DaNES I: At the Precipice


Hero of the Soviet Union
Feb 23, 2005
DaNES I: At the Precipice

Please don't post yet, or I may be forced to resort to nasty measures.


Once again, an althistorical NES has come, to wreak havoc upon those who dwell in cradles. The year is 1926, and twilight is descending over Europe. The United States’ Civil War and the wars of German Unification dominated the decade of the 1860s and seventies, which culminated in the French attempt for hegemony in the Great European War. Following the British, German, and Russian victory in the war, the Great Powers re-divided into two opposing blocs: the Triple Alliance of Germany, Russia, and the United States, against the Entente Powers of Britain, France, Spain, China, and Japan, which competed with each other for colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Now that space has finally run out, tensions are growing between the humongous power blocs. A vast arms race is underway, on land, with tanks and artillery; in the air, with zeppelins and airplanes; and in the seas, with aircraft carriers and dreadnoughts. Border clashes occur each month in Thrace, Alsace-Lorraine, Mexico, and Manchuria; war seems imminent. The coming global war will determine the hegemons of the Twentieth Century; the losers can expect nothing less than total failure and destruction.


This is my first attempt at modding; hopefully, you guys will prevent it from being my last. This NES is organized around usual das rules, for ease of use, ease of modding, and my own personal comfort level; there have been some major changes, but on the whole the rules are similar to those of the recently begun AFSNES I. I’ll deliver the best product I can, but the update is only as good as the orders are, so in return I’ll need all y’all to be as committed as possible – and you’ll get the same from me.

The Usual First Post Stuff

Players – Anyone can join, as long as he or she has a Civilization Fanatics’ Forum account and commitment to sending orders in a timely fashion. If you don’t have the time to manage a country, please don’t join, but if you can devote your time and energy to this, by all means start playing.

Stories – While the bonus system won’t be in use, stories will be incorporated as best I can into the updates, and may have an effect on the game, though it won’t be as blatant as (+5 divisions) or anything like that.

Orders – PM these please, in any format you like so long as it’s readable and it has the information I need readily at hand. Spending orders, diplomacy, and military operations are the only necessary parts, but pretty much anything you want to do with your nation is possible (so long as you check with me if it isn’t in the rules). Make sure that the orders are clear and without unnecessary detail; being too vague and general is naturally bad, but knowing the radio frequencies on which your troops transmit messages is also extreme. Please also make sure that you have read the rules before you send orders, as not doing so might mess things up for all of us. I’m pretty lenient on order deadlines, especially if it’s infrequent, due to RL troubles, or something like that, but repeated failure to turn orders in on time will be punished severely and creatively. Turning in orders early is sure to get you on my good side.

NPCs – Non-player-controlled factions will obviously be played by the mod; I’ll play these in character, ‘course, and a few will be fairly apathetic and passive. Then again, we all know that 1914 Serbia was an NPC…bwahahaha…

Updates – I’m no robot, updating for years every Wednesday like clockwork; thus, after each update, I’ll post the next order deadline, and an update should come a day or two after the order deadline. Each update covers a year of world action and consists of military and non-military events (may be changed if there get to be too many non-military events), plus bonuses for doing stuff I like, such as early orders, good orders, inclusion of our furry friends (even to the chagrin of sticks-in-the-mud such as [censored]), and OOC, which is an opportunity for me to rant about people who screwed up and/or laugh about a particularly entertaining mishap that seems to have befallen the most powerful nation in the world. If you insist on sneaky black ops or intel gathering or whatever, I’ll PM you secret reports on their success and/or failure.

Map – The standard CFC world map, with all of its failings, inherent flaws, and ubiquity. It’s a political map, with each nation getting its very own color (and you said I didn’t give you anything nice!), which denotes its control of its own territory, plus whatever it’s occupied. Thicker lines denote boundaries between countries; thin lines divide territories or autonomous regions of political significance. Black circles are cities; cities with a white outline are national capitals, and cities with a red one are economy centers of manufacturing and/or trade. Eco centers each give a country a certain amount of extra eco points depending on what it does; the list of eco centers can be found on the stat page, and is updated with the stats and map every turn. You cannot really influence the development of eco centers directly, but trade pacts, military actions, or some such will probably change the amount of money you get from them. White on the map denotes unorganized rebels or Antarctica; as soon as the rebels or Antarcticans become organized, they get their own color too. Added to this will be an army map displaying the positions and proximate numbers of troops/ships for each nation/faction; they will be denoted with the nation color, unless they are armies on national territory, in which case they are colored black. This ought to cut down on the number of questions I get each turn, plus it gives players a reason to rant (Why not use NATO symbols, to confuse them even more?).

Countries – Pick an NPC or start a rebellion (about the latter: please consult me first, because unrealistic or unviable rebellions start way too often in these games, and consequently get crushed way too easily). Rebels movements don’t get any stats until they actually take over some territory. If you pick an existing country, please make sure to read your nation background at the very least, so as to act in-character (another problem), or so I don’t get so many bloody questions. Reading the entire TL would be even better, but unfortunately I seem to be a bit long-winded for most of you to stomach, so I’ll probably have to just live with the nation descriptions. :p Reformers are fine, and they have always existed, and they will always run into problems implementing reforms, so try to not go overboard and rely on the history of your nation to have some idea of what you can and can’t reasonably do. Some people have already reserved nations or will do so during the time this thing spends in the preview thread; unless they fail to confirm them in a timely fashion, they won’t be up for grabs.

Nation Name
Government (Bureaucracy):
Army [Mobilizable]:
Army Cap:
Air Force:
Military Upkeep:
Economy (Base/Eco Centers):
Living Standards:
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background:


This is obviously your form of government, from Oligarchic Parliamentary Monarchy to Democratic Republic. Parliamentary or democratic forms of government (easy enough to figure out from the name) will have some possibility of order overriding, especially if this is a move – reform, diplomatic, military – that has a good measure of unpopularity in your country. You should probably provide reasons for your actions, although bribery, blackmail, and murder are also possible, with the attendant consequences. Radical changes in government and hasty reforms are also poor ideas, especially if you don’t give any reasons for them, because anachronistic actions – not as much a problem in the 1920s, but still an issue if I know certain NESers – generally don’t sit well with the populace. Think about these things, or ask me about whether or not it’s a good idea. Several attempts to reform, both in real life (French Revolution) and NESing (NES2 V’s Italy), have met with horrible failure and nasty consequences due to unrealistic expectations.

Also, parliamentary governments will have periodic elections; for the United States especially, these may have a very huge impact on policy. Generally a leader with confidence higher than Tolerating will be able to win, but in the event of losing the player will have to play with a different leader and a different political party at the helm, with the attendant changes in policy, which you could ignore at your peril or do the usual government job of doing what the People Want (a bad one). Decisions are more likely to be vetoed by your senate, parliament, or representative assembly if you go against the party line.


The civil service system is critical; you make the grand strategic policy decisions that affect millions, and the bureaucrats implement them and manage day to day operations. A well trained bureaucracy can improve revenue, confidence, or even alter policy to make it more appealing to the masses (or more efficient); a poor one can inflame the people, spread corruption, paralyze your government, and ruin the best laid plans of mice, men, and polar bears.



Since everyone hates the age system (with good reason), a different one will be used; while an age-type descriptor will be affixed to each country’s stats with the usual technologies available, any deviations from the norm (whether it be faster tanks, better radio, television, or what have you) are also listed next to the “age”, which is generally the same for everyone with few exceptions. You can order technology research, but it generally needs to be feasible and funded to get anywhere, and you might need people who can actually read as well. You can’t trade techs like in the Civilization games, but people with technical expertise may be loaned to another nation, or your own products might be sold over there for this other country to reverse-engineer.

Second Industrial Revolution: Development of radio, electricity as a viable power source, use of internal combustion engines, use of iron and steel warships, machine guns, early rotary engine airplanes, beginning of real chemical research (harmful gases for military use as well as advanced industrial dyes), development of the assembly line as method of production.

Machine Age: Development of more advanced aircraft and rigid airships, and the use of piston engines for power and monoplanes as opposed to bi- and tri-planes; construction of large steel buildings of great height (skyscrapers); more rapid and comfortable transportation by automobiles, airliners (zeppelins and planes), railroads, and ships; high speed printing technology, allowing the spread of cheaper newspapers; development of earthmoving technology; refinement of radio technology into early forms of television and cinema; use of early tanks on the battlefield; mass production of modern consumer goods running on electrical power.

Later: Who knows?


