e tax
Upkeep: 0.5e (1 unit)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian, 1 Harao)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 1
Engineering: 2


Hulukap: Abaddon

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: build Cities in Zakat and Chiru, train more warriors in Chiru and Maltik, more stone workers in Maltik. EVENT: free temple in Lani. Learn THE WHEEL.
Turn6: Organisation and Power UP x2, three new heavy warriors. While winning against rebel lords, face great invasion by Agrians and slave rebellion in Maltik. Event: Free fortress and palace in Maltik. Military UP, Civilization UP.

Available Funds: 6.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 2e tax, 4e resource, 1e gift from Holuc, 0.5e gift from Onaqui, 0.5e trade, 0.5e religion, 0.5e recovered weapons
Upkeep: 2e (4 units)

Civilization Level: 3
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Holuc: Lord_Iggy

Turn2: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: pay 1e tribute to Hulukap. Two new warriors (one killed), one new worker on banana farms. Go raiding into Retiki. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. EVENT: Economics UP.
Turn6: Temple in Zakat, 1 new warrior, 1e to Hulukap. All-out war vs Kamalec ends in victory: Power UP. Learn THE WHEEL.

Available Funds: 8.5e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 2e tax, 0.5e slaves, 2e resource, 1e recovered weapons, 2e Kamalec city destroyed, 2e Kamalec temple destroyed.
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 1
Culture: 2 (1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 1
Power: 3
Military: 3
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2


Arateki: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history. Suffer raids by Holuc.
Turn5: build a fortress in Arateki. Build another boat and prepare for counter-raids against Holuc. Nomads flee Retiki and shuffle along islands into Mahar. EVENT: Organisation UP. Learn THE WHEEL.
Turn6: Banana workers in Mahar. No involvement in Retiki war! Event: Organisation UP.

Available Funds: 3.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 0.5e tax, 4e resource, 1e trade
Losses: 1e corruption
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Harao)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Kamalec: NPC

Turn4: emerges into the light of history. Suffer raids by Holuc.
Turn5: build more warriors. Shamans inspire bravery against the Holuc.
Turn6: build two more warriors, full scale war vs Hulukap. Failure and great exile to Yahli. Power, Engineering, Economics DOWN.

Available Funds: 0e
End of last turn: 0e
Income: 1e tax
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian, 1 Holuc)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 2
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economics: 1
Engineering: 1

Chwinqua: NPC

Turn1: emerges into the light of history
Turn5: Infrastructure UP, build a Fortress. EVENT: Engineering UP.
Turn6: Build a city, a fortress and a new unit in Hotik. 0.5e gift to Hulukap. Event: Enlightenment UP.

WARNING: Infrastructure low, overcrowding in Lani.

Available Funds: 5.5e
End of last turn: -0.5e
Income: 3e tax, 3e resource, 1e trade
Upkeep: 1e (2 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Hulukap)
Enlightenment: 3
Power: 1
Military: 1
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Onaqui: NPC

Turn3: emerges into the light of history
Turn4: gather more forest fruits in Lani. EVENT: Engineering UP, Civilization UP.
Turn5: gather Tobacco in Hotik. Fighting breaks out with tribes in Hotik. 0.5e gift to Hulukap. EVENT: Organisation UP.
Turn6: Giantbird farming in Lani, raise another warband in Lani. Event: Economics UP.

Available Funds: 4.5e
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 1e tax, 5e resource
Losses: 0.5e corruption
Upkeep: 1.5e (3 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Chwinqua)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 2
Good update, Daft, and I hope this NES continues sometime, especially now the Loxequistra League is a real Great Power.
Catastrophic end. What next from the Great DP? What went "wrong" with this one?
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