When was the last time a war was fought over food?
When was the last time a war was fought over food?
No you're just supposed to engage your brain. Even your examples show a severe lack of thought. For example Cocaine over the vast course of it's history as a narcotic was not illegal, it was even an ingredient in Coca-Cola at one stage. It was only made illegal in 1914, since then a lot of people have died over it, and I'll be pretty confident I'm right in stating that the deaths began soon after the prohibition over it.
But then again you do prefer false sweeping statements over evidence, otherwise you wouldn't be for prohibition but against it.
it's entirely rational to deduce that the cause of Mexico's drug war is not the criminalization of certain narcotics
Doesn't matter. The limitation on the supply has nothing to do with it.
In fact, thank you for giving me a second weapon to beat you over the head with: food. You can grow yourself a crop of new food every few months, and guess what--wars are fought over food all the time. Food and oil are both legal, yet wars are fought over them all the time. Drugs will be no different; people want lots of them, and they're more profitable than either oil or food (and will remain so even if legalized), and so the answer remains no. Legalizing will not reduce drug-related violence.
Of course. It will reduce violence by gangbangers. It will not reduce violence by other people. Such as governments. Which are much better-armed than gangbangers......
Today's oil wars are not being fought by oil smugglers. They're being fought by governments. Which is worse right now? Wars being fought over cocaine, or wars being fought over oil? Obviously the second one. So what's your end goal here, bud? To reduce violence? To reduce the number of times governments steamroll entire nations to keep the oil/cocaine profits coming in? If you're looking to reduce the amount of violence in the world, legalizing things is not the way to do it. All the legal things wars are fought over (such as food and oil) serve as counterexamples.
Yes he did. He said it right here:
Dawgphood said it very plainly: he thinks the illegal status of drugs is responsible for the violence currently happening in Mexico. If I got that wrong, HE is welcome to correct me; YOU are not.
.....that are far more profitable per pound than oil, and would remain more profitable than oil if they were legalized.
Oil is proof that legalizing something is not likely to reduce the violence being waged over it.
There were. Just none that you've heard of.
Lots of wars have been fought over drugs for much of human history. While those drugs were legal. Tobacco and opium were heavily involved in the American Revolution.
Naturally you've heard of the Opium Wars. In the 1800's, the opium trade was one of the British Empire's largest sources of revenue. Legal drugs have in fact been directly responsible for funding a lot of violence throughout history. Don't take my word for it, look it up.