My own personal favorite, the military is based on divisions/brigades, types of ship, and air squadrons. In this NES, a slightly more realistic way of handling more modern ground forces has been introduced, i.e. the use of mobilization and reserves. Each player has a standing army, which must be paid for via the upkeep stat along with the navy and air force. However, when war is imminent – or if you would like to make a diplomatic point or threat – your reserves (shown in brackets next to the standing army) may be mobilized by paying 1 EP for every 20 units you wish to add to your standing army. Upkeep will be adjusted accordingly. Mobilizing your reserves is likely to hurt your economy; demobilization, which doesn’t require any money from you, will help to boost it again. If you wish to add troops to your reserves, not your standing army, you can acquire double the number of units per eco point - but you can't add reserves and activate them in the same turn. Also, conscripts exist, and depending on population size, area of your territory invaded, confidence in your government, etc., you will be able to raise different amounts per turn; it’s wise to ask me about exact numbers. This will weaken the economy even more than recruiting beyond the cap (seen below), and these troops are generally of very low quality, good for garrisoning, holding inactive portions of the battle line, and/or cannon fodder.

Logistics are important; it’s difficult to have tanks move forward without oil, and infantry may fail to carry a position without any ammo. It’s wisest to spend at least 1 EP per campaign, but if there’s any doubt whatsoever – for instance, you send 100 divisions into your neighbor on a 2000-mile front – you should ask me for the cost.

Armies also have a cap beyond which you can’t recruit any more troops. This primarily rests on population, but also may have something to do with the civilian response to the war. Recruiting beyond the cap is possible but carries with it the likelihood of lowering confidence and/or economy. You can raise the cap by spending 1 EP/5 units, with the limit being 50 times your population size.

Your troops can probably move quite quickly – after all, this is the threshold of the mechanized age of warfare, with trucks and tanks and airplanes. However, you should also consider geography, infrastructure, and enemy resistance – everyone remembers our good friend “Charlie Chaplin”, right?

Partisans (in this world, called jägers after the events of the Great European War) and militias do exist, and will not be in the stats because you have basically no control over them. If they do rise up, they’ll be mentioned in the relevant portions of the update. You can do your best to coordinate your efforts with them, but usually they won’t do too well under orders.

Inasmuch as I love military doctrines in NESes, I’m asking for one here as well; you can go as in depth or as vague as you wish, with the attendant consequences. There are two current schools of thought in the field of military strategy right now, and you could adhere to one or the other or even try to make a synthesis or go striking out on your own, so long as you a) tell me and b) tell me why. You can always make changes to the doctrine or deviate from it on specific occasions, and if you don’t give any specific operational guidelines I will assume your troops use standard doctrine.

1 EP buys:
5 infantry divisions
2 marine infantry divisions
2 tank brigades
3 artillery brigades
5 fighter squadrons
2 zeppelin squadrons
5 destroyers
5 submarines
3 cruisers
2 dreadnoughts
1 aircraft carrier


The most important part of the economy is that you cannot directly alter its workings. There is no “invest 3 EP in economy via industrialization” now. Economy is divided into three areas: base (taxing, industry, internal commerce, agriculture), colonies, and eco centers (external trade, some manufacturing, based on important cities), plus a description of how your economy’s doing (recession, boom, stagnant, whatever). Each turn, you can spend an amount of EP (eco points) equal to the sum of base, eco centers, and income from whatever colonies you may own (plus indemnities, plunder, and other ways to extract EP).

There are many things that you can do to influence the growth of the economy, most of which have other side effects, too. You can raise taxes and/or tariffs (with the attendant consequences), create jobs via Keynesian methods of creating more bureaucracy and injecting money into various companies, sign trade agreements, subsidize corporations, improve national infrastructure (and thus internal trade), or virtually anything. Loans are generally readily available, with some interest attached (the terms of which will be made clear to you when you apply for one), and probably a payment schedule. Other factors (like getting blockaded, or pillaging, or mobilization, etc.) will obviously have an impact here as well.

You can spend EP on loads of stuff – the military, improving level-based stats (paying attention to area and population, natürlich), logistics, investments in various schemes, projects, paying for previous loans, and the like. Banking eco is possible, but inflation will quickly rear its ugly head (losing at least 1 EP/turn when there’s more than 1 EP banked and unused, which could go higher depending on the state of your economy), and corruption could be problematic if you’re so silly as to bank eco when you could have simply raised Bureaucracy. And, unlike certain past games, you can’t raise a level based stat beyond the last level, although you may rest assured that it will decrease with time and without maintenance.


This is the size of your nation, not counting colonies or occupied areas what haven’t been officially ceded to you yet. It affects a few things, but mostly you should use this number when determining the number of points to spend on infrastructure and bureaucracy. It’s a number – the number being the amount of EP to spend on infrastructure and bureaucracy, funnily enough.


Planes, trains, and automobiles need airports, tracks, and roads respectively, and infrastructure gives those to them. The size of your merchant fleet, the quality and extensiveness of your roads, and your civil aviation fleet are all part of the infrastructure stat, which influences trade (and thus eco centers and/or base), military cap, and even culture.

None-Dirt Paths-Pathetic-Barely Tolerable-Tolerable-Improving-Good-Efficient-Very Efficient-Great-Excellent


Your sheeple pay your salary and fill your armies, so it might be wise to give a care about them every once in a while. Similar to area, it is used as area is, except this is the multiplier for living standards and education. Economy, military cap, and conscripts are also affected by population.


Your people need to be educated to allow (or at least speed up) technological progress, altering the amount of time tech research may take. Higher education levels may allow you random innovations which you may not have ordered. Reaching the Singularity education level greatly improves your chances of reaching the next “age” (although these events seem unlikely outside of BTs), which as usual decreases your education level by two.

Education has a major impact on several other things – politically, less educated populations won’t be as open to reforms or revolutions, and a more educated one will likely as not demand reforms or instigate revolutions quickly if their sensibilities are not kept in mind. This should (hopefully) alter your approach to carrying out enlightened reform on turn one, or to not reforming at all. Also, more educated populaces will perform better militarily, as long as they haven’t got anything against the war itself.

None-Dumb-Illiterate-Tolerable-Literate-Educated-Well Educated-Academic-Enlightenment-Singularity

Living Standards

Higher living standards make revolt much less likely – after all, what will the people gain what they haven’t got already? They may also increase economy levels, or even have higher education (through tutors and the like). A sharp drop in living standards, due to neglect or to economic problems or to some silly war or other, will probably increase the likelihood of revolt, worsen your economy even further, or cause other fun problems the likes of which are frankly terrifying to comprehend. Educated nations with low living standards will probably have problems as well.

None-Slums-Very Low-Low-Barely Tolerable-Tolerable-Normal-Higher-Very High-Splendid


This is a written description of your national culture; who lives there, the religions they follow; the unity or lack thereof of the populace, and such. You can’t influence this directly either, but there are things that may do so, and of course this has an effect of gameplay in what should be fairly obvious ways.


Do your people like you? How much? More loyal citizens will gladly join the military and take up arms, work in factories for the war effort, and stifle revolt; a people that hate you will also take up arms, but for a completely different reason. Your successes or failures, real or not, will have a major impact on the public opinion, as will whatever propaganda you choose to roll out. Confidence also has an impact on elected governments during elections (and in some cases can even cause special elections or votes of confidence to go awry), in that a confidence lower than Respecting will probably lose your faction the election with the attendant policy changes for your government. You cannot grow confidence by eco points directly, because that’s just silly.

Lynching-Hateful-Resentful-Barely Tolerating-Tolerating-Respecting-Admiring-Loving-Nation Personified


Instead of Civilization’s Wonders, you get these fun things, which are probably more programs instead of big useless buildings. You can usually have a project change pretty much any stat out there, but it’s wisest to talk to me first, especially if it has an esoteric effect on several stats that may not be obvious. Most projects have intended and unintended consequences, both good and bad, and to improve the quality of these and possibly ward off some horrible things that may happen to you upon the beginning of this project, you should describe projects to me in some detail as opposed to simply listing the effects, because I may have no idea how you intend to get there.

To start a project, invest 1 eco point, and after that it will progress on its own. It’s possible to shorten the length of a project by investing either 1 EP (speeding it up by 1 turn) or 2 EP (speeding it up by 2 turns), or even using some other innovative solution, whether it be stealing scientists from other countries, throwing slaves at a problem, or something entirely different. (You should probably not throw slaves at the Manhattan Project, and stealing scientists will be nearly useless when trying to construct a fortification line or increase the military.)

You can also make a project secret, with the attendant extra spending necessary to do so.


Colonies are overseas possessions that actually matter (insert joke about Newfoundland here) and are thus given stats, which differ slightly from the nation statistics given elsewhere. Colonial government involves how much control you have over the colony. Income depends on many things, such as population, available resources, development, and the like. Militia is the number of troops that you could raise to fight off an invasion, reducing – but not totally eliminating – the need to keep track of your regular army units and to garrison them in your colonies. Your militia may also rebel against you and form the core of a partisan army, a la the 1857 Great Mutiny. Militia should generally not be used in aggressive campaigns, but it is possible, depending on number of troops and colonial confidence. Confidence, by the way, works just like normal confidence.

Nation Background

Almost redundant if you have read the TL, the nation background is a simple, paragraph length description of your country to help you play in character and have some knowledge of what your country is like. They will be updated every so often, as long as there is some good reason, such as a significant change, to do so. Role-playing is sort of important, so please make sure to stay reasonably in character.


