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Dark Ages


Live 4ever! Or die trying
Oct 24, 2005
an Aussie in Boston
This mod is all about war. Plain, straight up war, death, destruction and killing. The mod locks you in the dark ages. You can build medival units (knights, mace, crossbow, longbow, cats, trebs, etc). Tech is disabled, UUs and UBs are disabled, wonders are gone, great people are gone (GGs are still available). This mod is for the person that wants to break stuff and break lots of stuff.

Mod description:
  • Must start game in Renaissance era for mod to function correctly
  • All leaders have no traits
  • No UUs or UBs
  • All techs in paper column and to right have been disabled
  • workers cannot create cottages
  • All wonders removed
  • Library removed
  • No specialists available
  • Civic Changes
    • All Civics have low upkeep
    • Gov: Despotism, Hereditary Rule
    • Legal: Barbarism, Vassalage
    • Labor: Tribalism, Slavery, Serfdom
    • Economy: Decentralization
    • Religion: Paganism, Organized Religion, Theocracy
    • Vassalage unit limit increased to 25 units
    • Can rush with gold if in Hereditary Rule

There might be some small differences between the Vanilla and BtS version (ie unit limit for Vassalage).

Links for download ...

Reserved for future use
Further reserved for future use
I'll be nice if you actually add in some more content into the game, since this is the medieval era, you should add in a lot of events such as for example, priests blaming the causes of the plague from other religious societies as "they" made the black plague, and the black plague events that causes reduce healing and -2 or -3 population in that city to be lost. I also recommand that you also have some historical events into the game from the time setting you have added to the end of which you wanted.
Are you going to add lots of unit graphics ? This era has some good stuff
Are you going to add lots of unit graphics ? This era has some good stuff
No. This mod is really just about killing things. No tech, a good balance of units and WAR ... war all the way.
Kinda simplistic, don't ya think? Takes away from some of the complication, in a bad way. If there are no traits, that means that the only difference for the leaders are the music.
Kinda simplistic, don't ya think? Takes away from some of the complication, in a bad way. If there are no traits, that means that the only difference for the leaders are the music.
Yes - and the colors!

:wave to bunny:
It is actually a great idea in my eyes! I had a lot of fun with it on a small map packed with 12 civilizations hehe, WAR WAR WAR, pure and simple.

But yes, it would be even greater fun if you added in one or another well-balanced user made medieval unit, to give it some variety.
How about a comprimise, the civics seem like there is really only a couple logical choices (Theocracy for instance).

What about switching those around so they all have some benefits towards war.

For instance,

Government choice: "Warlords" or "Mercenary State"
One gives +2XP and -25% War Weariness due to society being used to constant war, while another one provides +1GP per military unit due to the fact that your troops are actually free mercenary companies (naturally in the game you can freely command the troops as if they were yours, we are just reversing pacifism)

The civics in traditional civ are sort of this progression in thinking, but I think in your mod because of it's focus, it may be more "Either this or that". I could help you come up with some variation if you would like.
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