Dawn of Babylon

Interesting so far :) and things to come for sure ... please is it the recent SVN? and what kind of difficulty level you play in this gameplay - I missed it, thanx and go on.


The recent tensions in Euphrates spread indepedence ideas in Levant.
Sur declared its indepedence from Mesopotamian influence.

Sumu recognised their indepedence and visited Phoenician leader, Hiram.

They decided to open their borders enabling trade between their cities.

The consolidation of borders brought new ideas in Mesopotamia.
Hammurabi a gifting Babylonian citizent asked to be followed and respected from other citizents and recognise him as their leader.

The revolution begun.
Pro-Hammurabi faction got control of Babylon and soon the rest of mesopotamia.

Rise of Hammurabi in power marked the transition to a new era for Babylonian history.
Later historians named this era classical era.

After consolidating his reign, Hammurabi married.
His wife was from a mountainous region and disliked the hot and flat Babylonian landscape.
Hence, Hammurabi ordered the construction of artificial hills with running water and plants. The so called Hanging Gardens.
Hanging Gardens are one of the seven ancient wonders.

Cities in mesopotamia grew and the increasing population started to doupt Hammurabi's rule and Babylonian hegemony.

Hammurabi answered to the above doupts.
He supported the training and development of Asharitu bowmen.
The strongest unit of its time that would persuade people of Mesopotamia about Hammurabi's rule.
"Persuasion" with an arrow pointed at your throat is the most effective!


After the training of Asharitu bowmen, Hammurabi ordered the construction of marvelous buildings in Babylon.
At the same time, Babylonians increased their production of metals boosting the total production of goods.

Hammurabi built walls around the city.
The cities were devoted to Isthar, godess of war.
At the same time she was godess of sex and love, thus the walls were purple.


Explorer from a far away kingdom, the Qin Empire came to Babylon.
They were peaceful people seeking for trade and new friends.

Babylon was the most populous and important metropolis of ancient times with over one million inhabitants.
Hammurabi was pleased.

Babylonians built a great temple to honour gods for Babylon's wide influence in both west and east.
The temple was a well known in ancient times and many travellers tried to reach it and get an oracle.

Babylonians developped a new writing system.
They abadoned cuneiform and adopted a more flexible letter alphabet.
The new writing system tried to represent vocals instead of meanings, making possible to express more things in written language.
Are you going for anything specific or just until you die?
I guess he's going for the UHV, as he built the Hanging Gardens, the Oracle and he went straight for writing. If I was going to do a survival game I would have made a bunch of Archers.
Very true, very true.


Medians, conquered large portions in the east.
Then parsi people led by Cyrus conquered Median empire.
Cyrus admired Babylon and wanted to add it to his empire, thus he declared war.


Hammurabi ordered the training of Asharitu Bowmen to defend the city.


The first invadors were a small army led by an ambitious warlord.
He commited suicide sieging Babylon with his pathetic army.


Elam joined Persian with almost no resistence.
It seems they wanted to take revenge from Babylon for all these years of tensions.


Jews joined Persian empire too, although there was a strong resistence movement there.


Cyrus reorganised the army.
Babylonian generals didn't understand what was in Cyrus' mind.
Even to modern historians it's a mystery.


But this move was pretty clear.
A full scale invasion from east and south-east.
Cyrus' army was larger than Babylon's.
Babylonians praid to Istar and Marduk for victory.


Persian army captured the quarries and send more aid to the already strong Persian army.


The battle was tough.
Persians were more but their weapons were primitive.
Most of them died on city walls, killed by the rain of arrows unleashed by Asharitus.
At the same time Persians pillaged Tigris river.


Tables turned over.
Babylonians pushed back the siege.
It was a disaster for the Persian army.


Babylonian generals learnt new ways to defend the city, even better.
It seems Babylon just gained its indepedence from Cyrus' influence.


Babylonians chased the remaining units and killed them.
Persians didn't invade again, though there was increased military activity in Tigris.


Persians camped in the north of Tigris.
The new military base was named Hasanlu.
Later the base was transformed to a city and a Persian administrative center.


Babylonians developped an advanced system to maintain their populous city.
The so called Code of Hammurabi.
Although one of the strictest ones ("eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth"), it is the first attempt to solve the difference of people in a systematic and predestined way.


Leaders from west and east came to wonder the most important metropolis of ancient times, including Ramses of Egypt and Asoka of India.

Asoka wanted to cooperate further in trade.
Hammurabi agreed.


En hedu Ana was a well known artist, famous in all ancient world.
She decided to settle down in Babylon.
She created marvelous artifacts that amaze even modern historians.

The earliest victory you can ever achieve.




Maps at different times.



That's all folks.
Are you planning on playing out the rest of the game or is this it? Because if this is it: :cry:
It ended unexpectedly soon. Too soon!
That's right I go for UHVs, and Babylon would be soon.
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