You can PM me questions that I may or may not answer truthfully and almost certainly ambiguously, representing your intelligence service’s knowledge of the situation. You can also add espionage or intel portions to your orders, giving me the lowdown on what sort of secret spy missions or sabotage ops you wish to conduct, and after the update I’ll send you a PM of the results if they are of significance. Spies aren’t omnipotent or omniscient, so they could conceivably be flat-out wrong; it’s best to make sure that you have ordered the construction of an intel network (which doesn’t really require much money unless you want to make it a good one).

Everything else

If you have any questions at all about anything ambiguously covered by stats, rules, or update, or are just plain confused, post them or PM them to me. I’m here to take your orders and turn them into an update, and to create a fun gaming environment, not to terrify you into submission and silence. You might even be able to argue me into a different stance on your ability to do something, although it is advisable not to pursue this for very long, for the mod’s decision is final, and his temper is sadly very short.

If this is among your first NESes, I’d like to welcome you to NESing and advise you to visit the guide and talk to more experienced players about how to work well in a NES. However, do not expect that anyone will go easily on you if you are new. In fact, being new may be a good incentive for people to attack you – look at Carl XII. If you do something terribly rash or OOC, I’ll probably hint against doing so (if you’re relatively new), but that can’t be expected to happen every time, or even most of the time. In the words of das (in a game with oddly familiar rules): “Remember – anything you say or do can be turned against you, any plan can go terribly awry, a worst-case scenario is perfectly plausible and everyone is out to get you. That is, most usually, not OOC player malice or biased moderation – rather, that is part of the game.”

Any criticism whatsoever, whether it be “I hate Americans”, “You’re so biased”, “Stop with the ******** polar bears and penguins, etc.”, “You forgot [stat]”, or “This update is too [long/short/mediocre/boring/exciting/unrealistic]”, will be welcomed. I don’t like yes-persons as much as I like providing you with a better NESing experience.

Hopefully this will turn out to be mildly successful and reasonably long-lived; the upcoming Global War should be interesting, at the very least. Perhaps it may even warrant further DaNESes.

Having said all that, let’s get down to brass tacks; I need your input on the rules, the stats, the name, and nation reservations. Have at them!
A Word on the Military

It may be noticed that I’ve left a good deal of traditional stuff out of the military. For example, there are no “Training” or “Leadership” stats, or even a description of the armed forces. I always thought, personally, that “Training” was a load of bollocks, as have some other mods who have discontinued the stat in favor of “quality” or descriptions. Training has had influence on military decisions throughout military history (“Training” in NESing being synonymous with tactical and sometimes technical skill), but more often it is the operational and strategic art that decides victory. Military Leadership, on the other hand, is quite important all the time. The reason I’ve decided to exclude this particular stat lies in the development of the general staff system across the world after the Prussian/North German model in the 1860s and 1870s. Military skill is more uniform across the world than it was even prior to the OTL 1914 level. I think that having an extra Military Leadership stat is overall a bit of a waste of time of the mod and a waste of EP on the part of the player. Better results in war lie with the expert use of the economy to produce war-winning armed forces, the development of technology to secure technical advantage, improvements in doctrine that allow armed forces to react to situations better, and superior grand strategy. Stats like “Training” and “Military Leadership” never had that much of an effect on NESing anyway, as not even Brilliant+4 Leadership and high levels of training can – or should – save someone who is isolated with extremely low economy, enemies on all sides, and a poor geographical position.

Going to the more in-game use of the military, we do have the two opposing fields of thought that emerged following the African wars and the Macedonian War. The one, personified by the Russian general Mikhail Tukhachevsky, British journalist Basil Liddell Hart, British general John Fuller, German colonel Heinz Guderian, American major George Patton, and French colonel Charles de Gaulle, advocates the use of infantry to break through the enemy front lines, and then to send tanks to either cut off forward troops or surge further into the rear, knocking out communications, shredding supply lines, and unbalancing the enemy psychologically. The other, personified by American general George Marshall, German general Hans von Seeckt, Russian Nikolai Yudenich, Russian Carl von Mannerheim, Chinese Yuan Shikai, French Joseph Joffre, and Brit John French, advocates close infantry-tank support in order to keep up a steady offensive and encourage uniform, relatively risk-free progress. (Naturally, there are many outgrowths of these theories, but the basics are there, and anything further will need to be determined by the player.)

In addition, the field of aircraft has electrified many. Fighter planes, now slowly switching from open biplane to closed, metal monoplane configuration, rule the skies, and pave the way for zeppelin bombers, whose rather ignominious start in the Macedonian War has given way to much more accurate and powerful weaponry. While transport planes and rigid airships aren’t quite up to the task of transporting large numbers of soldiers (as has been theorized by many, such as American Jim Gavin, German Kurt Student, and British Frederick Browning) as paratroops, strides have been made in enlarging gliders and transport airplanes to fit the task. Some even believe that rigid airships may be abandoned for large bomber planes, though that is generally languishing in the corner of R&D departments around the world. Aircraft carriers also have altered naval warfare in their introduction of torpedo planes and reconnaissance aircraft.

United States of America
Capital: Washington, DC
Ruler: President Calvin Coolidge/Thlayli (Republican)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Efficient)
Technology: Machine Age with more advanced aircraft development (speed, armor), better armored, ranged, and faster dreadnoughts, and greater hydropower capability
Army [Mobilizable]: 33 infantry divisions, 5 marine divisions, 19 tank brigades, 28 artillery brigades [35 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 250
Navy: 4 aircraft carriers, 34 dreadnoughts, 35 cruisers, 67 destroyers, 28 submarines
Air Force: 25 fighter squadrons, 10 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 8
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 17/2/2 (Bull Market)
Area: 6
Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Population: 6
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Unified mishmash of various European cultures, prominently English and German with some small Irish, Italian, French, Scandinavian, and Dutch elements; large numbers of culturally integrated African-Americans concentrated in the southeastern states; large numbers of Chinese and Japanese immigrants on the West Coast and Mexicans in the southwest; mostly Christian, with the various Protestants outnumbering Catholics; extremely patriotic, with mostly limited allegiance to the mother countries of respective immigrant populations.
Confidence: Loving
Projects: Mahan (more advanced dreadnought tech) (Done!), Blue Baron (+new monoplanes) (1/6)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nicaragua (Federal Territory/2/3 infantry divisions/Tolerating)
Nation Background: The United States, after briefly reaching the pinnacle of military might in crushing the Confederate rebels after three years of warfare and over a decade of “mopping up”, suffered a minor defeat at French and Spanish hands in the Second Mexican War. Burning with revanchism and seeking a revision of the 1882 settlement, the United States has spent years building up a powerful military under the direction of President Alfred Mahan, and flexing its colonial muscle by seizing Alaska, Hawaii, and Nicaragua, and building the Nicaragua Canal. America, along with her allies Germany and Russia, is prepared for another grab at world dominance.

Dominion of Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Ruler: Prime Minister Mackenzie King/j_eps (Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Democracy (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 6 infantry divisions, 3 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 40
Navy: 1 dreadnought, 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, 3 submarines
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/1 (Growing) (1 banked)
Area: 6
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 2
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Generally English-descent, with some Asian mixing in the western coastal regions, and a large French-descent population in Quebec; Protestantism strongest among English speakers, with Quebec a stronghold of Catholicism, with little to no real conflict between the two; with the minor exception of the Quebecois, a very patriotic nation with a strong connection to the imperial government.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Formed out of the British colony in 1867, and later Dominionized in 1879, Canada has not quite come into its own as a separate entity from the rest of the British Empire. While easily the most loyal of the parts of the Empire, Canada’s low population and relatively small economic base make it a weak northern cousin to the American giant, a thing that most Canadians are hell-bent on changing. It remains to be seen if this can occur, especially with the Quebecois constantly threatening to secede as they do.

Republic of Costa Rica
Capital: San Jose
Ruler: President Ricardo Oreamuno (Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Blundering)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution with more advanced infantry weapons
Army [Mobilizable]: 3 infantry divisions, 1 artillery brigade
Army Cap: 10
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Recession)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Improving
Population: 1
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Low
Culture: Mostly Latino, with major African Caribbean influences; overwhelmingly Catholic; more or less culturally unified, although with little nationalistic emphasis.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Costa Rica, the last free Central American nation, has been forced into an unenviable position: the country is now a battleground between Entente and Allied intelligence networks, serving as the only neutral ground north of the Isthmus of Panama.

Republic of Colombia and Panama
Capital: Bogota
Ruler: ?
Government (Bureaucracy): Revolutionary Council (Incompetent)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions, 1 artillery brigade
Army Cap: 20
Navy: 5 destroyers
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Population: 2
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Primarily Latino, with some African Caribbean influences; overwhelmingly Catholic; more or less culturally unified.
Confidence: Resentful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Colombia, after passing through the horror of the Thousand Days War and the 1926 civil war, has a chance at establishing a viable democratic government with American help, but only time will tell if this country can stand on its own two legs.

