Design your own Civ VI civ

There are female models in the Toa and Gaesatae for the Maori and Gaul. I guess they wouldn't work as well against them. :dunno:
Not to mention many modern/future units like tanks, helicopters, Giant Death Robots etc. don't have genders. :mischief:
if don't have gender, don't have bonus
If Israel be included in the game, Israel melee unit from modern era have womans, so, no bonus against Dahomeyans mino
Do you actually mean they cannot settle cities or that they cannot settle cities other than their capital?
It's basically Kupe if he procrastinated. :P
I'm pretty sure I've designed an Austrian civ before on this thread but not in a while since GS and the NFP, so here's an updated version:

Austrian Empire:

Leader: Maria Theresa
Capital Vienna:
Agenda: Hapsburg Monarchy- Likes to be allied with as many civs as possible. Dislikes civs with more allies than her.

LA: Dynastic Marriage- May to send a Royal Child to another leader you have an alliance with by spending extra gold. This gives you more diplomatic access plus extra diplo favor, and culture, per turn for both you and your ally.
(Maria Anna, Joseph, Maria Christina, Maria Elisabeth, Maria Amala, Leopold, Maria Carolina, Ferdinand, Maria Antonia, Maximillian Francis basically acts as another spy. The male children will go to a female ruler and female children will go to a male ruler.) :)

UA: Österreichische Zentralalpen: Cities receive an extra amenity when built adjacent to a mountain. National Parks and Ski Resorts gain more +1 appeal and +1 amenity when encompassing a mountain tile as well as yield gold equal to the appeal of tiles. Amphitheaters can hold a Great Work of Music slot.
(My idea is the Central Alps, which comprise 60% of Austrian's landscape, contributes to the majority of tourism, which also generates much money for the economy as well, in the country.)
Edit: Changed commercial hubs adjacency to mountains to let ski resorts and national parks yield gold which makes more sense.

UU: Grenzer- (Replaces Ranger) Extra combat strength when fighting on the border tiles of your territory.

UD: Wiener Klassik (Replaces Theater Square) First time one is built unlock the Opera and Ballet Civic. +1 extra Great Musician points per turn. Whenever a Great Musician is retired in this district gain a boost of tourism.
(I know the Viennese School isn't an actual place, or building, but instead a group of people which makes it similar to Macedon's UB. Either way it's it's more Austrian than a Coffee House. :p Plus my original idea before GS, the Alpine Ski Resort, is now buildable by everyone.)
I had a very similar idea in the works, bonuses to Ski Resorts and all. I'll link it here if you want to check it out.
I had a very similar idea in the works, bonuses to Ski Resorts and all. I'll link it here if you want to check it out.
I've been back and forth whether I'd want an Opera House building, but I decided against it. I think an Opera House would fit better for an Italian Civ or as a mutually exclusive building to the Broadcast center available earlier at Opera and Ballet civic, which that last idea is in my hypothetical Italy and Austria pack design anyway. :mischief:

Visually I picture the district having an Opera House/Theater anyways, just bigger. Similar to where the Parthenon goes in the Acropolis.
I've been back and forth whether I'd want an Opera House building, but I decided against it. I think an Opera House would fit better for an Italian Civ or as a mutually exclusive building to the Broadcast center available earlier at Opera and Ballet civic, which that last idea is in my hypothetical Italy and Austria pack design anyway. :mischief:

Visually I picture the district having an Opera House/Theater anyways, just bigger. Similar to where the Parthenon goes in the Acropolis.
When it come to Austria, i get kinda stuck on the UI cuz an Opera house could work well for them but also for Italy while the Kaffeehous could work in a very interesting way to generate great people points, maybe giving + 65 gre people points (the type depends on the building with better adjecnt bonus or the one with most buildings)
When it come to Austria, i get kinda stuck on the UI cuz an Opera house could work well for them but also for Italy while the Kaffeehous could work in a very interesting way to generate great people points, maybe giving + 65 gre people points (the type depends on the building with better adjecnt bonus or the one with most buildings)
I envision them as a unique Improvement. You can only build one per City, just like the Golf Course for Scotland. It would provide Culture, Gold, and Food, and extra Gold from adjacent Plantations. It would also provide adjacent Specialty Districts +100% Great People Points. It was the first Civilization I ever created in my series.
I envision them as a unique Improvement. You can only build one per City, just like the Golf Course for Scotland. It would provide Culture, Gold, and Food, and extra Gold from adjacent Plantations. It would also provide adjacent Specialty Districts +100% Great People Points. It was the first Civilization I ever created in my series.
Cool, i would personally see it as an Entertaiment District building
Leader: Sequoyah ᏍᏏᏉᏯ

