(I changed bonuses for one unique district and one of unique units)
Cuba Civilization (Another Version 2)
Civ. Ability: Caribean Paradise
Seaside Resort improvements are immune to Appeal reductions from Rainforest, Marsh and Floodplains adjacent tiles, and gain +1 appeal per adjacent Seguro Médico, Campus and Holy Site districts, Receives no Epidemy Damage
Civ. Unique Unit: Bucaneros
Replaces Privateer, Requires Mercantilism, Naval Unit with Movement 4, 40 Melee Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength with 2 Range, 2 Sight, Invisible to most units, Can Perform Coastal Raids, requires only 1 remaining Movement Point to do Coastal Raid and Coastal Raid yields +100% Profit, Ignore Enemy Zone of Control
Civ. Unique District: Seguro Médico
Replaces Healthcare Center, Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5, +1 Culture, +Culture equal to Science produced by each Building on this District
Civ. Start Bias: Coastal (Tile), Woods (Feacture), Rainforest (Feacture), Medicinal Plants (Resource)
Cuba Leader: Fidel Castro
Leader Ability: Tacticas de la Guerrilla
20% Discount on Production Costs for All Recon Units and all Recon Units that already has Ranged Combat Strength gain +5 Ranged Combat Strength, gain a Guerrillero once researching Cold War
Leader Unique Unit: Guerrillero
Replaces Spec Ops, Requires Cold War (Atomic Era Civic) instead of Plastics (Atomic Era Technology), Land Unit with Movement 3, 60 Melee Combat Strength, 65 Ranged Combat Strength (*becomes 70 with Leader Ability) with 2 Range, 2 Sight, +10 Ranged Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or on Rainforest, +10 Melee Combat Strength when is on Hills, on Woods or Rainforest, -17 Ranged Strength against District Defenses and Naval Units, Can Paradrop into enemy territory, May attack civilian and support units in formation directly (*Leader Ability reduces production cost from 520 to 416)
Leader Agenda: Legado de la Revolución
Likes leaders who doesn’t neglect Population Growth Infrastructure (Granary and Sewers at City Center, Aqueduct and Healthcare Districts), Hates leaders who neglects Population Growth Infrastructure
Content for All Leaders
Healthcare Center
Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Pharmacy (Tier 1), Hospital (Tier 2) and Medical Laboratory (Tier 3), Allows Remedy Research Project (25% extra Food on City when is ongoing, Great People Points towards Great Scientist upon completing), +1 Food per adjacent Woods and Rainforest, +1 Food per 2 adjacent Floodplains and Marsh, Increase Housing by 0.5
Requires Medicine (Medieval Era Technology), Allows Herbalist (Support Healing Unit Tier 1), produces +1 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working
Requires Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology), Allows Medic (Support Healing Unit Tier 2), produces +2 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy for 20 Bonus Healing
Medical Laboratory
Requires Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology), Allows Supply Convoy (Support Healing Unit Tier 3), produces +3 Science when worked, Increase Housing by 0.5, Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, requires Medicinal Plants per Turn to Keep Working, stacks with Pharmacy and Hospital for 30 Bonus Healing
Unlocked with Medicine (Medieval Technology) and Pharmacy (Medieval Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent Units by 10, Upgrades into Medic, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded
Now Unlocked with Sanitation (Industrial Era Technology) and Hospital (Industrial Era Building), requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded
Supply Convoy
Now Unlocked with Antibiotics (Atomic Era Technology) and Medical Laboratory (Atomic Era Building), Increase the Healing of Stationary Adjacent units by 30 instead of 20, requires 20 Medicinal Plants to be Trained, Purchased or Upgraded
Medicinal Plants
Strategic Resource Unlocked with Irrigation (Ancient Era), Requires Plantation to be Connected for your Civilization, Required to Train, Purchase or Upgrade Herbalist, Medic and Supply Convoy Units, Required to keep Pharmacy, Hospital and Medical Laboratory Working, Terrain Bias is Rainforest, Woods, Floodplains and Marsh, Resource Yields +1 Gold and +1 Science when Worked
Disaster that spreads through trade routes, doing mayhem on unfortunate civilizations hit by it.
This Disaster kill some Citizens and Damage some Units, however once those Units and Cities Survive they gain bonus Combat Strength, unless if this feacture is Disabled by Climate Change Level 4+.
Then they gain reduced Combat Strength instead if this feacture is Reversed by Climate Change Level 5+.
Epidemics have Higher Reach on Large Empires with Multiple Trade Routes, and More Persistance on Tall Empires with Huge Population on Cities.
Epidemy has spawn bias into tiles with negative appeal.