Republic of Venezuela
Capital: Caracas
Ruler: President-for-Life Cipriano Castro
Government (Bureaucracy): Military Dictatorship masquerading as Republic (Blundering)
Technology: Machine Age with earlier American and German castoff technology
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions, 5 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 30
Navy: 1 cruiser, 5 destroyers
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Improving)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 2
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Barely Tolerable
Culture: Latino with Caribbean and Brazilian influence; generally Catholic; culturally unified.
Confidence: Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Cipriano Castro has remained in charge of Venezuela for the past two decades, propped up by German-American support and military force. The country's dissatisfaction with the Caracas government is growing due to Colombian and Spanish threats and ineffectual social programs, and it is likely that upon Castro's death Venezuela would welcome annexation by either the United States, Germany, or even Spain.

Republic of Ecuador
Capital: Quito
Ruler: President Gonzalo Cordova (Radical Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Oligarchic Republic (Improving)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 3 infantry divisions, 2 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 10
Navy: 3 destroyers
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 2
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Barely Tolerable
Culture: Latino with little Quechua influence; Roman Catholic; culturally unified.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Ecuador has stayed in the shadow of larger neighbors Peru and Colombia for a long time. The reigning Radical Liberal party has been in the pocket of the large landowners, or la Argolia, for the past decade, and dissent is beginning to collect in the military and the urban population. Marxists, too, are becoming a problem for the government.

Republic of Peru
Capital: Lima
Ruler: President Augusto Leguia/Supermath (Civilist Party)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic with oligarchic elements (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions, 6 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 25
Navy: 4 cruisers, 15 destroyers
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/0 (Growing)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Improving
Population: 2
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Latino with heavy residual Quechua influence; very Catholic; fairly integrated.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Peru's defeat in the Pacific War of the eighties spurred large-scale industrialization (in the coastal regions) and a revamping of the military. Lima has grown much more powerful, with an American-trained military and heavy investments from Washington, and it is likely that the decision makers in the Peruvian government will soon launch a war of aggressive conquest.

Republic of Bolivia
Capital: La Paz
Ruler: President Hernando Reyes (Republican)
Government (Bureaucracy): Oligarchic Republic (Corrupt)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions, 3 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 20
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Depression)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Latino with many unassimilated Quechua natives; Catholic; culturally split, with extreme antagonism between the “have” Spanish-descent and the “have-not” Quechua.
Confidence: Hateful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Bolivia has been declining ever since its secession from Peru's Confederation in the 1830s. Losses to Brazil and Chile in territory have deprived it of major wealth sources; the economy, which now relies on tin in place of exhausted silver mines, is in the hole and getting worse. The country's Quechua-speaking natives are hostile to the capitalistic oligarchic elites what control the republican government, and strife seems to be just around the corner.

Republic of Chile
Capital: Santiago
Ruler: President Emiliano Figueroa (Liberal Democratic)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Tolerable)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions, 2 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 20
Navy: 3 cruisers, 10 destroyers
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/2 (Improving)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 1
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Barely Tolerable
Culture: Latino with small Quechua influence in the north and minor other native groups in the extreme south; Catholic; culturally unified.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The Chilean government, still preeminent in western South America following the War of the Pacific, has prospered greatly due to American investment and technical support. Emiliano Figueroa has recently assisted in the creation of an American-style democracy and triumphed in the following election; it remains to be seen whether he can live up to his people’s expectations.

Republic of Brazil
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Ruler: President Getulio Vargas/silver2039
Government (Bureaucracy): Military Dictatorship (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 32 infantry divisions, 8 tank brigades, 15 artillery brigades [13 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 75
Navy: 1 aircraft carrier, 4 dreadnoughts, 4 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 10 submarines
Air Force: 10 fighter squadrons, 7 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 4/3 (Bull Market) (4 banked)
Area: 6
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 4
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Normal
Culture: Multicultural mix of primarily Portuguese elements, with heavy Latino, Caribbean, and European influences (especially near the coast) as well as native populations in the interior; mostly Catholic, with a significant Protestant minority; generally unified in a “Brazilian” syncretic mix of the various immigrant populations.
Confidence: Tolerating
Projects: Estado Novo (+2 Infrastructure, +2 Education, +1 Living Standards, +Industrial development) (4/12)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Brazil, the major power in South America, is beginning to flex its considerable muscle. Following Getulio Vargas’ militarist coup d’etat in 1923, the Brazilian armed forces have been generally increased, and the ongoing rivalry with Argentina has induced a new understanding with the Americans and Germans. Vargas’ attempts to end paulista influence have met with some success, although he continues to face some opposition.

Republic of Uruguay
Capital: Montevideo
Ruler: President Baltasar Brum (Colorado Party)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Tolerable)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 8 infantry divisions, 1 artillery brigade
Army Cap: 10
Navy: 3 destroyers
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Improving
Population: 1
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Barely Tolerable
Culture: Latino with heavy Brazilian influence; mostly Catholic; unified.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Formerly the Banda Oriental, pawn in the Hispano-Portuguese struggles, Uruguay has grown into a respectable little country with more than significant ties to the United States and a vested interest in pacifism.

Republic of Paraguay
Capital: Asuncion
Ruler: President Eligio Ayala (Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Tolerable)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 4 infantry divisions, 2 artillery brigades [3 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 15
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Latino with some Brazilian and indigenous influence; overwhelmingly Catholic; culturally unified.
Confidence: Resentful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Paraguay has continued its backslide from Lopez’s disastrous Triple Alliance war in the last century. The backwater of the continent, it remains very economically undeveloped but is fortunately more or less devoid of Marxist influence unlike most other South American states.

Republic of Argentina
Capital: Buenos Aires
Ruler: President Hipolito Yrigoyen/andis-1(Radical Civic Union)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 26 infantry divisions, 4 tank brigades, 10 artillery brigades [4 infantry divisions, 6 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 50
Navy: 3 dreadnoughts, 5 cruisers, 20 destroyers
Air Force: 20 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/4 (Growing)
Area: 4
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 3
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Latino with some Brazilian influence and few extant southern indigenous peoples; overwhelmingly Catholic; culturally unified.
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Industrialización (+3 base eco, +industrialization) (2/6)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Argentina, staunch ally of the United Kingdom (to whom Buenos Aires sells significant amounts of grain and other foodstuffs) has launched another military expansion, growing its navy to the most powerful fleet in South America, and increasing army strength to compete with Brazil and Chile, both American-affiliated. Even so, entrance into any war may seriously damage Argentina’s export-based economy, and some right wing parties have begun favoring Swedish style armed neutrality.

Republic of Haiti
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Ruler: President Louis Borno
Government (Bureaucracy): Quasi-Feudal Oligarchic Republic (Corrupt)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 2 infantry divisions [None]
Army Cap: 5
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Dirt Roads
Population: 1
Education: Dumb
Living Standards: Slums
Culture: African-Caribbean, with some whites and mulattos and Taino influence, and heavy xenophobia; primarily vodou and Catholic, or a syncretic mix thereof; generally culturally unified, but mainly by hatred of outsiders, especially in the highlands.
Confidence: Resentful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: With a few periods of brief imperial rule, Haiti has remained republican throughout most of its history. It has thus far stayed inviolate to foreign intervention, partially through the trade through Port-au-Prince, but of late a large-scale xenophobic movement has been gathering in the highlands, across which American troops frequently pursue fugitives from Santo Domingo. Straddling the xenophobic and cosmopolitan factions has worked for the government thus far, but it is edging very close to open revolt in the hills.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Capital: London
Ruler: King Albert II, Prime Minister Lord Curzon/Flavius Aetius (National Coalition)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Great)
Technology: Machine Age with highly advanced naval and aviation technology, mainly in the area of speed in both ships and planes; slightly faster-than-average tanks
Army [Mobilizable]: 44 infantry divisions, 2 marine divisions, 17 tank brigades, 27 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 135
Navy: 1 aircraft carrier, 26 dreadnoughts, 26 cruisers, 69 destroyers, 14 submarines
Air Force: 13 fighter squadrons, 8 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 9
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 5/5/8 (Growing)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Population: 4
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: English-dominant, mostly in England, southern Wales, eastern Ireland, and southern Scotland, with limited Celtic influence in the Highlands, northern Wales, and much of Ireland; Protestant in Great Britain and northeastern Ireland, with a strong Catholic majority in the remainder of Ireland; Great Britain is culturally unified, with strong separatist movements in Ireland save for the Belfast-Londonderry region.
Confidence: Tolerating
Projects: Great Colony Reform (+1 Confidence to all colonies, +1 EC in Nigeria, +1 EC in Guyana, +1 EC in New Zealand) (4/15)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nigeria (Colony and Protectorate/1/3 infantry divisions/Tolerating)
Egypt and Rhodesia (Sultanate and Protectorate/3/5 infantry divisions/Respecting)
British Raj (Crown Colony/3/15 infantry divisions/Hateful)
Australian Federation (Dominion/1/3 infantry divisions/Respecting)
Nation Background: Britain, formerly world hegemon and still master of a quarter of the globe, mistress of an empire over which the sun will never set, is beginning to feel strained. After winning predominance in the Napoleonic Wars and confirming it in the Great European War, Britain has been increasingly overtaken by new colossi Germany and America, and the Empire has consequently been gaining somewhat more autonomy. It remains to be seen whether Britain will weather this upcoming new global war behind her steel wall of ships and planes, or if twilight has finally arrived for the greatest empire in world history.