Scientific boosts.
How about change alphabet to represent some civilizations characteristic?
Cuba Civilization (Another Version)

Civ. Ability: Caribean Paradise
Seaside Resort improvements are immune to Appeal reductions from Rainforest, Marsh and Floodplains adjacent tiles, and gain +1 appeal per adjacent Seguro Médico, Campus and Holy Site districts, Immune to Epidemy Damage

Civ. Unique Unit: Bucaneros
Replaces Privateer, Requires Mercantilism, Naval Unit with Movement 4, 40 Melee Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength with 2 Range, 2 Sight, Invisible to most units, Can Perform Coastal Raids, requires only 1 remaining Movement Point to do Coastal Raid and Coastal Raid yields +100% Profit, Ignore Enemy Zone of Control

Civ. Unique District: Seguro Médico
Replaces Healthcare Center, Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5 +1 Amenities from District, +1 Amenities from each Building produced on this District

Civ. Start Bias: Coastal (Tile), Woods (Feacture), Rainforest (Feacture), Medicinal Plants (Resource)

Cuba Leader: Fidel Castro

Leader Ability: Tacticas de la Guerrilla
20% Discount on Production Costs for All Recon Units and all Recon Units that already has Ranged Combat Strength gain +5 Ranged Combat Strength, gain a Guerrillero once researching Cold War

Leader Unique Unit: Guerrillero
Replaces Spec Ops, Requires Cold War (Atomic Era Civic) instead of Plastics (Atomic Era Technology), Land Unit with Movement 3, 60 Melee Combat Strength, 65 Ranged Combat Strength (*becomes 70 with Leader Ability) with 2 Range, 2 Sight, +5 Ranged Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or on Rainforest, +10 Ranged Combat Strength when is on Hills with Woods or Rainforest, -17 Ranged Strength against District Defenses and Naval Units, Can Paradrop into enemy territory, May attack civilian and support units in formation directly (*Leader Ability reduces production cost from 520 to 416)

Leader Agenda: Legado de la Revolución
Likes leaders who doesn’t neglect Population Growth Infrastructure (Granary and Sewers at City Center, Aqueduct and Healthcare Districts), Hates leaders who neglects Population Growth Infrastructure

Content for All Leaders

Healthcare Center
Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5

Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Herbalist (Support Healing Unit Tier 1), produces +1 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working

Requires Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology), Allows Medic (Support Healing Unit Tier 2), produces +2 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy for 20 Bonus Healing

Medical Laboratory
Requires Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology), Allows Supply Convoy (Support Healing Unit Tier 3), produces +3 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy and Hospital for 30 Bonus Healing

Unlocked with Medicine (Medieval Technology) and Pharmacy (Medieval Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, Upgrades into Medic, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Now Unlocked with Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology) and Hospital (Industrial Era Building), requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Supply Convoy
Now Unlocked with Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology) and Medical Laboratory (Atomic Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent units by 30 instead of 20, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Medicinal Plants
Strategic Resource Unlocked with Irrigation (Ancient Era), Requires Plantation to be Connected for your Civilization, Required to Train, Purchase or Upgrade Herbalist, Medic and Supply Convoy Units, Required to keep Pharmacy, Hospital and Medical Laboratory Working, Terrain Bias is Rainforest, Woods, Floodplains and Marsh, Resource Yields +1 Gold and +1 Science when Worked

Disaster that spreads through trade routes, doing mayhem on unfortunate civilizations hit by it.
This Disaster kill some Citizens and Damage some Units, however once those Units and Cities Survive they gain bonus Combat Strength, unless if this feacture is Disabled by Climate Change Level 4+.
Then they gain reduced Combat Strength instead if this feacture is Reversed by Climate Change Level 5+.
Epidemics have Higher Reach on Large Empires with Multiple Trade Routes, and More Persistance on Tall Empires with Huge Population on Cities.
Epidemy has spawn bias into tiles with negative appeal.