Kingdom of the Netherlands
Capital: Amsterdam
Ruler: Queen Wilhelmina, Prime Minister Charles Ruijs de Beerenbrouck/Shadowbound (RKSP)
Government (Bureaucracy): Constitutional Monarchy (Great)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 20 infantry divisions, 11 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 40
Navy: 3 dreadnoughts, 14 cruisers, 35 destroyers, 15 submarines
Air Force: 10 fighter squadrons, 5 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/3/4 (Growing) (3 banked)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Excellent
Population: 2
Education: Singularity
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Dutch offshoot of Germanic with Frisians in the northern islands and extreme northeast, with heavy German influence overall; split between Calvinists and Catholics with a significant Jewish minority; generally culturally unified.
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: New Economic Policy (Economy to Growing, +1 Education) (Done!), Imperial Economic Reform (+Paramaribo EC, +Batavia EC) (4/6)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Netherlands East Indies (Crown Colony/4/5 infantry divisions/Respecting)
Nation Background: The Dutch, having escaped unscathed from the Great European War, have turned towards industrialization and colonial consolidation. The Netherlands East Indies has finally been completely pacified, with the attendant increase in trade. Amsterdam must be wary of the dual threat of Marxism and foreign invasion, as both Entente and Allied powers are eyeing the East Indies hungrily and the Kingdom itself occupies a critical spot on the North Sea coast…

Kingdom of Belgium
Capital: Brussels
Ruler: King Albert I, Prime Minister Henri Jaspar/Luckymoose (RMR)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Great)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 13 infantry divisions, 13 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 50
Navy: None
Air Force: 3 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/2 (Growing)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Excellent
Population: 2
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Dutch influence, in the form of Flemings, dominates the northern half, while Walloons abound in the south and a few Germans live in the east; predominantly Roman Catholic, although in the north there is some Protestantism; generally cosmopolitan and culturally unified, with much mixing between Flemings and Walloons making some differences pointless between the two.
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Sprouts (SECRET) (Done!)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Belgium, after gaining independence from the Netherlands in 1830, has played the part of a neutral nation to the hilt. The Great European War wiped out the possibility of Belgian participation in the Scramble for Africa, and instead forced the Belgians inward to reconstruction; the nation has consequently grown into one of the most industrialized in Europe. Belgian neutrality, critical to the British, has been guaranteed by both Britain and Germany (originally against France following the Great European War), but it is entirely possible that either could violate it in the upcoming global war.

Second French Empire
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Napoleon V/~Darkening~
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy with Minor Parliamentary Elements (Competent)
Technology: Machine Age with more advanced armored units (in speed, armor, and gun caliber) and infantry weapons; lower quality aircraft, primarily slower planes
Army [Mobilizable]: 66 infantry divisions, 16 conscript infantry divisions, 9 tank brigades, 21 artillery brigades [5 tank brigades, 15 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 200
Navy: 1 aircraft carrier, 12 dreadnoughts, 25 cruisers, 45 destroyers, 30 submarines
Air Force: 3 fighter squadrons, 1 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 5
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 5/4/5 (Bull Market) (2 banked)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Population: 5
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Almost completely French, with small remaining German Alsatian populations in the east and a few Italians in Savoy and Nice in the southeast; predominantly Catholic, which enjoys state sponsorship; tremendously culturally unified, with little regional identity compared to most other European states.
Confidence: Loving
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Algeria (Imperial Department/2/10 infantry divisions/Respecting)
French Africa (Imperial Colony/1/2 infantry divisions/Tolerating)
French Indochina (Imperial Federative Colony/1/10 infantry divisions/Barely Tolerating)
Nation Background: The French Empire, reestablished by Napoleon III and readily absorbing the body blow of the Great European War, has had its ups and downs over the years. France’s massive colonial growth over the past fifty years and its brief victory over the Americans in Mexico lent power to the monarchy, as did the general military modernization and expansion in the wake of the Great European defeat. An alliance with the Habsburg Spanish Empire also helped French aims during this period. France now faces her greatest test yet: that of the imminent war with Germany and her Russian and American allies, which the Empire must conquer or be sucked under by defeat and Marxist revolution.

Spanish Empire
Capital: Madrid
Ruler: Emperor Carlos V/Wubba360
Government (Bureaucracy): Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy (Blundering)
Technology: Machine Age with advanced naval technology, particularly in the sphere of submarines and dreadnoughts; about average air force, mediocre tanks
Army [Mobilizable]: 38 infantry divisions, 3 marine divisions, 3 tank brigades, 18 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 125
Navy: 1 aircraft carrier, 10 dreadnoughts, 11 cruisers, 18 destroyers, 16 submarines
Air Force: 10 fighter squadrons, 7 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 4
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 4/2/6 (Stagnant)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 4
Education: Educated
Living Standards: Normal
Culture: Mostly Castilian but with high amounts of separate separatist groups, especially amongst the Basques, Catalans, Galicians, and the Portuguese on the western border; almost completely Roman Catholic; fairly disunited, with the aforementioned separatists as well as high amounts of regionalism in the south and east.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Morocco (Imperial Colony/2/5 infantry divisions/Tolerating)
Spanish Angola (Imperial Colony/2/2 infantry divisions/Respecting)
Spanish Philippines (Imperial Colony/2/5 infantry divisions/Barely Tolerating)
Nation Background: Spain’s quasi-resurgence under the Habsburg Restoration, begun by Maximilian I, has somewhat petered out by now, and it is on the verge of losing Great Power status once more. The colonies are generally beginning to seethe with discontent, and at home a growing Marxist political group is causing trouble and demanding for a proletarian revolution, which seems remarkably likely in the wake of the hurried industrialization of the late nineteenth century. Spain is in a crisis, and perhaps not even victory in the upcoming global war can change that.

German Empire
Capital: Berlin
Ruler: Emperor Wilhelm II, Chancellor Gustav Stresemann/Kal'thzar (National Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Great)
Technology: Machine Age with major advances in air technology (speed and armament), naval (heavily armored and upgunned ships, diesel-electric submarines beyond all but perhaps Spanish technology), and armor (much faster and better armored vehicles), artillery, and earthmoving; falling behind in the spheres of hydropower technology and synthetic fuels
Army [Mobilizable]: 113 infantry divisions, 30 tank brigades, 42 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 300
Navy: 3 aircraft carriers, 29 dreadnoughts, 38 cruisers, 72 destroyers, 38 submarines
Air Force: 40 fighter squadrons, 11 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 7
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 14/6/5 (Boom)
Area: 4
Infrastructure: Great
Population: 6
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Germanic, with minor differences between High, Middle, and Low German communities, as well as the Austrian “Low” variant, along with some remaining un-Germanized Czechs and Slovaks in Bohemia-Moravia, a small number of Danes in northern Schleswig, small numbers of Italians and Croats in southern Austria, and a very few Poles in southern East Prussia; about evenly split between Catholic and Protestant, with the line running roughly straight from west to east; generally culturally unified, with minor differences between Catholic Low Germans and the rest, and small separatist tendencies in Bohemia and southern Austria.
Confidence: Loving
Projects: Maschine (+1 base eco, +improvement in manufactured goods) (2/4)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Sudafrika (Imperial Colony/3/12 infantry divisions/Respecting)
Vietnam (Imperial Colony/1/5 infantry divisions/Barely Tolerating)
Neuguinea (Imperial Colony/1/5 infantry divisions/Tolerating)
Nation Background: The German Empire, formed through fifteen years of war by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck of Prussia, is the most powerful state in Europe. With a navy that rivals those of Britain and America and an army second to none, all backed by an economy that keeps skyrocketing every year, Berlin exerts incredible muscle on the Continent. This is added to an impressive colonial empire that covers most of southern Africa and extends a chain of naval bases across East Asia and Polynesia. The democratic reforms initiated by Friedrich III have altered Germany from the autocracy it was under Wilhelm I to a more British-style parliamentary democracy, with the attendant trouble involving policy decisions and the further checking of Marxism that democracy seems to bring. It remains to be seen if von Bismarck’s successors can successfully defend and even expand his Empire, but the prospects seem good.

Swiss Confederacy
Capital: Bern
Ruler: Federal Council
Government (Bureaucracy): Decentralized Federal Democracy (Efficient)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions, 10 artillery brigades [15 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 45
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 4/0 (Growing)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Efficient
Population: 2
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: A multicultural mix of German, French, and Italian elements (in order of size) with Romansh as a relatively minor group; about evenly split between Swiss Reformed and Catholic Churches; generally culturally unified with a unique “Swiss” melding of the four major nationalities what comprise the Confederation.
Confidence: Admiring
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Switzerland has stayed pretty much as Switzerland over the past hundred years, with the uniquely Swiss elements of a massively huge (in comparison with the population) army, political decentralization, and unwillingness to commit to outside affairs remaining constants in the changing world of European politics. Switzerland may not stay inviolate for long with the Global War looming on the horizon, but its army is well prepared to defend against incursions and its populace will naturally refuse to surrender.

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Capital: Naples
Ruler: King Francesco III/Daniel Khan
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Blundering)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 14 infantry divisions, 1 tank brigades, 5 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 30
Navy: 3 cruisers, 7 destroyers
Air Force: 10 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/2 (Depression) (3 banked)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Improving
Population: 3
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Barely Tolerable
Culture: Variants of Italian, with vaguely nationalist Italians in the south and a Mediterranean blend of Spanish and Italian in the south, with Italian obviously predominant; overwhelmingly Catholic; culturally disunited between north and south.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The Two Sicilies, unhappily reestablished after the Great European War, has been until recently a British puppet, and is now in a relatively independent stage while Spanish influence begins to infiltrate the court. The old, childless King presides over a disintegrating state of constant Sicilian peasant uprisings and extremely limited central authority. It is currently the most popular course at court to have Carlos V, another Habsburg, succeed to the throne, but other options exist, including a republic or even attempted unity with Italy. The only course that seems to completely lack support is that of fasci Siciliani’s Marxist variant, but perhaps the silly agricultural south will turn around…

Kingdom of Sweden-Norway
Capital: Stockholm
Ruler: King Oskar III, Speaker of the Riksdag Hugo Hamilton/Jason_the_King
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 15 infantry divisions, 5 tank brigades, 10 artillery brigades [10 infantry brigades, 5 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 60
Navy: 2 dreadnoughts, 6 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 10 submarines
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/3 (Growing)
Area: 4
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 3
Education: Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Separate Swedish and Norwegian elements, generally confined to their respective territories; minor Danish influence in Skane and small Sami and Kven populations in the extreme north; almost wholly Protestant, and of that Lutherans predominate; Sweden and Norway are respectively culturally unified with fairly marginal Norwegian separatism due to Swedish government policy.
Confidence: Admiring
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The Kingdom of Sweden-Norway, the personal union what dominates Scandinavia, has remained together despite increasing Norwegian separatism in the latter half of the 19th century. With the policy changes of Oskar III, the two countries remained united and the nation switched to a somewhat greater interest in foreign affairs and trade. Limited understandings exist with the Reich and with Russia but Norway also has its eye on keeping Britain happy due to overwhelming British naval power. For now Sweden-Norway will likely stay neutral, but it remains to be seen if a global war and the course thereof will change Stockholm’s mind.

Kingdom of Denmark and Iceland
Capital: Copenhagen
Ruler: King Christian X, Prime Minister Niels Neergaard (Venstre)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions, 3 artillery brigades [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 20
Navy: 7 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 5 submarines
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 1
Education: Educated
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Almost uniformly Danish with extremely minor other Scandinavian and German influences; primarily Lutheran; culturally unified.
Confidence: Admiring
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Denmark’s importance has rapidly declined since its loss of the personal union with Norway after the Napoleonic Wars. It entered into two wars with Prussia, after the second of which Denmark was forced to give up Schleswig and Holstein; in 1920 Denmark reluctantly granted Iceland a measure of autonomy as a kingdom united in personal union with the mainland in order to prevent a minor revolt. Danish influence has declined and thus far Denmark’s main desire seems to be staying alive in the age of conflict that is due.
Blue Russians
Capital: Moscow
Ruler: Mikhail Kolmogorov/Disenfrancised
Government (Bureaucracy): Revolutionary Quasi Republican Council (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age with improved infantry weapons and naval technology; much less advanced air and armored technology, mainly in the field of speed
Army [Mobilizable]: 41 infantry divisions, 7 tank brigades, 22 artillery brigades [30 infantry divisions, 10 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 200
Navy: 2 aircraft carriers, 15 dreadnoughts, 18 cruisers, 25 destroyers, 20 submarines
Air Force: 12 fighter squadrons, 2 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 4
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 7/5 (Growing)
Area: 6
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 6
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Majority Great Russian, especially in European Russia/Muscovy and along the Trans-Siberian Railroad, large populations of Finns, White Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, and Armenians, and relatively small numbers of Turkmens, Tadzhiks, Kirghizs, Chinese, Azeris, Georgians, Kalmyks, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Swedes, all of whom are being Russified; mostly Eastern Orthodox, with significant Catholic and Muslim populations; culturally disunited, with many ethnicities despising the Russians
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Created out of the disintegrated shreds of the former Russian Empire, the Blues secured victory in a national election and then have had to turn around and immediately fight a war with a monarchist faction. Despite early successes, the Blue control is still quite shaky and dangers of a monarchist resurgence are still extant, while the national problem is not getting any less intractable. Kolmogorov must weld together the various nationalities that have voted for his anti-Tsarist platform and somehow hold Russia together during the new time of troubles that may be approaching.

Monarchist Russians
Capital: St. Petersburg
Ruler: Tsar Mikhail II/flyingchicken (?)
Government (Bureaucracy): Emergency Military Dictatorship (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age with improved infantry weapons and naval technology; much less advanced air and armored technology, mainly in the field of speed
Army [Mobilizable]: 18 infantry divisions, 7 tank brigades, 11 artillery brigades [20 infantry divisions, 10 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 150
Navy: 1 dreadnought, 18 cruisers, 25 destroyers, 20 submarines
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/2 (Growing)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 2
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Majority Great Russian, especially in European Russia/Muscovy and along the Trans-Siberian Railroad, large populations of Finns, White Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, and Armenians, and relatively small numbers of Turkmens, Tadzhiks, Kirghizs, Chinese, Azeris, Georgians, Kalmyks, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Swedes, all of whom are being Russified; mostly Eastern Orthodox, with significant Catholic and Muslim populations; culturally disunited, with many ethnicities despising the Russians
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Mikhail II's monarchist faction, rebelling against the theoretically legal Blue government, has rallied much support from the hidebound Army but its attempted first strike has failed to destroy the Blues' stronghold of Moscow, while large parts of regions that supported the monarchists have been overrun by the Blues. The monarchists have been backed into a corner, but still have a chance to prevail if they are led by an inspired warlord.

Republic of Hungary
Capital: Budapest
Ruler: President Istvan Bethlen de Bethlen (Unity)
Government (Bureaucracy): Oligarchic Republic (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age with advanced infantry weapons and artillery
Army [Mobilizable]: 24 infantry divisions, 3 tank brigades, 11 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 75
Navy: 4 dreadnoughts, 13 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 9 submarines
Air Force: 16 fighter squadrons, 4 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 5/2 (Bull Market)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 3
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Primarily Magyar, with minor German influence in the west and Slovak in the north, major Rumanian populations in Transylvania, significant Bosnian populations in the south, along with Croats, Slovenes, and Serbs; mostly Catholic, but with significant Muslim and Orthodox minorities; culturally disunited, mostly along nationalist lines but also with religious influence.
Confidence: Tolerating
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Hungary, formed out of the wreck of the Habsburg Empire after the Great European War, is the hegemon power of the Balkans. Budapest’s magnates exert immense influence in the place of Berlin and St. Petersburg, both of whom have a few better things to do. However, the South Slav and Bosnian problems are beginning to become intractable, and Marxism is growing in the recently industrialized Alföld. Proletarian revolution may come at the worst of all possible moments for the Magyar magnates…for instance, during or after a global war…

Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro
Capital: Belgrade
Ruler: King Alexander I, Prime Minister Velimer Vukicevic/Toltec (Radical Party)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 11 infantry divisions, 2 tank brigades, 8 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 60
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 2
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Mostly Serbian in the northern half of the country, with major Macedonian, Bulgarian, Albanian, and Greek elements in the south around Skopje and an autonomous Montenegrin province; almost wholly Orthodox with some Islamic areas; culturally disunited, but not militantly or even separatist.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Serbia, born out of the crucible of the Great European War, has managed to survive and even grow in the last few years with the victory against the Turks in the Macedonian War and the recent union with Montenegro. Bulgaria is the greatest growing threat to Serbian hegemony, and Sofia may be behind several Bulgar/Macedonian revolts in the past few years. Serbia has the potential for greatness, but that requires survival, and in the coming global war that may be very suspect indeed.

Kingdom of Bulgaria
Capital: Sofia
Ruler: King Boris III, Prime Minister Alexander Malinov/Cleric (Democratic)
Government (Bureaucracy): Constitutional Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 16 infantry divisions, 8 tank brigades, 18 artillery brigades
Army Cap: 80
Navy: None
Air Force: 2 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 4/0 (Growing)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Population: 2
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Normal
Culture: Primarily Bulgarian with significant Turkish, Greek, Serb, and Russian influences; almost wholly Orthodox; culturally more-or-less unified with some separatist Macedonians in the south.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The land colossus of the Balkans, Bulgaria's vast army is a true terror. What had once been turned against the Turks is now strongly allied with them and forms a solid bloc in the Balkans against the Allies. Bulgaria strikes fear in the hearts of the rest of the Balkan powers and is at present an excellent candidate for Balkan hegemony.