Leader: Frederick the Great
The REAL Frederick, not that fat imposter

Leader Ability: Lightning warfare
All Military Units recieve +1 movement

Civ Bonus:

Calm is the first duty of the citizen
Cities with a govenor get an additional +4 Loyalty and generate an extra 50% loyalty

Landwehr: cities and encampents gain an extra ranged strike not dependant on walls

Agenda: Philosopher King. Likes civs with high culture. Dislikes civs with low culture

Unique Unit: Jaeger (replaces rifleman). Fights at full strength when damaged and can build forts like the Roman Legion

Unique Building: Kaserne (replaces encampment). Half build cost. Plus one culture per level of building
I put this in the Possible New Civilizations thread for people wondering how unique a Portuguese civ could be. I think I've designed one in the past but after seeing all the unique things from official released civs this one is my favorite iteration yet.

Leader: Maria I

LUA: Colônia Para Reino- Cities founded farther than six tiles from you capital gain an extra population on settling. Non-capital cities gain +10% to all yields if they are farther away than six tiles from your capital and up to +15% yield if they are on a different continent from your capital.

CUA: Age of Discovery- Naval units gain experience from exploration like Recon units. Coastal water tiles in the city yield science. Grants a Navegador UU after researching certain technologies/civics (Sailing, Celestial Navigation, Naval Tradition, Cartography, Square Rigging, Exploration, Mercantilism, Colonialism).

UU: Navegador- Unique type of Great Person only available to Portugal. Has all the abilities of a regular Great Admiral and in addition to may use a charge build a Padrão UI.

UI: Padrão- Buildable on land adjacent to the coast in neutral territory. Gains yield of all land tiles adjacent to it and brings it back to the capital city.

UU: Nau- has greater sight, movement, and a bit stronger than the Caravel it replaces.

UI: Feitoria- Must be built adjacent to a luxury resource on the coast and yields one gold and one production. Gains another gold and production for each adjacent luxury resource. +4 combat strength for units fortified on tile and +1 Loyalty if playing with R&F or GS. Cannot be build adjacent to another Feitoria.
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Gonna suggest an alternate leader for Rome (I think this is the right place for that). There are a billion you could choose from, but I'm just gonna stick to this one in particular because I really liked this one idea I had for his bonuses. He's pretty well-known, but I think you could transfer some of his accomplishments to gameplay in an interesting way.

Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire

Leader Bonus- Crosser of the Rubicon

Upon capturing an enemy city, instantly build or repair its Monument, and cities founded by Rome receive -10 Loyalty. Captured cities start at full Loyalty. Upon capturing an enemy capital, you can change governments for free and gain +1 Trade Route capacity and Trader.

Notes: So, this is my first time designing a Civ before, so I have no clue if its good, but I tried to make a unique domination playstyle for Rome, that breaks the mold of "spam settlers and spam military units." Essentially, the idea was that your own cities are not the most loyal (a nod to Caesar's untimely demise), but by capturing enemy cities, you quell their loyalty issues. Rather than your own cities providing loyalty pressure to stabilize captured cities, its reversed. Additionally, I felt that it just fit for this leader to have bonuses for switching governments- it's kinda what he's known for. Any thoughts?
(I changed bonuses for one unique district and one of unique units)

Cuba Civilization (Another Version 2)

Civ. Ability: Caribean Paradise
Seaside Resort improvements are immune to Appeal reductions from Rainforest, Marsh and Floodplains adjacent tiles, and gain +1 appeal per adjacent Seguro Médico, Campus and Holy Site districts, Receives no Epidemy Damage

Civ. Unique Unit: Bucaneros
Replaces Privateer, Requires Mercantilism, Naval Unit with Movement 4, 40 Melee Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength with 2 Range, 2 Sight, Invisible to most units, Can Perform Coastal Raids, requires only 1 remaining Movement Point to do Coastal Raid and Coastal Raid yields +100% Profit, Ignore Enemy Zone of Control

Civ. Unique District: Seguro Médico
Replaces Healthcare Center, Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5, +1 Culture, +Culture equal to Science produced by each Building on this District

Civ. Start Bias: Coastal (Tile), Woods (Feacture), Rainforest (Feacture), Medicinal Plants (Resource)

Cuba Leader: Fidel Castro

Leader Ability: Tacticas de la Guerrilla
20% Discount on Production Costs for All Recon Units and all Recon Units that already has Ranged Combat Strength gain +5 Ranged Combat Strength, gain a Guerrillero once researching Cold War