Aegean Empire
Capital: Constantinople
Ruler: Emperor Constantine I, Prime Minister Eleutherios Venizelos/LittleBoots (Liberal)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Machine Age with slightly more advanced naval technology
Army [Mobilizable]: 11 infantry divisions, 3 tank brigades, 9 artillery brigades [10 infantry divisions, 5 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 60
Navy: 5 dreadnoughts, 16 cruisers, 28 destroyers, 5 submarines
Air Force: 2 fighter squadrons, 2 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/2 (Bull Market)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Efficient
Population: 3
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Almost wholly Greek with some Turkish populations and influence, minor Macedonian and Albanian populations as well; Orthodox; culturally unified, mainly around the Megali Idea.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The new Aegean Empire, born out of the fires of the Graeco-Turkish War of 1926, has so far made an admirable attempt at uniting the two peoples peacefully and attempting to forge a viable state from the two ancient enemies of the Turk and the Greek. There is a long and hard road ahead, though, as there remain nationalistic extremists on both sides and Anatolia is still a crucible of ethnic violence. The coming Global War with the Entente will be the deciding factor in the survival of the Empire beyond its childhood.

Kurdish Republic
Capital: Gaziantep (provisional)
Ruler: Prime Minister Said Piran
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Incompetent)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions
Army Cap: 20
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Recession)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Low
Culture: Kurdish, surprisingly enough, with some minor populations of Turks; predominantly Sunni, with large numbers of Yazdanists (syncretic mix of several different monotheistic religions of Kurdish origin); ethnically coherent.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Created as a client state of the Aegean Empire in the wake of the Graeco-Turkish War of 1926, the young Kurdish Republic has many serious tests ahead of it, including the steep task of creating a viable state out of the disparate Kurdish tribesmen and stabilizing the collapsing economy. Revanchism is high, and national feeling supports the reunification of all Kurds under the same banner by any means necessary.

Republic of Liberia
Capital: Monrovia
Ruler: President Charles King (True Whig)
Government (Bureaucracy): Democratic Republic (Competent)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions
Army Cap: 5
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Dirt Paths
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Low
Culture: Primarily indigenous African with a small population of American emigres; generally fairly Protestant with major influences from native religions; ethnically coherent.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Liberia, founded by slaves what fled or were freed from America in the 19th century, has grown into a not inconsequential nation, overcoming major problems in the struggle for prosperity. It has thus far only stayed independent through American support, but this may change in the confusion of a global war.

Ethiopian Empire
Capital: Addis Ababa
Ruler: negesta negast Zauditu
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Tolerable)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions [20 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 40
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/0 (Growing)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Population: 2
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Mainly native Abyssinian; split between the predominant Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Muslims, and Jews; more or less culturally unified with constant non-ethnic strife.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Still independent after all these centuries, Ethiopia/Abyssinia has even expanded unlike every other African state, grabbing land in Ogaden and on the Somali coast during the Berlin conference. Empress Zauditu's brief civil war earlier in the century has engendered some civil strife, but so far Ethiopia is plodding along much as it always has been.

Islamic Republic of Arabia
Capital: Riyadh
Ruler: Amir al'Muminin Ibn Saud, President Muhammad Hanbal/#1 Person
Government (Bureaucracy): Theocratic Republic with significant tribal elements (Corrupt)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 4 infantry divisions, 9 "divisions"
Army Cap: ?
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 0
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/1 (Depression)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Arabic with significant degrees of tribal warfare; generally Wahhabi with significant amounts of Shiites around al-Hasa; culturally disunited and constant infighting abounds.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Projects: E. Barakah (+Riyadh EC, +Damman EC, +1 base EP, +1 infrastructure) (Done!)
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: With the destruction of the former Emirate complete, Muhammad Hanbal can sit down to the proper construction of a government; still, Arabia is an impoverished country, with almost no access to the sea, and there remain many anti-republican holdouts across the peninsula.

Constitutionalist Persian Republic
Capital: Tehran
Ruler: Revolutionary Council/Abaddon
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Corrupt) (1/4)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 13 infantry divisions, 5 artillery brigades [10 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 40
Navy: 5 destroyers
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 3/1 (Stagnant) (3 banked)
Area: 4
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 2
Education: Tolerable (1/2)
Living Standards: Very Low (1/2)
Culture: Mostly Iranian/Persian with some Arab, Kurd, Azeri, and Turkmen populations; mostly Shiite Muslim with some Sunni along various frontiers; almost completely culturally unified.
Confidence: Hateful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The Qajars have limped on into the twentieth century on Russian life support and keep staying alive despite several attempts to put them away. Recent oil discoveries in Azerbaijan and near Ahvaz have added monies to the Qajar coffers, but it has also drawn several hungry wolves towards Persian borders. Britain especially seems to be casting eyes towards the thus-far inaccessible oilfields, and Constitutionalist rebels are beginning to grow in strength again. Another revolt could occur at the worst possible time – the impending global war, perhaps…

Emirate of Afghanistan
Capital: Kabul
Ruler: Habibullah Khan
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Corrupt)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions [10 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 25
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Dirt Paths
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Primarily Pashtun with major groups of Tadzhiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Turkmen, Baluchis, and Nuristani; mostly Sunni with a sizable Shiite minority; somewhat culturally united, although with not a little religious conflict.
Confidence: Resentful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Afghanistan, in direct contrast to its Persian neighbors, has fallen under the British sway, providing a handy buffer zone for British India. While the current leadership has done its best to try to improve the lot of the average people, such efforts have largely failed due to great amounts of ethnic and religious strife what has only lessened slightly with the end of the attempted social and Westernizing reforms. Like many other smaller nations across the globe, Afghanistan looks to be caught in the crossfire when war comes to the world.

Qing Chinese Empire
Capital: Beijing
Ruler: Tongzhi Emperor, Prime Minister Yuan Shikai/das
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Improving)
Technology: Machine Age
Army [Mobilizable]: 64 infantry divisions, 5 tank brigades, 15 artillery brigades [40 infantry divisions, 5 tank brigades, 10 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 125
Navy: 5 dreadnoughts, 5 cruisers, 15 destroyers, 5 submarines
Air Force: 5 fighter squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 7/3 (Growing)
Area: 6
Infrastructure: Tolerable
Population: 8
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Mostly Han Chinese with a relatively marginal Manchu ruling class, populations of Uighurs and Tibetans in the far west and subset populations in Guangdong and the south, and some indigenous peoples in Taiwan; generally subscribing to the “Heaven worship” practiced by most emperors with massive doses of Confucianist, Taoist, and Buddhist influences, along with relatively marginal Christian and Muslim converted populations; generally culturally unified, though more often than not it is against the Manchu than anyone else.
Confidence: Hateful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: The Qing Chinese dynasty, much as the Qajars, has limped into the twentieth century on life support provided by the Europeans, in this case Great Britain; not all is well, though, as the forced half-industrialization has created even more working class dissent than what had existed before. Dr. Sun Yat-sen calls for a Revolution from America and clandestinely aids the secret societies to form a Republic; Marxists infest the major cities and foment even more dissent. Dissatisfaction with the ramshackle Qing regime is growing, and the only things holding the putative Great Power together thus far are currently the British and "Prime Minister" Yuan Shikai, whose diktats mean more than those of the dying Emperor and who too is nearly on his deathbed. Qing China must discover a new strong leader to get them through this new time of troubles or perish as a world power.

Kingdom of Nepal
Capital: Kathmandu
Ruler: Maharaja Chandra Rana
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Quasi-Theocratic Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 5 infantry divisions [5 infantry divisions]
Army Cap: 20
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Growing) (2 banked)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Mishmash of ethnicities further complicated by caste divisions, with the largest group the kshatriya-descended Hindus but significant other groups such as Gurkhas, Sherpas, and the like; almost wholly Hindu with Buddhist elements; fairly culturally unified but with strong regional identities and much of the unity resulting from the common religion.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Nepal, stuck between the British Raj and a somewhat reinvigorated China, has turned back in on itself, unable to meddle in outside affairs as it once did and also extraordinarily resistive to outside conquest. The Ranas have worked together successfully with the British, doing their utmost to improve the country's conditions for most people, and thus far it has borne fruit.

Kingdom of Bhutan
Capital: Thimphu
Ruler: Shabdrung Jigme Dorji
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Competent)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army [Mobilizable]: 3 infantry divisions
Army Cap: 5
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Recession)
Area: 1
Infrastructure: Dirt Paths
Population: 1
Education: Illiterate
Living Standards: Low
Culture: Mostly native Bhutanese with minor numbers of Nepalese and Tibetans; overwhelmingly Lamaist Buddhist; culturally unified.
Confidence: Respecting
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Bhutan, a British protectorate (not that they could really avoid that), has been established as a stable state and is currently contemplating absorption into the British Empire upon the current Shabdrung's death. It's also not outside the realm of possibility for Bhutan to maintain its independence either, what with the imminent conflict what Britain will be involved in and all.

Empire of Japan
Capital: Tokyo
Ruler: Taisho Emperor, Prime Minister Kato Takaaki (Constitutional)
Government (Bureaucracy): Parliamentary Monarchy with Significant Autocratic Elements (Efficient)
Technology: Machine Age with slightly more advanced naval technology, especially capital ships
Army [Mobilizable]: 30 infantry divisions, 5 tank brigades, 10 artillery brigades [10 infantry divisions, 5 tank brigades, 10 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 90
Navy: 3 aircraft carriers, 20 dreadnoughts, 35 cruisers, 60 destroyers, 10 submarines
Air Force: 15 fighter squadrons, 10 zeppelin squadrons
Military Upkeep: 4
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 5/3 (Boom)
Area: 3
Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Population: 4
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Home Islands dominated by Japanese with very minor Ainu presence on Hokkaido mostly assimilated, and Korea overwhelmingly Korean with minor Japanese presences in major cities and on the southern coast; dominated by Shinto Buddhism and other variants thereof, significant hidden Christian populations, plus minor adherence to Confucianism and Taoism; pretty much culturally unified on the Home Islands with major separatist groups on the Korean peninsula.
Confidence: Admiring
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Japan's forced industrialization and transformation from a backwards feudal state to a Great Power is the marvel of the world; a glittering navy and impressive army dominate East Asian politics more and more. While Japan retains several absolutist elements in government, its internal affairs have been likened to Great Britain's, and indeed it seems to be following Britain's path towards world domination. This naturally has raised some concerns in the United States and Britain as well as perpetually weak China; Japan will have to come to a major reckoning if it is to continue its march towards superpower status.

Kingdom of Siam
Capital: Rattanakosin (Bangkok)
Ruler: Rama VI
Government (Bureaucracy): Absolute Monarchy (Blundering)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution with highly advanced infantry weapons acquired from German sources
Army [Mobilizable]: 10 infantry divisions, 5 artillery brigades [15 infantry divisions, 10 artillery brigades]
Army Cap: 50
Navy: None
Air Force: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Economy (Base/Eco Centers/Colonies): 2/0 (Stagnant)
Area: 2
Infrastructure: Pathetic
Population: 2
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Very Low
Culture: Mostly Thai with significant small Laotian and Chinese populations; almost completely Buddhist; more or less culturally unified.
Confidence: Resentful
Colonies (Government/Income/Militia/Confidence):
Nation Background: Siam's monarchy has been propped up against several military coups by foreign forces, most recently the Germans; Rama VI is the most unpopular of the lot, but he still retains significant support in some circles. Under his dynasty's reign, arts have been patronized at the expense of the People, and those People are getting fairly riled, as are members of the military. Siam has yet to formally choose a side in the global struggle; but perhaps it will sit on the sidelines and disintegrate quietly.
World Map 1925:


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Diplomatic Agreements:

Entente Powers: United Kingdom, France, Spain, Bulgaria
Global Alliance: United States, Germany, Monarchist Russia (?), Hungary, Aegean Empire, Brazil, Belgium
Scandinavian Union: Sweden-Norway, Denmark
Liberian-American Defensive Agreement
Treaty of Asuncion (trade and defense agreements): Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia
Chilean-Peruvian Trade Agreement
Chilean-Brazilian Trade Agreement
Chilean-Argentinian Non-Aggression Pact
Argentine-Uruguayan Defense Alliance

Wars, etc.:

Global War: United States, Republic of Brazil, Kingdom of Belgium, German Empire, Republic of Hungary, Monarchist Russians, Aegean Empire, Kurdish Republic vs. Dominion of Canada, Republic of Argentina, Spanish Empire, United Kingdom, French Empire, Kingdom of Serbia, Kingdom of Bulgaria
Russian Civil War: Blue Russians vs. Monarchist Russians
Hong Kong Crisis: Japan vs. United Kingdom


Update 1 - 1926
Update 2 - 1927
Update 3 - 1928

Scapegoat for the turn: The mod. Also, Disenfrancised and flyingchicken, for their hilariously meshed orders.
You may now post.

The deadline for Update 1 is 1200 hours GMT on Friday September 28, 2007.
The deadline for Update 2 is 1200 hours GMT on Tuesday October 9, 2007.
The deadline for Update 3 is 1200 hours GMT on Tuesday October 24, 2007.
The deadline for Update 4 is 1200 hours GMT on Thursday November 8, 2007.
A New China is arguably one of the most influential books produced by Chinese Marxists. Written by Chen Duxiu in 1925, the same year he founded the National Alliance Party, A New China expresses Duxiu’s vision for a stronger, nationalistic China.

A New China

Red blood flows from the gaping wound like a crimson waterfall. Around the dying patient, friends and family gather, breathlessly waiting for the doctor to give his pronouncement.

Eventually, one of the sons musters enough courage to ask, “Doctor, can you fix him?”

The doctor leans back, rubbing his tired eyes. “I’m afraid…I’m afraid…the patient is going to need glasses.”

Today, China is that patient, bleeding from the wounds of the Treaty of Amoy, bleeding from the wounds of corruption, bleeding from the wounds of foreign dependence. And for this patient the Emperor plays the doctor, pretending to examine his patient with all due care. And as those who love China wait with bated breath to hear whether she can be saved, the doctor loudly proclaims that all China needs is glasses.

China does not need glasses! Instead, what China needs most desperately not glasses, but a new doctor! A doctor who is unafraid to confront a dying patient, a doctor who is unafraid to make the bold pronouncement, “This patient will die without surgery.” The old doctor, the Emperor, Britain, France, Japan, and all those doctors like him, will recoil at the pronouncement. After all, they will snivel, surgery is dangerous, surgery, if done improperly could lead to death. The safer option, they will proclaim, is to give the patient glasses. Giving the patient glasses is safe, giving the patient glasses will not endanger the patient’s life.

Tell me then, when a patient will die unless treatment is given, is withholding treatment the safest option? Not at all! For if a patient will surely die, then embarking upon any treatment, no matter how thin the hope for success, is better than letting the patient die without trying to safe him. “That may be the case,” our old doctors will respond, “but the patient is almost in the prime of his life! All he needs is glasses and he will be perfect!”

To that I can only respond, “Away with them! Away with charlatans and false doctors.” For these old doctors who you listen to with great reverence have no love for the patient. Instead, they wish to see the patient remain sick, so that they may profit from his sickness by selling him all manner of useless services that will not ultimately cure him. For who is foolish enough to believe Dr. Japan, he who looks with ravenous eyes Patient China’s wealth, or Dr. Britain, who has prospered so much from keeping the patient sick, not to mention Dr. Russia or Dr. Germany, who don’t even attempt to proscribe a remedy, but walk through the patient’s house, taking whatever suits their fancy. And if we cannot trust them, how can we trust Dr. Shikai or Dr. Emperor, who merely parrot what their distinguished colleagues say?

I say again, “Away with them!” If the old doctors will not, or cannot help the patient, then there must be new doctors if the patient is to be saved! And now, because of the negligence of the patient’s former doctors, there is but one sure remedy, surgery at once! Yes, it is dangerous, but it is more dangerous to do nothing. Yes, it will change the patient, so that some might not even recognize him, but such surgery is essential to save his life. Yes, the old doctors will rant and rave, trying to keep the new doctors from operating, but they must be stopped! The old doctors had their chance at saving the patient and have failed! Now is the time that new remedies must be tried, now the time for surgery is at hand. The festering wound of poverty must be treated with the surgery of economic equality. The festering wound of feudalism must be treated with the surgery of redistribution of land. The festering wound of poor labor conditions must be treated with the surgery of control of factories be given to the workers. The festering wound of foreign dependence must be treated with the surgery of nationalism.

Therefore all who love China and do not want to see it die, unite! All those who seek to perform surgery so that the patient might be saved, unite! Factory workers and field-hands, men and women, educated and uneducated, if you wish to see China recover from her ailments and be strong and healthy once again, unite! China unite, for you have nothing to lose but your weakness!
China's not in the entente? and on the map i have 5 eco centers, but in the stats i only have 3, which should i follow?
No, it's not, as one may have seen from a close reading of the TL. :p It's "expected to join any year now" though.
And if we cannot trust them, how can we trust Dr. Shikai or Dr. Emperor, who merely parrot what their distinguished colleagues say?

I'd trust a man named "Dr. Emperor" any day. :p

Anyway, confirming "an old China". ;)
I want in!

Give me some options.. any nations you want/need taking?
Chile is a good smallish country that isn't a puppet and is close to a few PCs.
Confirming Belgium. Glad to see the industrial density was now shown truthfully. Thanks Dachs.

Edit: I need a talking with my nearest neighbors. Germany and France.
Choices choices i said! :p giime like 3 or 4 to consider please
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