Leader Unique Unit: Guerrillero
Replaces Spec Ops, Requires Cold War (Atomic Era Civic) instead of Plastics (Atomic Era Technology), Land Unit with Movement 3, 60 Melee Combat Strength, 65 Ranged Combat Strength (*becomes 70 with Leader Ability) with 2 Range, 2 Sight, +10 Ranged Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or on Rainforest, +10 Melee Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or Rainforest, -17 Ranged Strength against District Defenses and Naval Units, Can Paradrop into enemy territory, May attack civilian and support units in formation directly (*Leader Ability reduces production cost from 520 to 416)

Leader Agenda: Legado de la Revolución
Likes leaders who doesn’t neglect Population Growth Infrastructure (Granary and Sewers at City Center, Aqueduct and Healthcare Districts), Hates leaders who neglects Population Growth Infrastructure

Content for All Leaders

Healthcare Center
Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5

Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Herbalist (Support Healing Unit Tier 1), produces +1 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working

Requires Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology), Allows Medic (Support Healing Unit Tier 2), produces +2 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy for 20 Bonus Healing

Medical Laboratory
Requires Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology), Allows Supply Convoy (Support Healing Unit Tier 3), produces +3 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy and Hospital for 30 Bonus Healing

Unlocked with Medicine (Medieval Technology) and Pharmacy (Medieval Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, Upgrades into Medic, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Now Unlocked with Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology) and Hospital (Industrial Era Building), requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Supply Convoy
Now Unlocked with Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology) and Medical Laboratory (Atomic Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent units by 30 instead of 20, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Medicinal Plants
Strategic Resource Unlocked with Irrigation (Ancient Era), Requires Plantation to be Connected for your Civilization, Required to Train, Purchase or Upgrade Herbalist, Medic and Supply Convoy Units, Required to keep Pharmacy, Hospital and Medical Laboratory Working, Terrain Bias is Rainforest, Woods, Floodplains and Marsh, Resource Yields +1 Gold and +1 Science when Worked

Disaster that spreads through trade routes, doing mayhem on unfortunate civilizations hit by it.
This Disaster kill some Citizens and Damage some Units, however once those Units and Cities Survive they gain bonus Combat Strength, unless if this feacture is Disabled by Climate Change Level 4+.
Then they gain reduced Combat Strength instead if this feacture is Reversed by Climate Change Level 5+.
Epidemics have Higher Reach on Large Empires with Multiple Trade Routes, and More Persistance on Tall Empires with Huge Population on Cities.
Epidemy has spawn bias into tiles with negative appeal.
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Cuba Civilization (Another Version 3)
(Changed Civ Ability so it works Differently)
(Changed Unique District Bonuses)

Civ. Ability: Caribean Paradise
Seaside Resort improvements are immune to Appeal reductions from Rainforest, Marsh and Floodplains adjacent tiles, and can be built even if Appeal is negative, Receives no Epidemy Damage

Civ. Unique Unit: Bucaneros
Replaces Privateer, Requires Mercantilism, Naval Unit with Movement 4, 40 Melee Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength with 2 Range, 2 Sight, Invisible to most units, Can Perform Coastal Raids, requires only 1 remaining Movement Point to do Coastal Raid and Coastal Raid yields +100% Profit, Ignore Enemy Zone of Control

Civ. Unique District: Seguro Médico
Replaces Healthcare Center, Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, +1 Gold per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Gold per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5, + Culture equal to Science produced by each Building on this District

Civ. Start Bias: Coastal (Tile), Woods (Feacture), Rainforest (Feacture), Medicinal Plants (Resource)

Cuba Leader: Fidel Castro

Leader Ability: Tacticas de la Guerrilla
20% Discount on Production Costs for All Recon Units and all Recon Units that already has Ranged Combat Strength gain +5 Ranged Combat Strength, gain a Guerrillero once researching Cold War

Leader Unique Unit: Guerrillero
Replaces Spec Ops, Requires Cold War (Atomic Era Civic) instead of Plastics (Atomic Era Technology), Land Unit with Movement 3, 60 Melee Combat Strength, 65 Ranged Combat Strength (*becomes 70 with Leader Ability) with 2 Range, 2 Sight, +10 Ranged Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or on Rainforest, +10 Melee Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or Rainforest, -17 Ranged Strength against District Defenses and Naval Units, Can Paradrop into enemy territory, May attack civilian and support units in formation directly (*Leader Ability reduces production cost from 520 to 416)

Leader Agenda: Legado de la Revolución
Likes leaders who doesn’t neglect Population Growth Infrastructure (Granary and Sewers at City Center, Aqueduct and Healthcare Districts), Hates leaders who neglects Population Growth Infrastructure

Content for All Leaders

Healthcare Center
Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5

Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Herbalist (Support Healing Unit Tier 1), produces +1 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working

Requires Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology), Allows Medic (Support Healing Unit Tier 2), produces +2 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy for 20 Bonus Healing

Medical Laboratory
Requires Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology), Allows Supply Convoy (Support Healing Unit Tier 3), produces +3 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy and Hospital for 30 Bonus Healing

Unlocked with Medicine (Medieval Technology) and Pharmacy (Medieval Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, Upgrades into Medic, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Now Unlocked with Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology) and Hospital (Industrial Era Building), requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Supply Convoy
Now Unlocked with Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology) and Medical Laboratory (Atomic Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent units by 30 instead of 20, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded

Medicinal Plants
Strategic Resource Unlocked with Irrigation (Ancient Era), Requires Plantation to be Connected for your Civilization, Required to Train, Purchase or Upgrade Herbalist, Medic and Supply Convoy Units, Required to keep Pharmacy, Hospital and Medical Laboratory Working, Terrain Bias is Rainforest, Woods, Floodplains and Marsh, Resource Yields +1 Gold and +1 Science when Worked

Disaster that spreads through trade routes, doing mayhem on unfortunate civilizations hit by it.
This Disaster kill some Citizens and Damage some Units, however once those Units and Cities Survive they gain bonus Combat Strength, unless if this feacture is Disabled by Climate Change Level 4+.
Then they gain reduced Combat Strength instead if this feacture is Reversed by Climate Change Level 5+.
Epidemics have Higher Reach on Large Empires with Multiple Trade Routes, and More Persistance on Tall Empires with Huge Population on Cities.
Epidemy has spawn bias into tiles with negative appeal.
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starting bias - Tier 2 - Rivers. Tier 3 - Hills. Tier 5 - Maize.
ua - You may only found cities adjacent to Rivers. Founded cities with a Commercial Hub gain an additional trade route capacity (even if they already have a Harbor).
uu - Trader replacement. Has double movement speed.
ui - Cahokia Mound. Unlocks with Construction. Obsolete with Civil Engineering.
leader - 'Birdman'
la - Building a Shrine triggers an Inspiration.
lag - Tries to have many Trade Routes. Likes civilizations that have many trade routes.
Vietnam Alternate Leader - Y Lan

Leader Ability:
Cities with Governors get Double Yields from All Specialty District Buildings. Cities gain +1 food per promotion their governor has.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with high food and faith output. Dislikes civs with low food and faith output.
Though the NFP is coming to its close and the updates to Civ VI may be soon stop coming, it's still nonetheless fun to make our own. I therefore introduce you to my Tanzania, led by Julius Nyerere:

Civilization Ability: Sail in the Wilderness

Can harvest strategic resources. Doing so grants 10 of that resource towards your stockpile. When harvesting a bonus or strategic resource, have a 20% chance of extracting an artifact. These artifacts automatically fill up Archaeological Museums when built. Trading artifacts with an ally provides a boost to your alliance points towards the next alliance level (10 points per artifact, only applies once per artifact).

Unique Unit: Pare Warrior (Replaces the Warrior)
Has 3 build charges to build mines.

Unique District: Game Reserve (Replaces the Preserve)
Provides gold equal to Housing bonus. +50% tourism pressure from this city towards allied civilizations.
(Originally this was a unique improvement that worked like a National Park, but could be placed on a single tile regardless of appeal, and provided gold equal to the tile's appeal.)

Julius Nyerere
Leader Ability: Ujamaa

Your first alliance starts at one level higher. Cities with a trade route to an allied civilization gain +3% to the yield respective to that alliance type for each alliance level with that civilization. Military alliances grant production.

Leader Agenda: Mwalimu
Likes civilizations with few Grievances and a positive Diplomatic Favor output. Dislikes civilizations with excess Grievances or a negative Diplomatic Favor output.
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